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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2011 in Posts

  1. Ok fools, he put a photo up on his blog, so I suppose I'll share it here as well. Buffalo head on the shin, by Bailey H. Robinson. Shiny photo. There's a skull hiding under there, too, and will almost definitely add some stuff in a few months. Tatonka.
    6 points
  2. Took a half day off....drove downtown...looked at flash...walked out: So fun. My oldest tattoo and newest!
    5 points
  3. cfgsteak

    the glamorous life

    I like that picture...you are both laughing. It looks like a fun time. Its one of my favorite things about getting tattooed...that really unhibited feeling at the shop, off color jokes, pretty much nothings off limits to laugh and joke about...everyone's pretty equal with their ass hanging out getting tattooed at the shop.
    4 points
  4. amoxill

    the glamorous life

    hawk pretty much took the words right out of my mouth, but i'd be remiss not to reiterate that my post was never intended as a dig toward any particular body type. i would've posted if it had been a bald skinny chick from Baytown, a hirsute Armenian bodybuilder, or a Hindu dwarf. the salient point being that despite the sanitized and glamorized tattooer-rock star image perpetuated in reality programming, for me the reality of a good bit of this profession is being elbow-deep in some stranger's ass meat while my friends are at the bar. (which, by the way, is fine by me.)
    3 points
  5. ShawnPorter

    Dumb Hipster Tattoos

    I'm not insecure. I'm an asshole. Huge difference. :D
    3 points
  6. JAllen

    the glamorous life

    real "in the trenches" tattooing, that's what it's about. you never know what's going to come through the door, awesome. for smelly people, they either get an accidental splash of green soap in the neighboring area that is causing the odor or if thats not possible a little swipe of dettol across my mustache before the tattoo does the trick.
    2 points
  7. Or the place you got your work done, should have realized that taking cards falls under customer service, and while they are free to charge an additional fee (lawfully now in U.S.), to charge 20% when their own fees really shouldn't be over 2.75%....bad faith. If a company doesn't want to take cards, I think that's a mistake, but that's their business, they can do what they want. But if that company does take cards, and just gouges people for the privilege, isn't kosher to me. If you are happy with your tattoo, that ultimately is what matters and definitely not my place to really to speak ill of people, but man....I personally feel that was not the right thing for them to have done. In my own business (not tattoo related, but street food), I run cards through my iphone, don't charge extra for it (honestly average charge was $10 this past weekend), the card reader was free, there is no contract, people sign with their finger on the touch screen of the phone, etc. I don't know the margins that exist in tattooing, but if 2.75% is going to put you in the red.....might need to tinker with the business model some, or just charge a convenience fee to cover costs, not levy a double digit 'tax' on your customers. Additional charge to cover fees, I completely understand, but slapping more on top of that.....not right in my opinion. edit: Also understand that people like to have just take cash for variety of reasons, cards can get complicated in terms of customer disputes, might have to wait for the money (for which American Express is the #$%#$ worse), etc.
    2 points
    2 points
  9. Theres a killer Bob Roberts black widow posted on the Smith Street blog ,and for me his spiders set the standard .Heres some cool Scorpions ,the black and grey ones from Katie Sellergren.
    2 points
  10. Henrik

    Tattoo age on VBS

    Great episode as usual, interesting to see Henning Jørgensen as well!
    1 point
  11. David Flores

    Dumb Hipster Tattoos

    He looks like one of those guys you fight in the game Double Dragon on original Nintendo. But his hair is only the beginning of his problems. Some guy was taking like five minutes to pull up a picture on his iPhone and this is what he came up with. I said "you wanted a star so you showed me a picture of the guy from the Jersey Shore? Why would you want to look like that guy?" I try to be a nice guy but for some reason this dude set me off, He left and I am sure I offended him but I was beside myself that day.
    1 point
  12. I will take animals in top hats riding unicycles smoking pipes with monocles and mustaches over people coming in with pictures of the cast of Jersey Shore as reference material. I am just saying things could be worse.
    1 point
  13. No offence intended but be mindful this is a public forum. Its probobly not a good idea to advertise that there are likely to be people walking around tattoo conventions carrying large quantities of cash.
    1 point
  14. honestly im kinda surprised that the places that do take credit/debit aren't just using paypal. most people have email/internet capability on their phones and seems like a more reasonable option. anyway, i like to conduct business with cash and a handshake. as much as i like technology and the abilities it brings, theres something i find comforting about a tactile world. i physically put a tattoo on, so it just seems more personal to have physical compensation to show for it. when people have actual money in their hands and they are paying with it, they treat that experience differently.
    1 point
  15. JAllen

    Dumb Hipster Tattoos

    whose complaining? just making ironic observations :D
    1 point
  16. I don't know who did this one, but it's one of my favorite insect tattoos.
    1 point
  17. cfgsteak

