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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2013 in Posts

  1. A few more hours put in on my back piece. Also did last night background from under the pits on both side to mid rib cage. All work being done by Rodrigo Melo from Northstar Tattoo NYC. Super stoked at the progress. Mike
    15 points
  2. When I step into another person's house, I wipe my feet as to not track mud around. Or, if it is their house-rule to remove their shoes, I will gladly leave them at the door. This is done out of respect. Even if you don't think it makes sense, a person should observe the customs of the house, or risk looking like a mannerless boob and possibly get kicked out.
    7 points
  3. Gregor

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Jeff Gogue just posted the Back Piece hes been getting from Shige over the past 3 years on facebook....Wow!!
    7 points
  4. Thanks for asking! It's on Jesse Tseronis from Winchester's facebook page.
    6 points
  5. New Grimm heart, done by Ben Rorke. It's only a week old, so it's still really bright - to me, it kind of looks out of place by itself. I guess I'm going to have to fill up the space around it. What a shame.
    5 points
  6. This isn't super related to the thread, but kinda. Anyways, a few days ago I noticed a pretty nice looking rose tattoo peaking out of the shirt sleeve of the professor who I'm a TA for, and I asked him about it, something like "Hey I saw you had a tattoo on your bicep earlier, I didn't realize you had any it looks pretty nice." And he tells me that he has that one and another one, a panther on his other arm. So I knew he lived in San Francisco for a while, so naturally being the tattoo nerd I am, I ask him where he got it. Apparently, in the late 90s he just happened to walk into Ed Hardy's Tattoo City and ended up getting a crawling panther from Tim Lehi when he was working there. He said at the time he had no idea who Ed Hardy was or anything. He was also pretty surprised when I started nerding out about how big of a deal Tim Lehi and all those dudes who were at Tattoo City at the time are now (Dan Higgs, Tim Lehi, Jef Whitehead, etc). Anyways, the tattoo is pretty rad and it blows my mind that there are so many people out there who just stumble into getting amazing tattoos with no idea that the artist might be one of the most well known and respected in the world, meanwhile, I (and probably lots of others on this forum) spend hours and hours and hours looking up artists in different cities, traveling 10+ hours in a single day (some of you are flying halfway across the world) just to get tattooed by these very same artists.
    5 points
  7. Tiger kneecap by Destroy Troy. Timeless Tattoo Kansas City, MO This was done earlier this summer. Awesome dude. I cannot wait to get some more work done by him. If you look closely there's a scratch on the bottom right, that happen a week before the tattoo and was not done during the session. Split in to two 2 hour sessions, with a short touch up afterwards. This was taken directly after the second session, I just can't seem to get a better picture than this. I highly suggest getting a tattoo from Troy if you're ever in the KCMO area.
    4 points
  8. Gregor

    Tattoos and the workplace

    Get an invisible tattoo , as long as the artist gets paid, so he can buy more resources to make proper tattoos with skulls n stuff for people who want tattoos .
    4 points
  9. got this classic filler from chuck donoghue as a final souvenir from a us-road trip. across the sea i got tattooed by him an stuart cripwell (posted a genie lamp a couple of weeks ago).both experiences and environments were different...but both in a more than positive way!
    4 points
  10. Hey everyone, haven't posted much lately but finally have a reason to. Despite the new baby, found some time for a new tattoo. Artist Ryan Gagne, Classic Tattoo, Red Deer, AB. Thanks for checking it out.
    4 points
  11. Graeme

    Full Back Piece Thread

    This one was done by Dave Cummings in seven sessions over two months. So yeah, it need not take years. I don't think I have the ability to be tattooed that much in that short a time period though.
    4 points
  12. My wife and I will be in and out of the convention all weekend. We would be down to meet up whenever. Unfortunately, we will not be getting tattooed. My wife had an appointment with @Valerie Vargas but had to cancel because she is pregnant. (A very positive thing coupled with a bit of disappoint in not being able to get tattooed.) Anyways, I look forward to meeting everyone.
    3 points
  13. Yes, let's try to meet at the convention. I'd be more than happy to since I'll be missing the pre-party. I'll probably dive into the city Friday to see some old friends at some point, but I'm staying at the Hyatt all weekend. Horrible description, but I'll be an Asian guy with long hair, glasses, black & grey Japanese sleeves, probably wearing black or some shade of grey, trying to be discreet about staring at everyone's tattoos but too shy to approach you and ask ;-) Anyway if you see me before the meet, just come up and say Hi!
    3 points
  14. we've said it before, and we'll say it again... If you don't belong, don't be long.
    3 points
  15. I'm down! I'll be at the convention from opening Friday, feeling very shy and possibly overwhelmed/overstimulated/euphoric from the sea of tattoos parading before me (I really like looking at tattoos! I know ALL of you feel me on this!) . Getting tattooed literally all day on Saturday...is it polite to say "come say hi to me here!"? 'here' being the tattoo booth or whatever. @Lance I will also be rocking the black/grey awkward look. :)
    2 points
  16. you know, tattooers are evil and elitist for not wanting to share their trade with everyone! but most evil of course.
    2 points
  17. Johannes

