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Plainskins say the darndest things...


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I don't have a lot of tattoos yet, but about 14 piercings, 4 in my face that get comments (Septum, 2 Nostril, 1 Philtrum)

About tattoo plans and piercings my mom has said:

"When will you stop? You will get addicted to it and one day your whole face and body will be covered".

My dad tends to say things like:

"You are really ruining your looks like that."

He favors my younger sister, who does not have tattoos or piercings but mentioned to me she might want a small tattoo. When I told him he said:

"She would never do that! She knows better!."

That is about all I have heard, nothing spectacular.

I've gotten all of the above from my father, my mother is trying to remain open-minded about them. Although, she's expecting me to get little tattoos vs big ones... My father said, "well, I guess if you don't like it in 10 years you can get it lasered off."

I've received the very typical "I never understood tattoos, they are so... permanent" and "why would you do that to yourself?"

And, I've been asked to keep my tattoos covered up at family gatherings so as to not upset the elderly family members.

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I've received the very typical "I never understood tattoos, they are so... permanent" and "why would you do that to yourself?"

Yes! To me it seems they really can't understand what is appealing about tattoos. They don't even have the hint of a desire to put anything on their body....which I honestly don't understand ;)

I think body art like Piercings and Tattoos done well can enhance looks.

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Okay, I have had my first comment about my visible tattoo and I laughed at her. I had a mother at school pick-up say to me "you know that's permanent, right?" to which she got me saying sarcastically "No? Really? Oh shit!" and rolled eyes. That was closely followed by her muttering "I think tattoos are disgusting".

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Neither have I but this guy seemed to believe so, he then proceeded to tell me he was eventually going to get a sleeve when I asked him what he was going to get he answered "Clouds and stars and shit".

So anything else out of his mouth lost all credibility anyway lol. Anyone that describes any sort of content with "and shit" are really not worth listening to lol

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My favorite recent personal experience. This was Monday.

I was out for a jog, which is a sight in it of itself. I was crossing a street and noticed a small SUV teetering towards a stop sign, but thought nothing of it. As I passed I heard, "Hey, hey, excuse me."

I stopped, assuming the person needed directions. I turned around..."What's up?"

"You've got beautiful tats."

"Uh, thank you..."

"Do you ever let people photograph you? Would that be something you're interested in?"

"No, that is not something I am interested in."

I then jogged off. This exchange stayed with me the rest of my run. Mainly because I was near the park, and if the guy wanted a mouth fuck, he could've been more direct. I still would have said "no" but I appreciate a candid nature.

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My favorite recent personal experience. This was Monday.

I was out for a jog, which is a sight in it of itself. I was crossing a street and noticed a small SUV teetering towards a stop sign, but thought nothing of it. As I passed I heard, "Hey, hey, excuse me."

I stopped, assuming the person needed directions. I turned around..."What's up?"

"You've got beautiful tats."

"Uh, thank you..."

"Do you ever let people photograph you? Would that be something you're interested in?"

"No, that is not something I am interested in."

I then jogged off. This exchange stayed with me the rest of my run. Mainly because I was near the park, and if the guy wanted a mouth fuck, he could've been more direct. I still would have said "no" but I appreciate a candid nature.

Could have been the beginning of a glamorous modeling career!

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It's interesting, up here in the Seattle area there are billions of tattoo shops (quality notwithstanding), so there are a lot of tattooed people up here (quality notwithstanding), which leads to different discussions than what I was used to in San Francisco/Oakland.

As mentioned earlier, there's a lot of "oh, you have a tattoo? look at this one that I got, now this one, now this one; I wanna get this, this and this, y'know?" but I also get a lot of

"hey, have you heard of/ever been to "XYZ" shop?"


"Oh, okay."

I honestly can't imagine what they're expecting to get out of that conversation.

edit -

I forgot to add that I also get a lot of people that are either a) upset that the tattoo they pointed out doesn't have a deep, Miami-Ink-esque meaning and a story to go with it or b) that I - somehow - don't feel like sharing the story with them, a total stranger.

Edited by spookysproul
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"Why have you got roses tattooed on you, isn't that a bit gay?"

One of my most recent favourites.

I always answer any "isn't that gay" question the same way

(as a statement of fact with no judgement intended):

"Uh, no. The last time I checked, and correct me if I'm wrong, neither tattoos nor roses are gay. Two people of the same gender having sex together? Now that's gay.":rolleyes:

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I only get asked about my tattoos from drunk chicks that I don't know. Don't ask me why that is, but having been a "tattooed person" for a year now (not that it's a long time or anything), that's my experience.

