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Phantom pains?


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So I got my shoulder/arm tattooed about one year ago. It's a small-medium size tattoo, and it healed no problem. However, sometimes I notice I get "phantom pains" right where the tattoo (all over the tattoo, not localized to any specific part of the tattoo) is. Like, it feels like a bunch of tiny needles are sticking in my arm where my tattoo is. I read online that 10-35% of people who have tattoos will get these kinds of phantom pains. 

Anyone else get these with specific tattoos? How do you deal with it? I've noticed if I put moisturizer over it, it heelps soothe it, but doesn't make it entirely go away.  The attachment is a photo of my tattoo for those curious. 

Screenshot 2018-09-02 at 1.56.20 PM.png

Edited by Kumoku
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  • 2 months later...

I get this sensation over a scarred portion of a Friday the 13th tattoo I got a couple years ago. I actually haven't gotten it in a few months so maybe I don't anymore but it felt similar (needle poking sensation and would last 10-15 seconds max).

Unrelated but I've been thinking about adding to the tattoo (it is one of the aliens from Toy Story) but I am undecided because I'm kind of attached to the scarring. I ended up growing to like the warn out, beat up look it gave the little alien.

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  • 1 year later...

Yeah i have this sometimes, out of 6 tattoos i have it only happens with the thigh one - part of the tat reaches the inner thigh and that's where it did hurt more so now i can feel some kind of poking sensation as when it was tattooed but not this much obviously. 

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  • 3 months later...

Im not sure if its exactly what you are saying but after my first tattoo i got healed, there was a time when i thought i felt some sort of tinglyness in that area of my arm and actually thought to myself maybe it was an allergic reaction to the ink. i havnt really felt anything like that since then though. 



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  • 1 year later...

Strange enough I just had my right calf tattooed a few days ago and for about the last two of those I've felt the same, mild warmth/slight discomfort in my untattooed left leg. Looked it over, stretched it and even iced it. Kinda a different thing then what your talking about but I do have a spider bite (brown recluse) scar that still hurts from time to time.

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  • 1 year later...

I have same problem!! Not every day but sometimes I have feelings like I getting tattoo again.unfortunately this won't go away and it's a phantom pain we have to tolerate it.

I'll put a cream on it , it helps

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