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This thread is for those who want to share a little bit of their personal information with the rest of us. Most of you I only know by username and avatar, but because of our mutual passion for good tattoos I have grown curios to get to know you a little better.

Internet forums are most often overcrowded with people saying all kinds of shit they don't dare utter in real life, but this place is different, and to me really precious. It's the only forum I even bother to be a member of.

Anyways, my name is Ivar, I'm 29 years of age, and Oslo is the city I call home. I grew up on the country side in Telemark, but moved here in 1999. I work for a wholesalesbusiness that imports musical instruments and distributes them to all the music shops around in Norway. In my spare time I play guitar in one band and drums in another.

My passion for tattoos and tattoo art started around 06 when I decided I wanted a halfsleeve. Luckily I went to a good shop at that time, which was pure coincidence since I didn't know jack shit at that point. I played in a hardcore band at the time, and I wanted to look the part and be cool. Its really fucking embarassing, but that's how it started...

This is me...


If anyone wants to add me on facebook send me a pm.

I know this is not for everyone, but I thought I'd give it a go anyways :)

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Sure I'll give it a go.

My name is Kye and I'm now 24. Born is Arizona and lived there till I was 15, I moved all around the valley during those years. After that moved to Sacramento until I finished HS. Came to Japan the day after graduation, mostly as a "fuck it, I'm young. Do something stupid" moment. Yet I'm still here, and now manage a club. When I lived in the states I really loved cars, BMW e30 were my favorite. Still want to get back into one, just no chance of driving over here... Don't really know what else to add.

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I'm Shawn.

I'm originally from Florida, I lived there until my early 20s when I moved to Philly in 1999 with a girl. Relationship didn't work out, but I fell in love with the city of Brotherly Love and have been there ever since.

I used to be totally self sufficient; from farming my own vegetables and hunting my own meat to canning or preserving the results. I could sew my own clothes, et all. 12 years in Philly and I've lost a lot of that. Luckily my Dad moved up here two years ago and already has me helping out with his garden and is re-honing my archery skills. My eventual goal is to move to North Carolina and not wear shoes unless I have to. (and that's not a joke)

I'm a foodie, a toy collector (biding my time before I start a Pushead thread on LST) and a nerdy blogger.

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The name is Dave Flores. I am 31 years old, I work in a warehouse as a forklift driver and as a counter person at Acme Tattoo. a small street shop on the outskirts of Portland Oregon. I am married to my wife Karen and we have a eight month old named Rollo. In my spare time I like to cook, brew my own beer, and obviously get tattooed and learn about the craft and its history.

Before Portland I lived in Phoenix Arizona and Colorado Springs Colorado. If you have any questions feel free to ask, but I warn you my life is pretty boring.

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I'm a 35 year old tech writer and artist in Austin, TX. I was born in San Antonio, raised outside of Houston on the Gulf and moved here about 8 years ago.

My interests are traditional hot rods and lowriders (I built up a '62 Impala that I had to sell to pay student loan debt), classic motorcycles (I have a street tracker '78 CB750), spirituality,music (downtempo, hardcore, 80's alternative, hip hop, drum and bass), paranormal and "weird" stuff, grindhouse movies, and weight training. I live with my girlfriend and I have 3 kids- 5 and 7 year-old girls and 16 year-old boy. I spend most of my time reading (Joseph Campbell "The Hero with a 1000 Faces" is the latest), painting, and working around the house.

O/T I'd like to start a book thread if anyone's down ;)

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Name is Thomas Storck, , 24, from El Paso, TX. Grew up skateboarding and met my mother and sister/brother for the first time when I was 18. Never knew about them for 15 years. I moved to Dallas in hopes of re-establishing a relationship with my father (which hasn't happened after 4 years). Now, I have moved on and currently going to school for Computer Networking Systems, have 1 year left for my Associates degree, interning for my friends creative design company as a web/graphic designer ( grew up free-lancing) and work part time as an Internet Researcher for a recruiting franchise. I like to box, and want to learn how to do BJJ (brazilian jiu jutsu) on my free time. Usually up until odd hours of the night drawing and reading about tattooing.

I have my first art show I am preparing for in Aug. which I am nervous and excited for that I am getting for. Nice to read about the rest of you above. Hope you start your own brewery David, that would be sick! I love good beer too.

