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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/2012 in Posts

  1. I just wanted to say thanks for LST for everything it is and represents in the tattoo community. In light of the recent accident my friend Jordon Teear was involved in on Sunday, I am slowing down enough to read LST...thanks for the overwhelming amount of support to Jordan...he is out of surgery and will be spending the next few weeks to month here in the states away from home, family, and friends before doctors will clear him to fly and no doubt the community has gone above and beyond to show him it's support. Thanks again to everyone. All my best Aaron Finnin
    11 points
  2. Got this last night at Anthem in Gainesville FL, from the Last Sparrow board's own Tim Strating. Pic doesn't do the colors justice. Could not be happier.
    6 points
  3. I've been following Jordan's story on Instagram, thanks to you. You seem like a one-in-a-million friend, and I know that I'm only one of many who are impressed by your efforts. Thanks for joining us at LST. We're honored to have you.
    4 points
  4. ltholley


    Here's my back piece being done by Matt Arriola from Liberty Tattoo in Seattle WA. Hope you like it.
    4 points
  5. Not my taste, but it looks well done. you can have the shading changed, shouldn't be a major deal. BUT QUIT PUTTING VASELINE ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You really don't need any greezy shit like that on a fresh tattoo. Some light, hypoallergenic, unscented skin lotion is all you need, and not much of that.
    2 points
  6. irezumi

    Things shot with arrows

    Up the ante and get things shot with lawn darts.
    2 points
  7. Jake

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    ain't nothing wrong with that. there are plenty of peonies, panthers, skulls, roses, snakes, eagles, dragons, lady heads, blah blah blah, and yet they all still make awesome tattoos. you don't need to have the most unique tattoo in the world to have a good tattoo!
    2 points
  8. Ursula

    Chris Conn is back!

    Juan puente just broke the news on instagram that Chris Conn is tattooing again. He's working in LA and can be booked by emailing [email protected] Stoked!!!!!
    1 point
  9. Tends to agree with posterboy.... Even though we are Canadians, and supposed to be be living in a great neighborhood (professionals, retirees, and so on), hubby and i both have our licenses to carry. Now, guy across the street was broken into. 5 People last month got their tire slashed. 2 vehicles got broken into. All separate incidents. Never us... Maybe it is the bike parked outside, the dogs roaming the house, or the tattoos and driving range sticker membership, but the little fuc@&&&rs stay away. I am NOT saying violence is the answer. But i refuse to be scared by a bunch of people who walk around and think they have a right to do these things. We are both teachers, and i had ONE student in my whole career, 23 years, threaten me. He told me he knew where my family and i were living. I simply answered that he was 16, and would be prosecuted as an adult; but i also whispered to him that he would not be walking into that courtroom... Sorry if i am long winded on this, but this touched a nerve as i was never the same teacher after that ass$&@ spoke to me like that.
    1 point
  10. Damn straight. I'd feel a lot safer if they let civvies everywhere all over the world carry weapons and disarmed the governments!
    1 point
  11. Certainly a tragedy, but also certainly not a reason to restrict anyone's rights to own/carry weapons. Crazy people do crazy shit, period.
    1 point
  12. This shooter was probably only active, from what wits say, for about 20 seconds, tops. Unless someone was right on top of him and saw it jump, basically zero chance of effective counter-fire. And what Rory says is spot-on...when there is shit coming in at you, it tends to narrow down your perspective a tad. It could have been worse. For all of the hoplophobes who feel that weapons should be illegal, if this moke had gone in with a gallon of gas (explosive force roughly equivelant to five sticks of standard dynamite) and a book of matches, he could have killed and maimed far, far more people.
    1 point
  13. Dan S

    Tony Adams

    Any other info you can get on the guy, pass along...full name, description, where he claims to live, like that.
    1 point
  14. gougetheeyes


    @ltholley killer! I missed getting tattooed by Matt when he was over here in NY at Three Kings, wanted to get one of his crazy ass spiders. Crazy-ass spiders.. not crazy Ass Spiders.
    1 point
  15. Hey guys, My name is Baldur,and i work @ Kingdom Within Collective in Reykjavik,Iceland I started this account a while back,but never got any further than that.. now i am gonna try to check in,and take some part in this,and hope i will have something to offer :) I put some pics on my profile,please take a moment to check them out and comment. Thanks and all the best to you all :)
    1 point
  16. ltholley


    Glad you liked it. Here's the video I did of him starting it.
    1 point
  17. RoryQ

    Batman US cinema shooting

    That occurred to me too, but even if someone was carrying, I think they would have had their work cut out for them to return fire accurately at the right person in those kinds of conditions. Shooting in low light is tricky at the best of times, but add in a few hundred screaming people milling around, possibly smoke etc. and lots of 5.56 coming down-range from a guy wearing a vest.. Not great.
    1 point
  18. Recently at work a customer said to me, "I really hate tattoos and usually think they're disgusting, but yours is beautiful." This was the best backhanded compliment I've ever gotten, because I realized--for all those other people who stare at me in disgust--as long as I keep getting beautiful, flawless pieces, who the fuck cares what other people think, because I may just convert more close-minded people like that customer to appreciating tattoos and accepting people with them.
    1 point
  19. @embers I've had it happen to me a few times, around the top of my shoulders near the neck area. With me being an old git I am more susceptible to blow outs in those area as my old skin is getting a bit thin. Some of the photos do seem quite close up. I think most of us scrutinise our own tattoos with a fine tooth comb and pick out the tiniest imperfections. The trouble is when we spot little bits that aren't perfect the eye seems to zoom in on those parts (it does with me anyway). I freaked out a bit when it happened to me the first time but I've accepted that it happens sometimes. Anyway try not to worry about it too much, over time those bits should fade a bit anyway.
    1 point
  20. not a professional tattooist, but it's the shading on the leg at the 10 o'clock position that's off.
    1 point
  21. I've only heard the bad luck stigma(if you believe in that sort of thing) attached with getting a name tattooed on you. I think it's a rad tattoo and shows you're down for your man....
    1 point
  22. Dude, I didn't put his name on me. We've been married for years and have 2 kids. I'm pretty sure we have a solid, respectful and appreciative relationship.
    1 point
  23. TrixieFaux


    pretty sweet, I like that Santigold song too.
    1 point
  24. This tattoo was done on me by Mike Weinzs at Ink Vision Tattoo in Boise, ID. Star Wars nerds unite!
    1 point
  25. Cork