    Seems Interesting.

    hello and welcome to the amazing LST forum! my advice, which is nothing really...but I wouldn't put any kind of cloth on a fresh tattoo. ask your tattooer. he/she/it will know. and uuhhm yeah, hope you'll find LST as useful as me and many others have!
    2 points
  18. Yeah, fuck all you sociopathic corporate tattooers. ... What?
    2 points
  19. you're giving away all the secrets bro
    2 points
  20. hogg

    Growl from Norway!

    No welcome from me until we see that back. Oh, fuck it. Velkomen!
    2 points
  21. Iwar

    Growl from Norway!

    About time Kai! Nice to see you on here. Now stop fingering your ass, and post your incredible backpiece!!! ;)
    2 points
  22. Eh. I have dragon heads on both knees and a dragon on my left forearm. I have a snake on my elbow/right forearm, a massive snake on my back, and a snake (with a hot stuff head) on my shin. Four girl heads so far, three spiders, four birds, three skulls, four hearts, and countless flowers. I'm probably missing a few in the previous counts, but you see what I'm getting at. There will be nothing remotely bummer about a huge tiger from Bryan Burk. Nothing.
    2 points
  23. getting tattooed by bryan burk first thing friday. im gonna have to rush because my flights in at like 415. and im staying down the street at crowne. the promo for hyatt sold out before i had the chance. im stupid and procrastinated. gonna walk up hopefully with someone saturday.
    2 points
  24. no spam posted this in another thread.. gypsy head by Dru Bias at Saints and Sinners. Overall happy with the piece just having a tough time trying to decide what to put around it. Bugging me having a floating head haha.
    2 points
  25. Just went into town and got these two from Ben Fraser of Good Luck Tattoo (melbourne), the dudes a cool cat and the shop is nice aswell, the walls are dominated by awesome Steve Bolts and Scott Sylvia flash. - - - Updated - - - sorry for sideways flick
    2 points
  26. But, I thought it was for me?
    2 points
  27. But it's for me!!!!!!
    2 points
  28. Matching tattoo pigment to skin tone so the tattoo isn't noticeable? Some people shouldn't get tattooed. That shit is retarded.
    2 points
  29. Got a little impromptu tattoo yesterday! Had been talking with Carlos Diaz down at Tattoo Charlie's Place in Baltimore about a tattoo idea we had had......and he drew something up for me so I went down and got it! LMFAO.......
    2 points
  30. NativeAngel

    Seems Interesting.

    Hello all. I go by Jay and I have been getting tattoos since 2011. I know its not that long but I spent 2 years being afraid I was going to experience a huge amount of pain. As it turns out that was not the case. I have recieved tattoos in Thailand, Japan, China, and America. I just recently got my my 6th tattoo and let me tell you. Its a complete bitch. I got it a day ago and my foot is the size of Africa. At first I was worried because all my friends told me it wasn't normal for it to swell this bad. As in my toes are numb. But after looking around here I'm not as worried. However, I would like to know if I can go to sleep with socks on? I know its only the second day and my tattoo needs to breathe but when my feet are cold I don't sleep. Any help?
    1 point
  31. Mikal14

    Hi from Portland Oregon

    My name is Mikal and I tattoo at New Rose Tattoo in Portland Oregon. I was drawn to this site to see the Scott Sylvia interview ( he did my sleeve about 11 years ago) and thought I would join and see what it's all about. Keep in touch with the tattoo community. Nice to "meet" y'all
    1 point
  32. Super down to hang out with all of you! I'll be wearing an LST shirt like a nerd :cool:
    1 point
  33. @hogg @tammy lets make this happen even if its just meeting in the lobby @Lance @a1steaks @ian @cltattooing @CABS @cvportagee @Reyeslv @beez @9Years @petiloi @embers @MoistTowelette @SacramentoDan and anyone else going
    1 point
  34. Would love to see some more out of this thread, my mentor drew up a pop tart fighting a lawn gnome holding a banana. It was pretty great, not sure where he has it now a days though.
    1 point
  35. Cromags / Prince now thats an lp I want to hear
    1 point
  36. Wedge

