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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/2013 in all areas

  1. Cork

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Ugh for whatever reason, insert excuse here, this was the most painful session I've had so far. I was the only one all day and all I could muster was ~5 hours. That being said, I am crazy stoked about the progress. Finished off one thigh's background and added some color!! Honestly, I think the color looks out of place just because I've been staring at black and grey so long, haha. Very excited for more progress. The next session will be to kill the background on the other thigh/lower back, then maybe hit some more fire. That's going to be a rough one if it's anything like today was. Dana has some pics on his Instagram, one of my ass, one of my back, but here is the full monty. And I just noticed that my ass has a hilariously straight shelf on the under cheek. That's weird looking, I can't take my eyes off it. Also I'd like to give a serious thank you to the fundoshi for providing some level of decorum so that Dana didn't have to stare at my hole as he destroyed my inner butt cheek. You may take note of the wind bar direction out of my ass. Dana referred to that as "The Wind of Doom". Good thing he has a sense of humor, even if he did lose his appetite.
    17 points
  2. Ben87

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Hey guys, been a while since I've posted, just got back from switzerland with Filip and thought id give you guys an update, here ya go
    11 points
  3. Who: Shawn O'Connor shawnocconor.ca What: bad assfrog (Sailor Jerry flash!) Where: Ink Machine, Edmonton, AB Canada When: at a touchup appointment...station was already setup, however i wasn't in the mood for a minor neck touchup. Why? because it's a god damn sailor jerry battletoad! we were shooting the shit and i was flipping through a jerry flash book. i was like yeah buddy that's a sweet frog! shawn is like yeah buddy i've never done a frog before! we looked at each other and than said let's go buddy! add some pink in the belly! done on whim! took like 15 minutes lol RIBBIT :cool: this retarded little frog tattoo captures everything i love about the tattoo experience. the best. - - - Updated - - - also got this cool headless owl from Jon Gray (from Hamilton, ONT...guest spot at Lucky Strike in Edmonton, AB). It was from Jon's own painted flash. 2hrs. Ollie walked by and turned up the volts on the machine and Jon was flying. it was funny. good time and good tattooer! <nuff side ass, en joy>
    10 points
  4. Popped into The Pearl this morning to catch a session with Tim Pausinger before he left for the Xmas holidays. He basically finished my chest piece. In January we'll link the shoulders and arms to it. He is also going to do some spider webbing between the tattoo and the bottom of my pecs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    10 points
  5. I don't make any special efforts to keep them covered around my parents, no. My parents live on the other side of the country from me and I see them once, sometimes twice, a year, so it's not a huge issue. My in-laws, on the other hand, don't know that me or my wife have tattoos, and they will not react nicely when they find out that we do, and so we both keep them hidden from them at all times. We live in the same city as them and see them often enough so the situation is getting pretty absurd. For example, this summer we were walking back from the store after grocery shopping and my wife spotted my mother-in-law standing at the corner of our street from a half a block away. She'd stopped by to drop off some vegetables from her garden and was waiting around to see if we would show up. I was wearing a short sleeved shirt. So we turned around, went down another street, waited around a corner until we were sure that she had left, and then returned home. Is this better at this point than having a huge fight, dealing with it, and eventually moving on? I kind of don't think so, but it makes for funnier stories.
    7 points
  6. Yes, that's what I'm saying. I know it might sound crazy, but not everyone has a website/instagram/facebook, etc. Go out, stop in a shop, talk to people. Maybe you see them doing a tattoo, maybe you talk and interact with people. Who knows what you might find out there...maybe you won't find what you're looking for but you also might find something you didn't know you wanted. You don't have to take reference or make any commitments, I'm just saying don't be afraid to explore what's around you.
    5 points
  7. A picture taken after last sitting, by Matt Shamah
    5 points
  8. Hello everybody, my name is Matthew Welch. I'm a tattooer since November, 2004. Currently traveling, I began working in North Florida and have been on the road since August of this year, after living in Southern New Mexico from 2011-2013. I enjoy many styles, and focus on traditional styles of tattooing and painting. I like to be an active and welcoming part of the tattoo and art community. I'm here to share art and discussions in the forum, network with other artists, and be involved, in general. I'm also inviting anyone to find me on Facebook, or take a look on my instagram, @matwelch if interested in my work or travels. Maybe we'll get to meet in person someday, have a little fun, who knows:cool: thank you!
    4 points
  9. Natasha also sounds like a perfectly fine name.
    4 points
  10. Duffa