    Un-planned tattoos

    I'm having a great deal of difficulty resisting going to a shop today, picking a piece of flash off the wall and having it done. Hmmm.
    1 point
  18. Got this hannya mask on the inside of my right bicep Friday from my regular artist Paul. excuse the crappy cell phone pic.
    1 point
  19. hawk

    the glamorous life

    'Beauty is bought by judgement of the eye'- Shakespeare 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye.'- Miss Piggy 'Long, short, thin, heavy, 12 fingers, 3 legs, rough or smooth, I shall drink it all and belch what I don't desire till my lifes experience end.'- Hawk BigAl my friend, we here on the LST are the people bred out of the uncommon perception of what is beauty and beautify ourselves and others in some cases to balance any of our personal short comings. That Lady in the posted pic appears a very happy and a beautiful person full of life, that is what my eye beholds and I'm certain the thread was never intended to insult and if this is anybody's perception then let me be the first to apologize.
    1 point
  20. hawk

    the glamorous life

    I'd much rather tattoo the crazies, fatties, etc. and be able talk about killing zombies than inking the over tanned uptown julie browns exhibiting their zanax prescription. Case in point; I like to derail some people when they are the first timer questioning me to be serious about how much pain is involved minutes before I start, it don't matter what I reply with as they will soon know so sometimes I just say "I compare it to the first time ya have anal sex, that shid hurts!" and it totally derails them and they generally don't reply or the replies will vary between males and females to something so "off the wall". But one time after I was underway after the "no reply/response" this lady stated "You lied! I'd much rather have anal sex than this!" I had to laugh. As to the variety of "earthy and real people" we get, I once had a lady in the chair getting a bird of paradise on her should, her back to me, and this guy stopped by needing to talk about some deep marital stuff he was going through and how his Wife left him for ANOTHER WOMAN. I told him that I had once pondered as to "who would know better than another woman how and where to please another woman", now the lady in the chair hadn't said a word since we had began and was not part of this discussion but at that point she turned her head towards us and spoke up "That's a crock of szhit, this beotch was eating my pussy last Saturday and she didn't know what the f*%k she was doing" at which point I couldn't help but burst into laughter. I love my job.
    1 point
  21. Got this outlined on Friday. Only had about an hour and a half of tattoo time available before had to get ready for next appointment or would have started the shading.
    1 point
  22. cibo

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    just finished on friday...done by Scott Sylvia... my first splash of colour :)
    1 point
  23. ShawnPorter

    Dumb Hipster Tattoos

    I hate myself every day, just for a little bit. That said... I don't think he was saying Joy Division (whom I love) is hipstery, just that people only pretend to like them because you're s'posed to. Or maybe I misunderstood, too. I was too busy listening to Joy Division to read into it much. Though one of my fiance's super politically correct friends won't listen to Joy Division because of where the name of the band comes from. Though she listens to Blondie. Go figure.
    1 point
  24. jade1955

    Dumb Hipster Tattoos

    Hey I love Joy Division and I was around when they first hit the scene (that doesn't qualify for being a hipster but it probobly qualifies for a hip replacement in a few years).
    1 point
  25. ShawnPorter

    Dumb Hipster Tattoos

    Love away. I find them annoying. It's what people in my age group do; hate people younger than us and thinking their trends are stupid. And sure- I had said before that at some point people in this thread would get butthurt because something would hit too close to home. I ride a track bike. I LOVE my track bike. It's really light, was cheap and gets me where I'm going. I wear the same outfit literally every day. (black logo-less tshirt, jeans, new balance sneakers; when I dress in the morning I don't have to think about it; I just grab a clean shirt and pair of jeans and cut out the entire decision making process.) I have a beard. Some, if not most, of my tattoos make no sense. So sure, someone could call me a hipster. that's fine. As long as I'm washing my hair every day and not dressing like a total ironic douche, I don't mind. I still hate hipsters.
    1 point
  26. slayer9019

    Dumb Hipster Tattoos

    For those who need a sub 3 minuet video of what a hipster is, I give you this.... although I do have to admit to going to "warehouse raves"...'danger party' anyone?
    1 point
  27. Stewart Robson

    Obscene Tattoos

    Yeah, Woody does tattoos, but he's more of a cartoonist. The interviewer isn't the only twat in the frame. So a famously publicity hungry tattooer, who's notoriously fond of gimmicks invests in a super-deluxe tattoo removal lazer. Because he had virtually no tattoos already, he tattoos deliberately inflammatory statements on himself then does a photo shoot and speaks to every interviewer who'll listen. No prizes for guessing what publicity grabbing event happens next... Yeah, this is the same tattooer who called a client and offered to tattoo the Jacko arrest photo with the words "Peado Cunt" FOR FREE. Although the client was a fool to accept the offer, he was a young student with little money who liked tattoos. Who, in that situation would refuse a funny, free tattoo? That client has since had a massive coverup of a traditional eagle. Woody also tattoos drunk metalheads for free at the UK Download festival. I'm a tattooer. Woody does tattoos. We are not doing the same thing. Irresponsible is the kindest thing I can say about his work and work ethic.
    1 point
  28. samsyd

    Lion Tattoos

    Brian Bruno does good lions, I also love this one by Bert Krak
    1 point
  29. Avery Taylor

    Lion Tattoos

    Tony Hundahl | Facebook If anyone can beat this please post it, but for me Tony Hundahl owns lion tattoos.
    1 point
  30. I second that, best quote ever. Thanks Rob.
    1 point
  31. Hey Folks, Thanks for this thread. Instead of it being a big ole bitchfest, it really has given me a good outlook, stuff to remember when I feel like I have to write a six paragraph bible verse the size of a postage stamp. I tattoo whatever walks through the door, and sometimes it is taxing to my soul, but what is more taxing is the thought of not tattooing.
    1 point
  32. I once did 17 lines around this dudes arm. Different colors. I will never do not a single line/stripe around any one ever again. Stupid sweat sock arms
    1 point
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