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Latest tattoo lowdown.....


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I think my ridiculous run of tattooing is at an end. After months and months of getting work done, I am getting very close to my wedding and my attention must surely turn towards this most important day. My love would like very much if I wasn't taped up, or wounded, or healing as we head into the home stretch. I am certain she is right. So, I had a couple of little filler tattoos done to largely finish up my right arm sleeve. Look for the dice and the flower above them. It has been a great experience, made all the better by being able to share my tattooing with the great folks here at LST. But, come August, work begins on my collar.

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About 7 weeks ago, I got my first tattoo, which was the words "Love will tear us apart again" written down the centre of my forearm. Almost four weeks ago I got my second tattoo, the reading of the first discovered pulsar, also the cover of Joy Division's "Unknown Pleasures," completing the piece.

A little background on the piece: when I was 16, quite a few serious events unfolded in my life. I was a foster child at the time, and I had some mental health issues that resulted in me being volleyed about from hospital to hospital as psychiatrists picked apart my brain and my behavioural problems. At some point I ended up at a hospital in up-state New York, where I saw the movie "Donnie Darko" for the first time. To cut the story down to size, I identified with the movie. One song in it particularly caught me: Joy Division's "Love Will Tear Us Apart." I listened to it daily. Fast forward a year, give or take, and while living in a group home, one of the boys I lived with gave me the "Unknown Pleasures" CD for Secret Santa. He never got the help he needed, or the family he needed, and wasn't as fortunate as I was. So while this piece is also a tribute to one of my favourite bands, it is mainly a reminder of a time in my life, and of how lucky I am.


I've already had several kids in big glasses and flannel come up to me in New York and complain that "Love Will Tear Us Apart" isn't on "Unknown Pleasures." Having to deal with them is probably my only regret about this tattoo.

EDIT: Sorry about the huge pictures. Is there any way to resize them so they don't punch everyone in the face with how big they are?

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I am new here, but I wanted to state that this is a great site. I appreciate having a place to go. I have been a tattoo publisher for the past 2 years. I just started a blog on them. Most of my work is at Hubpages. I was wondering if there is a special software out there to create stencils? Possibly a website?


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After five months or so of getting tattooed at a more or less sane pace, this month I seem to be returning to full-on insanity. Filled in the gaps on my chest with a pair of butterflies yesterday by Robert Ryan--I really love my tattoos from him, and I love going out to Electric, even if it means braving New Jersey transit.


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After five months or so of getting tattooed at a more or less sane pace, this month I seem to be returning to full-on insanity. Filled in the gaps on my chest with a pair of butterflies yesterday by Robert Ryan--I really love my tattoos from him, and I love going out to Electric, even if it means braving New Jersey transit.


I genuinely love that your "more or less sane pace" involves flying to NYC every few weeks, because I can relate. And I love that tattoo.

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I started a 7/10 sleeve and chest panel with Martin Lacasse about three weeks ago at Olde City. It's a samurai piece based on the Yoshitoshi print below and what he drew up floored me. He did all the line work(a lot) in about 3.5 hours for the first sitting and we just did the first shading session Friday. If I had the money I'd go every couple of days because I'm fiending to see what this looks like completed.


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