    Ink Masters

    Sorry about screwing up the quotes. Me and the internet don't always get along too well.
    1 point
  37. My nephew.. Was unable to go, and I am working 70 hour weeks until mid November. Which means we can afford a house next year (and more tattoos), but I'll have to miss the convention. Sad panda, but I shall live vicariously through you guys until the next one :). Make it rain (Dick's) while you are there and get a good walk up!
    1 point
  38. reaperz

    Lady Heads

    be gentle.. first post. I got this a few days ago and I am having a hard time trying to decide what I should put around it/finish off the rest of the forearm with. Going for a traditional smaller pieces. Do you think the head is too big?
    1 point
  39. else

    Best post tattoo care?

    Oh! You remind me of being young!! Soon enough you won't give a damn about what the checkers think about what you're buying. ;)
    1 point
  40. Dan

    Tiger tattoos

    I got this in aug of this year,I like this style a lot. I got this from Jess Yen,until I got to the show,I did'nt even know what it was going to look like,I told him to do what he wanted. there are also a lot of other styles of tiger tattoos that I like as well though. I am very happy with this one. . .
    1 point
  41. Just get a tattoo and get it in black, it's probably not that big anyway. Wear bracelets. I don't know. So many girls nowadays have wrist tattoos I doubt you'll get fired over it...
    1 point
  42. Update on my 3/4 and chest panel by Martin Lacasse. It seemed like SO much black but now that we're into the color it seems much brighter. Marty only does two hour sessions, which is fine for the wallet and the sessions are a breeze(except collar bone, that was awful). Probably two more sessions of color to go. Crappy pic, kind of difficult to take yourself.
    1 point
  43. I finally got a somewhat decent healed picture of my Gil Elvgren pinup done a couple of years ago by Shane O'Neill.
    1 point
  44. I just pressure cooked my first whole chicken. I browned it on all sides, then added celery, carrots, onions, 1 cup of stock, star anise, and fresh oregano, thyme, and rosemary. I then put the lid on and 25 minutes later I removed a chicken dripping with juices and tender beyond all imagination. Just before doing that, I diced a butternut squash, apples, and onions. I put them in a bowl with kosher salt, pepper, and olive oil. I popped that in the oven for 35-40 minutes and it was ready at the same time as my chicken. All said and done, I was able to do the entire meal, from prep to plate in about an hour. Awesome.
    1 point
  45. Hi, this is my first post. I want to share the tattoos that I got on the London Convention last weekend. Enjoy! Stuart Cripwell - Spider Murphy`s: Frank Carter - Frith Street:
    1 point
  46. Bad iPhone pics taken during session, first session, loving it! Kim Saigh, Memoir.
    1 point
  47. Highlight last year was meeting Thom Devita.
    1 point
  48. awesome thread, can learn a lot in here about using different techniques. anyway this is what i use to make a painting i think i will start from very first step: Tracing paper for the intial sketch Trace over that with clean lines, reverse it onto my Arches Water colour block cold press i use a waterproof WHSmith Fine Marker to go over the traced images which is now on my block, with these i find i get very smooth lines, they don't bleed into the paper i use a winsor & newton watercolour brush and start black shading with black PW liquid acrylic i found this is blacker than a lot of other stuff i have used and can get a nice blend, i dont get any shades of blues, but if anyone knows anything easier to use than this please let me know! i also keep a cup of water and an old cotton tshirt next to me when i paint so i dont end up over compensating the amount of water on my brush and over do it when the black is all down i then use winsor & newton Indian ink (very vibrant) and a choice of Dr PH Martins for the colours, depending on what i am painting i think that is more or less the process i take. sounds a lot easier than it is looking at it now
    1 point
  49. a buddy of mine came up for the afternoon one day so we were trying to throw something together real quick and he and his family were throwing out ideas and we can up with a cholo hot dog throwing a thumbs up and a mustard bottle in the other hand with some script that said "eat me". he son told me to add "a weiner" on it...which we did and then erased. it's pretty rad, but he baile don the idea but i still have the drawing waiting...
    1 point
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