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Repeating Tattoos?

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Just a bit of a random question here, I was wondering if any of you find yourselves getting more than one of any given design? Meaning do you find you have lots of skulls, or lots of animals, or daggers etc.

I have just been perving on tattoos, and while the few that I do have are nothing alike ( 7 butterflies on hip, stars n kids initials on back, pipes on arm, heart and daggers on sternum) , I do see myself ending up with lots of skulls and animals.

Feel free to share pictures too :)


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what do you have your skulls paired with @oboogie ? Or are some alone? I love skulls (tattoo form or otherwise, we have a kangaroo and a fox skull, did have a sheep but it went. I also have skulls on clothing, in earring form. )

what birds do you have?


Edit: nice birds! :) thanks for posting pics

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oooh photos @MadeIndelible ? I really hate clowns, and I would never get a clown tattoo so I'm gonna say that's pretty ballsy of you to get a tattoo of something you fear so much! (I get that tattoos and the real deal aren't the same, but still, you get my point right?)

yeah I would imagine roses or flowers in general would become repeated. can never have too many roses :)

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I'm far from heavily tattooed but I have a couple repeats already:

2 skulls - one traditional, one more neotraditional...and attached to a skeleton
2 roses - both traditional, one red, one pink

I know I'm getting another skull at some point, and I'd like to get a tiger some day (then I'll have repeating big cats). I'm sure I'll end up with another rose or two. I have a butterfly and I'll probably get another at some point.

I worry about putting similar things too close together (ie: I won't get a tiger next to my panther), but that's just me being particular. Otherwise, I like getting a couple different versions of the same things and seeing different artists' takes on similar subject matter.

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Ron Wells 2011/2012


Carolyn Le Bourgeois  (@cltattooing) 2014, picture taken today


Nick Colella 2011, picture taken today


Some of my favorite tattoos, still. The knee ditch was hell, but other than that, I had really positive experiences for all three. Sorry about the photo quality on these, as all I have to take photos with is my iPhone 4. 

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