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I had a trauma doc at my hospital buy my partner and I coffee for doing some kick-ass patient care today. The dude still died, but felt good to hear a doc tell me I did a good job rather than yelling at me for not doing "enough". This was even after he threw up nasty coffee-ground vomit all over the team.

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My 17 year old son came into town a few weeks ago and he's an avid fisherman. He's always been into it, but I never took the time to go out with him to the lake when he was younger. Well, this time, I went out with him and brought my two daughters and fiance as well and had a blast. Right before he went back home, we stopped at the local Academy and I bought a cheap rig for myself and my oldest daughter (my youngest already had a pee wee rig). Went out once last weekend with just the girls and they got bored (probably not early enough to catch anything). This weekend, I went out with my girl and fished twice- once in the morning, once in the evening. Damn, it was so relaxing. I didn't catch anything, but I really just enjoyed sitting in the quiet listening to the woods breathe.

I also dropped my bike off at a cool local shop to fix a head gasket leak. It's been an issue for several years, but I'd put it off because I'd already switched the gaskets once (different shop) and my pride wouldn't let me spend another $500+ doing the same repair. I finally came to senses and got tired of getting my jeans/ lower leg covered in scalding oil and it is now being fixed correctly.

Lastly, I'm putting together a grand opening art show here in town with local printer Mindzai Creative (also in Atlanta) called "ATX Works: The Working Class Show" theme chosen because it falls the weekend before Labor Day. I've meeting with Scott at Mindzai a few nights a week to work out artists, sponsors, fliers, DJ, etc. Last artshow I put together was years ago, so it's been a re-learning process.

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i'm thinking about beginning to train. i really want to do it, but it's pretty expensive.

Take a long, hard look at what you want to train in, what your goals are, and wh you would be training with. I don't know ow old you are, what kind of shape you're in, none of that, so I can't really give advice, all I can tell you is that if I had a nickel for every totally out-of-shape guy who came into my dojang wanting to "train mma", and crapped-out after one session, I'd be retired.

Do you want to be a pro, or to fight at a semi-pro/club level in ANY of the sport-type disciplines? Boxing. wrestling, Judo, that ype of thing, or are you looking at it more from a self-defense angle? Makes a huge difference. With all respect to all artists everywhere, all fights DO go to the ground. You get hit hard enough, you fall down, you're on the ground. Usually being danced on.

If you want, shoot me a PM and I'll be happy to look in your area for places that would match what you want to do. I first started training in Jiu-jitsu just about 50 years ago, so I've made the rounds and met a few people along the way.

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Thanks, @ Dan S. I’ve never trained in any kind of martial arts/mma. I’m 26 and pretty out of shape. I used to play baseball and softball, but haven’t in a while. I wanted to get back in shape, and basically not be a lazy piece of shit. I’m not really interested in joining a gym, so I figured something like this would be more fun. I’m not looking to fight or anything, this would be more of a way to get/keep me in shape.

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Thanks, @ Dan S. I’ve never trained in any kind of martial arts/mma. I’m 26 and pretty out of shape. I used to play baseball and softball, but haven’t in a while. I wanted to get back in shape, and basically not be a lazy piece of shit. I’m not really interested in joining a gym, so I figured something like this would be more fun. I’m not looking to fight or anything, this would be more of a way to get/keep me in shape.

Well, I'll get yelled at by seventeen different people telling me that their art is better, but...

If I had to pick ONE art to train in, and I had the goal of getting into shape, getting a good workout, and incidentally picking up some stuff that might save my ass someday, I'd find a good, non-sport TKD school and enroll in it. You will get whupped into shape right quick. The typical belief is that 3 one hour sessions a week are needed to maintain proficiency, and 4 to advance. If you can go every day, mo' bettah for you!

Not sure where you are, but around Chicago, prices range from $35 a month up to "how much do you want to pay?" a month, but I would say that a good, honest school shouldn't cost more than $50-$100 a month for unlimited lessons. I would advise you to stay away from places that want you to sign contracts, pay upfront, all that shit, and if the name says "Sport" anything, run! IF you like, give me a rough geographic area and I will ask around about a decent school.

I teach a very mixed-bag of m.a., have fairly advanced rank in a few, and for my little class, we'll start with 300-400 crunchies, 200-300 kicks, and then get on with the fun stuff. Oh yes...you will get in shape!

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anyone do kickboxing or brazilian jiu-jitsu?

IMO even if you never plan on fighting or competing in submission tourneys a good MMA gym is what your looking for. muay thai is brutally effective and a good workout. having a decent base in boxing,wrestling,jits, thai would be useful and a great way to stay in shape

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The only martial arts guy I know in Rochester is Doug Marcaida, who is a pretty well-known south east asian martial arts guy (kali / arnis / escrima). If you google him on YouTube he has a bunch of clips. I think his club might be called Rochester Kali, but I'm not sure.

