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Oh no...! Of course I just opened this thread to bitch and moan about my hip, and didn't even see @pidjones' news. Now I feel like a jerk, too. Sorry to hear about your family loss. And your kid's arm, @xcom. That kind of stuff really puts my own problems in perspective.

I agree with what I stated above. That kind of stuff makes me realize there is worse stuff going on in the world that what I am going through

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Son-in-law passed away this morning. Not unexpected, he was 71 and had been in hospice care at home for about the past month. Still sucky for the family.

Didn't see this. Sorry for your loss. :(

Take care.

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Thanks, everyone. Jerry was.... unique. Lost an arm as a young man, but never let it slow him down. He treated the daughter well even though she has her own demons. His family (and the daughter's friends) though! Just hope she makes it through this on an even keel. Will be hard with some of the crowd she hangs with, though. She's been through rehab and I'm firmly convinced half of the people there were looking to increase their client base. Her younger sister is scared and pissed at the same time.

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Last night at 3 AM, there was a fire in my apartment building. It was the guy directly below us, who is notorious for turning off his smoke detector and smoking inside his apartment. Our smoke detector didn't go off, I'm thinking it was connected to his somehow so he disabled ours inadvertently by disabling his. We were only woken up by another neighbor beating on our door and yelling there was a fire. The guy was dragged out of his apartment and taken to a hospital, he had passed out from smoke inhalation and was burned. His dog and cat died in the fire. The fire department is saying the fire started in the kitchen and was caused by unattended cooking; our guess is he disabled the smoke detector so he could smoke, threw something in the oven, and went to sleep forgetting about his food and forgetting to reconnect the smoke detector. His apartment is destroyed, and the whole building reeks of smoke. Everyone else is ok, and the building is still habitable, thank god. The fire department wouldn't let anyone spend the rest of the night in the building because of all the smoke and carbon monoxide, so me and my boyfriend spent the night at my parents'. Now I'm at work with about 4 hours of fitful sleep, and when I get home, I have to work on cleaning out the apartment to get rid of the smoke smell.

I'm just glad everyone is alright and none of our things were lost, but I'm still really rattled by the whole thing. If it hadn't been for someone waking us up, we could have been trapped in there. His kitchen is close to our front door, the fire could have easily blocked our door if it had spread much more, or we would at least have been blocked in by the smoke. I'm outraged this guy tampered with our alarm and jeopardized everyone else in the building; it wasn't until the smoke spread far enough to set off someone else's detector across the hall that anyone even knew.

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Wow. Scary stuff, Syn. There are companies that specialize in getting the smoke smell out. Fabreeze works on some fabrics - best to use it on the ceiling, too. There are ozone generators that they leave in the closed area for a day or so to kill it deep in the walls. My youngest had a fire and once it was cleaned you couldn't smell a thing from it. If he doesn't move, I would, though! He should be responsible for any debts you incur from it.

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Last night at 3 AM, there was a fire in my apartment building. It was the guy directly below us, who is notorious for turning off his smoke detector and smoking inside his apartment. Our smoke detector didn't go off, I'm thinking it was connected to his somehow so he disabled ours inadvertently by disabling his. We were only woken up by another neighbor beating on our door and yelling there was a fire. The guy was dragged out of his apartment and taken to a hospital, he had passed out from smoke inhalation and was burned. His dog and cat died in the fire. The fire department is saying the fire started in the kitchen and was caused by unattended cooking; our guess is he disabled the smoke detector so he could smoke, threw something in the oven, and went to sleep forgetting about his food and forgetting to reconnect the smoke detector. His apartment is destroyed, and the whole building reeks of smoke. Everyone else is ok, and the building is still habitable, thank god. The fire department wouldn't let anyone spend the rest of the night in the building because of all the smoke and carbon monoxide, so me and my boyfriend spent the night at my parents'. Now I'm at work with about 4 hours of fitful sleep, and when I get home, I have to work on cleaning out the apartment to get rid of the smoke smell.

I'm just glad everyone is alright and none of our things were lost, but I'm still really rattled by the whole thing. If it hadn't been for someone waking us up, we could have been trapped in there. His kitchen is close to our front door, the fire could have easily blocked our door if it had spread much more, or we would at least have been blocked in by the smoke. I'm outraged this guy tampered with our alarm and jeopardized everyone else in the building; it wasn't until the smoke spread far enough to set off someone else's detector across the hall that anyone even knew.

Holy crap. I'm glad you got out all right. What a terrifying story.

