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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/2013 in Posts

  1. Rob I

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Had Chad K. finish my eagle this past friday night at Congress Street Tattoo in Portsmouth. Love it. So glad it's over.. A brutal couple of hours, but so worth it.
    22 points
  2. Here is another picture of the same tattoo I posted in this month contest -thread. Tebori by Horimasa Tosui done in his private studio in Amsterdam last week at wednesday. The pictures are from yesterday.
    9 points
  3. Tebori by Horimasa Tosui in his private studio in Amsterdam. The baku was done at wednesday and the pictures are taken today (sunday).
    8 points
  4. Here is the newest addition to my collection by Chad Koeplinger. He was amazingly fast! Only took about 1 hour start to finish and it is bigger than my hand.
    7 points
  5. Saw on Horitomos' and SOG's Insatagrams that they are going to be putting out t-shirts, too:
    6 points
  6. Seeing all these Chad K pieces is making me super excited for my upcoming appointment with him! Seriously some phenominal tattoos kudos to you guys @BrianH and @Rob I.
    5 points
  7. Got a traditional Jason mask tattoo from Skylar G. at Current in San Jose and then a sandwich at Ike's. Going to Temple on Tuesday.
    5 points
  8. David Flores


    I'm not impressed, if you are going to troll you have to be more subtle and more believable.
    4 points
  9. Had you mentioned Nazis, we could have at least had a Godwins Law moment.
    4 points
  10. Getting a new tattoo is an awesome way to kill time while you wait! I talked with Jebb Riley and Jason Scott while I was waiting for Chad to setup and eat lunch. Jason was super nice and my Chris O'Donnell sleeve prompted a conversation about art/prints and Timothy Hoyer (apparently he has guested at Congress St in the past). Jebb was also friendly he asked me about some of my tattoos and he showed me his koi/animal head sleeve by Grez. And because it is an intimate space I got to watch Jebb do a few walk in tattoos while I was laying on the table. Great shop and I'd love to get more work done there in the future.
    4 points
  11. just got this dude last night pretty rad, a little oozy still, hard spot to photo
    4 points
  12. LST is always 5 clicks away from Hitler, like Wikipedia.
    3 points
  13. fuuuuck. i need this shirt.
    3 points
  14. DUDE, first of all, thank you! Second of all, he drew the snake with that exact image in his head!!!!!
    3 points
  15. slayer9019


    Just curious what is the name of this small custom shop.
    2 points
  16. Pleadco


    This. Welcome to the site though, and best of luck to ya!
    2 points
  17. When you're constantly crab-walking up stairs because of your fresh thigh/knee/ditch/calf tattoos.
    2 points
  18. Delicious


    They let you become an apprentice having no tattoos of your own, and you'll start tattooing within three months of starting your apprenticeship? Danger Will robinson. Anyway, enjoy the site. :)
    2 points
  19. I'm going to be hanging out with Pushead on Sunday. You know. No big deal. I'd love to hang with you folks, but... he wins :D
    2 points
  20. @Rob I that snake makes me think of this: Very rad!
    2 points
  21. Ugh, seriously jealous of both of those Koeplinger tattoos.
    2 points
  22. I'm glad I finally found a site like this. I've been seeing all these tattoos all over Instagram, and now I finally get to see the owners.
    2 points
  23. Done by Tim Pausinger @ Pearl Harbor Gift Shop in Toronto on july 2nd. Who knows, maybe people will really like this one!
    2 points
  24. WeRnDoG

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Here it is, my naked self on a cold winters night...finished and healed pics of my back by Dean Sacred.
    2 points
  25. Shoulder to shoulder - ship on one side, lion wave on the other.
    2 points
  26. From time to time people toss around the idea of moving their shop to a different location. The most recent version of this was a friend who's lease was going to triple downtown so was looking to move to different spot, but didn't want to open up right next to anyone he respects or any other shop for that matter. I think he got different advice from everyone, but the way I saw it was he has been in town for longer and when he opened up his shop there wasn't a million shops and everyone carved up big territories for themselves and was careful not to infringe on turf, but now that everyone has carved those territories up and opened up on top of each other, I wouldn't be as concerned with where you open up as long as it's not across the street from another good shop. Incidentally a lot of places I have lived and visited all the tattoo shops were on one side of town and usually on the same drag, but that was another time i suppose. I guess what I am asking is does it really matter anymore where you open up? Does the fact that your business is established or that you have been tattooing in town for longer carry any weight? What if your shop is just plain better? Don't get me wrong every once in awhile we toy with the idea of moving the shop and there is always a couple people we respect to much to open anywhere near them, but I guess I am wondering is that just leftover mentality of a time past or does this courtesy really exist?
    1 point
  27. tatB

    Tattoo n00b

    The tattoos I have so far have met my expectations by at least 200%. Everything has been beyond what I imagined and I can't imagine being only 90% happy with a new tattoo, even 99% would be a disappointment.
    1 point
  28. I'm really glad I read this thread before getting my first yesterday. I was really surprised at the range of emotions I had! Didn't help that I was there longer than I expected, so I was kinda' drained by the end. So thanks, for real, for the heads up on the emotional end of things.
    1 point
  29. Welcome to LST! Looks like you are a fan of Ink Master.
    1 point
  30. CultExciter

    NYC Area meetup

    I wish I was able to, but I'll be in the tattoo shop scrubbing tubes.
    1 point
  31. Shit, forgot to reply. @steve1461686340, @gougetheeyes, cheers for the guidance!
    1 point
  32. Congratulations Mark, I get married in 8 days and my time has been spent making Orders of Service and various other things. Can't wait for the day to come to be honest, then once it's done and dusted we head off to Mexico for our honeymoon.
    1 point
  33. That's awesome. I got some small flames near my armpit about 7 years ago. And yes, he has a very calming effect. Super nice guy.
    1 point
  34. hogg

    'Bout Ye!?!

