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Tegaderm/Saniderm/Tatuderm healing process


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Hello folks,
Here's my Experience. Started using Saniderm over a year ago and Loved it. Last Tattoo session last month I became allergic to Saniderm and had a bad rash\skin water bubbles all around the entire edge of the Saniderm but not on the tattoo itself. I was Tattooed again last Saturday and tried Tegaderm. I did not get any rash this time.

So here is exactly what I do and works great for me. 
1) First 4 hours after Tattoos was done I leave Saran wrap on it
2) Wash tattoo with anti-bacterial soap
3) Apply a thin layer of Eucerin Aquaphor Advanced Therapy
4) Wash and re-apply 3-4 times in the first 24 hours
5) Soon as the first 24 hours have gone by I wash Tattoo thoroughly and wait about 10 minutes to air dry
6) I then apply Tegaderm
7) Left it on for 82 hours. (3.5 days)
8) Used Coconut oil and rubbed all around the edge of the Tegaderm which loosens the glue and hopped in the shower and removed slowly
9) It came off pretty easy and I have no scabs and only minor peeling\ Itching
10) I will use Lubriderm Normal to dry skin lotion for the next 4-7 days for completion. 

Works great for me! 

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  • 1 month later...

Just peeled some Tegaderm off for the first time a couple minutes ago, some initial thoughts:

1. Got tattooed Monday afternoon.  Kept the original bandage on overnight (as I like to do), then washed it well Tuesday AM and left it bare (under my jeans) until that evening (didn't order it in time to arrive before Tuesday).

2. The tattoo wept a lot of plasma into the 2 sheets of 4x4" Tegaderm I applied, so much so that I sprung a minor leak at the bottom and had to patch a new piece under it.  I should mention that most of that built up plasma worked its way out before the patch.  This tattoo is on my shin, so gravity was really working against me.  I later added another piece at the top to wrap around my knee - not a super friendly area as far as movement is concerned.  These two pieces were added on Wednesday.

3. With the Tegaderm, I hardly even noticed I had a brand new tattoo while at work.  There was no irritation from rubbing on clothing, and I could ride my bike in no problem.

4. Kept it on for 4 days (Tuesday-Saturday), so that the 2 edge pieces had been on for the minimum 3 - I was a little worried about ripping my remaining leg hairs out if the adhesive hadn't weakened some... It all peeled off fine, didn't even need water to help it off, so I just hopped in the shower after to wash it all off.  

All in all, the tattoo looks and feels great.  Time will only tell how the rest of the heal goes, but I have a feeling that I'm past the worst of it.  To me, just having the freedom to move without worrying about rubbing/irritation is worth the price of admission.  In the future, I'll definitely order larger sheets to make coverage a little simpler (tattoo is about 4.5 x 7", a little tricky to get that extra 1" border around), but I think I'm a convert!  Thanks to everyone who posted here, I definitely read through this whole thread at least once while making the choice...

Edited by el twe
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Nice, @el twe. The only issue that I sometimes have is some irritation along a edge but that goes away within a day or so. I still use a mix of smaller and larger pieces (I cut to fit). I found that strategically layering the tegaderm on high movement areas keeps it from lifting and prevents seeping. Think snake scales...

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Is there a big difference between Dermalize and Saniderm, or are they more or less the same? I was looking for Dermalize, but I couldn't find it in any online shops here in Norway, until I got in contact with a shop that did have the big drums in stock. I didn't need that much, but the shopkeep asked for my address and actually cut some sheets up for me and mailed it to me! Now that's customer service. 

Anyway, when I got the package I saw that he had put some Dermalize and some Saniderm, probably didn't want to crack open a new drum just to give em to me for free. So that left me wondering if there are any differences in applying/removing etc the two different products?

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After being in hospital last December for 2 weeks with cellulitis that was caused by an infection brewing under tegiderm (that had sprung air pockets I had patched over), I will never use the damn stuff again. It was a large area (whole front of thigh) and I could have lost my leg. The infection brewed within 48hrs and became MRSA positive.

Back to soap and hot water for me, always did the trick before!

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8 hours ago, Zillah said:

After being in hospital last December for 2 weeks with cellulitis that was caused by an infection brewing under tegiderm (that had sprung air pockets I had patched over), I will never use the damn stuff again. It was a large area (whole front of thigh) and I could have lost my leg. The infection brewed within 48hrs and became MRSA positive.

Back to soap and hot water for me, always did the trick before!

