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Most painful spot to get tattooed


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Horimomo is Japanese & based in Tokyo. He was trained by a traditional tebori master whose name, I'm afraid, I don't know. He visits Britain once a year and tattoos at Nine Tails Tattoo in London and - I think - MVL in Leeds. Obviously I'm biased, but I love the elegance and traditionalism of his work. When I saw his work & heard he was coming to Britain, I knew he was the artist for me.

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:D thats a Scottish thing it's all about the Special Brew in England, and believe me I would but most Tattooers don't appreciate if you turn up Rat arsed! but believe me when I say I will be in the pub within 2 mins of leaving :D

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My shin was my first and wasn't too bad. The part over the bone went numb pretty quick actually.

Out of my 14 the wrists were the worst no doubt. My sternum was 2nd worse. I had some behind my ears and those I actually laughed during it. It was tough to stay still. It didn't tickle it was just a weird sensation more than pain.

But anything along that anterior/inside of the forearm (especially closer to the wrists) kills me. I think my skin is just really sensitve there.

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  • 3 weeks later...
So far for me it has to be knee caps, but I start my back piece in a few months so I'm sure my perspective will change. I'm hoping my back will not be like my knees but from what I've been told it will be.

The back feels like you're being drilled on your spin or kidneys. No matter where you're being worked on. The pain gravitates to those 2 spots. Which doesn't compare to getting your ass done. That is the most unbearable of them all. Although I have never done knee caps. I have done armpits.

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The back feels like you're being drilled on your spin or kidneys. No matter where you're being worked on. The pain gravitates to those 2 spots. Which doesn't compare to getting your ass done. That is the most unbearable of them all. Although I have never done knee caps. I have done armpits.

Wonderful.....Remind me again why on earth we do this to ourselves?

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  • 2 weeks later...

This whole thread scares me... i'm a good 'sitter' so far but i've gone for all the easy spots first! Thinking i should've dove in with a rib/sternum/elbow/knee combo and then everything else would be a breeze! i'm looking at having to deal with the elbow ditch pretty soon so we'll see how that goes! Worst bit for me so far was top of the foot and that was only vine work!

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My new tattoo artist said it is really hard to tell when i am in pain so that is a good thing. My sleeve leading onto my chest is almost done and id have to say the ditch was easily the worst. I hated it the whole time.

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