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1 hour ago, Dan said:

so maybe that's why it's deserted here lately ,why shouldn't we welcome all these newbies ? won't they eventually hopefully turn into regular smarter about tattooing members ? as they learn when we tactfully and in a friendly manner try and answer their questions instead of being snarky,rude,or ignoring them ? so we can pass on our vast veteran knowledge to these people that will like I said,come here and learn,we have all asked stupid questions at one time or another and I'll guess you did too when you first started getting tattooed.

anyway,for me,I don't believe there are stupid questions,there are just questions.


so that's my .02

Hi Dan, this was meant to be a somewhat tongue in check post. Got a bunch of attention for a bit and gave me more laughs than I've had here in quite some time.

This is the age of the internet, where people ask questions without caring about the answers. In the past few weeks many new users of this forum have posted some really novel questions. I'll agree that there are no stupid questions, but there certainly are stupid people!

People are welcome to ask if applying butter and dog licks to a new tattoo is a good idea, but they had better not get offended or keep defending their position of ignorance when everyone who replies tells them why they're wrong. That is called learning, and a lot of new posters don't seem interested in experiencing it.

We the chosen ones on LST know that good tattoos may only be had in one or the other of the "two styles". So when we see anything else we are inclined to be down on it. People get easily offended when talking about art, which if we look at it, tattooing in essence is. So let's try to be nice to each other, but sometimes you just have to feed the troll.


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On September 15, 2016 at 1:17 PM, a_beukeveld said:

You could pretty much respond to any of these people's questions with "Talk to your tattooer", but that seems to be too difficult for them. 


That drives me crazy when someone wants to be spoon fed information that has already been discussed to death. Go do your research and then come back and ask some intelligent questions.

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I may just be looking at the site through rose coloured glasses this past week, but it seems to me people have been giving good and friendly information of late. Just today I think we may have saved a woman from an instagram white tattoo of doom.

Go team LST!

+1 for cat healing. Derm to cat licks = no scabs and no flakes!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I know I am not a LST veteran, but this seems the appropriate place to respond after reading this thread. 

The search feature is not perfect on this site (none are), I have tried it and recommend it regardless because it is a good step for someone getting familiar with this forum and newbies trying to avoid the Department of Redundancy Department... post fails. It is time-consuming for someone new, to become a LST Forum Historian or avoid repeating something talked about in one of 13,409 organically moving along posts, which spiders out into multi-topics, regardless of the thread start. So miss-steps are expected, I am sure I have done a few. Talking about the old days with nostalgia is wonderful, but we are here today and have the benefit of the old posts to refer to. This forum is wonderfully here in the now.

I have haunted this site for years, but was uninterested in participating because of the apparent cliquish nature the forum used to have, as well as the infighting, name calling and expected banhammer if you did not tow the party line of the in crowd, which I may have been wrong in my perceptions, but it was the reason I personally stayed clear. Please know that I mean no disrespect when I say this, I may have been wrong in my perception completely.  I believe that this Forum is evolving organically into its new thing and we all have a part to play. 

So as a newbie to this forum (and not new to Tattoos), and keeping my response in context to this thread, I ask that the veterans maybe, refer people to specific and I mean specific (line and verse, not just over there somewhere), instances of older post which answer questions from some other authoritative voices, paraphrase, or take what you know and the opportunity to give a fresh perspective on the topic, forged from experience and maturity, both on this forum and in the Tattoo Scene. What you posted 2 years ago may not be what you would post today, when asked the same question.

I really value all the information here and spend hours reading, when I can, to gain insight and laughs, but, if you are a veteran with memory of where the gold is on here, that can be brought out of the depths of 13,409 posts, then why not take the opportunity to be the guide when you feel like it and dust off the goods, if you can find it yourselves. 

Also Grammarly has a free program which checks your grammar, and spelling, before you post, so there will be less editing, after the fact (control Z does not work when the program is running so watch out, FYI). Just drop your text in the website before you post and your content will likely read better, or install it in your browser. I am using it cause I am a visual artist, not a writer, so I am trying to have what I am spending time writing, get across the way I intended. Does not always work, but worth the effort.    

I would like to thank all the ones who have stuck to this forum for years, you deserve a hats-off for sticking it through and you now have the opportunity to steer this thing is a positive direction. Let your memory and experience be a resource, which will likely be unappreciated by newbies, but a few will turn into veterans some day with the right environment and your input.  

