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Plainskins say the darndest things...


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guy wearing tattoo sleeves, saw my arm and was telling his buddies, that his didn't hurt to get..

pull on ones like this...


i mean, srsly, who wears these things???

The only time I ever actually see people wearing these things is as some sort of fancy dress. If it is someone that knows I have tattoos then this often results in them asking, tongue in cheek, "Do you like my tattoos?" What do you want me to say to that... I mean really? It's a stretchy bit of fabric with poorly drawn designs on... It's about the same as asking if your fake water transfer tattoos are cool... I can only shake my head and chuckle at it.

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I wore those sleeves one year for Halloween when I had to come up with a super last minute costume for work. Bought those at a dollar store, threw on a metal band shirt, put some safety pins through my pants, and I was some kind of metal/emo/goth whatever (too lazy to make any kind of distinction through more detailed accessories). Some people at work thought the sleeves were real. Yeah, I got 2 full sleeves done and healed within a day. :confused:

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Things people say to us about our tattoos have been mentioned in many threads, but I thought it might be fun to read quick snippets of what people say all in one place. We were just on a 2 week trip visiting family in MA & CT. We swung by Custom Cobra while in MA, nice shop but we didn't get any tattoos. Here are a couple one liners from the trip:

MIL to hubby, "You're thinking of getting another one?"

That struck me as funny because of the word one.

FIL to hubby during same conversation, "You know what they say...sometimes less is more!"

My friend's little 5-year-old son saw my arm and was impressed with the tiger (his favorite animal) but still said, "You're gonna be sorry." My friend told me he got that from his uncle. I set him straight.

Friend of my husband's family saw my sleeve and asked, "Is that a real tattoo?"

None of the comments were mean-spirited and I'm not easily offended, they were just kind of funny to me.

I have found over the years that bonehead macho asshole guys seem to think that because I have tattoos that I am good at & like to get in physical confrontations,well,I hate getting in physical fights & I really suck at it anyway,I'm a peace loving man, not a fighter,but because I have tattoos some idiots seems to think I'm a tough guy boxer MMA fighter. LOL

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I have found over the years that bonehead macho asshole guys seem to think that because I have tattoos that I am good at & like to get in physical confrontations,well,I hate getting in physical fights & I really suck at it anyway,I'm a peace loving man, not a fighter,but because I have tattoos some idiots seems to think I'm a tough guy boxer MMA fighter. LOL

Wait, so if you didn't get tattoos so people would think you were tough, then... why?

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Wait, so if you didn't get tattoos so people would think you were tough, then... why?

LOL what ? no, I said some guys I meet seem to think that guys WITH tattoos are tough guys.


I have found over the years that bonehead macho asshole guys seem to think that because I have tattoos that I am good at & like to get in physical confrontations,well,I hate getting in physical fights & I really suck at it anyway,I'm a peace loving man, not a fighter,but because I have tattoos some idiots seems to think I'm a tough guy boxer MMA fighter. LOL
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LOL what ? no,all I said was some guys I meet seem to think that guys WITH tattoos are tough guys.


I was making a joke by suggesting that the only reason someone would get tattoos is to appear tough, and therefore it should be a good thing that people think you are tough because of your tattoos.

Admittedly, these types of jokes don't work well through text (in fact, I've found that even in person people often don't catch my sarcasm).

If we really wanted to look tough, we'd be getting shitty tattoos that nobody would bother us about (mayber because they would feel threatened). Instead, like an idiot, I just have to go out and get tattooed by good artists, and then I get old ladies bothering me about them in grocery stores and shit.

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Here is a comment that left me speechless. Not because it was a dumb comment but because it made a lot of sense and it made me think.

"Why are you getting a back piece? Wouldn't it make more sense to get a front piece so you can see it easier?"

I eventually said I plan on getting a front piece too, but its funny that most people get back pieces before front pieces. Is this because there is a Japanese tradition for the proper sequence to get a body suit? Or is it because getting your torso tattooed is the least fun so everyone waits until the end to get it done?

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Here is a comment that left me speechless. Not because it was a dumb comment but because it made a lot of sense and it made me think.

"Why are you getting a back piece? Wouldn't it make more sense to get a front piece so you can see it easier?"

