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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/17/2013 in Posts

  1. ironchef

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Okay folks, quick update after yesterday's session. Great experience as usual over at Kings Avenue Manhattan. As I stated in my previous post, I took the summer off from tattooing and just jumped right back into it with a 6+ hour session with Mike Rubendall on my back piece. To get the real effect of this, check out the first two pics. Started off during the day and ended well into the evening. Needless to say I'm very happy with how things are turning out so far. LOVE the colors. Will be seeing Henning at the end of this month for upper back portion of this collaboration. Enjoy the pics and my goofy commentary: The man himself laying it into me...noon time shot Almost end of the session...about 7pm or so You want to talk about a shop with heavy hitters? Rubendall, Grez and way in the back....O'Donnell. And each one of them super down to earth and funny as well. Can't really ask for anything more. Messy and yes...painful Full on progress shot, what we managed to get done Left cheek and right inner thigh Right cheek
    8 points
  2. I'll be there on Saturday for sure, having the last session done on my back.
    6 points
  3. Iwar

    New do

    Not ours
    5 points
  4. jimstanley

    Some new idiot kid

    Dick on my jawline was tattoo number one. The fire-jizz coming out was tattoo number two. No regrets, mofukka! I love it cause it has so much personal meaning to me. I also got it upside down cause it's for me.
    5 points
  5. This is what happened to me today: Rudy Fritsch, of course. I encourage anyone who as a chance to get something from this man, very inspiring and unique in every way. Well worth the trip to Trieste (nice town!) where his studio is. I think that's it for me, no more tattoos until spring. Ciao! edit: not really necassary to comment on how much I love this tattoo. I do. A lot.
    5 points
  6. hogg

    Hi, Im New!!

    "Why does that heart on your forearm say 'WOW'?" "Because I love my mom!"
    4 points
  7. Yup. I just was perusing the Full Backpiece Thread and I concur. We all wish we were @ironchef haha
    4 points
  8. tatB

    NYC LST Get together

    HAHAHA I wish I was @ironchef
    4 points
  9. ironchef

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Rubendall asked what colors I was thinking of for the dragon. I showed him a piece he had done a few years earlier where I loved the various greens. He suggested a red belly which I was stoked on, so we're pretty much on the same wave-length. I'm scheduled for multiple sessions with Henning. He's got some more outlining to do, that's for sure and I'm sure we'll get everything shaded. If things go fast and I don't pass out from the pain, maybe we can get some color into the phoenix! I got to chat with O'Donnell a little bit. Still kicking around the idea of getting something from him. Have to finish up this back piece first before thinking too far ahead, haha.
    4 points
  10. So @ironchef the backpiece is really starting to come along! Those finger waves healed beautifully and I absolutely love the color of the scales on the dragon. Was that your choice or Mikes? I can't wait to see the update on this after Henning gets some more time on it. You going for multiple sessions while he is here or just another 6 hrs? @MikeL, that back piece is looking good and I love the thick line work. When it gets colored in it's really going to pop. I will be starting on mine with Chris January 23 2014 at Kings Ave NYC. Pushed the start date ahead a year because I've been working like a dog doing a ton of OT at work. Social life has taken a hit but it will be well worth it. I'm all kinds of giddy and nervous at the same time.
    4 points
  11. Graeme

    Hi, Im New!!

    Welcome. There was a poster recently who got her wrist tattooed and was concerned about the visibility of it, especially in terms of employment, so think very seriously about what it will mean to have a tattoo that is difficult to conceal. Are you in a line of work that accepts visible tattoos? Are you willing to possibly commit to a life of wearing long sleeves even in the summer if people don't accept your tattoos? I'm not saying don't do it, but just tobe aware of how people might react to it. Some nice script could be nice, but you could also look into images that convey a similar meaning...how about a big Fudo Myoo tattoo?
    4 points
  12. tatB

    Hi, Im New!!

    Black ink.
    4 points
  13. MikeL

    Full Back Piece Thread

    @ironchef looking strong as hell! 6 hours straight in that location...tough. Going to be hitting my lower half on the 26th. All work being done by Rodrigo Melo at Northstar NYC Mike
    4 points
  14. These are my two newest. Just got them yesterday. For years I have taken my stress out on myself. The top of my left arm is covered in burn scars. The swallow represents freedom and New beginnings. The cage was where I was trapped. The cage is open. I am free.
    4 points
  15. NickXEdge

