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Tattoo Nightmare!


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Ok lastnight I had a nasty dream!

I dreamt that my tattoos starting fading and slipping of my skin.

Worried I went and searched for Dmitriy to tell him what was happening to my sleeve. I kept saying to him how can I save the tattoo but he doesn't speak English so we hunted for his wife who does lol

Found his wife and she said Dmitriy would try and redo the tattoo but it would never be the same as the original.

Then my other tattoos started doing the same, I am in panic in my dream now, so for some reason I go and find Robert Hernandez and Victor Portugal sitting in some weird round house.

I ask them why the fuck my tattoos are disappearing and they say to me the pigment used in the ink was too small as I was quite big and the ink was seeping through and being taken away by my body.

They said I have to find ink with bigger pigments lol I woke up panicked, had to check my tattoos and was SO happy my ink was all intact lol

Is this a sign of my obsession or do others dream about their tattoos ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lucky I found this thread! The other night I had a dream I went to go get a tattoo with my sister. I don't remember what I asked for, but when it was down, it was a purple new school rabbit on my shin that faded to the right, which lead to a mermaid tattoo that looked like it was drawn by a child. No outlines, no black, choppy colors. I start freaking out on the tattoo artist and he told me you get what tattoos you deserve. I was screaming that he ruined my leg, who the fuck wants a hybrid rabbit/mermaid in two vastly different styles??!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a nightmare last night about missing my appointment that I have tomorrow and for the life of me I couldn't get ahold of the artist to let him know that I wasn't going to be able to make it. So I ended running to the shop and searching frantically for him and still not being able to find him. Everyone in the shop was like "dude that's messed up, you didn't even call man" and stuff to that effect haha. I woke up in a panic and scrambled for my phone so I could see what day and time it was.

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  • 4 months later...

I have to share my nightmare from the other night! It was awful! I always have the post tattoo nightmare that I wake up and the tattoo has vanished, but this one was a pre tattoo nightmare and was way worse! Basically, I went for my appointment with Rose Hardy and she showed me the design we talked about, went to do the piece, everything was fine... Then in one session she's done and I have two large pinup girls (but not sexy partially naked ones, more like ones dressed for winter in 1950s Russia... Weird). And the placement was strange... One on each inner leg from like mid thigh past my knee to about mid calf. So I was like, ummmm, what did you do to me??? And she was so nonchalant and like, oh I wanted to try these out and thought you wouldn't mind. And I just felt like an ass because I didn't speak up. And I told her I would t pay and she just laughed at me as she jumped on a plane back to New Zealand.

I was so relieved when I woke up the next morning :) what a weird dream ahhhhh!

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I had a tattoo healing nightmare the night after the first session on my back piece. I was being chased by a really slow-moving mob, but I couldn't run because every few steps my shirt would adhere to my back and I'd have to stop and very very gently pry it off before I could run again. Even in my sleep my priorities are fucked.

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I had a tattoo healing nightmare the night after the first session on my back piece. I was being chased by a really slow-moving mob, but I couldn't run because every few steps my shirt would adhere to my back and I'd have to stop and very very gently pry it off before I could run again. Even in my sleep my priorities are fucked.

That's why you gotta rewrap!

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Just had one of these last night.

Had a dream my tattoo kept peeling, even though it's been healed for a while.

And each time I peeled it, it became shittier and shittier and went from traditional to color realism that looked like it had been faded for 10 years.

Hahaha!! That's effing hilarious!!! I would be so upset. Dreams are a trip, eh...

I've had nightmares that involved tattoos, but never one where the tattoo was the subject of stress. And I've actually never had a dream about working... kind of odd. I'd share the other tattoo dreams, but I'll keep the thread on topic unless we wanna lump the dreams together here.

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  • 1 year later...

I've just had a dream for the second time. I'm going around London on a bus, going to the well known shops we all know of. Except they aren't in the same place, they look completely different, and none of the same people work there. So I then get back on the bus and go to another one, and the same thing happens.

I remember another dream from ages ago, I think it was that I was booked in with someone who I've been tattooed by, at somewhere they work.. Except again it was a totally different city than the shop's actually in, and it looked different, etc.. Anyway, I showed up, said I had an appointment with said person, they said he wasn't there, but someone else would do it.

I said "no thanks" but they forced me to get it, I can't remember what the tattoo was, but it seemed quite terrifying during the dream.

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I had the dream tonight where I was going to learn to make tattoos and I had a kit and everything ready. In my dream I had to do the first tattoo on myself but realized all the reasonable spots to start (reachable parts of my legs) where all ready covered with tattoos (as they are) so I began by going over them with really bad lines, just free styling random shapes. Horrible.

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not really a dream as such...


i tried to swat it away but it was stuck there somehow. i calmed down a bit when i realised it wasnt a spider, it was just a tattoo that looks nothing like a spider. probly a good idea for me to never ever get a spider tattoo.

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I had a dream where I was booked in with one of my favorite tattooers. I showed up to the appointement, he was a nice guy and everything seemed okay. But I could figure out what I wanted or where I wanted to be tattooed. The tattooer got a bit annoyed(understandably). I never decided, and didn't get a tattoo. Extremely frustrating.

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I too had a tattoo nightmare...last night in fact.

Myself and a crew of tattooed motherfuckers from LST were chopping heads off zombies (we've been watching a lot of Walking Dead lately...). I haven't met any of you in person so I only recognized your tattoos.

@Graeme and @Pugilist had this particularly deadly tag team strategy with battle axes lol

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Had my first tattoo nightmare last night. Dreamt that my boyfriend somehow got a tattoo machine, and I allowed him to tattoo some terrible tribal tribal and portrait work all over my hands and forearms. I then got so upset that I tried to scrub them off with steel wool...ouch.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had a dream tonight where I was escorting this girl whom I've never met before to get tattooed by my friend Iain in sort of a tour bus where his studio was (in the driving seat actually). On the way there I remembered that I had gotten a tattoo on my calf recently and looked down to see it. It was sort of a circus tent/monster/UFO in a spot where I actually all ready have a tattoo.

Problem for me was that it had colors (I only have black and gray work) So it looked sort of like a Stuart Cripwell tattoo with a lot of black, and just some moss green, yellow and red. I also noticed I had a red and electric blue Higgs druid and some other cloaked monstrosity in a red garb. That part of my leg is in reality all ready covered with tattoos but this didn't stop me from in the dream trying to figure out how I would handle this breach of my concept of only having black and gray tattoos. I figured I could cover the three tattoos with a huge black block of ink and then get designs in white over it. Or, I even said to the girl I was walking with in the dream, I would start adding color to all my present tattoos. Yikes!

In the dream I was sort of playing it cool "Ah.. well, it doesn't matter. I'll figure something out.." but I knew even in the dream that I really didn't want to have color in my tattoos.

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