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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2013 in Posts

  1. else

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Awww! @Delicious and @Pugilist Thanks guys! It's incredibly difficult to get a good picture of my own legs though!! And... I've still got some big ol' spaces... When I look at them I see so much that's left to be filled LOL!! - - - Updated - - - By Paco Cendon at Electric 13 in Austin. Aside from the AMAZING snake he put on me he was so fun and easy to sit for, can't say enough nice things about him! The full snake is on his Instagram, the face is my favorite :)
    14 points
  2. I would like to add this very fresh skin decal by Greg Christian. My thigh never looked better, STOKED! The pic is from his instagram page.
    11 points
  3. So I'm back from my trip to LA visiting Bryan Burk and Chris Conn :o I had the best holiday of my life in just three days! and here are the results! Panther is by Bryan Burk, Dark Horse Tattoo and The cat-lady is of course by Mr. Conn himself! Best tattoo experience I have had and probably will ever have, he is something special this guy :o
    9 points
  4. The term is a little snobby for me, but all of us have this as a major hobby... and no one wants to be shitty at their hobby.
    8 points
  5. else

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    here's a hint... proper picture to come (as soon as I can poach it from IG ;) ) Love it!!!
    8 points
  6. I prefer to use the term "tatgallery" when describing myself, but maybe that's just me.
    7 points
  7. I feel physical discomfort when I hear the word Aficionado...it gives me the douche chills.
    7 points
  8. tatB

    "Tattoo Collector" ?????

    "hey look at this guy's skin, its like instagram but instead of on my phone its right here in front of me."
    6 points
  9. Pugilist

    "Tattoo Collector" ?????

    I agree with this 100%, and just so you know, I just refer to y'all as nerds. Myself included.
    6 points
  10. During my 4 most recent tattoos the tattooer has mentioned feeling a little more pressure, a little anxiety even, about putting something next to or near the other tattoos I have. Maybe I should get a couple bad ones to put them at ease!!! ;)
    5 points
  11. You are turning into this guy... Seriously though, generally I have heard it used to signify someone who keeps getting tattooed, different than the regular Joe getting one or two. - - - Updated - - - I prefer the title Tattoo Hoarder.
    5 points
  12. else

    "Tattoo Collector" ?????

    I think it went more like "Hey! That's on you?!?! I saw that on Instagram!!!" LOL!!
    4 points
  13. i prefer the term anti-plainskin. for almost everything. woop woop!
    4 points
  14. Done! Added the mountains and my wife's name at the shoulder, inside of the arm touches, elbow and the final touches throughout the tattoo. Adam was great to work with and did a fantastic job.
    4 points
  15. else

    "Tattoo Collector" ?????

