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There are more tattoo artists now


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than there have been in the entire history of mankind, combined.*

What does this say about the direction of tattooing? What does it say about the people getting tattooed, or the people choosing to pursue tattooing as a career? Has the influx of tattoo artists peaked, or is it still growing?

*I have not done the proper research to back this statement up. It is an educated** guess.

**Alright, it's just a guess, but I think it's a pretty fuckin good one.

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I dont think they will , the good artists will get the clued up people who want and will pay for excellent work and the kitcheneeers will still tattoo illegally at partys whatever cos ppl just want tattoos , and no amount of cellulitis will change that...

Someone came into the shop I go to the other day and said that a local scratcher was giving her a discount cos he was reusing the ink !! ughh ! have you heard anything so stupid ! We are trying to find out who this character is cos he is a danger

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Well, the population of Earth went from about 1 billion at the turn of the 20th century to about 7 billion and counting today. It only stands to reason that there would be more tattoo artists around and people desiring tattoos.

Tattooing is here to stay. It has been normalized again by the dominant cultures of the world. I don't think it is a fad even though it is going through a boom period. Video games, cell phones and internet usage were all likely once thought to be faddish too, things that would decline or go away. Nowadays it is hard to imagine day-to-day life without cell phones and the internet and video games do more business than film and most of the recording industry put together.

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Well, the population of Earth went from about 1 billion at the turn of the 20th century to about 7 billion and counting today. It only stands to reason that there would be more tattoo artists around and people desiring tattoos.

Tattooing is here to stay. It has been normalized again by the dominant cultures of the world. I don't think it is a fad even though it is going through a boom period. Video games, cell phones and internet usage were all likely once thought to be faddish too, things that would decline or go away. Nowadays it is hard to imagine day-to-day life without cell phones and the internet and video games do more business than film and most of the recording industry put together.

Exactly! And tattoos are cool and always will be.

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People often get tattooed with new-school designs that look like body paint rather then tattoos. Because of that 'artistic' work tattooing is seen by some as more 'sophisticated', 'civilised' and non-committal. So it is now suitable for housewives, teachers, bankers and other people, who would not get tattooed in the older days. They wouldn't dare. But that is just my own crazy theory (I'm trying to understand tattooing trends in my own country, and the reasons behind it). So if my theory is true, the more people want tattoos the more artists there will be. Supply and demand. Capitalism.

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It's on TV, people feel like they can get into it. It's just like looking like some douchebag from the Jersey Shore. Now mind you, the Jersey shore can be a fine place! I like Monmouth Beach myself! But, when cultures except behaviors, all follows suit. Yet, it ebbs and flows. We will all be seen as weird carnie folk again. Thank god.

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than there have been in the entire history of mankind, combined.*

What does this say about the direction of tattooing? What does it say about the people getting tattooed, or the people choosing to pursue tattooing as a career? Has the influx of tattoo artists peaked, or is it still growing?

*I have not done the proper research to back this statement up. It is an educated** guess.

**Alright, it's just a guess, but I think it's a pretty fuckin good one.

Direction/evolution is unpredictable, people getting tattooed, or the people choosing to pursue tattooing as a career will grow like a balloon up to 2015, by 2018 the ballon should burst which answers the question of, the influx of tattoo artists peaking still growing.

I'm applying past history of peaks and valleys of popularity/acceptance to American cultural tattooing.

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Back in the day, almost any artist could do a good job with the array of wall flash stencils available. Of course they all cut their own acetate stencils. Do the same piece of flash 5X and you could make it look good on a cadaver. And art skills were secondary and not always needed. Now almost everyone is hawking custom work and that separates the ones who can draw from those who can do so marginally. Of course the really good shops, the cream always rises to the top and they'll always have a good following.


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I'm going to hop on my soap box for a second and give everyone a little rant:

Who cares? Really?

When I first got into this I looked at it like a business mostly... Capitlaism, blah, blah, blah.... Fuck that noise now.

Over 12 years now, I look at it like this, as my husband always said even when I first came into his shop...

"You never really see rats jumping on a sinking ship... Why in the Fuck would any smart and skilled person want to do this for a living? It's not easy, it's not cool, and it's not a life easily lived, why?"