    Japanese Ghosts

    @MadeIndelible check out https://www.facebook.com/GominekoBooksPage you will find what you seek ;)
    4 points
  11. How many local shops have you actually gone into, to check them out? If you are only looking online, yes you would be going about it the wrong way. There's more to things than this 2 dimensional world. Maybe you have been going out and surveying the local territory, but I sometimes feel like this virtual reality is trying to remove the adventure of getting tattooed and turning it into just acquiring a "thing". The limitations are obscured by the vastness of information.
    4 points
  12. I got this from Chad Koeplinger earlier this year. I love it, and I want to share it with you:
    4 points
  13. Wilhell

    Japanese Ghosts

    This is my "Ghost of Oiwa" tattoo done by Chad Koeplinger: It is based on this Kunisada woodcut: & http://woodblockprint.com.au/images/s3654.JPG?471 You need to check out Hide Ichibay´s work! I think he makes the absolute coolest ghosts. Do you agree, @Iwar?
    3 points
  14. When I first started, I was tattooing a friend of mine, Jimmy, every week for about 8 months. His mother's reactions were always the polite negativity that has been mentioned here, until she saw that it was making him very happy, and he felt a sense of belonging somewhere. Eventually, his brother Joey started coming in with his wife as well. Their mom also had some of the older stereotypes, and between beginning to appreciate the art and craft side of it, and watching Joey's old house tattoos get blasted over, and seeing what we were all like at the shop, she came around. In my family, no one really approves on dad's side, but don't say much to your face (aside from my grandpa to my dad once or twice). On mom's side, it's a bit more white trash, so they're all down, but they have tended to lean towards house tattoos. That being said, a few cousins from that side, as well as my uncle, have come in and it's been my honor to tattoo them. Hopefully, I can convert a few more here and there.
    3 points
  15. I find for myself that even though there are a ton of good artists where I live (Seattle area), I seek out shops in different states/provinces. Mostly due to a mild wanderlust and interest in meeting new people. As has been stated before, there is no replacement for time spent in a shop. Especially when you are newer to the experience.
    3 points
  16. Bonji from Horitada (amazing artist with big bold beautiful work)
    3 points
  17. Flowers under 3/4 sleeves I think these are Bonji
    3 points
  18. First, I think there's a lot of truth in @JAllen and @10PieceNuggets suggestions. But, if you do find someone's work appealing that's out of town, why not travel? You might have to save up a little longer for the tattoo you really want, but isn't that part of the deal anyway? It's been my experience that you can usually get places on-the-cheap if you are smart about it and plan ahead. Most places are more accessible than you think... Here's a 'for-instance' for you: you live in LA which is EASY striking distance from San Diego and San Francisco/Oakland/Berkely/San Jose. LA to the Bay is 6ish hours, depending on where you're going/coming from. LA to San Diego is even easier. Between those three major metropolitan areas, it would be surprising if you couldn't find an artist to give you a killer tattoo in the style you want. Worst case scenario (going to SF or Oakland), you could leave early, be there in time for an early afternoon session, get a cheap hotel and be back in time for lunch the next day...not even a weekend trip! Hell, if you check around for flights and don't plan your trip during a major holiday, the entire west-coast can be accessible for a few hundred bucks. An early flight in and a late flight back makes a day trip for places like Portland, Seattle, anywhere in Arizona, Nevada etc etc etc. Hope that helps!
    3 points
  19. theZoo