    Hello LST

    Hello world of LST. I found this blog thanks to one of my co-workers who was telling me about it one day and also to Instagram after I saw Nick Colella post a screen shot of the recent Scott Sylvia interview (which by the way if you have yet to see it is absolutely incredible and opens your mind to the way a real professional thinks regarding this industry). I'm from Richmond, VA. and have lived here my entire life. I'm currently a front counter assistant for the shop I work for (Heroes and Ghosts Tattoo - Heroes and Ghosts | Just another WordPress site) and have been here since April of this year. Growing up in this city has thus far been awesome and especially since I have gotten into tattoos/tattooing. There's such a heap of knowledge and talent around this city that it's great to be able to call it my hometown. However there is also a vast majority of turd tattooers and scratchers, but I guess that's life and every place has those so I can't complain about that too much. I'm in a couple of bands (In Courage - incourageva.bandcamp.com : New Solution - newsolution.bandcamp.com/) and have been playing drums since I was in the 6th grade (1999). I love doing so, playing shows, touring, etc. It's just a hobby that I've grown up on that really taught me a ton about life and the world we live in. I recently bought a 1975 Honda CB360 motorcycle and that's becoming a great new-found hobby of mine to work on. Tattooing became an interest of mine when I was probably 16 years old, getting my first tattoo the next year, and the love for the art and industry has blossomed since then. I hope that I can learn and interact as much as possible through this Blog and I am very happy to be here now!
    3 points
  16. if you're all not already stoked enough... how about some moving pictures?..
    3 points
  17. The rent is too damn high! - - - Updated - - - Should we just get a headcount and go for Angelina?
    3 points
  18. semele

    NYC LST Get together

    I love how you say this like it's possible you just forgot.
    3 points
  19. I must say that Paul is my favorite Bosch-surnamed tattooer, although he does very different work from what you have. Also, why don't you make a thread in the initiation forum to properly introduce yourself and tell us about your tattoo journey?
    3 points
  20. Oh and it's confirmed, I'll be at Deno's booth on Friday at 7pm. I'm planning on attending most of the convention, definitely Friday and Saturday at the least. Stoked to meet new faces and see familiar ones!
    3 points
  21. Mark Bee


    This is one of my favourite threads. Every few days I get a new account to follow.
    2 points
  22. Graeme

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome to the forums and good luck with your venture, however I feel that there are already clothing brands doing similar things--Steadfast Brand comes to mind--and I'm not interested in those either. I'll continue wearing shirts from tattoo shops, and supporting tattooers that way even if I'm not necessarily getting tattooed by them, instead.
    2 points
  23. Like I said, I'm down for wherever. I think I've heard good things about Angelina's. @BrianH I saw you just got tattooed by Rubendall and O'Donnell, are you still in the city this weekend?
    2 points
  24. tatB


    Last night I realized I was following almost 800 people/shops and was spending way too much time with my face buried in my phone. A little overwhelming so I decided to only follow: 1.) LST users 2.) artists I would get work from (or already have work from) 3.) artists that do huge awesome pieces but I most likely won't have a chance to get tattooed by due to financial, space and travel limitations(grime, shige, etc.) 4.) tattoo legends (stell, horiyoshi III, etc.) 5.) My girlfriend and a handful of "real life" people I know..... boring hahaha Now I'm down to a manageable ~170 followings file this under tattoo collector problems
    2 points
  25. JAllen

    Hi, Im New!!

    That's jewish law and is one of a long list. Plus the original hebrew makes no reference to a "tattoo". Its carving your flesh for the dead.
    2 points
  26. petes67bird

    Hi, Im New!!

    I am new here and followed the advice of members here. At first I thought my ideas were better, but when I stepped back I realized they were/are absolutely correct with the advice they gave. Try not taking it personal and step back and think about it a bit. I would not get I facing towards me, just my two pennies. Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk 2
    2 points
  27. irezumi

    Hi, Im New!!

    I was gonna give some advice but it looks like it will fall on deaf ears no matter who says it or why we do it like that. So be it. Welcome to the spot nevertheless!
    2 points
  28. TrixieFaux

    Hi, Im New!!

    So pretty much the whole "Ill take ANY advice you have or suggestions! Lay it on me. Should I get it on my wrist?" was just bs. The advice to not get it facing you is the common wisdom here. If you don't want to take that advice, of course you don't have to, but you're the one who asked.
    2 points
  29. irezumi

    Hello LST

    6000th LST'er. Welcome Nick. Big up yourself everybody, for making this a place people want to hang out at.
    2 points
  30. bugxjuice

    Hi, Im New!!