BUT, in this case, yeah... It's much too cool, to not WANT to do it... You can blame TV, you can say it's more accepted, but it's not really... If there are still small towns in the middle of nowhere, and you needed to stop and get some help, they would look at you sideways, say sorry, can't help ya, move along stranger...

Deal with that bullshit for a good few years, you might change your mind about how accepted it is...

But while all us are busy bitching about it online, the real heros, and pros are busy, working... Tattooing and painting and putting their stuff out there. Putting the real work in. So in an effort to save time, and typing do us all a favor, just get tattooed, don't get attracted to it, between the hours, the people, the drugs, the bullshit, it's not something you can just do, it's something that does you.

OK, end rant.

Tattooing and this life inevitably chose me, like it does with anyone that partakes it, NOT FOR THE MONEY, but purely out of LOVE for the craft, that love is the drive that keeps us rolling around doing what we do....That's my take.

PS... all the new kids and folks hopping on this site need to go back into the older parts of the forum, and read everything there that they might be thinking about, cause all this stuff has already been brought up before, while I am happy the site is gaining members, I am tired of re-reading old stuff, that's not really relevant to life, and tattooing right now.

Ok, end of second ps rant.

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The world needs more people like YOU... That do your footwork, and headwork, then make a good decision, and follow thru with it...

The WORLD needs more Tattoo Admiration from "Professional Collectors"... People that have impeccable taste in tattoos, and tattoo art in general, that love it soo much to leave it the fuck alone, and just get tattooed, because they respect it enough to let it be...

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All nice but remember that there will always be new generations of people who start at 0 and not only this forum but life on the whole is new for them. ignorance is not always a choice, it's what we are all born with...

Excuses, everyones got one. . . Coming up in this stuff isn't easy, period. Get used to it, or have a backup plan.

Using ignorance as an excuse for anything reeks of laziness... Like a little girl that would rather holler for mom to bring her something to drink, as opposed to getting off her ass and getting it herself... I don't know if you are seeking an apprenticeship, or already in one, or merely a 15 year old who's taking an art class, and simply curious... But the last thing this world needs is another tattooer with a "cool guy know it all attitude", I think we've met our quota for the decade already.

While I may respect your opinion, I don't agree with it.

ig·no·rant   [ig-ner-uhnt]


lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.

lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics.

uninformed; unaware.

due to or showing lack of knowledge or training: an ignorant statement.

Ignorance is ignorance, you are not born with it; but you are the only one that can be responsible for your own level of it....

You are born with an open/blank mind wired individually with infinite space to store and retain anything, you grow up learning the basics, hopefully thus attaining some sort of common sense, a difference between right and wrong. And while you may have been brought up knowing one thing, because that was what you were taught, or not taught, as an individual it's your duty and right to change, and grow as you learn, but it's all up to you...

It's not up me to watch out for what people know or don't know I don't want to play defensive driving all throughout the road of life.

It's your life, you are the only one that will be accountable for making something of yourself. You can make broad generalized statements about anything, and while you may not be wrong, it doesn't mean know what you are talking about.

I'm not trying to be shitty, I'm just being real. I have a soft spot for the new kids in school, and if I didn't, I wouldn't have wasted soo much time responding to that statement if I didn't care about the future and progression of tattooing and tattoos in general. Seriously the last thing this place needs is another uneducated unchecked egotistical tattooer...

Remember the following quote:

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

Mark Twain

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I wasn't expecting a reaction like this, I mean it wasn't my intention to make excuses about my life or anybody else's. My last comment was supposed to be about the fact that I DO read the previous threads and try to catch up on what has been said on this forum, so not to repeat the same old stuff and annoy people, but it is a LOT of information. I started getting my head around it but it's early stages. I've got to start somewhere, right?

The main skill I lack is 'communicating clearly' on the Internet, so taking your advice straight to my heart I will be silent until I have something serious to say.

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Thank fuck @Jennifer Stell chipped in. She saved me a shit load of time and typing and said it more succinctly that I could.

It is getting boring reading the same questions we all took time to answer less than 6 months ago.

In the shop it's our job to take the time to answer and be patient multiple times per day.

On the internet? No thanks.

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