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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/2014 in all areas

  1. Soooo, I was trying to take an all-things-tattoo-hiatus until October but the boys were getting tattooed so I thought "Oh, I'll just get a little gap filler from Paul" (like I did the previous day with Bryan Randolph)...and this happened. No really, I can stop whenever I want... Paul Anthony Dobleman - Spider Murphy's Tattoo, San Rafael, CA
    12 points
  2. Thrown me sides & a leg in, not me back yet I think. Anyway, back tattooed by CP, Brisbane Australia. Cheers.
    9 points
  3. TrixieFaux

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Yes, so this happened! LST meet-up!!! Unfortunately Lance went back to JANM before Stella took our picture. I don't want to ruin @hogg's tough guy ban hammer reputation or anything, but what a great guy! Lance, too--but we already knew that. Great to see those tattoos in person, too.
    8 points
  4. So Chad finished my back recently. Here it is.
    6 points
  5. Social media being what it is, my mom saw a picture of the outline of my backpiece and while she wasn't as upset as I expected her to be (she doesn't like that I get tattoos, but she seems to respect that I get them because I like them), she wanted to know that this would be my last tattoo...but after a certain point what does it even matter?
    5 points
  6. This particular shit is ALWAYS real! :cool:
    4 points
  7. Started "dating" someone. She was leaving for a month long Bali-trip the following week so we made the most of it, met ever day and shared beds for 4 nights. I'm surprised about how good something this new can feel. I'm a happy guy and I miss her now
    3 points
  8. CultExciter

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Ross is the epitome of a class act in person. I'm jelly I wasnt hanging with yall!
    3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. Thanks, guys! And a particular thanks to the folks who encouraged me to grab this appointment! I got lucky with the win because everything this month is great. Laughing at "little" though - I'm 5'2" so there's not a lot of tattooing space!
    3 points
  11. @beez I thought Matt Deverson did an incredible job of place my snake skull chrysanthemum on my leg. I really really liked that about him though, it was one of the reasons I chose him to do my more visible part of my leg, He seems to have a natural eye for placement. And yes the Geisha Spider is gonna be dope, Ive given Matt (Dr. Claw full artistic liberty, so I know it'll be bad ass. Your quite the beast getting that much work done in such a short span of time. I don't think I could handle that. After a long sitting I need a week of break to gather myself back up. As goes pain referral leg are very strange. Ive got most of my butt done and god damn it sucked, One of the worst Ive done yet. @Eilin that is a wonderful piece, Not my style but solid work. It always amazes my when somebody can transcend a style with the quality of their work Heres a pic of Matt (Dr Claws) work so far Matt Deverson's piece and my wifes arm with work by Deverson also And finally a little sumthin sumthin by the boss man himself Bill Slamon
    3 points
  12. So here's my super awesome lady head by Kim Anh Nguyen, done at the Montreal Convention last year.
    3 points
  13. Eilin

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Here's a healed picture of my back piece by Valerie Vargas at Frithstreet tattoo :)
    3 points
  14. idyllsend

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I think I'll be heading down to The Okey Doke in Toronto next Sunday to get a snake n dagger walk-in with Franz. Just gotta figure out how early I should get there to make sure I get in with him.
    2 points
  15. "Rutting unicorns and a lunar landscape" is a killer tattoo idea.
    2 points
  16. Pretty bad article. It seems like he is going out of his way to create a conflict between people who have tattoos and people who don't. There are way too many people here in Minneapolis with tattoos and without tattoos to divide along those lines. I still prefer to create the divide lines more like "people who are assholes vs people who are not assholes" and this writer makes it pretty clear which side of that cultural divide he resides on.
    2 points
  17. hogg

    Upcoming Tattoos

    @DJDeepFried, @TrixieFaux, and @Lance totally made my day. So did Horisuzu, but I'll post about that in another thread.
    2 points
  18. @KBeee. Of course we can stop, sort of. We just choose not to eh ? ?
    2 points
  19. Finally finished this backpiece by Valerie Vargas at FST :)
    2 points
  20. I'm gonna submit the smallest tattoo to win the monthly contest (ok, not really, that back, gahhhh)! RAT HEADS GET NOTHIN' BUT CHEESE Y'ALL, done by Cody Miller at Blackheart. Photo pilfered from his Instagram.
    2 points
  21. beez

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Hi guys!! For those who have not seen on Instagram, I was a dumbass and scheduled three days of getting zapped on my last trip to SF. That shit is hard on the body!!!!! @cltattooing made an awesome stabby skull for me, and then we hung out w @CABS, who is an alright type of guy (understatement of the season!). Junii added color to my froggy, some shading and background and outlined a peony on my thigh. We started the first snake! Matt (dr claw) started on my serene butt snake. Shad will be starting the mean back snake in October, and Junii is doing the thigh snake (I think?!) I was not the only one getting my butt drilled (word choice?) in the shop that day. I had the pleasure of watching Drew Flores begin one of the backpieces that is part of the 108 heroes of LA project. How cool is that?!? Also @petiloi was in the shop getting some work done by Bill Salmon. Hi!!! I did not identify myself bc, you know, tattoos. But it was cool anyway! Pics attached. Warning: Butt ahead!! (Nice asp, I know. Tips hat to @CultExciter for that one).
    2 points
  22. Every now and then I come across an inane article with new and amusing statements about the same old stereotypes; an article that could be worthy of a chuckle or an eye-roll, but certainly not its own thread. Why do we really get tattoos? A theory. [subtitled] How common are tattoos? Too common. Then after trashing tattoos for various inane and unsupported reasons, he attempts to cool-ify himself by sporting an Ed Hardy T-shirt and then bitching that he's being dissed by fashion insiders for wearing it. Accordion? O_o?
    1 point
  23. I'll throw my hat in the ring. Kevin Marr owner of Godspeed tattoo in San Mateo ca. We are getting close
    1 point
  24. Mick Weder

