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Dropping the Bomb, how your parents found out about your first tattoo!


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I'm 32 and just got my 1st one and was still nervous about what my dad would say/think (some things never change, not matter how old we are). I knew he wouldnt get angry or anything - in a reverse of the "normal" situation, my little sister got tattooed 1st and she still lives with them - but I still worried about it. he saw it, and said "so thats your tattoo" and thats about it.

Knew my Mum would be fine with it. In fact, once she saw it she said "well If I ever get one, I know who I am going to"

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Hahaha, nice topic.

I had my frist tattoo when I was 18, but I never hid it.

I left from home when I was 18, so far from home. I lived in an Island and I took a flight to go to another part of the country, the peninsula.

So, I never hid it, but I didn't tell them the same day. I told them about it like one month after doing it, just because I thought it would be more kind to tell them before they just realize seeing some Facebook pictures or whatever, hahaha

As I left home, they realized I could do whatever I wanted to do (as I was capable to), so they didn't complaint about the tattoo.

They didn't told me any opinion about it neither.

It was when I moved again to my island when I started to get more tattoos, and then the opinion of my parents got out, hahaha

They just didn't care about small tattoos (they already thought I was crazy, so me revealing my tattoos was just one more proof of that for them, so, they didn't care so much).

My dad was the first one to see the big tattoo on my back, and he was so surprised and at first he didn't like the idea, but he's kind of open mind now after a few years after me leaving home, so after a few minutes he admited it was a really cool tattoo and a nice piece of art, so he was okay with that very soon.

About my mum... Well, I aready knew she didn't like tattoos, and for her it was just like the worst thing I could ever do. She didn't care about my other smaller tattoos, but she didn't like them neither. But, for this one, she was super scared. She was like one week telling me horrible things like "you will regret it", "you're fucking crazy", "you don't know what you're doing", "you are a shame".

Hahaha, worst reaction ever.

Ayway, I live on my own, and I just see her some weekends when I feel the obligation to visit home and also to see my brother, so... They are not a problem, fortunately.

Also, my brother loved my last tattoo, and he was so excited (he's 19 now) that he's going to have his first tattoo done very soon, hahahaha. My mum is going to deal with a lot of displeasure.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got my first one (of two) on my back, just a small Capricorn/Tribal sign when I was about 19?

My mum came to visit me in Scotland, she cuts my hair as well , so I go see her at the hotel , take off my shirt(sounds really weird I know) so I don't get hair on my shirt, I sit down soand she goes

"That better be able to come off"

"No , it's on there good and proper"

"It's wonky"

It's my nan we have to 'tip toe' around. But I just told her with this tattoo and my leg tattoo.

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  • 7 months later...

I got my first tattoo a month ago and was waiting until I came home for Christmas to tell/show my mom.  As I expected, it was not a big deal, though she made some weird comment about me being a "true millennial".  She also said it was pretty and asked if I was going to get more. 

My grandma's reactions were the best though:

Initial reaction: "At least it's flowers and not something else."

Then: "That's one of the nicer tattoos I've seen in a while."

Lastly: "Some people have those all over their body!"


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  • 1 month later...

I had mine for about three weeks before I told my sister (who lived in a different country and had come back to visit) and we told my mum together. My mother was NOT happy - she made me promise not to get another one. I think it's a generational thing, she associates tattoos with crime and bad company in general.

I just dropped the bomb last night - she's still coming to terms with that. She keeps giving me the evil eye and rubbing her side (my tat is on my side) a lot and making disapproving noises. Oh well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My mom was furious, & didn't speak to me for a few months, & said she disowns me as a son.

I was 21, I had gotten two tarot cards on each of my upper arms during May just hitting the 100+ degree summer. I had kept it a secret for a few weeks but she got suspicious to why I was wearing long sleeve shirts during this dead heat weather. I couldn't take it so I eventually showed her.

My mother was raised in a small christian farm town in Mexico, her views were very traditional in which I can respect. She freaked out & kicked me out. Now she refuses to have me any where near her side of the family, especially back home in Mexico where my 98 y/o grandpa resides. Who I would love to explore his life and our family origins. Definitely a bummer.

But that is just who she is & I accept her. There no changing her, believe me I tried. I love my mother to death like any other son would. She's the only one I got, & my father passed on when I was 3. But I imagine he wouldn't be too fond of it either considering his brother was quite upset with my tattoos.

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My parents still don't know about my first tattoo. I got it with my best friend on a whim one night when we were 19 and it's on my hip so there's no chance of anyone seeing it unless I actively want them to see it. It's terrible, blown out lines and the artist didn't listen to what I wanted, just yesed us to death and then did whatever he wanted, so I'm glad it's completely hidden. They think the next tattoo I got after I'd already moved out was my first and I may keep it that way if only to avoid having to show them my embarrassingly terrible first tattoo.


My [Jewish] parents always said "once you move out and pay your own bills, do what you want, but not under our roof", so I moved out in June and got my "first" tattoo in October that same year.

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My mother has been of the mindset that I should do what makes me happy, and has been even more supportive than usual lately since my Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis last October. My father, on the other hand, wasn't as supportive. He felt it would be something I would regret, and for the month prior to my tattoo, made sure to let me know that I would regret it. I went through with it anyway, and love the tattoo. My first was this past November, and my second was a little over a week ago. I don't know if I'll ever regret them later in life, but I sure as shit don't regret them at the moment. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On February 28, 2017 at 10:49 PM, aant said:

don't know if I'll ever regret them later in life, but I sure as shit don't regret them at the moment. 