    So... When I was getting my snake yesterday both Paco and another tattooer that was there referred to me as a "tattoo collector". To be frank, I was a little startled by it! I haven't thought of myself as a "collector" at all... Just a person who likes tattoos, has gotten some, and intends to get more!! LOL!! What constitutes a "collector"? What does that really mean? I'm not sure that I'm comfortable with the title. But I'm not sure exactly where that discomfort comes from.
    3 points
  16. I never have a warm and fuzzy feeling in a tattoo shop. Generally that is because I am laying down half clothed, with a man about to slowly stab me for a few hours. :) I would think it is more to you benefit so they can work within your budget. Some people only have lets say $300 bucks but the tattoo would by hour cost $400. They will say sure lets do that instead of telling you its $400 and you leave. I can tell you that I have never ask for or have been given a price when getting tattooed, I usually bring enough to cover 3 hours of the shops hourly rate. The only time I was asked a budget was when Stewart Robson tattooed me and that was more for (how much should I bring). Ended up being much under what I brought with me.
    3 points
  17. I don't mind the term at all, it only gets douchey when you act like a douche about it, as if having tattoos from only big name artists makes you better than other people, or means you know more than them. I collect tattoos, from people I've worked with, some big names and other artists who are just starting out.
    3 points
  18. 3 points
  19. @else, I think you're on the right track. I think "collector" has at times been deemed holier than thou. To get good tattoos from lots of different people, and therefore think we are better than the people who just walk in off the street or are content with their local artist. Semantically, that is a collector. Obviously, that's all a farce and untrue if we delve into the motivation behind it. While, sure, I believe those people exist who get up on their tat-soap-box, I think the majority (like y'all rad kids here on LST) just like getting good tattoos and enjoy meeting new people. I am not comfortable with the title either. Even though, it's true, I collect on a certain level. I ain't better than nobody else.
    3 points
  20. I feel like "collector" is a term used to differentiate "serious" tattoo clients from regular ones. I get why it's used, but it always sounds really snooty to me!
    3 points
  21. finished, before: http://s1.directupload.net/images/130523/ihg3gsoj.jpg after: http://s1.directupload.net/images/130523/n8hyhstm.jpg
    3 points
  22. To be quite honest, amongst my peers my feedback on my tattoos has been almost all positive. Anyone amongst my age group (18-23) typically likes my tattoos. But EVERYONE who is older has been nothing but negative feedback. My parents, employers, family friends, etc have all had nothing but negative things to say about my tattoos. Especially since one of them slightly peeks onto the front of my neck so it is often visible if my t-shirt sags a little. I remember one time my mom's friend came over and asked me about my tattoo and her tone of voice was so droll and the look in her eye was so put off I could tell she instantly thought I was an absolute fucking moron the instant she saw me. In fact I would say that a majority of people over 40 instantly think anyone with heavy tattoos is an absolute moron and a waste of life. Even my cousin and her husband who are about 5-7 years older than me at around 27/28 were very judgmental about how heavily tattooed I've decided to be, despite my cousin saying she wants a small one on her back, and her husband having 2 pretty conservative ones on his upper arm. The good thing however though is it has helped me not to care or live solely based on the opinions of others. It has really helped me realize that I should not live my life looking for the validation of others. Whether the decision is about my body, my significant other, or my career, I've learned that I should live for myself. I can never be free or true if I go through life wondering what will make other people happy or sad. Furthermore, I've found that a lot of people are ignorant, close minded, and unwilling to go against the status quo. Why should I want so hard to fit neatly into society's little box for me, if society is so fucked up in the first place? If I do something that I desire, and someone else doesn't approve that's their problem. I've got one life to live and I'm going to live it how I want to, with or without anyone else's approval or support.
    3 points
  23. got this lined up yesterday by Antonio Roque @ Black Label Tattoo Company in Frederick, MD.
    3 points
  24. It could be worse... ...people could be called a "Canvas" ;-)
    2 points
  25. Ok, I dont know if you all remember my thread, Fat people and tattoos, but ever since I have gotten more tattoos, I feel better about my body. No, it doesnt negate the fact that I am obese, but at least I have something on my body that makes me feel positive, instead of making myself feel like there is nothing good about me. Plus, people love my tattoos. gives me a little self confidence boost on the days I am especially hard on myself about my looks
    2 points
  26. this^ In my mind, a "collector" is someone who is serious about what they get and who they let do it. And as far as I have perceived regarding the artist's perspective on the term, when I've been in a shop and showing my previous work - when one artist said the word "collector", two other artists stopped what they were doing to come over and see. They were genuinely interested.
    2 points
  27. I definitely put myself in the 'collector' category, in as much as there's a bunch of people I definitely want pieces by, but I'm the only one who cares out of my friends and I don't really talk about it outside of this community, I just get them done when the opportunities arise. I'm also planning to/have got a bunch of pieces by my favourite couple of artists and shops and that's unlikely to change unless I move somewhere else in which case I'll likely do the same wherever that is...
    2 points
  28. Of course, if you're adding their ink to some great ink you already have, you're paying them a compliment...
    2 points
  29. Hmmmm...as far as you go, I think I'd just stick with "hot chick with most excellent tattoos"! I guess it could be used as a pejorative, or as a neutral descriptor, but personally, I just think of myself as a guy who happens to have some tattoos.
    2 points
  30. tatB

    "Tattoo Collector" ?????

