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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2014 in Posts

  1. Here is my submission for this months contest. My whole backpiece has been done in a 6-month period (just 31 hours in total) by Bonel from Corazon Santo, Arnhem, The Netherlands. I also have a full size picture available HERE
    10 points
  2. The winner of Tattoo of the Month August is @KBeee for this beautiful tattoo by Paul Anthony Dobleman. Congrats!! Please PM @steve1461686340 with your shirt info (size and male or female) along with your address. New contest will be up shortly!
    7 points
  3. Pleadco

    Hand Tattoos

    Hitting that "10 thoughtful posts" at a record pace!
    6 points
  4. ian

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    off to see Grime on Friday for another session on my back. It's really coming along and while I'd rather not put it on the interwebz, if you see me at the SFO convention I'd have no problem showing it...
    4 points
  5. Got this started last Wednesday by Mike Stockings, he was guesting at Black Garden Tattoo in London. Few more sessions to go and other bits and pieces to add! Super happy with how it's started.
    3 points
  6. Haven't entered one of these in a while so thought i'd enter the ring with my parrot by Chad Koeplinger from the Amsterdam Convention earlier this year. Looking forward to seeing everyone elses entries!
    3 points
  7. I can't actually answer your question, but I can tell you that I found my shin to be amazingly easier than I thought it would be. As in, one of the easiest spot so far
    3 points
  8. For people who actually tattoo, I notice the terms alternating between different styles of tattooing. The more rendered, over the top styles seem to go with artist more, while the traditional/craftsmen minded guys seem to opt for tattooer. Clients almost across the board use tattoo artist, or occasionally tattooist. Some variations seem to occur based on era in which someone came from, as well. Similar to shops or tattooers now using the term "professional tattooing" to differentiate from scratchers/fly-by-night kind of guys, tattoo artist did seem to be a way to try to separate from those who aren't serious. Personally, I call myself and use the term tattooer. I find I work best thinking of what I do on skin as all craft, with art being on paper or canvas, and ending with my final line drawing for a stencil. However, like a potter, or someone who works in a bronze foundry casting people's sculptures, I understand there is an artistic component to the craft.
    2 points
  9. Chris Brand does the best neo-Japanese in the L.A. area IMO Sung Song & Julian Zeff @ Unbreakable in Studio City also do nice work Horisuzu @ Dark Horse & Small Paul @ True Tattoo both do more traditional-style Japanese, and are excellent There's also Onizuka Tattoo in Little Tokyo, JoJo Ackermann, Robert Atkinson -- the list goes on... My koi sleeve was done by Kim Saigh @ Memoir. She can do anything.
    2 points
  10. Just went to my first ever yoga class. It was fun and felt good!
    2 points
  11. I went on saturday around noon. Only spent about 90 minutes walking around. The main room with the stage, microphone, and speakers was very loud. Recognized very few of the artists' names but chatted with the ones I was familar with and ended up enjoying it.
    2 points
  12. tatB

    Introducing myself...

    Welcome! Post it here. I love a good "name this tattooer" challenge.
    2 points
  13. Doesn't matter that ya got bony shins. All of us don't have much meat on the shin bone. You'll be sweet. We have a tendency to over think an area in advance of having the area drilled, I was the same when embarking on the shin, and I gotta agree with what's already been suggested, the calf is way harder a slog than the shin. You'll be pleasantly surprised mate. No need to seek an alternative at all. There's nerve motor points that sit in the calf, hence the twitching. Sucks eh!
    2 points
  14. Grime said he knows what he has planned, he just wouldn't say which is no surprise.... I'm seeing him Friday for a session on my back...
    2 points
  15. Read this: WHO calls for urgent action to preserve power of antibiotics and make new ones | Society | The Guardian I'm not a fan of antibiotics unless your limb is about to fall off, too many doctors prescribe them happily for little reason, specially when it comes to tattoos that they think look 'infected'. the more you take antibiotics the more they wont work when you really are in a life threatening situation. your tattooer (if reputable) will always know more about this stuff than a doctor, it is weird that it looks like this 16 days on but i'd keep what youre doing up. Keep it clean and dry untill it begins to feel better. Many moons ago i had a very problematic foot tattoo on myself, it took over 4 weeks for it to be fully healed, and some times it takes a longer than expected and sometimes it looks worse than others. Take care!
    2 points
  16. I don't know if this is awesome or shitty or not but... this morning I get up, get ready for work, then decide to bleach the rubber bath mat that's discolored. So, in a cup of bleach goes into the tub with some water to cover. Next thing I know, one of the cats has his front paws IN THE TUB WITH BLEACH-Y WATER, sees me then starts to run away. I had to catch him, wipe his paws down (and everywhere he walked, thankfully hard surfaces), then hold him over the bathroom sink and rinse his paws off. He's the squirmiest cat I've ever known, so it was interesting. I decide that the cat's paws need a second cleaning after seeing him lick one, then run to the water dish and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink. So, in his paws go again into a bunch of water. It was a fun morning... Cat's fine, no problems, still alive, all that good stuff. You can't make this stuff up. Here's to hoping this weekend is actually relaxing.
    2 points
  17. Rikhall

    Upcoming Tattoos

    As it's payday my deposits finally went down for Todd noble and Valerie Vargas, :)
    2 points
  18. Really excited with this fresh one on my knee, Tattooed by Norbert at Hunter and Fox in Sydney.
    2 points
  19. So Chad finished my back recently. Here it is.
    2 points
  20. Try looking up Khuonh Ngyuen out of Daruma Tattoo in San Jose.
    1 point
  21. Rikhall

    Hello from alberta north!

