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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/2013 in all areas

  1. Yay! finally finished by upper back today :D I'm sooo happy :D :o By Valerie Vargas at Frithstreet tattoo
    12 points
  2. Might aswell throw this in here, crossing my fingers! This month has stiff competition :)
    9 points
  3. kalknis

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    I am more than happy with what came out of my trip to Amsterdam. Kim-Anh Nguyen did this tattoo at the wonderful Salon Serpent. Photo taken by her and stolen by me.
    6 points
  4. Go back to studying, it's fine. That color you see is cause of the blood. After a little bit it will go a way.
    5 points
  5. @Eilin may have broken the internet. Superb.
    4 points
  6. I want to be just like you when I grow up :)
    4 points
  7. Scott Ellis- Triple Crown Tattoo Austin, TX Pic with better detail:
    4 points
  8. The most awesome thing I've done in a long time:D
    4 points
  9. @keepcalm check out this link from Snopes : Thick Talk, it states that our hair does not actually grow back thicker and darker! Mayo Clinic corroborates here, as does this post from Aetna's InteliHealth, as reviewed by members of the faculty at Harvard Medical School. Looks like you don't have to worry at all!
    3 points
  10. Iwar

    Hey there

    Welcome @Inkless I'm not familiar with the artist you mention, but here's a couple links to some good shops I know of in your area. Tattoo Paradise Jinx Proof Tattoos
    3 points
  11. Wow @Eilin Valerie is almost unfairly good, like she has to be cheating.
    3 points
  12. else

    Hey Everyone! =)

    I spend the majority of my time with old folks, and I don't think their tattoos look bad at all!! Faded yes, but bad? No way!! Everyone's skin sags. I'd rather have faded sagging tattoos, than be a sagging plainskin. Gonna sag either way. People spend way too much time thinking about how tattoos look on old people.
    3 points
  13. I did something awesome yesterday: Ed spoke at an SF museum about "tattoo culture." It wasn't promoted very well--there were only about 15 people there--but that made it cooler for me. Then I saw Tattoo Nation a few hours later. Great day all around. PS @Doug Hardy, I'm wearing one of your pins on my jacket. :)
    3 points
  14. Got tattooed today in Italy, i now have a bad ass skull on my inner bicep and an awesome memory of my traveling life. I posted a pic in the latest tattoo lowdown thread
    2 points
  15. Deb Yarian

    help support LST

    I 'll donate the sales $ from the next 5 copies of ( my non- instructional satirically humorous book) " So you want to be a tattoo artist?" But I first have to figure out how and where to post a pic again
    2 points
  16. Graeme

    Hey there

    If I was going to get a comic book tattoo and I could go to absolutely anybody in the world, I would probably go to Dave Waugh. Just saying.
    2 points
  17. I do that all the time, feels more authentic to me- plan a few big pieces, have fun with the rest
    2 points
  18. semele

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I'm back at Saved next Friday for what might be the last session on my leg.
    2 points
  19. Dan S

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Kills. Totally.
    2 points
  20. hogg

    Upcoming Tattoos

    14-year-old me is biting his tongue over here. Apologies.
    2 points
  21. yourfutureartist

    help support LST

    Agenda for day off: Deposit loot. Draw tattoos. Share some loot with LST. Thanks you guys you rock
    2 points
  22. Getting into lining my paintings strictly with a brush:
    2 points
  23. I know some people on this forum don't really dig this guy, but Gen did a guest spot here in Hong Kong and I got my lower leg done. That ditch is something else eh? Taken from his instagram coz I couldn't get any decent shots.
    2 points
  24. Look what I just stumbled over! FST: On the Shoulders of Giants is a documentary film, currently in production by Stewart Robson, a tattooer at Frith Street Tattoo (FST) in London. This project is expected to be completed in late 2013. Shooting started in August 2012. Stewart has interviewed his friends and colleagues, some of them world-renown in tattoo circles but all of them have worked in the cramped infamous basement shop in the heart of London’s seedy soho district, to share this portrait of one of the most interesting, vibrant and influential modern tattoo shops. FST: On the Shoulders of Giants There's a bunch on cool teasers from the different interviews on the blog too. I'm super stoked for this to come out! You gotta share stuff like this with us @Stewart Robson - - - Updated - - - This was great by the way! (Also by Stewart)
    1 point
  25. I was in the city with my wife and sis-in-law this past Sunday and one of them wanted to hit a bar before we went home. I said "i know a bar around the corner, we're not too far from Kings Ave. so i know the area a bit". That led to "hey lets go there, i want to ask about an idea i have" from my untatttooed sis-in-law. Long story short, i wound up getting a sparrow just because one of the guys i've already worked with wasn't doing anything. She chickened out. And Oliver Peck was there! After 5 hours of eating, shopping and wandering around, that little impromput visit was the best part of the day. And then we hit a bar anyways. :p
    1 point
  26. Haha! I was viewing it on my iPhone and totally missed that. Awesome.
    1 point
  27. Thanks everyone for your enthusiasm and interest. I still have a hell of a long way to go. I haven't finished interviewing yet and I have a day of two of other filming to get before I can start editing and figuring out how to make an interesting film from the footage I have. I'm guessing this summer will see a lack of interesting updates while I work on the meat of the film. @Russ I do know what boots Dante is wearing in that photo but he wouldn't like me to tell. He will appreciate your interest.
    1 point
  28. Graeme