Maybe fresh eyes, can glean some insight or take us to places we never thought of going yet.

Anywho...Go LST Forum!  

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3 hours ago, Charles.M said:

I know I am not a LST veteran, but this seems the appropriate place to respond after reading this thread. 

The search feature is not perfect on this site (none are), I have tried it and recommend it regardless because it is a good step for someone getting familiar with this forum and newbies trying to avoid the Department of Redundancy Department... post fails. It is time-consuming for someone new, to become a LST Forum Historian or avoid repeating something talked about in one of 13,409 organically moving along posts, which spiders out into multi-topics, regardless of the thread start. So miss-steps are expected, I am sure I have done a few. Talking about the old days with nostalgia is wonderful, but we are here today and have the benefit of the old posts to refer to. This forum is wonderfully here in the now.

I have haunted this site for years, but was uninterested in participating because of the apparent cliquish nature the forum used to have, as well as the infighting, name calling and expected banhammer if you did not tow the party line of the in crowd, which I may have been wrong in my perceptions, but it was the reason I personally stayed clear. Please know that I mean no disrespect when I say this, I may have been wrong in my perception completely.  I believe that this Forum is evolving organically into its new thing and we all have a part to play. 

So as a newbie to this forum (and not new to Tattoos), and keeping my response in context to this thread, I ask that the veterans maybe, refer people to specific and I mean specific (line and verse, not just over there somewhere), instances of older post which answer questions from some other authoritative voices, paraphrase, or take what you know and the opportunity to give a fresh perspective on the topic, forged from experience and maturity, both on this forum and in the Tattoo Scene. What you posted 2 years ago may not be what you would post today, when asked the same question.

I really value all the information here and spend hours reading, when I can, to gain insight and laughs, but, if you are a veteran with memory of where the gold is on here, that can be brought out of the depths of 13,409 posts, then why not take the opportunity to be the guide when you feel like it and dust off the goods, if you can find it yourselves. 

Also Grammarly has a free program which checks your grammar, and spelling, before you post, so there will be less editing, after the fact (control Z does not work when the program is running so watch out, FYI). Just drop your text in the website before you post and your content will likely read better, or install it in your browser. I am using it cause I am a visual artist, not a writer, so I am trying to have what I am spending time writing, get across the way I intended. Does not always work, but worth the effort.    

I would like to thank all the ones who have stuck to this forum for years, you deserve a hats-off for sticking it through and you now have the opportunity to steer this thing is a positive direction. Let your memory and experience be a resource, which will likely be unappreciated by newbies, but a few will turn into veterans some day with the right environment and your input.  

Maybe fresh eyes, can glean some insight or take us to places we never thought of going yet.

Anywho...Go LST Forum!  

I agree,some people here tend to get bent out of shape if somebody asks a question that has been asked before,well if it was asked a year or 2 ago,then things change in the world,so new POVs and opinions and products or styles ,etc,etc,is it really an issue ?

the mods here do a great job and unless they do something then great,if not then apparently the issue was no big deal,and multiple questions and new threads on topics that have been asked before,SO WHAT ! if there is a violation of rules then the mods are on it.

and BTW,google chrome does a great job of spell check as I type.(that is if I have my glasses on and I am paying attention LOL )

Edited by Dan
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3 hours ago, Charles.M said:

I know I am not a LST veteran, but this seems the appropriate place to respond after reading this thread. 

The search feature is not perfect on this site (none are), I have tried it and recommend it regardless because it is a good step for someone getting familiar with this forum and newbies trying to avoid the Department of Redundancy Department... post fails. It is time-consuming for someone new, to become a LST Forum Historian or avoid repeating something talked about in one of 13,409 organically moving along posts, which spiders out into multi-topics, regardless of the thread start. So miss-steps are expected, I am sure I have done a few. Talking about the old days with nostalgia is wonderful, but we are here today and have the benefit of the old posts to refer to. This forum is wonderfully here in the now.

I have haunted this site for years, but was uninterested in participating because of the apparent cliquish nature the forum used to have, as well as the infighting, name calling and expected banhammer if you did not tow the party line of the in crowd, which I may have been wrong in my perceptions, but it was the reason I personally stayed clear. Please know that I mean no disrespect when I say this, I may have been wrong in my perception completely.  I believe that this Forum is evolving organically into its new thing and we all have a part to play. 