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My name is Dan. 22 (young gun) year old currently residing in Oakland for now. I work on a ambulance in Alameda County for a living, but live for fly fishing. Been fly fishing since I was 12 and hope to grow up to be a fishing guide in either montana, wyoming or even northern california. I got my first tattoo at 17 by a sureno who was a line cook at the applebee's I was working at. It says "RISE ABOVE". The word rise is higher than the above. Ive watched Jaws three nights in a row, and am planning on watching True Romance again when I get home. I have a 22 pound white house cat named Orion. His main goal in life is cuddling and annoying me.

Thats it.

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My name is Nick,I'm 29 years old. I grew up outside NYC in a small town called Nyack, Ny. I lived in Brooklyn for about 5 years playing in bands and whatnot before packing up and moving to the west coast with my now wife. I lived in SF for just over 4 years and now reside in LA. I work in the restaurant industry as a bartender, w/ plans of opening my own establishment in the near future... I'm obsessed with tattoos obviously, but also vintage guitars and amps, and comic books of all kinds.

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Nick, you're the only person other than my friend JR who i've ever heard of from Nyack! If you ever go back there for visits you should check out his shop it's called Vanguard tattoo..


I'm Ursula,

I'm 27 and a lady and I'm from Canada. Born in the city, lived in the country growing up then moved to Toronto. I started getting piercings and tattoos at age 15, should have waited. My want for tattoos randomly brought me into TCB tattoo in Toronto which is where I learned about good tattooing and realized how shitty the ones I had already were. I started getting tattooed there regularly and ended up meeting my dude there while he was doing a guest spot. A year later I moved to be with him in Jacksonville FL, home of Inksmith and Rogers tattoo where I had my mind once again ripped apart by the quality of the tattooing there. I've worked counter in a couple shops here and there but mostly try to focus on making a career from my artwork. I have two dogs, a beagle and a staffordshire bull terrier. No kids and likely never will. At the moment I'm stuck in Canada waiting on a fiancee visa so I can come back to the USA (havn't been home since January boooo). My mom, grandma and I live in a house built in 1886 and have a gift store in a house from the same era. We've got a giant veggie garden and a shitty brown cat that will only drink from the tap. Other than that I make a blog and I like eating bacon.

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Brian, 40 years old, ex teacher/scuba diving instructor/night club manager. From Belfast in Ireland, lived in England, Holland, Spain, Cambodia, Australia, New Zealand, India, Florida, Oregon, California.

Went to New Orleans after the hurricane with an organisation called The Art of Living, involved in a youth leadership program, working with addicts and the homeless - rebuilding houses in the 9th. Met my wife there and after a year living in Ventura we moved back to Ireland, where we live with our two dogs, in what is known as The Kingdom of Mourne - which was C.S. Lewis's inspiration for the The Chronicles of Narnia. Our house is right at the foot of the mountains and we walk there every day.

Dream of moving back to the usa, and moving into an intentional community.

Would die for my wife - seriously.

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i've never been good at this sort of thing.

Robin A.D. (yes, my initials are RAD, my mom always loved it). 25 and starting life over. east bay area born and raise. have been a museum worker for the last 3 and a half year after getting my first bachelors in photography. now i'm heading back to school to get a second degree in conservation biology, which will come to a shock to those of you who know that i've been interested in writing about tattoo history, but like gougetheeyes, i'm still interested in the history and i'm trying to sort out the proper way to share that history. academia isn't it.

i've been into punk rock and hardcore for over half of my life. i'm a former skinhead, who left the lifestyle after deciding i did not want to live my life in a way that asserted power, intimidation, or violence, and found buddhism instead. straight edge saved my life, literally. i've been getting into alt-country more and more these days, and am dying to learn how to play the steel lap guitar, and anything i can about motorcycles (which i've wanted to ride since i was a kid!). i come from a super small family (11 total including me), and i'm the youngest of them all. my mom's side is made up of the 4 strongest women i have ever met, and they have inspired me throughout my life. they're great story tellers, and if you ever meet them when i'm around, they'll fill hours sharing memories of me growing up and doing silly things. i love it. i'd love to get a tattoo for them, but haven't quite figured out what yet. it may involve a squirrel holding a shotgun, or a shetland pony chasing a horse.

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These are always fun, but I never know what to say- here goes...

I'm Mel, 21, from an ex-mining village just next to Newcastle Upon Tyne. I'm a writer, focusing on tattoos and art. Since I'm young I don't really have any amazing stories to tell. Spent a long time in school/college/university. Spent two years working at DFS too, that was hell. Got into tattooing when I was 18- my first tattoo wasn't done in Newcastle, but the rest were, at Inkslingers. Got into writing, "blogging" all of that stuff. Worked on my friends desk a little in his studio, now I work on his blog instead, haha.

