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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2016 in all areas

  1. Finished my full back piece last Friday. I plan to write something about the experience but need time to collect and organize all my thoughts. by Mike Rubendall at Kings Ave:
    10 points
  2. My suggestion is to start learning about art so that you're not going to be inclined to go along with suggestions that you ultimately aren't into. Go to the library and start learning about art history, go to museums and galleries and look at art, take drawing lessons at a community centre or given by a local artist not so that you'll be able to draw your own tattoos, but rather so that you can understand how drawing works and so you'll be able to articulate what you do and don't like. Listen to lectures about art history on iTunes U. Watch the video interviews with tattooers on this site. Don't just limit yourself to tattoos either, look at art in general, and I don't just mean visual art here either, and look for art everywhere: on book covers, in comics, on skateboards and album covers, in architecture and nature. There is a relationship between the effort you put into getting tattoos and the tattoos you actually get.
    4 points
  3. I sit here, sore, swollen, in a daze... but I have to share my story. I am an apprentice tattooer and have been in my apprenticeship since September of 2014. I have always had a deep respect for tattooing, but it has now been solidified even deeper. Last year at the Lady Luck Tattoo Convention, my teacher was asked to receive a traditional Samoan tatau by Sulu'ape Si'i Liufau of A-Town Tattoo. My teacher has known Si'i for about 10 years through the convention circle. We were sharing a booth with A-Town, so I was preparing for a pretty close view of the event. As they were preparing, Si'i came to me and told me that he only had his apprentice, Genesis, available to stretch skin for the tatau and they would need my help. I have a previous post describing the experience, so I won't elaborate further on it here, but it became one of the biggest honors of my life to be involved in that tatau on my teacher. Fast forward to this past weekend: We were working the Lady Luck Convention again and had a pretty slow schedule of clients. My teacher intentionally did so, because he wanted to hopefully help stretch on a tatau. It is a huge honor to receive a tatau, but it is an equal honor to assist in one. Saturday night, we are all in the bar, relaxing and having a good time. It was a group of about 20 tattooers from all over the country. Talk of the process of tatau began and I took the opportunity to interject and publicly thank Si'i for asking me to assist on my teacher's tatau. I told him it was one of the biggest honors of my life and I would never forget it. He nodded to me and said, "What are you doing tomorrow?" I said, "No tattoos, just working our booth." He said, "I should give you tatau tomorrow." Without hesitation, I stuck my hand out and said yes. We shook on it and he went over to discuss it with his apprentice. They were making gestures around the lower thigh area and kinda laughing a little. I jokingly said, "You guys are laughing too much! You gonna fuck me up tomorrow?!" Si'i responded, "We're gonna try something new on you, Nate. You're not gonna like it... but you're gonna like it." The next morning, I went over to the A-Town booth and Si'i had me remove my shoes and put on a sarong. Without discussion, he started shaving my knee area, all the way around. He drew on a couple reference lines, where he then called over my teacher and told him he would be assisting his apprentice with stretching of the skin. I've already written a lot, so I will skip along. It took 3 hours of, by far, hands down, the most painful tattooing I've ever received. Almost my entire knee, and all the way around back, through the ditch. At the end, I was congratulated. I didn't move. I didn't squirm. I made no sounds. Inside my head, it felt as though they were cutting my leg off, but I knew I had to show my respect and gratitude by being silent. It was incredible. To be a part of my teacher's tatau and for him to be a part of mine has bonded us even closer. We are both so humbled and blown away by it all. As he did a final cleaning of my leg, I asked Sulu'ape Si'i what I needed to pay him for this (I was actually kind of worried, because I'm a broke apprentice). He said, "Meaalofa. It's a gift for you. You earned my respect when you sat for hours and stretched for your teacher last year." He also said, "Now Nate, this tatau has the ending placement of a traditional Pe'a, so when a Samoan sees it coming out of your shorts, they are going to question you. When they do, you tell them it was a gift from Sulu'ape and if they have any more questions, they can come talk to me." I'm still in awe. I look at my leg now and it is so much more than a tattoo. It is history. It is honor. It is respect. I just wanted to share my story. Thanks to all that read it. Here are some pictures of the whole thing. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  4. I already have a rose on my right knee, but I have no idea what to do with my left. Do I want a matching rose? Do I want another type of flower? An animal??? Arghhhh Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  5. Instead of going back in and trying to fix what you don't think is perfect with those I'd just get more tattoos around them to be stoked on, if it still bothers you down the road you can always revisit them later but in the meantime I think a new tattoo altogether would help more
    2 points
  6. @polliwog nice! I was loving that one when it popped up on instagram, glad it belongs to someone here! Eddy is the man. Oh, I got a little filler yesterday from Nikki Balls, I'll get a picture up soon. edit: here's a picture https://www.instagram.com/p/BEbXDZfIzSb/
    2 points
  7. That thing is wild. - - - Updated - - - That thing is wild.
    2 points
  8. jjb911nj