So as a newbie to this forum (and not new to Tattoos), and keeping my response in context to this thread, I ask that the veterans maybe, refer people to specific and I mean specific (line and verse, not just over there somewhere), instances of older post which answer questions from some other authoritative voices, paraphrase, or take what you know and the opportunity to give a fresh perspective on the topic, forged from experience and maturity, both on this forum and in the Tattoo Scene. What you posted 2 years ago may not be what you would post today, when asked the same question.

I really value all the information here and spend hours reading, when I can, to gain insight and laughs, but, if you are a veteran with memory of where the gold is on here, that can be brought out of the depths of 13,409 posts, then why not take the opportunity to be the guide when you feel like it and dust off the goods, if you can find it yourselves. 

Also Grammarly has a free program which checks your grammar, and spelling, before you post, so there will be less editing, after the fact (control Z does not work when the program is running so watch out, FYI). Just drop your text in the website before you post and your content will likely read better, or install it in your browser. I am using it cause I am a visual artist, not a writer, so I am trying to have what I am spending time writing, get across the way I intended. Does not always work, but worth the effort.    

I would like to thank all the ones who have stuck to this forum for years, you deserve a hats-off for sticking it through and you now have the opportunity to steer this thing is a positive direction. Let your memory and experience be a resource, which will likely be unappreciated by newbies, but a few will turn into veterans some day with the right environment and your input.  

Maybe fresh eyes, can glean some insight or take us to places we never thought of going yet.

Anywho...Go LST Forum!  

Gonna have to put you on a word count limit Victor

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As a newbie in all respects - both to the forum and to tattooing - I have to say that I've received  great assistance and acceptance here. People have been tolerant of my enthusiasm which leads me to sometimes comment on issues even though I have limited experience - and all have been friendly. So, from my perspective, keep doing what you're doing.

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A lot of state of the union discussion around here lately...

For what it's worth- I like getting to know folks on the Internet around a shared interest and then discussing anything and everything with them. This, as you can imagine, lends itself to varied results depending on community norms and moderator energy. I have wondered if a daily, or probably weekly, general thread would help. It would give new posters a place to follow current conversation and jump in to ask a simple question without doing masters level research. It would also give me a place to complain about how disappointing the Timberwolves were in the season opener or tell you if my wife gets Nick Cave tickets tomorrow (fingers crossed). 

In other, more relevant news, the tattoo shop both emailed and called to conform my appointment for Sunday so they must be as excited to put a tattoo on me and I am to be tattooed. 

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I treat the internet exactly the same way I try to live my "real life." If I don't have anything nice to say, I really try not to say anything at all. Also like "real life," I do my best to ignore idiots. If I see a thread from a by a poster I don't particularly like or don't know or I see that they're the most recently reply, I skip it (or save it for true boredom). I don't have to read everything on here just because it's there. And I sure as shit don't have to reply to it just to hear my own digital voice. Just because I (think I) have pretty ok tattoos doesn't mean I can talk down to someone who has crappy tattoos. It doesn't mean I'll be high fiving them or whatever someone said, but I'm not here to shit all over clowns online, either.

It seems there are a few people on here lately who think they're the gatekeepers to either good tattooing or this website, when in reality they're just a joker with a keyboard and some tattoos.

Back to mostly browsing the lowdown, upcoming, and contest threads almost exclusively.

Edited by suburbanxcore
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You don't know anything about me, and I'm happy to say I know absolutely feck all about you.  You say you avoid posts you don't like, yet you feel compelled to post on everything I comment upon. It's so adorable.

Please do return to your favorite threads exclusively. I think that would be ace and lots more fun for everyone involved. Bye now!

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@oboogie Regardless of what you apparently think, you have no bearing on my digital world. I have literally replied to you in one thread prior to this one. In this instance, I was addressing a three page thread and said absolutely nothing about or to any of your comments. I've been here for years and have never made it my style to call people out or anything of the sort. Feel free to check any of my posts.  

Additionally, It's also hard to not comment on threads you post in - you post in almost every thread. 

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That is so incredibly silly. That is not the case at all because I'm rarely here anymore. I was here quite a lot for a while back in April/May/June, but now there is like one post a day. It's not exactly riveting here. There are forums I moderate where I am around a lot. But this is not one of those places.

The thing is, I have no issue with you mainly because I have absolutely no idea who you are. Seriously, you can chill out already. Our paths never have to intersect, and I think that's a very good thing. A great thing, in fact. Have a nice night. Hope not to see you later! :-)

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