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Last time you got tattooed? (THE ITCH)

Petri Aspvik

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You have the itch like I do? FUCK ME! It's been like, 2 years when I got tattooed the last time. Jeebus fuck me I want to get tattooed. :mad:

How long has it been for you and what was the longest? Mine was about 5 years of not getting tattooed. Sucks.

Can only day dream. And it doesnt help whern you are visiting places like this, in here, Internet! Just makes you crazy :p

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My longest absence was also 20 years and like you I've gone crazy. I've always said "if you want to be a bear... Be a Grizzly!!". I've completed a full sleeve on my right arm and that includes the chest plate. My left arm is almost halfway cover with an upper and forearm piece.

Tomorrow I start my back and that will be a full Backpiece and will end below my waist. I look at tattooers websites all the time. Luckily, I've been traveling for most of the work so there is a waiting period. Otherwise I would most likely be all covered.

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I think the longest period I've gone without being tattooed since my first one is maybe 6 months and that was deliberate so I could save some money. Although after my backpiece is finished I think I'll take a break and see what I want on my legs and ribs :) Oh and I last got tattooed one week ago exactly

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just had my last appt (of 4) on my upper right arm/shoulder on friday. before that was two sessions on the upper left in January-February (started in August, so 6 months between). Before that was 38 years of nothing. Next appt will probably be next Fall. take some time to think about what to do next (already have some ideas) and give my wife time to get used to the two large tattoos I got this year before I get another

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got my tattoo finished up in October and I won't be going under the gun again any time soon. I'm in Kev's boat with needing to save. Wedding and a house are coming up. Other than that, I did reach out to Dana Helmuth and he said he is interested in my idea. I'll be getting in touch with him once I'm ready financially, which will hopefully be 2013 at the latest.

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I've been getting my old work covered finally. All of that Little Vinnie flash I thought was so cool in the early nineties is being covered up with big bold color work. Lance McClaine covered a piece on my right arm with some bold roses......Corey Rogers did a Panther head bustin out of a rose, then TimmyTatts did a big bowling pin eagle on my right forearm........Still have a ways to go, but I am loving my arms again.

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