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    I really wish you the best in your relationship. I always see these kinds of tattoos turning into horror stories. However, I am cool with labeling women as property. I keed, I keed!
    1 point
  26. Its just another spot for a tattoo. no big deal.
    1 point
  27. Names Shmames. Looks great, and if you love it, that's all that matters. And if you've got a local shop churning out quality tattoos, you're in a great position. Well done and don't be afraid to post the next ones up!
    1 point
  28. What it's all about, and who gives a damn what anymone else thinks?!
    1 point
  29. so this is my latest and first tattoo, from January. this is as soon as it was done This one is now healed I know its nothing impressive to you guys and problably not all that good in your eyes but I really like it.
    1 point
  30. Hands On

    Things shot with arrows

    ^ well.. that just about concludes this thread.
    1 point
  31. CultExciter

    Things shot with arrows

    Timothy Hoyer...KILLING IT!
    1 point
  32. Check it out everyone, Dice Magazine and True South Relief Fund will be hosting a benefit on Saturday July 28th at True Tattoo in Hollywood. If you're in the Southern California area then come on by and show your support for a good cause, there will be lot's of great stuff being auctioned off, such as one-off tattoo machines, custom painted motorcycle helmets, prints, paintings and drawings. It’ll be a good time and a good positive vibe.
    1 point
  33. Picked this up from Mario yesterday at CTC. I love it.
    1 point
  34. I guess people are expecting to hear from 'us' about this. While Jordan is lucky to be alive, his luck extended far enough that the only injury he suffered was his broken legs, serious enough but it's amazing that he isn't even slightly concussed. I'm not offering any new personal information or progress reports about Jordan's status. Jordan, while positive and open, was always reluctant to share personal (especially family) information, especially on the internet. Most of what I will say is scattered across comments on Instagram anyway. Aaron from True Tattoo is with him and I guess he'll be making updates via Instagram. We at Frith Street have arranged to send Jordan's girlfriend to go to LA to be with him. Some of us will be taking care of his cat and anything to do with his family back home. His financial obligations here in the UK will be taken care of. Jordan had travel insurance and the driver who hit him also had insurance. While that will most likely cover his medical bills, he and his girlfriend still need to eat, sleep, travel, attempt to be comfortable, etc etc. thousands of miles from home. The donations received via PayPal will go to help Jordan pay for the non-medical things he needs. When he's recovered, surplus funds will be donated to a charity of Jordan's choosing. Jordan is apparently in good spirits, making jokes and generally 'being Jordan', minus the acrobatics. He was upset the the paramedics had to cut off his favourite pair of jeans. Cards, gifts, flowers, lewd drawings, whatever, can be sent to Jordan via True Tattoo, Hollywood and the guys there will pass them on. I would like to stress the importance of lewd drawings - the more disgusting, the better. He also likes European chocolate and milkshakes. I would, on behalf of myself and everyone at Frith Street, like to express our enormous gratitude to everyone who has donated money, gifts, cards, time, tattoo machines, positive thoughts, etc, etc to Jordan. It's very humbling and testament to the strength of Jordan's character and the sense of community in the tattoo world. It's hugely appreciated. Special thanks to Aaron from True Tattoo, Jordan is lucky to have such a friend with him right now. Thank you, we wish him a speedy recovery.
    1 point
  35. How about the worst hand of cards you could ever possibly statistically get, and then a banner that says "BOOYAH!"???
    1 point
  36. in all seriousness, there are a bunch of timeless tattoo designs that incorporate cards and gambling. just talk to a tattooer that you'd be interested in going to and i'm sure they could hook you up.
    1 point
  37. That was poorly written for a journalist... more like whining about daddy issues.
    1 point
  38. reverend1


    I really have been thinking of trying to get a consultation with Mr. Flatmo. I really like his work. Cincinnati isn't too far, especially since I would think this will require a couple of sittings. I have some friends down their I can stay with too. Maybe is time to bite the bullet and give him a call. Thanks Cu-Bu.
    1 point
  39. So much better than a bar code.
    1 point
  40. SStu

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    haha. The one with the worst idea came out with the best tattoo, at least in my eyes . . . Really glad she got away from the bar code.
    1 point
  41. Ursula

    Job/Work realted tattoos.

    @David Flores see my reply above! I think a lot of people knew about it when it was happening, but I haven't fought in 2-3 years now and haven't been a full time member of the league for 3-4 so people who've met me since then generally don't know. @Duffa i should also mention if i tried to fight anyone trained in MMA or even a single martial art or whatever they'd destroy me hahahaha. We had a trainer who ran a BJJ dojo but I don't know any crazy shit like that.
    1 point
  42. irezumi

    Ink Masters

    I wanna see the tattoo reality show where the contestants tattoo the judges. Now THAT would be a good one. I bet all these solid well known tatbros wouldn't be involved if that were the case.
    1 point
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