    Mike Schweigert Electric Tattoo NJ
    2 points
  9. Tons of fly fishin'. I hate being stuck in an office for 50-60 hours a week, so getting out every weekend is pretty much mandatory at this point in order for me to not lose it on the daily. I recently got out with Mr. Chuck Ragan from HWM a couple times. I felt like a total fan boy/nerd. also joined a great gym and getting back in shape since I'm getting married this year.
    2 points
  10. Intomyskin

    New Here, Old Guy

    Hello All! I've been reading this site for some time to get information, and it has been really valuable in that way, so I decided to join and share. I'm a 60 something married male, an architect by profession, who got a very small, very hidden tattoo in the early 1970s, added a little to it several years later...and then stopped. However I became totally enamored with the art of tattooing, but couldn't bring myself to get what I really wanted until only the last few years. So, I'm about to embark on a full Japanese back piece, extending to my upper thighs, and quarter or half sleeves, extending partially onto my chest. How I got to this point is a long story, wrought with the angst of doubt, fear, and perhaps way too much self-analysis. But I love to write (even though I am a bit long-winded), so I started a blog. You can read my tattoo story here. This is a huge step for me. I exist in a world where I have no tattooed friends or colleagues – Zero (Well, actually one friend, a lady with two tiny tattoos on her wrists). But basically no one around me except my wife has any interest in tattoos, and generally everyone around me views tattooing negatively. I feel pretty alone in this interest. I'm hoping that here I can find a community, support, and some "tattoo friends" with whom I can share my love of the art. I view tattooing with great reverence. I think that the ability to transform your skin into a work of art that will be part of you forever is a pretty powerful concept. I could never say that to my friends without them thinking I'm insane, but I hope there are people here who feel similarly. Looking forward to communing with you all!
    1 point
  11. Dan

    LST Animal Lovers

    LOL awesome ! what a great blend ! love his look.
    1 point
  12. The Tig

    LST Animal Lovers

    "What's one more?" is something Mrs. T says when it comes to taking care of another kid or rescue animal, so we'll test that out with our new adoption, "Finn". He was rescued 10 weeks ago from being euthanized by a new group called Houston Pets Alive. Most dogs get adopted pretty quick, but not this one. He's not exactly the most handsome little guy, but he is super sweet and we knew no one else was likely to give him a forever home. We think he looks pretty cool. He has warmed up and loves his new dog and people family. It is obvious to us that he was abused in the past, but we will be patient in returning him to a more secure and happy dog. Mowhawk? Check 1920's raccoon coat for the full Wayne Coyne effect? Check Finn was warmly welcomed to the pack by Andy (right).
    1 point
  13. Got a gecko rose morph done this week; waiting for the healing to finish... By Nick Agnew of Kingsland Ink, Auckland, New Zealand https://www.instagram.com/p/BELE1HbCSjf/?taken-by=karliahquinn&hl=en
    1 point
  14. This just makes me know I can never get my shoulders tattooed. I can't be cruising around with no bra on. Nope.
    1 point
  15. Better for your skin not to tan anyway. :-) - - - Updated - - - Better for your skin not to tan anyway. :-)
    1 point
  16. I can't recommend Joshua Henderson at Brainstorm Tattoos in Fayetteville, Arkansas, enough. He's done almost all of my tattoos, and he is a truly great artist. He is a fantastic designer. I can give him an idea, and he is off and running. I have never changed anything about his designs because they are THAT good. He'll also tell you if your ideas are shit. :D Josh's work: As for Oklahoma, you have to go to Pair-O-Dice Tattoo in Tulsa. Want to be tattooed by a crazy-talented legendary tattoo artist? Richard Stell is all of that and more. He's hilariously funny and a great conversationalist. His wife Jennifer is also amazingly talented and wickedly funny. Love this place. A little something from Richard (with more to come):
    1 point
  17. tomhanksornothanks

