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slang terms that make you cringe?


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as an observation to slang and/or jargon, it used to be a way of communication that allowed you to identify "like minded" individuals and had a relevance to creating something outside of the mainstream. now as mass culture becomes a giant homogenized cluster of what people think is cool and rebellious is just the newest marketing trend. everyone has t-shirts with swirly designs and crosses that are purposely mis-printed and faded to imply that its somehow unique and different. i swear i've seen dudes who are old enough to have grand kids wearing these things. too many people are trying to invent cool new phrases to try and push out beyond this influx of mass coolness. its just a matter of time before people start adding "zilla" or "shiz" to things and saying phrases like "that dude is an inkzilla" or mashing together other overused catchy sounding words. so just remember, all the cool folks are the ones that aren't trying to be anything other than themselves.

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so just remember, all the cool folks are the ones that aren't trying to be anything other than themselves.

True statements, especially this one. Like dudes who get chest to chest like they're gonna fight, talking about how they're gonna fuck each other up. But if they were actually hard, they'da just laid the other guy out.

If you're tough, there's no need to talk about how tough you are.

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Hey did you ever get any submissions for your blog entry asking for some squid pants drawings? Can we see them?

hah. I didn't want squid pants drawn, just something so I could make stickers.

I had a few people get back to me, but nothing has come of it. That's the lament of the blogger- those who can, draw. Those who can't, blog.

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I have a friend who has been saying"getting burned on" for years when referring to getting work done.

This doesnt make me cringe but wondered if it did to some of you

I mean it does feel like burning in some spots.....

I would laugh in someone's face if they said that to me though!

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speaking of scratchers and slang, i had a guy come in a few weeks back that said he does tattoo parties and rambled on for awhile rattling off all kinds of terrible slang and then as he was leaving he told me his name and i quote "oh so tatted". it literally took me a few minutes after he left to figure out that was what he had said because my brain kept trying to make it into some type of real name.

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not exactly slang, but i was reminded over the weekend that it's pretty annoying when i'm at a party or club or somewhere where there are drunk people, and someone comes up out of nowhere and touches your tattoo and asks "omg are those real?!" while i was in the middle of a conversation with someone else.

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The thing I hate is when I am in a public place with my son and someone asks me "when he is going to get his first tattoo?, ha ha!!!!! I want to be like wow you should try out for that redneck comedy tour you mouth breathing piece of shit, but i digress.

No shit!

My sons are 21 and 18 and so far no tattoos. Maybe they want to be different than their dad.

At this point I think its cool when I see people of a certain age who have no tattoos.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Freestyle..the worst. Im not sure if anyone else has experience with this word or if it is a southern thing. Thrown around with other lovely terms like gunz and " I gotz this one from my boyz house". So people come in asking who the best freestyle artist is or if you can do some freestyle on them. Usually gets a lot of blank looks from everyone, then they proceed to say "yeah just do whatever you want, make it cool". Which is usually followed up with "dem gunz expensive"?

freestyle...ummm no.

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yikes, now I feel I have to self-censor all my posts.

I have commented to people "nice work" or "where did you get your work done"

I say I have a half-sleeve and I do call it "ink"

I'm very glad I just read this entire thread... I am going to adjust my personal dictionary now, well not really

@JAllen I agree with you 100% I have been calling it "the quest for cool" for a long time. I preach it to my students daily. If you are trying to be cool you will never be cool, just be you.

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the usual, day to day, joe shmoe while im waiting inline at the grocery store who says "nice tats, who did em? heres mine my buddy drilled this out in 8 hours, sick huh?" and its some shitty prison scribble that realistically should have taken an hour, an dnow probably has hepatitis

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Collector is a shitty term. And it has always had that high-falutin' tone but Robin, as an apparently similar non-tatooer who gets more tattoos than a one-or-two-tattoo-haver, I am right there with you. Though your ANGER today is throwing me off.

I'd also like to think that most folks who get tattooed a lot are savvy/respectful enough to understand how a shop works and NOT scoff at walk-ins and be helpful and understanding. I could be alone in this one as a tattoo-getter, but I enjoy helping out, picking up the phone if no one can get to it, talking to customers at the shop if someone comes in.

This is all to say, there is a huge middle ground here for a lot of folks that I'm surprised doesn't exist for others. Mario, I hope you don't get too many "regulars" who shrug off walk-ins!

While reading this thread, I am not offended at all, by the term "collector"... isn't that what we're doing?... "collecting tattoos"? I think it sounds a lot better than "tattoo-getter". No offense, gougetheeyes.

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well. I have now read the entire thread. It just seems to me that there are a lot of terms and slang out there, and some people are offended, and others don't mind the various terms. Apparently it just depends on what part of the country/world you're from, and what your personal life experiences are. If I am in a conversation with other tattoo enthusiasts, I will use whatever terms I am personally comfortable with, but when discover what terms make my friend uncomfortable, I will refrain from using.

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