I eventually said I plan on getting a front piece too, but its funny that most people get back pieces before front pieces. Is this because there is a Japanese tradition for the proper sequence to get a body suit? Or is it because getting your torso tattooed is the least fun so everyone waits until the end to get it done?

I think it's probably the latter lol

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I've only had my tattoo for three days...

Last night was the first time I went anywhere with it showing. Stopped into McD's on my way to a friend's house.

Younger kid, maybe 15-16 with his dad was in line behind me. I heard him comment that "it says 'Join, or Die'..." as he stood peaking out from behind his dad. LOL

I'm sure it didn't help my appearance that I was also openly carrying my pistol (as usual) and wearing a shirt that said "Keep Calm and Return Fire".


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This happened in Subway about a month ago. Some inebriated guy came up to me as I was ordering: "Woah' date=' look at your tattoos...your sleeves...you look dynamite! Can I lick your arms? I want them on my tongue!" I said maybe another time and he gave me a high five and left! Hahahah[/quote']

Now THAT is funny! Would have made a great YouTube video!!

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I work with mentally ill adults. One of the...not so friendly ones made some comments a couple days ago. He asked "What are you going to do when you get tired of them?" and informed me "God made you that way for a reason, why would you want to change that?" If God didn't want us to alter ourselves, he wouldn't have made skin as malleable as it is... :p

The other night one of my co workers asked me some questions I seriously could not believe anyone thought could be true: do certain colors cost more, can they tattoo trademarked images, and do they charge by the line. Wow.

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I work with mentally ill adults. One of the...not so friendly ones made some comments a couple days ago. He asked "What are you going to do when you get tired of them?" and informed me "God made you that way for a reason, why would you want to change that?" If God didn't want us to alter ourselves, he wouldn't have made skin as malleable as it is... :p

The other night one of my co workers asked me some questions I seriously could not believe anyone thought could be true: do certain colors cost more, can they tattoo trademarked images, and do they charge by the line. Wow.

About the co-workers... these people vote and sit on juries... scary....


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I work with mentally ill adults. One of the...not so friendly ones made some comments a couple days ago. He asked "What are you going to do when you get tired of them?" and informed me "God made you that way for a reason' date=' why would you want to change that?" If God didn't want us to alter ourselves, he wouldn't have made skin as malleable as it is... :p The other night one of my co workers asked me some questions I seriously could not believe anyone thought could be true: do certain colors cost more, can they tattoo trademarked images, and do they charge by the line. Wow.[/quote']

Nice, I had a young kid working a drive through window at a Hardee's ask if colors, red in particular hurt more.. I guess if color costs more it should hurt more too..

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When would you say the plainskin term ceases to be relevant for any individual tattooed person? Is it the first professional tattoo? I've heard some pretty whacky stuff from tattooed people, but they were mostly tattooed by scratchers and the like. I've even been guilty of some ignorance about tattoos, and I have nine of them, but I think once someone gets the general notion of a good tattoo down, the ignorance is mostly about things that are kept as trade secrets and such.

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I get a lot of "did that hurt" sometimes i tell the truth and sometimes im a smart ass, and say "no not at all" rolls eyes, idiot. LOL Yes it hurt, i had tons of tiny needles going in and out of my skin for hours on end, of course it hurt! I got a new one last night "did you cry" umm no. "how big is it" my whole back.. "really?!" yes really "can i touch it".. uhh noo .. then they proceed to touch me anyway... "can i see it" no, i dont typically take off my clothes for strangers in public places.. most people dont offend me except i had one lady just come up behind me and start moving straps on my shirt with out asking to look at my work -- ugh tattooed people problems. Maybe im a prude, but just because i have tattoos doesnt mean im going to strip down naked for you, whom ive never seen in my life. - i guess this turned into more of a rant, haha

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On a positive note, I was getting my flu shot the other day and this woman in line behind me was like, "Oh my GOD, you have to see her tattoo!" She calls her husband or friend or whoever over and said, "Well I want one like that!" Then the guy giving the shot also complimented it. It was my tiger on my left arm.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I live in a very conversative country where 90% of population is catholic.I get stared alot and hear people whisper behind my back while I commute to work how I ruined myself but rarely to my face.I do get irked often and turn around and tell them off.There is good days and there are bad ones and I never regretted getting tattooed.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

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