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Next Year


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Might be the Whiskey talking here but , 2012 will be the year of the Tiger and Eagle for me yass !! I might get the ribs done definetly getting the other thigh covered . And mibbe something wierd from Ty Mcewan when he coimes back over.

Anyone thought abpout what your up for getting next year ??

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Maybe something on my lower leg at the Star of Texas convention, possibly a trip to DC and Tattoo Paradise (LOT'S of great choices there), and something in November for my birthday from Jason Brooks or Jaie Devore. But that's a long time from tomorrow, so who knows ; )

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Having more sessions on my back. Going to NY and planning a visit to Smith Street. Also planning something on my forearm. Lastly, I am going to the bay area tattoo convention!!!!

Oh yeah, before I do all this "tattoo" stuff, as my wife refers to it, I'll be looking forward to February. My wife is expecting our second (AND LAST) child. It's a boy and we are stoked!!!!

Bring on 2012!!!!!!

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Too many tattoos planned for 2012 so far...

Finishing my gypsy lady on my arm, as well as adding more to start off a traditional sleeve. Deciding between a entire "calf sleeve" on my left of a dragon/phoenix or finishing off my right leg with some epic Thomas Hooper geometric craziness, and top it off the possibility of some traditional occult tattoos on my upper right thigh. For sure 2013 will have no tattoos at all after such a tattoo-packed year!

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Friday 13th Jan 2001- Stefano C -Lucky 13 Cat

Jan-Feb Stewart Robson doing Japanese infills on my right arm

End of Jan El Monga- Devils head inner bicep.

March Duncan X- Female with cloven hoofs

April - Daniel Albrigo, finishing my Cosmic Skull on my abdomen

April Friday 13th another 13 tattoo (undecided)

I'm hoping to get another one from Mario Desa & Chad Koeplinger as well

In 2012 My wifes got work booked in with.

Stewart Robson, Oliver Mackintosh, Lucy Prior, Crispy Lennox & Lianne Moule.

Next year looking quite busy.

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if all goes according to plan, the only one that's close to sure is a big piece on my upper right arm from Ulrich Hueber when i visit my fiancee in Ireland a few weeks from now. It'd be cool to get a Friday the 13th one while i'm there, too, since both of my current 13 tattoos were gotten months away from Friday the 13ths.

i'd also like to see about working on my chest and stomach some more, but money will probably be going to trying to save for moving the aforementioned fiancee to the States.

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In February I'm booked in with Ching from East Tattoo to finish my backpiece ... Just a half-day should do it.

My right arm half-seeve is a bit of a mish-mash- most of it is by a deceased Irish artist, barring an oni head by Mo Coppoletta on the inside. Ching has measured to bring it down into a full sleeve, to be done either during another European guest spot or else around / at the London Tattoo Convention. We've discussed a big hannya mask, but it's up in the air - the only thing I've specified is that I want big contrast and something that is readable from a distance.

I've got my name on a list for an appointment with Chad Koeplinger when he's back in Ireland - date to be announced as far as I know. Got a few ideas for this but nothing concrete yet. If I could get him for two appointments I probably would take them.

When I'm in Chicago I'm thinking of getting a nautical star / north star compass on my right knee. Chris Smith has done a homeward bound on that same leg and I would likely go back to him, but I've been following Nick Colella and Mario Desa on their instagram accounts too...

...And my GF is starting her backpiece with Shige in Japan in November - four sessions...

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I'll be finishing my tiger and panther backpiece with Stewart Robson and then getting him to do my ribs. Also getting something from Todd Noble on my left leg and I'll be hopefully heading to the bay area convention this year. I've decided my legs are going to be lots of small tattoos as my torso is pretty much filled with big pieces (apart from my ribs which will be getting sorted asap)

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