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Thanks guys. We've left all the windows open ever since it happened, hopefully just airing it out will help a lot. If not, thanks for the suggestions @pidjones, we'll look into them. I did already spray one layer of Febreze on everything and vacuum once, I didn't really have time to do any deep cleaning before work tonight. My mom suggested leaving out a couple bowls of vinegar to help absorb the smell, so I did that too...can't hurt. Worse thing that could happen is one new layer of stink to the place. :D Our lease is up in August so we're definitely leaving then, if not sooner. Our luck with this place has just been unreal, I think we seriously were not meant to live here. On the positive side, we can't possibly do worse with our next place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@pidjones, I'm sorry to hear about your son in law and I hope his wife makes it through. @Synesthesia, how frightening...I'm glad the fire didn't spread. Have you been able to manage the smoke smell??

Here's a weird question, but I haven't been able to get a straight answer from anyone else, so why not. I sort of suspect that my neighbors are up to something. Sometimes, in the summer when the windows are open, this really awful burnt toast/melting plastic smell drifts into the apartment and makes my boyfriend and I want to gag. What the fuck is this? There's no visible smoke. Has anyone here had the bad luck of living near people who are making meth or crack or something else? This is a quiet, well-off old neighborhood so you wouldn't necessarily expect anything, which is probably the point.

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@polliwog, gross! I have not had the misfortune to live next to an actual lab, but I've definitely lived next to tweakers before. :/

A quick google says that the odors can be like nail polish or cat urine, which I suppose makes sense given the stuff involved. Probably a horribly chemical smell. They might just be smoking the stuff in there and not producing it, but I don't think there's any easy way to tell, aside from seeing them behave a certain way.

If you DO suspect it's a lab, I mean...I personally would call the cops. Being around the byproducts of meth production can be seriously, seriously bad for your health. It makes people crazy. (In a post Breaking Bad world, I feel like everybody probably knows this now, but I haven't watched it yet, soooooo!)

Feels weird telling anyone to call the cops on somebody, since I definitely had a few delinquent years in there, somewhere. Oh well. Bring me my cane and rocker on the porch, I'm ready to yell at kids to get their meth labs offa my lawn.

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@polliwog do your neighbors look like meth/crack users? It's not always easy to tell, but the smell you describe sounds suspicious. If you ever see or bump into them you should ask "did you have a fire at your house...something smells burnt?"

I had neighbors with a pot growing operation in their attic and I live in the same type of neighborhood as you. My kids played with their kids and a few times going over there, I could smell strong skunky/ripe/green smells coming from their house. My mail lady tipped me off and after coming home in the middle of the night a couple times, I could see bright fluorescent light coming from the seams and vents in their roof. I thought..."Pfffttt, whatever, they are really nice people". they ended moving 9 months later.

Now all I smell is the coffee roasting place up the street, various neighbors using there bbq smokers and the Korean families cooking, who -no matter how many times I say "hi" and say "smells great!" won't invite me over to eat....

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I realize this doesn't come close to half the stuff in this thread, but... I've just realized/learned that there's a decent chance that I'll have to stop getting tattooed next summer, permanently, for medical reasons.

Obviously it could be worse (nothing life threatening) but I'm still pretty fuckin' bummed.

Now I'm trying to figure out how much i can afford to spend on tattoos over the next year, and what to get in terms of peices i want the most, and getting to a more or less "good stopping point" There is a small chance I won't have to stop, but i won't know for sure until next summer so I plan on getting as much as I can done. No where near the coverage I'd like to have though.

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I realize this doesn't come close to half the stuff in this thread, but... I've just realized/learned that there's a decent chance that I'll have to stop getting tattooed next summer, permanently, for medical reasons.

Obviously it could be worse (nothing life threatening) but I'm still pretty fuckin' bummed.

Now I'm trying to figure out how much i can afford to spend on tattoos over the next year, and what to get in terms of peices i want the most, and getting to a more or less "good stopping point" There is a small chance I won't have to stop, but i won't know for sure until next summer so I plan on getting as much as I can done. No where near the coverage I'd like to have though.

that is horrible at first, but hey... at least you can spend your money on artwork like paintings or shirts from your favourite tattooers :o

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Bit of heavy heart this week.

As I'm sure some of you have figured out since I've been hanging around LST that I'm pretty heavily into kung fu (duh, I got a Shaolin monk tattooed on my back). Well, there was something pretty tragic that happened in my city earlier this week. Some nut-job who had a hate-on for jews fired 50 bullets into a west end neighbourhood (where I grew up), through a door with a high powered rifle as the police were kicking down the door. He ended up killing the officer who was at the front of the battering ram before shooting himself and setting his house on fire. yeah i know crazy.

The killed police officer happened to be a student and friend from our kung fu school.

Anyway, we were approached by media to put off-duty-Dan into context and share our memories of him.

Our Dragon Team will be using our blue Shaolin robes and blue belts as a tribute and way to honour our friend Dan. Dan had actually just joined the dragon team a few weeks ago.