I'm really into writing, painting, photography and reading about strange things. Kev, you should start that book thread up, actually, though I think I'll worry people with what I read about, haha.

Um, that's all I can think about, though you can see my blog here if you really HAVE to: Mel Noir's Blog | Another Blog to Ignore at your Pleasure. . Can I go now?

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My life seems boring compared to most of you.My name is Joe,and i sit in front of the computer all day,and post on tattoo forums like this.I was born in Trenton NJ,it's the Capital.We have a famous bridge that say's Trenton Makes The World Takes.I don't know what they mean by that,but I'll tell you Trenton does make some of the nastiest hookers on the east coast.I got my first tattoo at 23yrs.old,and i was immediately hooked.I drive a truck for a living..I like to travel,and love going to NYC.

I like to take long walks on the beach at night,and dream about Bo Derek running toward me with her arms out..If any girls are interested in this let me know,we can recreate that scene from the movie.

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Well bigjoe I'm not a female but I do enjoy long walks on the beach at night. So if you fancy a slightly outashape, some what short, unmotivated half breed that will cough up a lung if he trys to run to much... Then I'm you man ;) but don't expect to get my cookies, momma taught me better then that.

so is that a yes or no on anal :confused:

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Well bigjoe I'm not a female but I do enjoy long walks on the beach at night. So if you fancy a slightly outashape, some what short, unmotivated half breed that will cough up a lung if he trys to run to much... Then I'm you man ;) but don't expect to get my cookies, momma taught me better then that.

As long as you don't cough a lung on me..And i'm sure i can loosen you up with some champagne,then I'll just overtake you with my massive body.

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I'm Shawn.

I'm originally from Florida, I lived there until my early 20s when I moved to Philly in 1999 with a girl. Relationship didn't work out, but I fell in love with the city of Brotherly Love and have been there ever since.

I used to be totally self sufficient; from farming my own vegetables and hunting my own meat to canning or preserving the results. I could sew my own clothes, et all. 12 years in Philly and I've lost a lot of that. Luckily my Dad moved up here two years ago and already has me helping out with his garden and is re-honing my archery skills. My eventual goal is to move to North Carolina and not wear shoes unless I have to. (and that's not a joke)

I'm a foodie, a toy collector (biding my time before I start a Pushead thread on LST) and a nerdy blogger.

Damn dude did your Dad teach you how to do all that stuff?You sound like that Native American guy on Dual Survivor who walks around in all kinds of terrain barefoot.

Shit,i can barely take care of myself.Sometimes i feel like i need a chaperon with me.

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Damn dude did your Dad teach you how to do all that stuff?You sound like that Native American guy on Dual Survivor who walks around in all kinds of terrain barefoot.

Shit,i can barely take care of myself.Sometimes i feel like i need a chaperon with me.

If it helps, my Dad's name is the Gator.

Haha. I was a farm kid. We raised cattle (so castration, branding and basic emergency veterinary medicine were par for the course) and grew oranges, plus had to take 3 years of Agriculture in school, so that side of my life- being able to grow and raise things, was one of the first things I learned.

When your Dad is called the Gator... hunting came up a lot. We'd hunt dear and boar mostly, but there were alligator, turtle, snake and assorted other creatures that ended up on our dinner table. And the rule was that if we wanted to eat it, we had to learn how to clean and prepare it.

I was a poindexter of a kid; graduated school early, mostly interested in art and cinema, but... even the arty dreamer kids where I grew up fished, hunted and grew crops.

I ran from it, like most kids do. Moved to Philadelphia cause I wanted a faster paced life. It was the right choice, and I was lucky that my brother followed me up there, and eventually so did my folks. Now we've got a second place in New Jersey- town called Hammonton that is known for it's blueberry crops. Couple of acres but a spot with good fishing, a few miles from decent hunting and plenty of fertile soil on the property for a nice big garden.... It's great. Really helping me reconnect with my Dad and how he raised us.

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thats one of the greatest names I have ever heard.

He worked with the same crew for almost 30 years as a mechanic at a Phosphate company- and when he retired, one of the guys allegedly said "Who's Robert Porter?" and it had to be explained to them that RP and the Gator were one and the same. When I was 15 we even got him tattooed with us; has a little Gator tattoo on his arm that he proudly shows to all of my girlfriends the first time he meets them. He's a character.

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