At the ripe old age of 59, and I can hardly believe I'm that old, I can tell you that what people say about regretting the things you didn't do more than the things you did do is 100% true. I don't have many regrets as I try to find the good in all my experiences, but the few I do have are regrets about things I wished I'd done.

I was in a motorcycle accident 10 years ago, almost lost my leg, was inconstant pain for about 5 years and was in physical therapy trying to walk without a limp for 7 years on and off. I could cry about that, but my wife at the time asked me for a divorce the week I got home from the hospital and I wound up meeting the love of my life. In my book, even the accident worked out pretty good! Life is all about how you view it.

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I have two three quarter sleeves and just started my back piece. I am in my late thirties. My parents, whom I love, have never seen my tattoos. They are traditional and I know would not be OK with them. I wear long sleeve t-shirts around them. It's not that I care what they think about them- I don't in the strictest sense. It's more about self-discipline for me. Any reaction I get out of them would be if it's very nature a selfish endeavor. I am too old- and they are too old, for me to upset them for no good reason. So I stay covered up and they have no idea  I think it's the right thing to do.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Not about my first tattoo, but rather all of my most recent.  A little back story: I was somewhat eager to show my parents my first couple of tattoos, but once I really got the bug I was somewhat embarrassed to bring it up.  So I just didn't.  Fast forward through 7 tattoos, and I just decided enough was enough - I was tired of keeping something that I cared about a secret!  Because I could just never bring myself to start the conversation on the phone, I drafted an email and sent it off one night about a week ago.  Like so many of you have realized, it takes more than just some ink under the skin to really disappoint your parents.  While not thrilled, they seemed receptive to the idea (and I made it clear that I would be getting more tattoos in the future), expressed their concern for any neck/throat/face tattoos, and then basically dropped the subject.  It feels pretty damn good getting that off my conscience, and I'm glad they (somewhat) approve (not that it would have made a big difference!).

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  • 1 month later...

I got my first tattoo last month at age 67.  I didn't expect my mom to be thrilled, but I was disappointed with how negatively she reacted when I sent her a photo of my panda.  I realize that she's part of a generation in which "nice" people, especially nice girls, didn't have tattoos.  When I went to visit her a couple of weeks ago, she looked at my arm briefly and said "Oh."  That was all--just a disapproving "Oh". She finally said that she guessed one tattoo was okay.  I got my second tattoo last week, and I've booked several more appointments with my artist (it's true what they say about tattoo addiction).  Lol.

Fortunately friends have been very supportive of my tattoos.  Family, not so much

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I told my mom I was getting one. It was a memorial piece for my dad so obviously I only had one parent to tell. She gave me the whole "I don't agree; your father wouldn't have agreed" etc. But, we went down to Macon where I got the tattoo and she actually came into the shop with me. She didn't stay, and of course tried to talk me out of it one last time. Then said "Just tell me this is the only one." I told her I couldn't promise that. 

Overall though, she's relaxed about it now. I don't think she'll be happy when I get more, but whatever. I'm 33. 

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  • 5 months later...

Awesome thread-My parents are in their 80's. Father is a very conservative Baptist minister. My mom was always cool. When I got my first ink a long time ago, it was never an issue.  I respect my parents even though I am 56. At my age its cool if my ink peaks out from under my short sleeve shirt. LOL

You know it's good when your mom knows you wear a confederate flag and she smiles.


My Niece thinks I am crazy..just a generational thing I guess

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  • 11 months later...

My experience wasn't the best unfortunately. My very first tattoo didn't actually cause anything but a few raised eyebrows, but once I got a couple of others (and a septum piercing) in the same year all hell broke loose and I ended up getting thrown out of the house. They were all quite small, in discreet places, but were a solid no-go as far as my parents were concerned.

A lot of years have gone by since then, and nowadays on the relatively rare occasions that I see my father he just completely ignores my tattoos. We both know he hates them, and is convinced that I'm ruining my life by getting them so it's just easier to let that remain unsaid. Strangely, he actually has a tattoo. I've never found out how he ended up having one done given that he claims he's always hated them, it's an old one from when he was about 19 I think. Still, people are strange, and at least we got to the point where we can meet up without the topic coming up every time.

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  • 2 months later...

My dad and stepmom were both cool with it and curious to see my first (and each one since). My stepdad who I’m super close with (and isn’t with my mom anymore) hates them but never says anything negative about them. The occasional vague comment about not liking tattoos but never directed at me lol. And my mom, who I was most worried about found out on Facebook picture I was tagged in. She had moved out state recently and just texted me with questions and asking for pictures which was surprising. I guess I lucked out because both my older sisters have tattoos so was almost expected from me. 

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  • Posts

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    • "I'm very fit and complimented all the time how tone my arms are" So if you were fat and out of shape it would be OK?  🤣 Tattoo Anxiety is not unusual, but it really depends on how long it goes on for. Has it been weeks, months, years? You really don't have a lot of options. Despite what laser removal centers would have you believe, you'll never get totally rid of it. Any cover up will need to be even bigger and bolder, don't let any "artist" tell you differently.  Given the tone of your post, "I'm very fit and complimented all the time how tone my arms are," "My artist is extremely talented, there is not 1 shaky line, crooked line," "The line work is out of this workd, perfectly straight," "Everyone loves it" it sounds like the reality of the tattoo doesn't meet your expectations.
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