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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2014 in Posts

  1. Just got done with my chest/half sleeves from Horitomo at State of Grace. Took me a couple of years to get it all done since I had to fly there and book back to back sessions. First, here is a pic of my fucked up tattoo that I got when I was 18. Horitomo touched it up and incorporated it with his art. SOrry not sure why some photos are posting sideways, I have it upright when I loaded them. [/img] [/img] [/img]
    11 points
  2. Here's an update on my back piece - love it :-) xccx
    9 points
  3. My super cool new filler piece from Paul O'Rourke at Love Hate in Cork, Ireland. First time at the shop and was blown away by how good it is - also helped that Paul is a seriously nice guy. I definitely will be back. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    9 points
  4. Small burning ? devil by Marc Nava at Da Vinci Tattoo
    7 points
  5. my girl head faces forward and my fudo faces backwards. the fudo stencil was originally placed looking forward but the tattooer felt that it didn't look "right" with the heads neatly stacked and facing the same direction. moral of the story is get tattooed by todd noble and eddy deutsche
    5 points
  6. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/164/6/3/Laugh_Dragon_by_talpimado.gif
    4 points
  7. A friend of mine told me a story about an old-timer in DC (I believe). If you went to him for your first tattoo, he would only tattoo a Hot Stuff facing the wrong way. The story is possibly apocryphal, but that doesn't make me love it any less.
    4 points
  8. i'm imagining this guy:
    3 points
  9. i'm not going to clutter up the board by making a thread for it but.. today i made my first tattoo, and i thought i would share it with you all. i have been apprenticing for a bit and was given my first pair of machines last month. today he let me put this small design on my cousins thigh next to tattoos by all my favorites. was incredibly nerve racking but turned out better than i expected :D
    3 points
  10. Success! Thanks. Right thigh. - - - Updated - - - And the left..
    3 points
  11. Ugh on the brownies department. I've been branching into different baked goods to eat during each session and for my tattoo artist, and I got a jump on this evening's sessions dessert food last weekend. Christmas sugar cookies! So I prepared a plate for my tattoo artist as always, then made some for everyone for the holidays. But since I did it all last weekend...I forgot to bag up some for MYSELF for tonight!!! Now I have to go BUY some tattoo food for myself. LOL ::shaking my head::
    2 points
  12. Patrick Bateman

    Hi all

    What's funny, I'm the first one to admit out of all of my friends that I have a problem. I can't stop hahahaha Yet all my friends are in denial, when I got one they all kinda of fell in and got one too. Probably the best domino effect ever!!!
    2 points
  13. tears in eyes... by matt dunn rabbits den milltown nj crappy pic 1 week into heal still some peeling going on
    2 points
  14. suburbanxcore

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Just realized that today makes it officially one month until I start my left arm with Grez at Kings Ave. I have my consult on Jan 2. I can't wait.
    2 points
  15. Those of you who follow Lee M Knight have probably already seen this one I got from him a few weeks back but here it is anyway. Done at Cult Classic Tattoo on my trip to England. Was a ripper bloke to get tattooed by and he went out of his way to make this tattoo happen!
    2 points
  16. Hey there all, I've been lurking around reading threads, interviews, and videos for awhile now and am finally getting around to introducing myself. My name is Erin, and I've been tattooing at shops in the Hudson Valley of NY for a little over 13 years and piercing for 14 years. I work at Hudson River Tattoo, in Hudson, NY and you can check out my some of my work via the shop's website here or see my most current stuff on Instagram, @LeftyLucille. I'm 33, wife, mother, knitter, and am always interested in art swaps and guest spots. Thanks for checking out my stuff!
    1 point
  17. Well, you are almost to your official 10 posts. You can post in other threads as well. I don't know the answer to your question, but it sounds like a good conversation so yeah, make a new thread about "African Tattoos" or something like that, and it might end up being a thread that lives for a while and collect information on the topic over time. If you create a thread with a more generic or personal title like "help me with my tattoo idea", it likely won't live beyond your specific question, and that would be too bad for future people looking for the same information on those types of tattoo. Get to sleep!!! I just woke up too early and have a session that doesn't even start for another 15 hours and will go likely 6 hours, so I'm gonna be in your boat about 24 hours from now on the exhaustion side. I hope you were able to sleep.
    1 point
  18. Yeah, real solid clean work. Helps too that he's a genuinely nice guy. Would like a Navajo piece from him down the line; he's really banging out some great stuff these days Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. 9Years

    Hi all

    I'm not sure where you heard this, but that seems pretty odd to me. Welcome.
    1 point
  20. SeeSea

    Hi all

    You can always ask questions here, too. It's your intro thread and you can take it where ever you want! I have paw prints too. Animals are special creatures. Kitty, dog ......... panther ;)
    1 point
  21. @sophistre the forearms are a bitch aren't they. Don't let it put you off leg tattoos, the swelling and throbbing is so worth it. Yeah, I know how that sounds, and I'm gonna leave it there anyway ;-)
    1 point
  22. Ks706