    Ink Masters

    For me, the biggest problem with Myke Chambers is that he's been tattooing for 20 years and his work looks the way it does. he dumbs down great traditional iconic images so that people who don't know traditional tattoos that well, will like them. he also uses the same stencils for every panther he does, so anyone with a panther from him in the last year or so has the same one, same shading same layout. there no variation in his work and i think it actually keeps getting worse.
    3 points
  20. My mom didn't like my tattoos at first. I know you said "serious negative reaction", but my mom isn't like that, she one of those "you're awesome - I love you!" moms when you cut your own bangs straight to the top of your forehead lol. Her discontentment was obvious though, she flat out told me she didn't like tattoos, but loved me. I am pretty sure what she thought of tattoos was based on my father, who had quite a few not so good tattoos and at the same time was a much less than a shining star example of humanity. I kept getting tattooed over the years and it didn't really change things. I went through a decade long break and then couple of years ago I started large scale work done from a particular artist. How my mom felt completely changed, much to my surprise - I think she could relate too/appreciate aesthetically the style I was getting and also she could see tattoo can be different from her reference points from so long ago. She also liked that I was getting big pieces (!), like both sleeves and now a full back piece. She actually follows my tattooer; it's been an interesting evolution over twenty years. On the other hand my mom in law didn't like them (but can cope) back then and nothing has changed. Last year, she sent a painting she did of me and my arms were magically "naked", hahaha. You can't win them all.
    3 points
  21. Bardun

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Chad Koeplinger made this on my upper arm when he visited Oslo in October. Hard to get a good picture because the tattoo wraps around my arm, but you get the idea :)
    3 points
  22. ironchef

    Preferred tebori styles

    Here's my stab at it. Let's start at the top row from left to right: Gobu sleeves (five tenths) with hikae (chest plate), Shichibu sleeves (seven tenths) with hikae, classic munewari with gobu sleeves and thighs or basically a gobu munewari, next is a variation of the munewari with hanzubon (shorts) where the inner thigh is completely filled in with tattoo work, full body suit or donburi soushinbori with nagasode (long sleeves), the back piece diagram is kame no koh (turtle back) then the last suit is a shichibu munewari (seven tenths).
    3 points
  23. i entered the top part last month now i am entering the bottom part. done by jeff gogue. sorry for the blurry pic and this pic was taken the day after so it wasnt "fresh"
    3 points
  24. Here is my back-piece from @Stewart Robson Started - 11/25/2011 Completed - 11/24/2013 The tattoo has 78 hours in total.
    3 points
  25. ironchef

    Tattooed in Tehran

    Tattooed in Tehran - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
    2 points
  26. Iwar

    Hoping to learn

    You must not have spent much time here before starting this thread @tkl13
    2 points
  27. Graeme

    Hoping to learn

    That is disgusting and makes me sick to my stomach. I'm not sure who is stupider, you or your friend.
    2 points
  28. Fala

    Hoping to learn

    I feel like this is saying something akin to, "I know I'd be the most awesome chef in the world, better than Ferran Adria, if only someone would let me into 3 Michelin Star kitchen and teach me how to use the tools. I know how to boil water and make toast, so I know I'll be awesome."
    2 points
  29. tatB

    Hoping to learn

    Go out and get good tattoos.
    2 points
  30. irezumi

    Japanese Ghosts

    Gomineko is the treasure trove
    2 points
  31. KarenRoze

    hello friends

    This is Karen Roze. I have been tattooing since 1993. I own Sacred Rose Tattoo in Berkeley and Albany. I am terrible at the internet so excuse me. I have already been flagged by just trying to say hello in my first post! Ha Ha
    2 points
  32. Believe it or not, these beautiful beads (and the butterfly) were done by Stuart Cripwell a few years back. Not his usual style!
    2 points
  33. Mom, she doesn't care for them at all but doesn't get pushy at all. We work together now so occasionally discuss tattoos I like. I make no attempt to cover around her and my step dad at all, even at work. My step dad is always amazed when I get a tattoo, not in a bad way but you can smell the brain cells burning trying wrap his mind around them and the size. Dad, we've never really spoken of mine. Even while is was there over thanksgiving. I know he's seen them(some of them), but never brings it up. He leans a little toward liberal and his main concern is that my family and I are healthy and gainfully employed. I've not given a shit what anyone thinks in a long time, I don't ask for permission or acceptance for anything, but if I know someone doesn't care for or about tattoos I don't flaunt or rub their face in them. It's respect IMO and it goes both ways.
    2 points
  34. Ray Bartley