    This by Robert Ryan
    1 point
  22. lots of yard work today...no no - it was cool ...really
    1 point
  23. Faolan


    Hi my name is Faolan, I love tattoos my whole life and have been planning my tattoos since i could draw. Since my dad was covered before my birth this has always been the norm for me, and people without tattoos seem strange. I stated my tattoo collection three days after turning 18 and have two so far but wont be finished until most of me is tattooed. I'm excited to see what knowledge and help this place can give me on my escapades in the years to come. Thank you.
    1 point
  24. So much awesome shit going down.
    1 point
  25. Thanks. "St. Anthony's fire" is one of the translations for the type of infection that comes up a lot, but, yeah, not sure if that's it's common name in English or not. "Wondroos", they say here. Strangely I don;t seem to have lost much ink, well, yet. Bah. Not the foggiest idea what I did wrong :( My arm is nearly done though, which is lovely!
    1 point
  26. Never posted on this before but here is my barbershop quartet done by Steve Bryne at rock of ages Austin last July, it's not going to win but thought I'd share it with people
    1 point
  27. It's like winning twice.
    1 point
  28. I think this and some of the other amazing back pieces on LST are deserving of their own category. Perhaps an annual contest to honor the insane dedication, time, and art. The winner gets a used, signed fundoshi. Just a thought.
    1 point
  29. I've spent enough time in the chair without. I figured the shin would be a crappy area and wanted something to help me sit through completion, rather than splitting the sessions. I did 8hrs on my upper calf without anything. Not the point. I'll go without, though, since y'all say the shin isn't that bad.
    1 point
  30. Mick Weder

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Had a few weeks off of late. Catching up with old mate in the next week for a nice, simple SJ inspired shark tattoo, with our own twist with some water back fill to tie the back of the neck line out.
    1 point
  31. Mick Weder

    Best numbing agent

    I'm not judging anyone, but a massive reason why I do submit to heavy tattooing is the pain factor. Not because I like pain, on the contrary...I'm a fuckin sook my wife says (can't even pick up a hot cup of tea without having a faaarkin whinge whinge)...but pain, it's the predominant force, it dictates everything in life, it determines our way forward. Master, or learn how to channel pain, we can learn how to channel any emotion. That's my take on it anyway.
    1 point
  32. Makes sense to me @Graeme [emoji106] I love this, going to make reference to this forever now when asked these fkn dumb ass why questions. That'll fuck em.
    1 point
  33. To each is own, I say.
    1 point
  34. deadsp0t

    Elbow Tattoos

    Finally got my elbow done. Was worth waiting, I'm stoked about it.
    1 point
  35. JordanMTB

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    I hope to have my back done by Grime one day! I'm sure it's amazing.
    1 point
  36. misterJ

    Coy Fish

    Does anyone know the breakdown of how much fish actually goes to this sea lion? Like what percent does sea world get and what percent does he get? As specific as possible would be best!
    1 point
  37. If anyone is planning on going, you should really think about meeting up with all these guys. Good people the lot of them.
    1 point
  38. CShaw

    *non-creepy wave*

    A little cleaner pic, taken a few days ago. Missed a couple of lines we need to go back for at the next session, but that was a long day and a lot of lines :)
    1 point
  39. Rikhall

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I'm pretty much going to England just for that tattoo, like my family is there but I said I'd only go back if I could book in with her, got a 6 hour session booked gonna be intense, and Todd is coming to calgary for the convention so I couldn't resist, a few other artists I like are coming so you never know, Done for the year? Just wait till a opportunity comes up
    1 point
  40. losParanoyas

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I have a consult with Thomas Hooper next Friday and my next visit with Kore Flatmo the following week. Cant wait!
    1 point
  41. Yeah, the worst part is already done. The rest is way more tolerable. Here's my new tattoo by Unmon at LTW (Barcelona). Line by machine, shading using tebori (holy shit is it slow!) A classical samurai and oni fighting. One session out of 3. Next one will be on september 9th
    1 point
  42. Just missed running down a school kid who stepped out in front of me by a faaarkin inch! That's awesome, otherwise I woulda been posting in the shit thread. Cold beers, choice tunes and easy company tonight is on the cards. Sweet [emoji106]
    1 point
  43. 9Years

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I agree with @jimmyirish....great looking photo, awesome landscape, but wouldn't be something I'm interested in if it were translated literally to a tattoo. To me it looks very serpentine. How about a serpent, snake or dragon in water or turning into water with the same basic colors of the picture?
    1 point
  44. joakim urma

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Getting tattooed by Adde Ramstedt tomorrow. Tibet style dagger on the lower arm. Been wanting to make this tattoo for 2 years so I'm stoked it's happening finally
    1 point
  45. Powerful piece.
    1 point
  46. I want to see a dagger with a dagger thru it...
    1 point
  47. I always thought the panther/tiger/leopard head gettin' stabbed was a symbolic reference to mans intellect(the dagger) cutting through his more base, animal instincts. Intellect vs. instinct is what I have always thought.
    1 point
  48. OutOfIdeas

    Long Lasting Styles

    This would be so much cooler if LST was a bar, and some drunken idiot blurted all that out in front of the regular patrons. Hahaha.
    1 point
  49. gougetheeyes


    Welcome Faolan! Would like to see some pictures. What's your dad's story? Was he in the service or just totally awesome? Or both?
    1 point
  50. SnowyPlover

    Hand Tattoos

    I love flowers on the hands and I also really like this ... Jondix Gerhard Wiesbeck
    1 point
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