    Knee Tattoooo

    Honestly, my knee was nooooot that bad. I don't really remember it being any worse than my thigh. The most painful part was the leaves that came up to my inner thigh
    1 point
  18. suburbanxcore

    Knee Tattoooo

    Goddamnit. I've been kicking around a bunch of ideas for my knee in three weeks and was finally starting to narrow it down. I'd had an idea for an octopus with the tentacles filling gaps (soooo many jokes) in a different spot, but now I'm wondering about knees. Hmmm. Thanks, Brian.
    1 point
  19. Looking forward to doing this for a few days! We head down to the mountains of North Carolina - love to pound my Z3 through the twisty mountain roads. Here is my Z3 - a first-year model 1996. 20 years old this year and going strong. This was taken about 10 years ago as we were making a run through The Tail of the Dragon - 318 significant curves in an 11 mile stretch. Heaven!
    1 point
  20. I'm with you on the lower inner thigh. I thought the kneecap was going to be bad... I was wishing for more knee the deeper Chad got!
    1 point
  21. Agreed! They are working up a piece that will fill all the space on my back down to my butt with botanicals representing the four seasons.
    1 point
  22. polliwog

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Funky frog courtesy of Eddy Deutsche. Picture stolen from him. He pretty much read my mind. It's really angry here because inner thigh tattoos are a dumb idea.
    1 point
  23. Been playing with expensive car parts, keeps me off the street.
    1 point
  24. I recently started mountain biking. It gets pretty sketchy on the extreme trails!
    1 point
  25. hfs40000


    a few months ago, i got a version of the Christian Warlich devil i had asked about. By Tomas Garcia. healed
    1 point
  26. marley mission

    Upcoming Tattoos

    kind of enjoying this period here - looking to get something done late spring - nothing happening in the summer so that will be a good slow down for me - but....not sure who or what - problem is - and I'm not complaining now - is that i have had so many great experiences with different tattooers - and i'm torn sometimes - do you go back and get another from one of those tattooers - or do you stay in that 'collector' mode - wanting to have another awesome new experience with another tattooer in another shop - my recent trip to maryland to see chad koeplinger kinda opened my eyes a little to the possibilities of traveling further out to get tattooed anyway - like i said - not REAL problem - just some fun stuff going through my head as i ponder the immediate tattoo future for myself i do think i know the piece i want - its a classic and so many of the tattooers i'm thinking about would kill it - got the spot picked out too ah - rambling now - - - Updated - - - kind of enjoying this period here - looking to get something done late spring - nothing happening in the summer so that will be a good slow down for me - but....not sure who or what - problem is - and I'm not complaining now - is that i have had so many great experiences with different tattooers - and i'm torn sometimes - do you go back and get another from one of those tattooers - or do you stay in that 'collector' mode - wanting to have another awesome new experience with another tattooer in another shop - my recent trip to maryland to see chad koeplinger kinda opened my eyes a little to the possibilities of traveling further out to get tattooed anyway - like i said - not REAL problem - just some fun stuff going through my head as i ponder the immediate tattoo future for myself i do think i know the piece i want - its a classic and so many of the tattooers i'm thinking about would kill it - got the spot picked out too ah - rambling now
    1 point
  27. Whoa! Beautifully done.
    1 point
  28. I got all of these touched up last week by my artist, Josh Henderson. Next tattoo is scheduled with Richard Stell at the Oklahoma Tattoo Convention at the end of this month, then I'm finishing my half sleeve on my right arm with Josh in May. Looking forward to both!
    1 point
  29. Your weight should have nothing to do with your tattoos, and vice-versa.
    1 point
  30. oboogie