    Upcoming Tattoos

    ^ [emoji106] Seeing I can't like via tapatalk.
    1 point
  25. BrookR70


    Ducati Multistrada on Mulholland Drive.
    1 point
  26. I agree with everything exume said. Also I would add, in my experience "all day" just means as long as it takes basically. They know they can devote as much time as needed to coming to the right image, and applying it, without worrying about the next appointment. Could take 3 hours, 6 hours, etc. That's my experience at least, if that makes any sense.
    1 point
  27. Holy shit, what an incredible month this has been! Big thanks to everyone who submitted. The winner of July is @polliwog for this fantastic tattoo by the great Chad Koeplinger. Congrats!! Please PM @steve1461686340 with your shirt info (size and male or female) along with your address. New contest will be up shortly!
    1 point
  28. By Jason McAfee at Temple Tattoo. Oakland, CA. B&G arm is almost done. Got a couple more gaps to fill. So stoked.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Just got word one of the boys is returning home to Australia after over 12 months in Canada. Viewing a beautiful 2013 Road King for him this Sunday, and if this motorcycle is good as it reads and looks in the pictures, we'll have the brother stepping off the plane, straight back onto two wheels and riding again in 3 weeks on a welcome home 2 day run. Sandy beaches, open fires & away from the city lights..again. Happy days.
    1 point
  31. idyllsend


    Dragon by the dude who's doing my dragon back piece, Evan Dowdell.
    1 point
  32. We Can't Help You without Knowing the Quality of the Work. good Luck.
    1 point
  33. Started my ribs/the rest of my leg with Dave Cummings. I'll be in Montreal every two months to get this sucker done. Super stoked.
    1 point
  34. MikeL

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Last session in last night, minus an upcoming touch up session. Mike
    1 point
  35. Dumpleton

    How about an art show?

    Really good! @Graeme Well done. Couple of my latest efforts Worked with Jake Arnett on this sheet, In my opinion his paint and tattoo work is so good, It was an honour he wanted to paint a sheet with me. This sheet will be hanging up in my house before to long.
    1 point
  36. Aidan Metayer


    Mine's real old school, this is how motorcycles got started!
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. hogg

    Face/Head Tattoo

    Slightly off-topic, but is "bikie" actually strine slang for "biker"? Because that is adorable. Also, I'm with @Mick Weder when it comes to hands and neck tattoos. Not to sound like an old guy (too late!), but there used to be rules to this shit.
    1 point
  39. NateJ

    Eagle Tattoo By Phil Hatchet Yau

    Eagle tattoo done by Phil Hatchet Yau
    1 point
  40. Lance

    The ladies thread

    @TrixieFaux, Horitomo! Horitomo! Horitomo! Can't wait to see it.
    1 point
  41. TrixieFaux

    The ladies thread

    Ok I took the freakin' thing. I got 7 too! But... Hell yeah I LOVE brunch. And bagels. Why is that on there? What's not to love about those two things? I married a nice Jewish boy. Bagels are a way of life over here. :D Actually, a ton of those things reminded me of a younger co-worker of mine who I actually love. She would probably check off 100 of those things but I don't care because she is fun and one of the few with a good sense of humor that I work with so whatever. Think I may have to start talking about Chipotle more but start calling it Chipot because that shit was funny.
    1 point
  42. gougetheeyes

    The ladies thread

    I think you mean those Basic Bitches.. (Yes, I learned a new slang term recently. That is so.. so apt.)
    1 point
  43. SeeSea

    The ladies thread

    DAMN, woman! Thump thump. Damn straight!
    1 point
  44. HaydenRose

    The ladies thread

    I have yet to hear an older woman with badass tattoos state that she regrets them. Therefore, I don't bother with this uninformed BS. If someone with tattoos done by a reputable, professional tattooer told me she regretted getting tattooed and sat me down and explained why, I would listen and consider her reasons. But those "plainskinned" bitches better shut the hell up about MY body and MY choices...
    1 point
  45. That tattoos can give you STDs! I just saw this on a tattooist's website. "Tattooing carries a risk of STDs and other nasty things infecting you, and you wouldn’t want to catch any of those." If you're getting sexually transmitted diseases from a tattooist, it's not the needle they're sticking you with.
    1 point
  46. "I want a sleeve. You know, clouds and stars and shit." So we did a painting of a sleeve of clouds and stars and....shit. Actual turds, with bits of corn in them and everything. Strangely enough people start to get a bit more specific when we whip it out. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  47. With all the recent Pharaoh's Horses talk I thought I'd share mine. Done by Grez at the Bay Area Tattoo Convention.
    1 point
  48. Paris Tattoos

    2010 Debut Hummingbird

    Paris Pierides of Paris Tattoos in Charlotte Nc
    1 point
  49. haha, no way! this girl was an engineering major. i suppose the triforce could be a simplified version of it. i've gotten to do quite a few triforce/zelda tattoos, actually tomorrow i'm doing a link tattoo on a guy who i put a ganondorf on last year. i'm actually surprised at just how many zelda tattoos i do each year.
    1 point
  50. RockelMan


    This is my Wyvern I got about 10 years ago. I am trying to figure out a sweet background for this. If anyone has any ideas they wish to throw my way please feel free. The Artist was Mack form ExpressU tattoo.
    1 point
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