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Marcus Kuhn got into town late last night, he's slowly made his way over from Maine over the last few months. Over breakfast he told me all about the upcoming Gypsy Gentleman episodes, the next installment should be up sometime the first week of January and features Steve Byrne and Tony Hundall and was filmed at different places around Austin.

The line up and the premise of the third episode should be really good, there's a great line up of tattooers and it's going to be filmed in San Francisco next month. I'm really excited about that one ;)

Next Thursday he'll start to dial in my sleeve that was started in May with some colors, super stoked!! Pix for sure :D

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Spent 6 hours today getting tattooed with Marcus Kuhn. Half the time was spent dialing in the black work, the other half was spent doing color. He got the lower third of the 3/4 sleeve complete, here's a little taste :D


I've got another appt. next friday and the friday after that... hopefully he'll be able to finish it this trip!!!

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"A few." Stop giving me the itch, @Hrubarb!

Tell 'em the story about how Mike Wilson did that panther. :)

The panther was from the books Eli, Bert & mike were working out of. It had a small nose and super low brow, it's the same piece of flash Bert used on that guys hand opposite the wolf that he recently posted on instagram. After applying the stencil, Mike just smeared the brow, drew on his signature brow, enlarged the eyes and snarled the lip and voila! Instant Mike Wilson panther. It was pretty cool to see him transform the piece on a fly

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