    Don't get it facing you. Try to get some nice hand drawn script (e.g. BJ Betts) and not something that looks like a fancy computer font
    2 points
  31. Shannon Shirley

    New do

    no rules anymore......
    2 points
  32. Graeme

    New do

    So if I'm understanding this correctly you got your first tattoo on your face? Wow.
    2 points
  33. Phil

    Good evening

    Booked in with Stewart at Frith Street last week for a Pharaohs Horse tattoo in December. Looking forward to it.
    2 points
  34. 6+ hours yesterday with Mike Rubendall on my back piece. Check out full report with pics in the "Full Back Piece" thread.
    2 points
  35. RoryQ

    Full Back Piece Thread

    @Lance Well, I ended up looking for the copy you were talking about, and now I feel like flying to Korea and punching that guy. He's got a few other Shige copies up there as well. The weird thing is that Korea isn't that far from Japan and Shige almost certainly would have tattooed whoever got that backpiece if they'd been willing to travel. I don't know what the copier charges, but Shige doesn't even really charge outrageous money by cost-of-living-in-Japan standards. The original backpiece is amazing - I think the green foliage is my favourite detail. When I hear people say things like 'Shige's work isn't as good as it used to be' (seriously) I look at his recent pieces like this one and Uncle Allen's and wonder how they can honestly say that. Speaking of backpieces and approaches to handling plagarism: We all know that Smith St. prefers their work not to be posted online, and you can see their reasoning at times like this. When I was getting tattooed there I asked Steve Boltz about the kind of tattooing he did day to day, and I think I thought he was doing all medium and small pieces. Anyway, he was like 'Ah, I'm working on about eight backpieces right now'. Not just traditional, but japanese influenced too. Blew my mind, wasn't what I was expecting at all for some reason.
    2 points
  36. Gregor


    I use an app called padgram on the ipad which lets you subscribe so if theres seperate people you like to stand out amongst the crowd it works really well
    1 point
  37. Also just realized @daveborjes is from the area. Throwing it out there for ya.
    1 point
  38. ironchef

    Full Back Piece Thread

    @9Years I actually did not want to get a back piece done initially as my thought was, how the hell will I get to see and enjoy it. But since I was getting comfortable with my artist and also the process of tattooing, it was natural to move on and have at it with the biggest canvas on my body. I had looked at various Japanese/Asian themes, Quan Yin with Dragon, Tiger and Snake, General Gwon, etc. Eventually decided on the Dragon and Phoenix motif (balance, yin and yang, female and male, etc.) I got extremely lucky in that I was able to get two fantastic artists to agree on a collaboration. They decided who was going to do what and we've worked everything out so far. Been a FANTASTIC experience.
    1 point
  39. Yea I know there was (is) a guy at Invisible doing tebori. Not sure if it was a guest or not but it was done there.
    1 point
  40. CultExciter

    Some new idiot kid

    @jimstanley I like you already.
    1 point
  41. deadsp0t

    New do

    ^This lol
    1 point
  42. Iwar

    Hello LST

    Always nice when someone takes the time to properly introduce themselves :) Welcome to the forum!
    1 point
  43. Sweety

    NYC LST Get together

    Alias is gone dude, closed down about 2 months ago, it was half a block from my shop. - - - Updated - - - - - - Updated - - - I'll be working until about 6 on Sunday, so if it's a lunch thing I won't be able to make it. But if it's in the lower east side, feel free to stop by the shop and say hi.
    1 point
  44. going to this next week cant wait, so fucking stoked
    1 point
  45. Graeme


    Hello and welcome. It's always kind of weird to hear people say that they aren't *that* kind of person who gets covered in tattoos because, well, what kind of people do you think we are? Most of us are just more or less regular people who have chosen to decorate our bodies in a particular manner. I'd also say that most of us never intended to get covered in tattoos, it's just something that happened as we got tattooed and fell for the art, the experiences and stories, and the community surrounding tattooing. There isn't anything else, at least that I've experienced and had a part in, however small that is, that matches tattoos. There's also a thread here about wolf tattoos that will hopefully provide you with some inspiration.
    1 point
  46. welcome! 2 great artists. the solution to your dilemma is to get a tiger from mike wilson and horses from david bruehl.
    1 point
  47. cltattooing

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I am still waiting for a confirmation email from him, so it's not completely set in stone, but I am still fucking excited! I'm going to have him do a little psychedelic cobra with a skull face. I'm moving at the end of the year, so sadly I cannot afford anything too big. It'll be going on my inner forearm, about 6'x3'. STOKED
    1 point
  48. My smallest tattoo to date. This lil kung fu mantis is about the size of a loonie (that is a dollar coin in canaduh eh). Tattoo by Bryan Turnbull (from Gov Street Tattoo, Victoria BC) and was made at Shades of Grey Tattoo in Edmonton, AB during his recent guest spot visit. God damn this tiny zapper makes me laugh DON'T BUG ME EH
    1 point
  49. Got a little impromptu tattoo yesterday! Had been talking with Carlos Diaz down at Tattoo Charlie's Place in Baltimore about a tattoo idea we had had......and he drew something up for me so I went down and got it! LMFAO.......
    1 point
  50. Thank you all for the help. Everything works fine now!
    1 point
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