    @else I agree, sometimes it feels like a dirty word. I think it was used negatively in one or two of the last sparrow interviews and I would like to hear an artist's perspective on clients who travel to collect from a variety of artists. Are we a pain in the ass?
    2 points
  31. one more on my rt leg
    2 points
  32. I agree! I would love to see a "global picture" of your recent acquisitions!
    2 points
  33. I'm getting all of these. And I don't even work for Rapid Realty. Permanent Discounts: Getting a Tattoo to Save Some Money
    2 points
  34. cltattooing

    Skulls Skulls Skulls

    One of my favorite pieces that I have. By Darl Gnau of Charmed Life Tattoo & Gallery in Baltimore.
    2 points
  35. Just got this yesterday!!!!! 4 hours by George Campise.
    2 points
  36. My poutine usually involves sitting on the toilet after drinking two cups of coffee.
    2 points
  37. I've met some very cool people and made some good friends of both artists and fellow collectors. I've developed a deep appreciation for not only other people's art but my own.
    1 point
  38. I did fart about that time.. too much of a coincidence though.... We had a short one by me about 2 years ago, shook everything enough to get us outside. My wife works a few miles north of me in a glass building, even creepier there. Rob
    1 point
  39. Use a good name-brand of sun block and you'll be fine. I use Neutrogena SPF 45 and it works really well. Target has them in a 2-pack for around $11 which is pretty good. Rob
    1 point
  40. I was just thinking you were overdue for some new tattoos... Also, after looking at the previous page...holy shit. You people are killing it. I've seen so many of these tattoos on IG and been pumped on them, only to get on here and see that they're on LSTers, it's great.
    1 point
  41. Tim Burke

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Such a good guy and an awesome tattooer!
    1 point
  42. Dumpleton

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Stoked my appointment with Greg Christian is tomorrow. Skull and snake time.
    1 point
  43. tattood by me (mike harris) at churchyard tattoo studio in hitchin, hertfordshire englad
    1 point
  44. I got this yesterday from Andrew Conner. The first image was bogarted from his Instagram.
    1 point
  45. Tight-Lines

    Food and Drink list

    Tattoo Day food: Panda Express Kung Pao Kitchen 6-7 post beers.
    1 point
  46. As a spoiled Montrealer, I can say that a poutine would likely be a good pre-tattoo meal. You must be careful in choosing the size that you order, or you may fall into a food induced coma, then you run the risk of waking up with 56 stars tattooed on your face ;) Just don't pair it with a Coke, I suspect that the cafeine makes the tattoo process less pleasant.
    1 point
  47. I am on the fence about whether or not to fill in negative space in a traditional American sleeve or set of tattoos. I love those Cripwell legs, but I also love stars and dots as filler. Also, little tiny daggers, flowers, hearts, eagles, etc. work really well as filler. I'd like to know what y'all think about large scale Japanese work and backgrounds/filler, though. Personally, I think Japanese work needs a background to look its absolute best. Still a tough decision. Some examples: Not sure who the tattooer is on these two (any help would be appreciated): vs Horiharu: Horitoshi I: Horiyoshi III:
    1 point
  48. Ursula

    Scott Sylvia Machines

    Are you also more of a fan of doing shitty tattoos?
    1 point
  49. Tell me about it! Just helped a friend awhile back in putting a "fresh rebuilt" trans in his shovel, placed it in, replaced starter, battery box, primary(inner and outer), adjusted the chains, etc. to find out the trans was not done right, wouldn't shift to fourth....Everything back off and out and the "mechanic" didn't replace a simple plunger that was obviously out of spec, so the part replaced and back to doing the left side to right side motorcycle jog (you know what I'm talkin about), got it all back in place and correct and got that "Motorcycle Zen" feeling when she found fourth and she's been runin smooth ever since. If only I had taken the top cover off for a look before we put it in but the "mechanic" had "totaly rebuilt" the trans, just because some have wrenches don't make them a mechanic but when everything is right it seems to stay right for good while and there's no feelin like knowin whats going on inside and how fresh the parts and/or wear is. Good luck with the Suzi, there will be rewards.
    1 point
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