HOLY SHIZ. I'm glad you are OK. I take it off it it springs a leak. I have always worried about that kind of thing happening. :-/ Just glad you (and your leg) are here to tell the tale.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also have a skin reaction to Saniderm now.  It is sad because it heals up so much faster if I can use it.  I get a bubbly, red, raised and itchy area anywhere there is healthy normal skin that the adhesive touches.  The moisture of the plasma on the tattoo itself keeps the Saniderm from full purchase on the skin in those areas thus, the tattoo itself is usually fine, but. . .


While I was in the shop the last time a customer came in was talking about her Saniderm experience and had the exact same thing happen to her.  It was scary.

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Starting a very extensive leg piece in a few weeks. Ive noticed the use of term like "snake scales" for placement. Ordering a 8 yard roll of Tegaderm or saniderm. Any recommendations on width.....I'm assuming just go big and cut to the size needed ? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got tattooed on the 10th, 2 days ago. I had recieved some Dermalize/Saniderm from a local tattoo shop, they cut the pieces and sent them to me free of charge. 

Anyway, my artist let the tattoo bleed for 10-15 minutes, and applied the first layer of Dermalize, and a bit of Saniderm. They are pretty much the same product, so she saw no harm in mixing them. 

I took off this layer when I got back home last night, it had been on for about 27 hours. Peeling it off was a bit awkward, but no damage to the tattoo, and no blood. A little ink and plasma, but that was expected. I washed it with a fragrance free soap, and let it dry. Then I put on some Hustle Butter, but washed it off when I read the instructions given by Dermalize and Saniderm that the tattoo was to be completely dry when applying the next layer. So now I have the second layer of Saniderm on, and I can see no fluids, not much redness, just a few spots here and there. It feels a bit warm from time to time, is that normal? It feels kinda dry, but maybe that's just because of the Saniderm layer? I kinda wanna take it off and start applying Hustle Butter. My artist said I could heal it normally when I got home, or if I liked the film I could apply a second layer like I did. I applied it because the FAQs from Dermalize/Saniderm said that a second layer should be put on and left there for 2-3 days, maximum 6. 

What do you guys recommend doing? Should I take it off if it feels dry, warm etc, and start treating it with Hustle Butter? 

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2 hours ago, thyes said:

I got tattooed on the 10th, 2 days ago. I had recieved some Dermalize/Saniderm from a local tattoo shop, they cut the pieces and sent them to me free of charge. 

Anyway, my artist let the tattoo bleed for 10-15 minutes, and applied the first layer of Dermalize, and a bit of Saniderm. They are pretty much the same product, so she saw no harm in mixing them. 

I took off this layer when I got back home last night, it had been on for about 27 hours. Peeling it off was a bit awkward, but no damage to the tattoo, and no blood. A little ink and plasma, but that was expected. I washed it with a fragrance free soap, and let it dry. Then I put on some Hustle Butter, but washed it off when I read the instructions given by Dermalize and Saniderm that the tattoo was to be completely dry when applying the next layer. So now I have the second layer of Saniderm on, and I can see no fluids, not much redness, just a few spots here and there. It feels a bit warm from time to time, is that normal? It feels kinda dry, but maybe that's just because of the Saniderm layer? I kinda wanna take it off and start applying Hustle Butter. My artist said I could heal it normally when I got home, or if I liked the film I could apply a second layer like I did. I applied it because the FAQs from Dermalize/Saniderm said that a second layer should be put on and left there for 2-3 days, maximum 6. 

What do you guys recommend doing? Should I take it off if it feels dry, warm etc, and start treating it with Hustle Butter? 

I do a similar process,I put on Saniderm about 20 hours after the tattoo application,I wash with a anti-microbial soap and apply the Saniderm over clean dry skin and I leave it on around 4-6 days.

and yes it does hurt coming off.

All that you are doing and feeling sounds normal to me.

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Ok thanks, that's good to hear :) When I woke  up today I noticed the second layer had started to peel in some of the edges (I had to cut smaller sheets to cover the whole area). I was planning on removing it tomorrow, but maybe I'll just leave it on for a few more days then, if it doesn't come off by itself, that is. 

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On ‎8‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 4:37 PM, Illiad86 said:

Starting a very extensive leg piece in a few weeks. Ive noticed the use of term like "snake scales" for placement. Ordering a 8 yard roll of Tegaderm or saniderm. Any recommendations on width.....I'm assuming just go big and cut to the size needed ? 

Yep. Cut and piece together as needed.

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Just as a side-note for anyone thinking about ordering Dermalize or Saniderm. I liked Saniderm better than Dermalize. It was easier to apply and remove, and it feels.. thinner, more natural. My artist also commented on it being easier to apply. Will definetely order some of this stuff for my next trip!

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I just removed my second layer of Saniderm. To my surprise there was ink on the bandage when I removed it, I guess that's normal and all, but I couldn't see any fluids under it before I removed it. 