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Really excited to say I just booked in for the full "turtle shell" back piece with Aaron Bell. Getting a western traditional lion. Starting around a year from now!
    2 points
  35. hogg


    Ha! Shredders is where my buddy/coworker scored a rad black metal snowman/burning church sweater. @cltattooing, now you know.
    2 points
  36. hogg

    hello friends

    Welcome, Karen! I just saw your other post and approved it. It got "detained" temporarily because there was a link in it, but I know you're not here to spam us. You've given a lot of great artists a start and have tattooed tons of my friends, too. Thanks for posting.
    2 points
  37. Big Brent from Mastodon has your answer !
    2 points
  38. HaydenRose


    21 Vintage Postcards Of Krampus That Will Haunt Your Dreams Pretty fucked up... But it could make for some killer tattoos.
    1 point
  39. Duffa

    Preferred tebori styles

    You would be correct good sir
    1 point
  40. Very beautiful. I was starting to think I was the only one who still loved simplistic traditional Japanese. Seems to be more love for this neo modern stuff. Don't get me wrong I can appreciate the skill of people like Shige ect, but it just don't look right to me. Mini rant over :p
    1 point
  41. Iwar

    Full Back Piece Thread

    That's coming along great @Cork! And a 5 hour sitting on your back isn't bad. Shit hurts, and it looks like you hit some really tough spots that session.
    1 point
  42. ironchef

    Full Back Piece Thread

    @Cork I knew that was you on Dana's Instagram feed!!!! Looks KILLER!!! Nice that you got color started too!!!
    1 point
  43. @keepcalm I should add that even though my dad will never accept my tattoos, he still loves me and is proud of me. Your parents can dislike a certain choice you made but still love you!
    1 point
  44. Libby1959

    G'day from DownUnder

    Hi else, Thanks for the info. As as newbie, not really sure how it works. Last (and first) time, I just showed them exactly what I wanted, and thought that's what you do. But then I guess they are the artist (definitely not me) and know how to make the best looking tattoo.
    1 point
  45. Give that man a prize!
    1 point
  46. got this today from justin hyde my cousin got this one from him
    1 point
  47. I had my smokey flower tattoo redone by a world class artist but in a slight colour variation. I got the picture from the internet so I was not angry but I was surprised that another world class artist would do the same tattoo albeit slightly different knowing that my tattoo was out there and by another world class artist. I just didn't think that one of the artists that could pull it off would bother doing it. I think I would feel differently if my custom back piece was copied and I think all custom tattoos should never be touched by another artist. Obviously this will never happen. I was in a studio the other week and a customer brought in that Niki Norberg sleeve picture and asked one of the artists to copy it. Don't understand why someone would want someone else s tattoo (not talking about flash here) lol When he left I asked the artist will he do it and he said he hates it but it pays the bills. Here is my tattoo and the part that was redone :) They do say that copying is the sincerest form of flattery :) He did do an amazing job though!
    1 point
  48. Cork

    Some of the worst ever.

    I'm just going to leave this here. imgur: the simple image sharer
    1 point
  49. This is what went on yesterday at Memoir w/Kim on my raven/roses/jewels arm. I am in love with it!
    1 point
  50. @hogg @slayer9019 I didn't say anything out of respect for the guys at the shop and because it isn't something that I was ready to advertise. Right now I just work there and do anything that anyone wants me to. I am basically the shop bitch. The understanding with everyone is that if they feel comfortable with me and feel like I have earned being there, they may offer me an apprenticeship. I don't know how far off that is, nor do I care. I do everything I can to help everyone who walks in and everyone who works there. Right now, the opportunity to learn to tattoo is secondary and my responsibility to the guys at the shop and the customers is first. I intend to protect and cherish the tattoo world I have come to love. I believe the way to do that is not to expect handouts or free information. Everything is earned and I want to earn anything I get.
    1 point
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