Now I am one of those persons that gets tattooed cause tattoos are cool, and I like the art and the looks of them. I don't have a fancy story about any of my tattoos, and some people seriously get angry because of it. They have obviously been watching too much TV if you ask me :rolleyes:

One time, a drunk chick simply walked up to me, and asked about my tattoos. I told her that I just liked the look, and she started saying things like "Wow thats really dumb" and "Why would you want something permanently on your body, if it doesn't mean anything to you", and I just stood there looking baffled, instead of saying something back to her. I obviously should have told her how rude she was, but I never managed too do so.

Now when chicks come asking me things, I make up some seriously lame story, and watch their reaction. So far not a single one has called me on it. E.g. I have a swallow, and it was my first tattoo, so one of my favorites are "Yeah, the swallow represents me moving to another city, away from home and starting my adult life, spreading my wings and becoming a man". They eat it up, and think I'm sooooo deep and amazing. Then I laugh my ass off, and walk away. It's kind of a fun hobby! :D

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A few days ago I was walking down the street and passed a guy sitting on some steps eating lunch, and after I was about 20 yards away I hear someone behind me say "Hey", kept walking, "hey you!". Turned around, not because I thought someone was talking to me, but just out of curiosity, and the dude on the steps is like literally yelling "Hey, where did you get your tattoos?!" (yelling because at this point I am a pretty good distance away). I just said Chicago and turned to keep walking, but he was still trying to talk to me and was saying something and pointing at his arm and I just said thanks and kept walking. I felt like an asshole, but come on man, I can't have a conversation with you about tattoos from 30 yards away.

Another thing I get a lot recently, is people saying "I like your tattoo" and talking about all of the tattoos on my arm as if they are one. It isn't really a bother, just curious. I guess it's nice that people think they look cohesive but then it gets a bit confusing because I'm like "thanks, which one?"

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One time, a drunk chick simply walked up to me, and asked about my tattoos. I told her that I just liked the look, and she started saying things like "Wow thats really dumb" and "Why would you want something permanently on your body, if it doesn't mean anything to you", and I just stood there looking baffled, instead of saying something back to her.

You should've asked her what her blouse means.

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People will ask me what my next tattoo is and I tell them I plan to go to Smith St. in NY in November to get tattooed by the four guys there who do the same style as what I have been getting. The first response I get is, "oh is that New York ink?"... No it's Smith st!!

I have even been asked if I was going to Miami Ink after I have told them I will be in New York getting tattooed!

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I only get asked about my tattoos from drunk chicks that I don't know. Don't ask me why that is' date=' but having been a "tattooed person" for a year now (not that it's a long time or anything), that's my experience.

Now I am one of those persons that gets tattooed cause tattoos are cool, and I like the art and the looks of them. I don't have a fancy story about any of my tattoos, and some people seriously get angry because of it. They have obviously been watching too much TV if you ask me :rolleyes:

One time, a drunk chick simply walked up to me, and asked about my tattoos. I told her that I just liked the look, and she started saying things like "Wow thats really dumb" and "Why would you want something permanently on your body, if it doesn't mean anything to you", and I just stood there looking baffled, instead of saying something back to her. I obviously should have told her how rude she was, but I never managed too do so.

Now when chicks come asking me things, I make up some seriously lame story, and watch their reaction. So far not a single one has called me on it. E.g. I have a swallow, and it was my first tattoo, so one of my favorites are "Yeah, the swallow represents me moving to another city, away from home and starting my adult life, spreading my wings and becoming a man". They eat it up, and think I'm sooooo deep and amazing. Then I laugh my ass off, and walk away. It's kind of a fun hobby! :D[/quote']

I'm sooo going to star fucking with ppl like this........ :D

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I work as a care giver at a group home for people with downs syndrome and similar handicaps. One of the inhabitants has a father who must be close to 80 years of age. EVERY time he comes to visit and I am there to greet him he will comment on my tattoos. Every. Time. He is probably senile and not aware of this.

Last time was different though.. he usually opens up with saying "those are hard to get rid of..", like it is a question. I usually just say Yes, and smile at him. Then he asks me if it hurts, I tell him Not anymore, and smile some more. But this time he also said that he had tried (to get tattooed), on his hand, but that it had faded over time. And then he told me that (my tattoos) where prydsamma, which is a swedish word that translates to "something thats proper and enhances the beauty of a thing/someone".