The tattoo looks great, and feels alot more healed now that I had this layer on for 4 days. 5 days since I got tattooed. I can see no scabbing, apart from a small piece of skin sticking out. It's so small that I thought it was dust or something and almost tried to remove it, until I realized that it's probably best to leave it be. Maybe it will scab more later in the healing process, time will show. Applying the Hustle Butter made it feel great, but I the whole area feels a bit.. stiff, in lack of a better word. Kinda like a sunburn that's almost healed. I'm gonna keep applying a thin layer of HB 3 times a day for the next 3-4 weeks or so. 

One thing is for damn sure though, I'm never healing a tattoo the old way again. I've seen the light, Saniderm all the way from now on!

Fingers crossed I won't need any touch-ups! :2_grimacing:

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11 minutes ago, thyes said:

I just removed my second layer of Saniderm. To my surprise there was ink on the bandage when I removed it, I guess that's normal and all, but I couldn't see any fluids under it before I removed it. 

The tattoo looks great, and feels alot more healed now that I had this layer on for 4 days. 5 days since I got tattooed. I can see no scabbing, apart from a small piece of skin sticking out. It's so small that I thought it was dust or something and almost tried to remove it, until I realized that it's probably best to leave it be. Maybe it will scab more later in the healing process, time will show. Applying the Hustle Butter made it feel great, but I the whole area feels a bit.. stiff, in lack of a better word. Kinda like a sunburn that's almost healed. I'm gonna keep applying a thin layer of HB 3 times a day for the next 3-4 weeks or so. 

One thing is for damn sure though, I'm never healing a tattoo the old way again. I've seen the light, Saniderm all the way from now on!

Fingers crossed I won't need any touch-ups! :2_grimacing:

that is normal,and all of it sounds great ! I love that stuff.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all, I'm new here. Find this forum a great resource and I've been reading all the pages in this thread.


I'm due my first tattoo after about 6 years. I've come across this new (to me at least) method of healing a tattoo. Ive been healing tattoos since the days, here in the uk, that Savlon was recommended lol almost 20 years ago! 


I got a few sheets of Tegaderm to try them out. First looking for any reactions before I actually use them on my tattoo.

first one I put on the inside elbow. Apparently the go to place to test for reactions. Now I may have placed it on a little poorly as I had an air bubble caught in there. In trying to get it out I had inadvertently caused the issues with peeling back within a few hours. (First image)


Second image is the next day after waking. And third shortly after removing. Reaction wise nothing too bad. Some redness but it went away by then next day. I figured the peeling was due to the location and dodgy application.


So, the next day I decided to test to make sure they will stay in place. I applied slightly lower on my arm after shaving the area. Way better application, but the next morning, peel city. Pic 4.


Pulled this off, cleaned area with rubbing alcohol which may be the reason for the reaction seen in the next pics 5 and 6. Pic six also shows more peeling action after another test strip. This was applied with a warm hand covering it for a while after to make sure it adhered. 

Any ideas if this is the way forward for me? Is there another trick to applying it/am I missing something? Is it just because I'm using such small stops/patches?









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looks normal, but make sure you do shave(like you said), and get it super clean using the palm of your hand real hard and anti-microbial soap, then with a clean paper towel make sure it's very dry, and apply it across trying not to let air bubbles get trapped. If applied properly it will hurt coming off and leave a red mark for a week.

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11 minutes ago, Dan said:

looks normal, but make sure you do shave(like you said), and get it super clean using the palm of your hand real hard and anti-microbial soap, then with a clean paper towel make sure it's very dry, and apply it across trying not to let air bubbles get trapped. If applied properly it will hurt coming off and leave a red mark for a week.

Thanks for the reply. 

I purchased the biggest size I could find. It should  ore than cover the work I'm having the next week. Should be at least an each either side too.

Im quite concerned about how easy it appears to start peeling off. I don't want to have to change it after a night. I aim to apply it the night of. I'm guessing I'll be done by mid afternoon from a morning start, so will have 8 hours or so before I apply the 'derm.

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3 hours ago, Endoh said:

Thanks for the reply. 

I purchased the biggest size I could find. It should  ore than cover the work I'm having the next week. Should be at least an each either side too.

Im quite concerned about how easy it appears to start peeling off. I don't want to have to change it after a night. I aim to apply it the night of. I'm guessing I'll be done by mid afternoon from a morning start, so will have 8 hours or so before I apply the 'derm.

well,I have never used Tegaderm ,I have always used Saniderm,not sure if the product or the application of the product makes a difference in coming off or not.

All the times I have used Saniderm,there was never a problem with it peeling or coming off until I took it off,and I have used it a lot,including my knees and hands as well as big areas like my thighs and shoulders.

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