    For Bowie

    Josh Henderson
    1 point
  31. oboogie


    Josh Henderson
    1 point
  32. Forgot to post pics. We nearly finished this up a couple weeks ago. One more short session next month to darken and tighten things up. Here's some terrible quality photos I got the next day: And just yesterday I got a closeup of the horse head, which gives you an idea of how much the blue is really starting to pop now that it's almost fully done healing. I need to get better quality photos of the whole thing.
    1 point
  33. If you go big and bold it's going to look fucking rad. Tattooed flesh looks better than non-tattooed flesh. Fat doesn't figure into it at all.
    1 point
  34. @Naiemh If you are collapsing and having some pretty adverse symptoms multiple times after big tattoo sittings...it's your body telling you you're putting it under too much stress and to take it easy. Try eating a simple healthy meal mid-way through the session, that may help. Or talk to your tattooer and perhaps you can schedule more shorter sessions. Being impatient may be your other problem. Finishing a back tattoo in under a month is biting off more than most can chew, especially if you're having adverse symptoms like fainting and blurred vision. Finishing a big tattoo project in 3-4 months is still very quick and respectable. You need to give your body enough time to recover from the tattoo session and deal with healing the areas. The numbing gel isn't going to solve your problem. It may help you get through the last 1 hr if you and your tattooer are strategic about where/when to apply it. But you're still going to have to sit through some times of feeling everything. After the numbing wears off it is going to hurt waaay worse. good luck
    1 point
  35. Naiemh

    Haku Japanese Dragon Back Piece

    Nil Marqués Coll
    1 point
  36. Wow!!! I normally hate portraits because they're so difficult to make them look good, but when they REALLY DO look good it's amazing!! And you are just 1 year and a half tattooing!?!?! That's incredible, I will love to see your masterpieces after 5 more years! Enviado desde mi JY-G4 mediante Tapatalk
    1 point
  37. Nice job, really clean and nice proportions. Looks real.
    1 point
  38. SStu

    New Here, Old Guy

    I like her work!
    1 point
  39. Intomyskin

    New Here, Old Guy

    Currently thinking about Cindy Maxwell at Dark Age Tattoo in Seattle. Anyone have any experience with her?
    1 point
  40. Many people have seen this all ready I guess. By Jondix, 11 days ago. Had such a great time. Stayed at the shop past midnight, talking and eating after the session. Everybody should get something from him. Super good heart, attitude and knowledge of tattooing and art. Wrathful offering of the five senses by Jonas Nyberg from last year.
    1 point
  41. SStu

    New Here, Old Guy

    and welcome from another old dude.
    1 point
  42. My wife and I started crewing for a Hot Air Balloon company about a year and a half ago. Great exercise - set up and inflate the balloon, chase it, pack it back up and then have champagne and crackers - and, best of all, sometimes we get to fly. You can see the shadow of the balloon to my right in this picture.
    1 point
  43. Don't have the real thing to compare it to - that would be for the parent, I guess. I understand the pressure of doing this, much more than a celeb, parent, or grown child thing. They are only that age once.
    1 point
  44. Looks beautiful! :)
    1 point
  45. Just booked my room for the weekend. I didn't get an apt with Valerie (you lucky dog) but working on getting Hendrick's confirmed. I'll be starting on a collaborative piece with Grez/Rubendall/Henning that weekend!
    1 point
  46. Melt Banana, Melvins, and Napalm Death last night.
    1 point
  47. looks very nice,I like it,I don't usually see child portraits that I like .
    1 point
  48. SStu

    Skeleton Musicians

    by Thomas Hooper
    1 point
  49. Graeme

    Thomas Hooper raven sleeve

    Thomas Hooper raven sleeve, inside arm
    1 point
  50. Graeme

    Seth Wood Necronomicon

    Necronomicon by Seth Wood
    1 point
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