If your interest in training is for the cultural / recreational end of things, he might be worth looking up.

If you are primarily focused on physical fitness and things like weight loss, I would echo the earlier comments about something like muay thai, BJJ, MMA or a good sports karate / TKD club. All can be brutally effective at changing body composition if you put the time in.

Probably the most progress I made in the martial arts was when I started trying to compete in combat sports (BJJ mainly, white belt and then blue belt, some sub wrestling comps too). It's a good crucible, no place to hide in terms of measuring your progress relative to other people, and pressure-testing your technique.

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Speaking of martial arts...my kung fu school just ran the gauntlet at our annual city parade with our Dragon Team performing. Lots of energy being the Year of the Dragon. This is my 7th year participating in the dragon. I am the guy in the blue Shao Lin robes that runs the fire ball and the dragon chases after it.

skip to 45:25

Capital Ex Parade - Special - Videos | Global Edmonton

big up everyone here who does some form of martial art, excellent and positive way to improve your quality of life.

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There are about 60-odd schools in the Rochester area, everything from stone trad sutff to mma gyms. First question is always the contract-do you have to sign one, how much up fron, all that crap. Hate to say it, but there are a lot of predators out there.

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twice. place is rad. aka fly-out city.

so many good things in this thread. kudos to everybody.

hell yeah, well... I stay in frisco, if you're out here in the winter we should shred some gnars. I haven't been skating much the past couple years, snow is a lot more forgiving

guapo, piotr, and miho are good kids, I sell them groceries all the time, haha

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There are about 60-odd schools in the Rochester area, everything from stone trad sutff to mma gyms. First question is always the contract-do you have to sign one, how much up fron, all that crap. Hate to say it, but there are a lot of predators out there.

oh yeah typically a good coach isnt a good businessman(let me rephrase he isnt in it for the money)

You should fill out a form and pay month to month as @Dan S stated

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I'm actually finally testing for my black belt sunday, in Shotokan (very traditional non sport) life got in the way and cost me 4 years and I've finally gotten back to it for long enough to test! I can't wait!! Wednesday is our last official class.

I will keep very good thgouhts for you Sunday! If your test is anything like my firdt-degree test was, you'll be more tired and more happy and more sore than you've ever been in your life by the time it's over!

Last class is Wednesday? Spend Thursday and Friday doing physical review, Kata on Saturday, and sometime early Sunday, HOT bath or shower and stretch, then get your head empty. Mind of no mind, right? Just my .02, I'm sure your Sensei has laid everything out for you!

Best of, not luck, you won't need that, but best of days to you, and congratulations. No one who hasn't tested for a dan-rank in a traditional art will ever know a more intense 6-7 hours.

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I will keep very good thgouhts for you Sunday! If your test is anything like my firdt-degree test was, you'll be more tired and more happy and more sore than you've ever been in your life by the time it's over!

Last class is Wednesday? Spend Thursday and Friday doing physical review, Kata on Saturday, and sometime early Sunday, HOT bath or shower and stretch, then get your head empty. Mind of no mind, right? Just my .02, I'm sure your Sensei has laid everything out for you!

Best of, not luck, you won't need that, but best of days to you, and congratulations. No one who hasn't tested for a dan-rank in a traditional art will ever know a more intense 6-7 hours.

Oh how I wish I could do that, Craming all night tonight for mid terms both tomorrow and thursday, Saturday will be a day of relaxing, kata's here and there. Many thanks, I'm sure I'll post an update after the test and celebrations are over.


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Oh how I wish I could do that, Craming all night tonight for mid terms both tomorrow and thursday, Saturday will be a day of relaxing, kata's here and there. Many thanks, I'm sure I'll post an update after the test and celebrations are over.


If you have not time for the Art, then go straight to the mind of no mind. Do your Kata's when you can, but don't sweat 'em-if you weren't ready, your Sensei wouldn't be sending you. Empty your mind of any worry and doubt, and go in and nail it! Stick with the hot shower and stretches, though, really helps the morning of!

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We were in Fairfield (close to Enosburg Falls). Was that close to you? I know, it is so beautiful...so much green, I love it there.

Fairfield is closer to where my brother currently lives but I grew up on a horse farm in Lyndon which is more on the Eastern side of the state. My mom still lives there with all of our horses. I try to get back there to visit at least once a year, usually in the Fall when it's the prettiest.

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  • 3 weeks later...

here's an update guys! i went sky diving this morning and it was the most amazing experience of my life! my friend said just as addictive as getting tattooed i wanna go back for more!! and i wasn't as nervous as i thought i was going to be. you dont have time to be nervous really! actually the scariest part is signing the liability wavier before you get suited up.

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