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I live in a very conversative country where 90% of population is catholic.I get stared alot and hear people whisper behind my back while I commute to work how I ruined myself but rarely to my face.I do get irked often and turn around and tell them off.There are good days and there are bad ones and I never regretted getting tattooed.

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Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

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Croatia,Republic of..in Europe as of late,but the Balkans as of eons.

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Ok, I have also been to predominantly catholic countries but have had no ill comments. Maybe it's not so much a Catholic, but more of a Cultural thing.

Off topic, I hear Croatia is beautiful :)

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On my recent trip home I had the usual light-hearted debates w/my mom over tattoos.

We were talking about me wanting to change schools and she said I couldn't get a job at another school w/these tattoos. I said that I keep them covered w/long sleeve shirts. She said, "You can't wear long sleeve shirts all the time in LA!" I explained that yes, I already do...we have air conditioning. Blah blah blah.

So then later, she tells me that Adam Levine was voted the sexiest man alive. I asked her if she agreed with that assessment and she said, "Yes." I said, "But he has tattoos!" And she goes, "He's an entertainer, not a kindergarten teacher." Oh lordy. I knew she already had a double standard about it being more ok for men to have tattoos than women. Now I see, it's also ok if you are an entertainer. I told her he is a grown-ass man and I am a grown-ass woman and that my job requires me to be an entertainer most of the time, too.

Then MIL told my hubby that if we keep getting tattoos we won't be able to move back to Boston.

Oh parents. They are so silly. We are in our forties and these are the conversations we are having!

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One summer's Friday down the pub after work with friends the conversation turned to tattoos as a 'celebrity' had recently posted photos of her tattoos (roses over both butt cheeks) and it had been all over the papers.

One girl at the table went off on a massive rant, something along the lines of "How could someone disfigure themselves like that? It's disgusting."

I'm sat there with shorts on sporting my brand new calf tattoos so decide to call her up on it. "So you're saying that I've disfigured myself by getting tattoos?" I ask, as nicely as possible.

So began the furious back-peddling. "No, your tattoos are different!" and "That's not what I was trying to say at all!" Which I didn't believe for a second.

I also had a weird one from my Mum when talking about one of my sessions. Referring to the tattoo parlour, she asks:

"But doesn't it get a bit smelly in there?"

After inquiring what the hell she was on about, it turned out she thought that part of the tattoo process involved burning the skin!

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... it turned out she thought that part of the tattoo process involved burning the skin!

In our state, we have a yearly inspector visit to make sure we're keeping up to code. The last time she came through, she had a trainee with her to start splitting up the state between a few people. The new one thought the same thing. It was also her first time in a tattoo shop.

At least they're getting people who are well acquainted with the process to take care of that stuff.

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In our state, we have a yearly inspector visit to make sure we're keeping up to code. The last time she came through, she had a trainee with her to start splitting up the state between a few people. The new one thought the same thing. It was also her first time in a tattoo shop.

At least they're getting people who are well acquainted with the process to take care of that stuff.


They may as well have sent my Mum down there.

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Tattoo shops smell like the best smells in the entire world. Aaahhh, I miss the shop!

Incense and green soap take me way back. Now they don't use the same type of green soap and the smell isn't nearly as strong.

- - - Updated - - -

My a-hole brother and his dipshit wife are in town and popped in on short notice earlier today. I have a very fresh tattoo on my forearm and the outline has some red around it in a few places. It happened seconds after the lines were done and the artist said it is bruising. It has gotten much better since Wednesday.

So the dipshit sister in law is (was.. currently disabled) a nurse and starts telling me my tattoo is infected. I say no, she says yes. We go back and forth and I question her knowledge of nursing and tell her I do not normally discuss tattoos with those who are without them.

This shuts her up somewhat and I ask her how long it takes for an infection to be visible. She goes into some clinical rant and I get her to agree it would take at least 12 hours to a full day. Then I tell her how they showed up. She had very little to say and her and my brother made an exit shortly after that.


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^ I am so sick of seeing all my retarded friends immediately freak out about their tattoo/piercing being infected when it's a normal part of the healing process. I've seen so many people take out perfectly healthy piercings because they slept on them the first night so they were a little red and sore. And apparently I know a whole bunch of doctors, because everyone is so quick to diagnose each other as having an infection. Do people just not do any sort of research to what they're doing to themselves? :confused:

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guy wearing tattoo sleeves, saw my arm and was telling his buddies, that his didn't hurt to get..

pull on ones like this...


i mean, srsly, who wears these things???

I saw a dude in my neighbourhood wearing those a couple of days ago. He was inside a bar painting a window. My neighbourhood is full of weirdos but even still that seemed super odd. I didn't know that people had those other than as a joke.

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A guy at work last night wanted my advice on a design his friend had drawn for him (sigh), because apparently I have the most "bad ass" tattoo of everyone at work. That's not exactly difficult when everyone else has tiny little wrist/ankle scribbles and swirls. The design is apparently "the only thing" he would ever want to have tattooed on him, and he's been holding onto it for months because he's too scared to actually go through with it. It was basically a question mark with an eye. Of course, it had some deep, literal meaning that he had to explain to me (the question mark is because he's always questioning things, the eye is because he's always seeking the truth). The whole thing was just so poorly designed and pretentious that it took all I had to not roll my eyes at him. I basically told him he'd be better off coming up with a vague concept and letting an artist draw something, instead of having someone imitate this design, because it was awful (I didn't say that). Then I got the whole "Well, this is really personal to me and I want to have some say in its design" response. At the mention of another artist changing it, he said he would just go to a friend of the guy who drew it, who, of course, is an "amazing" tattoo artist and would copy it exactly the way he wanted it. Funny how everyone knows someone that's amazing at tattoos. At that point, I just kind of nodded and went back to work, it was a hopeless cause.

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