    Hi all

    Theres worse things to be addicted to :D
    1 point
  23. yeah your fine your leg likely ballooned, especially from sitting a longer session. once the swelling subsides those aches will disappear (Rest Ice Elevate) and then you can welcome the itch haha
    1 point
  24. I would suggest that if you have limited experience healing tattoos, follow the aftercare instructions your artist gave you. Unless he explicitly told you to rewrap the tattoo, don't rewrap it.
    1 point
  25. This last tattoo has been godawful to heal. God help me if I forget not to bend over and reach down to pick stuff up; feels like every vein in my forearm is about to explode from the blood pressure in the vicinity of the tattoo. Training at the gym was godawful on Tuesday. Even just swinging my arms naturally while I walk makes it feel tight and throbby. This makes me super-excited to get into leg tattoos, obviously!* *no it doesn't
    1 point
  26. you probably gonna need to give some ideas of what you're into or you're likely to get alot of "panther" in the ol suggestion box
    1 point
  27. If you ultimately desire to be tattooed by <famous> tattooer...shoot them an email and be prepared to wait. Be polite, clear and concise on what you want, demonstrate you are serious. No need to disclose who your Plan B artists are at the shop at this point. I'd wait to see what (and perhaps if) you get a response. If you get turned down or don't want to wait, then you could ask for a recommendation of his colleagues. I waited patiently for 2 years to get my back started by my tattooer. I kept in contact every few months after he said he was into the project. Eventually got measured up. And then suddenly it was "we can start next Tuesday or Thursday". He's in high demand and has the luxury of choosing the projects that are up his alley. But I'm sure he gets bombarded by emails. So be patient. Good things come to those who wait...
    1 point
  28. What on earth is a "laughing" dragon?
    1 point
  29. Cork

    Famous tattooer protocol?

    Unless the fame has gotten to their head, then you should act the same toward them as you would any other tattooer. Ask.
    1 point
  30. Mush

    Full Back Piece Thread

    you're a wild man, I HATE lines, its the most painful thing I have ever experienced. I would take 6 hours of shading over 20 minutes of lines anyday. My hat is off to you, sir.
    1 point
  31. Zillah

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Woohoo... tattoo locked and loaded for 13th of January... this time it's a lemur rose morph!
    1 point
  32. ...a TED speaker asks: Juan Enriquez: Your online life, permanent as a tattoo | Talk Video | TED.com I thought it was an intriguing talk only because often, the negative reactions to tattoos have to do with them being "forever," and "what if you change your mind?", etc. It made me think about the young people I've known who've passed away -- their Twitter feeds, their Facebook profiles -- their online selves are frozen in time. The girl who passed away 12 years ago, would she still like those same TV shows she talks about on Twitter, or be comfortable showing those Facebook profile pictures? In the grand scheme, it doesn't f^cking matter -- those things show who she was at that time, and I don't think there's anything shameful or regrettable or embarrassing about that. We're all humans, and we all grow and change our minds and adopt new attitudes. Everything we leave behind -- tattoos, Facebook pages, message board posts, blogs, pictures -- is just a big, fat smearing of evidence of how we've personally tripped through life. Like the slime trail a slug leaves behind. Yes, you can quote me on that last one. I know it's elegant as f^ck. ::sips tea, pinky out::
    1 point
  33. Cross posting from the latest tattoo thread, this is after session 1 of... i don't know how many... with Marius Meyer
    1 point
  34. ohcraigo

    The ED HARDY Thread

    I loved getting tattoed by Ed Hardy! He is so knowledgeable, talented, and just all around cool guy! - - - Updated - - - Any piece I have seen has really stood the test of tome and still looks fantastic.
    1 point
  35. I think this pretty well sums up why I still like my bad tattoos. I got them at a time when "fuck it" was kind of my motto, and even if they suck they remind me of that awesome carefree period of time.
    1 point
  36. I finally get to give this a shot! Dana Helmuth, 95% completed at Read Street Tattoo in Baltimore, the rest done in his private studio.
    1 point
  37. Dennis

    The ED HARDY Thread

    Done by Ed in 1979! GOD DAMN!!!!!!!
    1 point
  38. Going to see Earth this weekend down in Raleigh.
    1 point
  39. Thank you for the welcome graybones - gone for Danny Rossiter at the Rain City Tattoo Collective in Manchester, UK. Have heard good things about him and really like the sharpness of his designs and the superclean lines he creates :) Not seen the design yet (got another 3 weeks to go till the actual appointment!) but am certain he will nail it (pardon the pun!) - I'm veering towards black and gray at the moment but will wait and see what he comes up with first :) can't wait!!! :) xccx
    1 point
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