I was flattered for the first time. I didn't know that he liked my tattoos, just that he would always comment on them.

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I only get asked about my tattoos from drunk chicks that I don't know. Don't ask me why that is, but having been a "tattooed person" for a year now (not that it's a long time or anything), that's my experience.

Now I am one of those persons that gets tattooed cause tattoos are cool, and I like the art and the looks of them. I don't have a fancy story about any of my tattoos, and some people seriously get angry because of it. They have obviously been watching too much TV if you ask me :rolleyes:

One time, a drunk chick simply walked up to me, and asked about my tattoos. I told her that I just liked the look, and she started saying things like "Wow thats really dumb" and "Why would you want something permanently on your body, if it doesn't mean anything to you", and I just stood there looking baffled, instead of saying something back to her. I obviously should have told her how rude she was, but I never managed too do so.

Now when chicks come asking me things, I make up some seriously lame story, and watch their reaction. So far not a single one has called me on it. E.g. I have a swallow, and it was my first tattoo, so one of my favorites are "Yeah, the swallow represents me moving to another city, away from home and starting my adult life, spreading my wings and becoming a man". They eat it up, and think I'm sooooo deep and amazing. Then I laugh my ass off, and walk away. It's kind of a fun hobby! :D

Doing the same with my first one, Kanji (yeah i know, I KNOW!!!) on my left pectoral designed like its carved in wood bla bla bla. Still love it.

When I get my shirt off (for any particuliar reason, but most of the time it is when someone else take it off, if you know what I mean) They go: " Ohhh!! What does it means? "

I just tell a different story most of the time, but my favorite is:

-Oh you know, I love beef and onions pie. So this one stands for beef, and this one onion. Now I'll remember that I love it for ever!



-It's strange.

-Mhh ummm...

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People will ask me what my next tattoo is and I tell them I plan to go to Smith St. in NY in November to get tattooed by the four guys there who do the same style as what I have been getting. The first response I get is, "oh is that New York ink?"... No it's Smith st!!

I have even been asked if I was going to Miami Ink after I have told them I will be in New York getting tattooed!

LOL!!! People did that to me with: NY Adorned. "Is that the NY Ink place?" Ummmm... no, it is not the NY Ink place...

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    • Thanks. And u just made me laugh, I guess my comment sounded conceded, and I did not mean to sound that way. I guess I'm in freak out mode because it's so on display. I don't think anything will ever meet my expectations because of where it is. So on display. My friend is actually going to my tattoo guy BECAUSE of this tattoo. Removal is not an option. I wont do that. I do have crippling anxiety due to having multiple sclerosis. I'm overly critical of this tattoo. The design is a sun with sun rays  that wraps around and up over my shoulder and a lotus below it. I don't like flowers. Just lotuses. Haha. So it's not your typical flowers down the arm tattoo. It's actually a unique design. I love yoga and zen things although from my post...I don't sound so zen. Haha. I've been going thru it now since summer started. I would say it's going in a while. I wear it out, got a compliment from someone at the gas station, I just don't look at it myself with it. It makes my stomach sink. Like I ruined myself. I'm ocd about it. I continue to get tattoos tho. I dont want to be a lunatic over it either. I always said I would never tattoo my upper arms and I did. And for the life of me, can't figure out why I did that. I was living in the moment I guess. So, if the reality of the tattoo doesn't meet my expectations,  what do u do for that? Add to it? Thank you for responding to me. I appreciate it a lot. I feel like I lost my mind over thos. I just got another tattoo on my forearm, and love it, it's smaller. Maybe that's why. I don't know. I allowed thos to be placed somewhere I never wanted ot, I approved it loved it afterwards and now....maybe cause it's so on display. I'm not used to having such big visible tattoos. Like, why cant I just be cool about it. I LOVE tattoos. 
    • "I'm very fit and complimented all the time how tone my arms are" So if you were fat and out of shape it would be OK?  🤣 Tattoo Anxiety is not unusual, but it really depends on how long it goes on for. Has it been weeks, months, years? You really don't have a lot of options. Despite what laser removal centers would have you believe, you'll never get totally rid of it. Any cover up will need to be even bigger and bolder, don't let any "artist" tell you differently.  Given the tone of your post, "I'm very fit and complimented all the time how tone my arms are," "My artist is extremely talented, there is not 1 shaky line, crooked line," "The line work is out of this workd, perfectly straight," "Everyone loves it" it sounds like the reality of the tattoo doesn't meet your expectations.
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