    Ha! Is that a Bronson quote? If so, it's pretty bold. And for the record, I like his stuff, but it definitely sounds like Ghost.
    1 point
  35. Thank you so much, @hogg! Nice to hear that from you. It was not that bad, but it was really intense. He tattooed me almost 6 hours. Had maybe 15 min. break I think. Some spots was very painful, like under my knee. Fortunately it was such an overwhelming experience so that took a lot of pain. He was a really, really nice and relaxing guy too! Cool! What did you get from him?
    1 point
  36. BoMcConaghie

    Who is Dave Gibson?

    when I was a kid Dave would come through philly with Mike Wilson all the time. I got to go to Luckys about 10 or 12 years ago in San Diego. Real deal tattooing in a shop full of nothing but hand painted flash. Very cool!
    1 point
  37. I started at the ankle and have been moving upward. I guess that's not normal but I didn't know. Or maybe it is normal and I still don't know nothin'.
    1 point
  38. If you have less than 10 posts, and you post more than 4 links in a post, it will get auto-moderated. When that happens, our moderators will usually approve it w/in a day or so if it's not spam. There are also keywords that can trigger auto-moderation like 'buy cheap tattoo supplies' etc.. Thanks for your patience w/ these anti-spam measures that sometimes catch legit posts like yours. Cheers Steve
    1 point
  39. CultExciter

    Who is Dave Gibson?

    @Delicious, who is Dave Gibson? My dear, you met a legend.
    1 point
  40. This is on my friend Nate. Taken from Brian Bruno's instagram.
    1 point
  41. Duffa

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Done by Horinao at The CatClaw Tattoo-Z Kyoto. Believe it or not this was just under 10 hours of tattooing in 2 days (6 first,4 second). So many damn lines!! Its based on one of Kuniyoshi's Suikoden prints - Tameijiro Dan Shogu Some parts didn't hurt anywhere near as bad as I thought then others killed. Granted it was just the outline though ;) - - - Updated - - - And my tattoo has a tattoo, fuck yes.
    1 point
  42. Good morning LST!!! Got back from my Japan trip a week ago but have worked at least 12hrs every day since and have had some family dramas. Did get a promotion though which has been more of a curse than anything lol. But here are 2 little mementos I got while over there and I will post my back in the backpiece thread. I am spewing I didn't make it to Tokyo so hopefully @CaptCanada will still be keen to catch up next time round. I'll do a travel thread when I finally get a day off which will hopefully be Friday! Anyways, lets look at some tattoos ;) First one is what I got from Hiro (Formerly at The CatClaw Tattoo-Z) at his new shop "Swallows Nest Design Work". I was his first international customer lol. Special little Daruma with an inside joke in Japanese :cool: (who'll be the first to figure it out?) Got this on my last night from Horinao at The Catclaw. He had no other customers and I thought why not... well, that and they accepted credit cards which I'd never noticed until then. Quick little Hyottoko - - - Updated - - - Holy large photos Batman! Sorry guys!!
    1 point
  43. thats amazing! i decided that there may be other colours than black and grey on this painting haha
    1 point
  44. I love the way that healed. I'm used to seeing Marie Sena tattoos as fresh, and unhealed, so I have like this perfect version of it. But when it's healed, and the hair has grown back, etc, you can really see how lovely it is.
    1 point
  45. One of the tattoos from the London Trip... photo and tattoo by Stefano C. at Frith Street. Great experience, amazing tattoo, and I got to go back three days later for matching tattoos with my fiancee from Jordan Teear. I'll have photos of those and a full shot of this one when I get home this weekend. p.s.- Thanks to their staff for being patient while I mulled over which shirts I was going to bring back for the homies... as well as telling me how to find Honest Burger. It was too good.
    1 point
  46. youthcrewalex

    Tiger tattoos

    Thanks :) done at london tattoo convention last year by Adam Hays of Red rocket NY
    1 point
  47. Ursula

    Japanese fart scrolls

    this is a great thread
    1 point
  48. Thank you very much Stewart for the kind words ---- Tattooing ,would quite possibly- not have been the same without them.
    1 point
  49. Yeah honestly I can deal with trashy people, but I can't believe in this day and age people choose to eat such processed crap. On the other hand maybe all the preservatives will keep people alive. I am no hippy I just tend to worry about food that doesn't expire for years in the future. I will probably keel over one day due to my bacon and craft beer intake, but at least it will be fresh bacon and good beer that kills me. Really life is too short not to eat bacon and drink good beer.
    1 point
  50. Next is Zack Spurlock. His are titled "untitled"(panther) and "Chains"(jap) Liquid acrylic on paper. Mounted on wood. Next is Ricky McGee His are both "Untitled" Charcoal and acrylic on wood.
    1 point
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