    Upcoming Tattoos

    In retrospect, this post is actually pretty funny. Three days ago your "creative well is empty" and now you have two new tattoos. Awesome.
    1 point
  29. Hells Yes!! Really beautiful!
    1 point
  30. Graeme

    Hey Everyone! =)

    Welcome Tammy. The lower leg can be a difficult spot to heal, so just be patient, keep it clean, don't baby it too much, and you should be okay. And yeah, a lot of people have stupid opinions about tattoos and the worst thing about it is that they think they have this completely original and brilliant insight when they tell you that your skin is eventually going to sag. Fuck 'em.
    1 point
  31. Genie of the West--- You make the assumption that I don't eat properly or excercise. I'm 5'2 --- I'd like to be taller, that's not going to happen. I had my thyroid surgically removed because of thyroid cancer and I must take medicine, which keeps me in a hypothyroid state. I will never be thin. That being said, we must work with what we have. If you want your tattoos to be as outstanding as possible, working with your skin color and tone, Then I suggest a clear easy to read design, in black- whatever the genre. And I will wear clothing that best suits my figure! Also, extreme as it may sound- on my husband's recent trip to a laser treatment practitioner,to remove a tattoo, they discussed the different settings necessary for light and dark skin tones. Laser treatments are available for evening out uneven skin, spots,blotches, vitiligo etc. perhaps laser treatments are a viable option for your darker areas, so that your tattoos will be more outstanding.
    1 point
  32. I popped into the Pearl Harbor Gift Shop today to get a couple little ones done. (And by popped in I mean I got to the shop an hour and a half before opening to ensure I got a sitting - sigh.) Here are my two latest, both by Dan Innes. Nothing too fancy or complicated, but both are images I've admired for quite a while. By the way, The Pearl has just hired Nathan Draper ( http://www.nathandrapertattooer.com/ ) Great tattooer and from what I've heard, a really awesome guy as well. I'm looking forward to getting something done by Nathan.
    1 point
  33. slightly intimidated by the talent in this thread but none the less here are a few of my more recent ones
    1 point
  34. Yesterday the rain in Philly was crazy and my jeans got soaked commuting in. So I spent three hours at work in my underwear. Dealing with vendors. USPS. Staff. I was going to put a tie on, but that would have been weird. Random musings.
    1 point
  35. My wife and I got tattooed by Matt Arriola yesterday. The tiger was three sittings, but only took about three and a half hours.
    1 point
  36. Erica


    Dennis at @ProvidenceTattoo
    1 point
  37. Why is it a shame that his tattooer copied someone else's style? Anymore, almost all tattooing is evocative of some other persons work.
    1 point
  38. Orangutango


    Not sure if this is what you meant but this is who I thought of: sam rulz
    1 point
  39. Got this one from Mr Desa at frith street yesterday. Hope he doesn't mind my lazy ass borrowing the pic from his instagram
    1 point
  40. Just got this done today its my first tattoo i sat in the chair for 5 hours and when its healed I have to go for another 2 to finish the shading Sent from my XT910 using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
  41. last tattoo i got was a session on my back.
    1 point
  42. Consider yourself invited over next time you're stateside. There's a PBR with your name on it. - - - Updated - - - Yes! Well done, Kev, and congratulations.
    1 point
  43. This is why a winner isn't declared after the first three days. Great tattoo!
    1 point
  44. New one from Valerie Vargas at Frith St on my calf. Taking pictures of your own calf is a bit of nightmare!
    1 point
  45. beez

    Hello From Vancouver BC

    @vPooch As you learn more about Japanese tattoo you'll see that there are certain elements that traditionally go together, and Karajishi-Botan (the lion and the peony) is one of those combinations. Click this link for a snippet of an interview between Crystal Morey and Horimasa about some of the dos and don'ts of traditional Japanese tattooing, and if it continues to interest you then get to researching, son! The article in full is interesting, as well - I think le google will help you find it. There is a lot of great info out there, it's up to you to find it! Hopefully this is a good (albeit tiny!) jumping off point.
    1 point
  46. ok mine is frome Chad Koeplinger! done at invictus /Oslo a few days ago!
    1 point
  47. I'll put my newest up there, from Mike Fite:
    1 point
  48. If you guys like extremely hard games, give Demon Souls or Dark souls a try. Im currently playing through Far Cry 3
    1 point
  49. Brock Varty

    Video Game Thread

    To that effect...I know people with a thousand or more hours into a WoW profile, that they can sometimes sell for a couple thousand dollars. I want to add up my lifetime in-game time on the CoD series. I think I have roughly 600,000 kills and probably about 700 or 800 hours over the last 7 years.
    1 point
  50. It's my understanding that the reciever of the 14 machines googled them to find out where they came from and link to LST came up, and that's how he knew who to contact. Now we're fighting crime and injustice against more than just the skin, go LST.
    1 point
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