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So, here is my dilemma. I would love to get a tattoo somewhere like a forearm, but I am not in a position at a job that would allow me to have a visible tattoo. When the healing would be over, I could easily cover it with makeup or wear long sleeves if need be. (I do live in the Southern US though, so long sleeves year round would not be fun, however it would be doable if that is my only option.) 

Is there any trick to hiding a visible tattoo while it heals (without covering it with a bandage obviously) or am I S.O.L. and should just pass on the idea of ink in a more visible place? 

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If you put Tegaderm or something similar down, I don't really see any reason you couldn't wear long sleeves over top of that. I haven't used it though so I'm not sure. 

I think you need to consider how long you're going to be at this job and if the field you're in is overall accepting of tattoos or not, though. If this isn't a long term job and you don't really have your heart set on staying there forever, go for it. But if you're in a field where tattoos are generally frowned upon (like banking or something) and want to do this for the rest of your life, then visible tattoos might not be the best choice. 

3 hours ago, Synesthesia said:

If you put Tegaderm or something similar down, I don't really see any reason you couldn't wear long sleeves over top of that. I haven't used it though so I'm not sure. 

I think you need to consider how long you're going to be at this job and if the field you're in is overall accepting of tattoos or not, though. If this isn't a long term job and you don't really have your heart set on staying there forever, go for it. But if you're in a field where tattoos are generally frowned upon (like banking or something) and want to do this for the rest of your life, then visible tattoos might not be the best choice. 

this /\  :12_slight_smile: 

and yes,with a proper application of one of the dermal films,you can do & wear just about anything.

Edited by Dan

Covering it with a relatively loose, non-abrasive long-sleeve shirt should be adequate to hide your tattoo while it's healing, especially after the first day or two.  Then just let it air out when you're at home. Tegaderm also seems like a reasonable option.

I work in a hospital (also in the Southern US) and visible tattoos aren't allowed, so a LOT of the nurses/doctors/other tattooed employees opt to wear sports sleeves over their tattoos.  I probably wouldn't put that over a healing tattoo, but it could be a better option than full long sleeves all the time once it's healed.

I think that the big issue is your job. Figure that out first before you get the tattoo! You can manage around healing and keeping it covered but is it really worth it? For me, forearms in the South would be a PITA to keep covered for work. :|

Definitely the job is an issue. I work in IT for a community bank. I hope I am not here forever, but there are a lot of factors that play in to it. I've been here 10 years, and sadly do not see a change on the horizon any time soon. 

I figured that would be the general consensus.. I guess I just wanted to ask in case someone had a magical answer! ;) 

i wore long sleeves to work exclusively for 3 years (to see if i could do it) before i took the plunge with tattoos dropping below the tshirt line. and now i've been wearing  long sleeves for 10 years covering up my tattooed arms. long sleeves all the time ain't a big deal. they work great in the summer to protect from direct sun :p 

Edited by bongsau

I'm currently working in Saigon VN and have to wear long sleeves to cover my tattoos. I have to say, it's a bit warm for it here at the moment but the majority of my time is spent indoors with AC so it's no big deal.

You can cover healing tattoos with clothing just make sure they're loose fitting and clean when you put them on

Unfortunately, there's still a lot of bias against tattoos out there, especially in certain fields and professions. There are a good number of folks who work at my college with visible tattoos. I interview every full-time employee before they are hired - some came to the interview with exposed tattoos, some not. And many of them work in my IT department. For me it isn't an issue at all. I also don't hide the fact that I have tattoos - although I have not made the jump to a below-the short-sleeve shirt level....yet. I find it funny when I'm out somewhere with folks of my age and hear them comment about tattoos. Generally, I don't say anything but, if I'm wearing short sleeves I'll casually make like I have an itch on my upper arm and expose part of a tattoo. The reactions are priceless. I also make a point of wearing sleeveless shirts in the warmer months and my social media pages have pictures of me with my tattoos exposed. Call it my campaign to help eliminate tattoo bias. Of course, I'm 62, have an Army retirement check coming each month and I'm the president of the College. There's not much people can do to me at this point. Still, I will probably wait until I retire in a few years to move to an exposed area.

That's my long way of supporting what people have said about focusing on the importance of your job. It's unfortunate, but unless you are willing to wear long-sleeve shirts for work I'd probably forgo an exposed tattoo for now.

can't comment on yr particular job too much, though i haven't gone below the elbow since i like to wear short sleeves once in a while coz central texas, hot as shit here and i also ride my bike to work. that first 30mins at work cooling down is a mf'er sometimes ( i do change clothes). if i drove a car with AC then it wouldn't bother me.

on the healing, i usually keep saran wrap on my tattoos until they aren't too irritated by clothing rubbing them. maybe 3 days. yeah it sucks with the sweating ooze but whatever, keeps it from scabbing and feels better than a fresh tattoo rubbed by jeans...


a few youngsters at work stepped right up and blasted tattoos on their forearms so i guess that is a little opener for me to also, been thinking i might get trevino to blast mine...no rush though..

  • 3 weeks later...

It is ridiculous the bias that still exists around tattoos. I think you need to think longer and hard about this, though. Can you really wear long sleeves every day at work until you find a new job? If they discover (see) your tattoo, will they fire you or will you just be reprimanded and asked to cover it? Is it worth losing your job (there is no right answer here and no judgement whatever your answer might be) to get this tattoo now?

I wear my ordinary clothes - long pants, and sleeves at least to the elbow. I don't pick the tightest things I own while a tattoo is healing, but nobody would know it was there unless I told them.

I've got one from last night on my left shin right now, safe under a pair of jeans, while I post from work :)

  • 2 weeks later...

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