Anyway here is the story CBC news just ran:

Const. Daniel Woodall remembered fondly at martial arts school - Edmonton - CBC News

News Edmonton (Late Night) - June 11, 2015 - News Edmonton (Late Night) - CBC Player

I've had a pretty negative opinion of police when I was younger. Because the only interactions I've had is when the police say "you can't skateboard here", "where's the pot boys?", "pour it out, you can't drink beers in public", "here's a ticket for running that stop sign". Yknow petty dumb young stuff. But Dan showed me that a copper has an off-duty side too...someone who I could talk tattoos with (we had both been tattooed by the same guys and he was gearing up to start a Guan Yu backpiece), talk soccer with (he was from the UK, he said "ya can't cheer for 2 teams from London mate! Arsenal FC all the way!"), have beers with and talk about his tales from the Hate Crime and Gang Units, talk about awesome kung fu movies (The Lost Bladesman!). We were a bunch of punk rockers training kung fu with a cop and having lots of laughs in the boys locker room. He changed my perception of the police. So maybe that isn't a shitty thing I've been doing recentley but a positive thing moving forward. Anyway wanted to share, thank you.

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The police have been attacked lately by the media in the US. And yes, there are bad cops just like in anything else, but how many jobs put you in that situation daily? And they are often hated by those they protect. My prayers for your brother's family and friends.

Sent from my LePanII using Tapatalk 2

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  • 2 weeks later...

bongsau, I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. Sounds like the community in blue lost a good member. We hear so much about the bad officers, and rarely do we hear of the good, and the good things they do on duty, and off duty. My husband is an officer.

- - - Updated - - -

Yikes CB! I hope you didn't lose much and that disorder is something controllable.

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    • Hello, So I'm new here and reddit is just awful people so, I wanted advice. So for some reason, I allowed a tattoo be blasted down my arm. My fault I know. I'm very fit and complimented all the time how tone my arms are. So, I got a sun over a lotus tattoo. Everyone loves it. But for some bizzare reason, I can not look at myself in the mirror FOR 5 MONTHS with this tattoo. I have other tattoos, this being the 1st big and really visible tattoo. I feel like I have body dysmorphia or some shit. Its so weird. My friend is actually going to my tattoo guy BECAUSE of my tattoo. So, I don't know if anyone else has gone thru this? The tattoo looks weird to me. Not anyone else. I didn't want flowers and leaves because flowers remind me of funeral homes. I'm very yoga, my tattoos are suns, moons, lotuses. Zen shit. But I guess because I said I would never tattoo my upper arm and then tattooed my upper arm, I'm like omg what have I done?! Everyone loves this tattoo. My mother in law says it should be on stained glass and my own mom thinks it's so beautiful. There is not 1 shaky line. Not 1 flaw within this tattoo. He made the sun rays where they wrap around and up my shoulder. And it's just so jarring to me to look at. I don't get it.. or maybe just Cause I'm an idiot. It's not a broken up flow. Guy at the gas station covered in tattoos even loves it. Lol. I can't look at it. It's so weird. Just wondering what the hell is going on?! I've got other tattoos planned out, I love tattoos. I didn't want such a big tattoo and it turned out that way. I will say this, I have multiple sclerosis and went thru a relapse and I'm not sure if it messed with my brain somewhat?!?! Cause I was fine before that. I do have severe anxiety. But it was also winter when I got the tattoo. And now because it's on such display I'm questioning my design and its not at all a sleeve, its actually everyone seriously loves it. Except me. My tattoo guy drew the sun rays on me and i loved it. Then i pivked it apart. The rays r too wide, and too big and this and that. My tattoo guy is phenomenal...busts out the measuring tape and not a crooked line in any of hos work. Its just not ur typical flow of a tattoo. Like flowers and leaves flow. I wanted something different. Something that goes with my style and like i said, flowers like roses and stuff, noone buys me flowers because i hate flowers and im sorry to the flower people. Its just they remind me of funeral homes and all that. This was a custom tattoo by my tattoo artist that knows my style, and not his typical traditional style and he works with me like im a glass doll...lol. he free handed my sun and he is not cheap. And he does phenomenal work. So, i didnt cheap out. So why cant i look at I t? I feel like i ruined my arm i guess and my image. My husband says I upgraded...lol. in fact, he loves me in tattoos and my kids love it. So wtf is wrong with me? Has anyone ever experienced this? Sorry for the long post. It's should be noted, I saod out loud before getting the tattoo...mthos is not a good idea to put this here but I did it anyway. I think I didn't listen to my intuition and because I already know I'm a complete basket case, I should've listened to myself. Removal is not an option, I wint do that....plus, my tattoo guy says his tattoos dont come off...lol.  I got a forearm tattoo a month ago and I'm completely fine with it.  
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