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Dumb Hipster Tattoos


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This is possible a bit off-topic, but what do you all think of the people who get their lower arms covered before anything else? I now have a pretty good balance of visible vs non-visible tattoos, but will admit to getting stuff on my lower arms early and for the wrong reasons.

my forearms are almost covered. I got my first tattoo exactly where popeyes anchor sits. I started getting my arms tattooed from there cause that spot doesnt hurt... no other reason didnt think about it really. I have zero hand tattoos and my tattoos are concealable. I still feel like a hipster cause of you judgmental bastards. ha ha ha ha

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I started above elbow and when I got my forearm done I felt weird off balance I called it, lol. So I started the other arm forearm first.

The more visible the area "tatted" the more internet cool points... I think that's how it works, not to sure if im being honest think Im getting old.

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I've started with my upper back and the tattoo climbes a bit onto the back of my neck. It's old (1999) and nothing nice, it is about time it was covered with a very mean panter (ha) but after covering it will get a bit bigger and higher up the back of my neck. So it will become visible every time I get my hair up or wear an old T-shirt that slides off my back. Not too bothered by that. I am more bothered by the fact that every time I want to have a look at it I need to use two mirrors! I want to have a tattoo I can see so my next choice is one on my tigh. I think the reasons to get tattooed are personal and shouldn't be forced on you by the public opinion! Having visible tattoos is something people do to get a certain reaction from the public and for that reason-I'm out.

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I couldn't disagree more. That was never even a consideration for me.

I don't suppose you're walking around with something like this:

If not for the love of tattoo art (in this case obviously not) then I really don't know why would someone do that to themselves. But I don't understand piercings either, so maybe that is just me....

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OK, you got me on that one. I would agree that you probably are looking for reaction and attention when you get a huge tattoo on your face.

Cheers (people rarely agree with me)

Are there other visible tattoos except face, neck, hands? I mean forearms don't count in my book, no one would even blink an eye if they saw a tat on a guy's arm....even legs are not that visible and can be covered if need be. So yeah, when I say 'visible' I mean, like 'in your face' visible.

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I don't suppose you're walking around with something like this:

If not for the love of tattoo art (in this case obviously not) then I really don't know why would someone do that to themselves. But I don't understand piercings either, so maybe that is just me....

A couple years ago (I think that's when it was) I was watching the video of the girl in that picture getting her face tattooed. The artist asked her a few times if she was sure and she said yes. Afterward, when she looked at it in the mirror she seriously looked like she was going to cry. this girl is a porn star and apparently the guy who tattooed her face tattoos a lot of porn stars working for the same people (a site that uses tattooed girls only)... and some of the videos of him tattooing them are in themselves porn. Shit is creepy as fuck and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of these girls didn't want to get these tattoos in the first place.

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I personally have considered being tattooed on my face and if and when I do finally run out of space I probably will get something! Maybe not as drastic as the girl had gotten in that thumbnail but something I consider tasteful!

I get too much attention as it is so in my case at least it really has nothing to do with getting attention....lol

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A couple years ago (I think that's when it was) I was watching the video of the girl in that picture getting her face tattooed. The artist asked her a few times if she was sure and she said yes. Afterward, when she looked at it in the mirror she seriously looked like she was going to cry. this girl is a porn star and apparently the guy who tattooed her face tattoos a lot of porn stars working for the same people (a site that uses tattooed girls only)... and some of the videos of him tattooing them are in themselves porn. Shit is creepy as fuck and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of these girls didn't want to get these tattoos in the first place.

Oh. I don't know what to say really....but it kinda proves my point about it being a bit unhealthy...I would rather keep my opinions on porn business, freaks who get excited by tattoos (because they've heard tattooed girls f* better) to myself. So no comments on that one....

As for face tattoos it is a matter of maturity. Some people can pull it off, some just can't. When I was younger I wanted to put I spider tat on my face. Glad I didn't have any money at the time, few months later I decided it would be stupid...phew...

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I personally have considered being tattooed on my face and if and when I do finally run out of space I probably will get something! Maybe not as drastic as the girl had gotten in that thumbnail but something I consider tasteful!

I get too much attention as it is so in my case at least it really has nothing to do with getting attention....lol

That is another thing entirely!

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i know quite a few people with face tattoos, most of the are tattoo artists... they ran out of space, or just thought it'd look cool i guess. i talk people out of face tattoos all the time! ha ha. the forearm is really one of the most flat, best spots you have on your body, so it makes sense people would go there first. i didn't, but makes sense. i have my fingers tattooed and i eventually want my neck, but i have too much free space to go there just yet. ;)

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I'm all for visible tattoos...for some people. They're as healthy as the state of the mind of the person getting them -- no more and no less. You just have to know what you're getting into and why. For what it's worth, I have my arms, knuckles and neck tattooed -- not for people's reactions but despite them.

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But... girls with tattoos are ...hotter...

'course they are!! But not all tatoos are 'tramp stamps' and having a tattoo doesn't mean you're easy and into kinky sex with strangers. What annoys me most is old pervs who think they have the right to talk trash to me 'because I like it'- an assumption made purely on the fact that I have a tattoo on the back of my neck....makes me sick!

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ha ha we made a deal, either i keep going on my hands, or i get my neck tattooed, he chose neck. everything else i do whatever i want. im willing to compromise. ;) now getting him to see that the money to get tattooed is totally worth it is another thing entirely... :(

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