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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2015 in all areas

  1. Thanks @Patrick Bateman! Day 2 with Emily done, and boy am I so very glad that is over. Was quite a mental challenge today, the left side of my body seems to be more sensitive than the right, and I stupidly saved the left thigh till the second day. Here is the tiger, and I stitched both pics together so you get an idea how they look together. No photos of the horse today as she is swollen and distorted.
    16 points
  2. also posted this in the ladies thread Here are a few names to get you started: Jill Bonny Junnii Katja Ramirez Gill Gold - - - Updated - - - also Darcy Nutt
    6 points
  3. Junii Salmon Jill Bonny Katja Ramirez
    6 points
  4. Day one finished with Emily Rose Murray. Back tomorrow to do the other thigh.
    6 points
  5. SeeSea

    Rescheduling (Dilema)

    Yes, if you are doing a sleeve and a backpiece at the same time, it IS a lifestyle that you have to adjust to, if you are keeping regular appointments to finish in a reasonable period of time. I made many unexpected changes to my lifestyle, including dropping all running races (and most training) for a year. That hurt. You are a customer in the beginning, but once you start, you are in a relationship. My guy said to me during the first session, that we would be spending an awful lot of time together and we were really going to get to know one another. You are always the client, but you have to give up a lot of autonomy to the artist. He/she runs the show, makes decisions on what gets worked on, etc. You have to just show up and let that happen. My guy explains that for large pieces he turns people away if he doesn't feel he will "click" with them. I think that's a good thing if the artist knows it could affect his work dealing with (insert annoying stereotype here) for 30-100 hours. Sometimes that 15 minutes in person is mainly to sniff butts and decide if you can be friends for the duration. You already addressed this in one of your other posts, and I'm glad. This community provides a reality-check that some people don't want to hear, and it applies to a lot more than just the tattooing industry. Some people are receptive to it and others get their feathers all ruffled and panties in a twist and go stomping off in a huff of drama. (Although sometimes that's fun to watch...)
    4 points
  6. No harm man. You seem like a nice guy who is trying to do the right thing. You have committed yourself to a huge endeavour and you are trying to make good on it. I hope you get it sorted out, and get all of the work done. In the end it will be worth all of the hassle.
    3 points
  7. Annnnd, @Graeme for the win! Yes, about 5 minutes into the first session of my back (my first tattoo larger than 1"x1"), I had a very big mental WTF?!? But the progression is mentally enlightening as well. I don't think I'm the same person. It's more than just getting a huge tattoo - it's finding out who you are. Someone on one of these threads had a nice post about the emotional and growth aspect of getting a backpiece. Part of it is also the respect you will get from others with a lot of work - they understand the commitment you made and completed. I won't be clique-y and say it's a club - just a shift in perspective. This won't make sense now, but if you go full coverage - ink over every inch of your back - you will. Welcome to LST. Here are some places the crazy people hang out: http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-designs-books-flash/492-full-back-piece-thread.html http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/crazy-tattoo-stories/870-full-back-piece-experience-thread.html
    3 points
  8. tatB

    The ladies thread

    @soraya Here are a few names to get you started: Jill Bonny Junnii Katja Ramirez Gill Gold
    3 points
  9. Welcome! I am seven sessions into my back piece, and I will say that your family is right in thinking you're crazy, and you're going to feel that way at some point, maybe during many points, during your back piece. But then you'll catch a glimpse of it in a mirror and it will be worth all the pain, the annoyance and misery of healing, the considerable expense of it because there are no tattoos more striking than full back pieces. So yes, you're crazy, but you're among good company here. Who are you getting to do it and what design are you choosing?
    3 points
  10. bongsau

    Rescheduling (Dilema)

    A-O ZING never thought of myself as a "tattoo collector" but rather a "tattoo get-or" ;)
    3 points
  11. Stoned Sailor Jerry Wolf!:cool:
    3 points
  12. Latest session with Fill Wood @ Black Crown in Leeds. Gotta say, the underside of my buttocks is really tender right now. https://instagram.com/p/zVIWUtGza9/
    2 points
  13. bongsau

    Rescheduling (Dilema)

    THIS ^ To quote some solid life advice I received many years ago from K.D. Lang's 101yo Grandma (true story) ..."you had better finish whatever you start Eric...or else!" Real talk from a really bad ass really old woman, and because of it I never actually experienced what the "or else" is. ;)
    2 points
  14. yeah i tried everything to deal with the pain - and after awhile my focus just became to hold still for the artist - but yeah - there was no hiding place - hurt good - my other rib i had done not long ago for 3.5 hours - was also bad - but nothing like the 6 hour effort - different world - no regrets though - a unique and cool experience - plus i'm diggin the tatt - which i'll post in a week or so
    2 points
  15. Listen, I understand you have bad weed, but care to add anything meaningful?
    2 points
  16. That is a great description, and encouraging. I actually like the pain to some extent (not to sound like a douche noob) but in relation to the sensation, euphoria and nostalgia of the experience. I think I like the act of getting the tattoo more than having them, if that makes any sense?
    2 points
  17. Graeme

    Hello everyone.

    I am not sure why you said you were intimidated to join here in your first post. You have a lot of excellent tattoos and know how to get them, you want to be part of the community, and you're an intelligent and articulate person. If only we had more people joining like you! I hope you stick around.
    2 points
  18. sourpussoctopus

    Hello everyone.

    Hey guys! Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm excited to talk tattoos with you all! Okay, I'll eventually get the hang of embedding, but for now links to peep's instagrams will have to do. All these are from when the tattoos were still fresh (of the ones I could find) because I actually don't have pictures of my work. But I'll try to get around to taking decent photos of it all healed up and settled. Anyway, let's start: First session for my sleeve with Thomas (going for my second appointment soon): Instagram Instagram Eva is by far the person I have the most work from. Chronologically: Instagram Instagram Instagram Instagram Instagram Instagram From Sarah Carter. Least painful tattoo ever: Instagram My Valerie girls. I love these things: Instagram (Side story: You know that gorgeous punk rock Virgin Mary Valerie did a while back? I was supposed to get a punk girl from her that week she was at Kings Avenue, but decided to delay it because I thought these two made a better pair. And then she came out with that Virgin Mary and I've been kicking myself since. I'm actually thinking of going to England to get a second pair of girls on my calves to finally get my punk girl. She will be mine. Oh yes, she will be mine.) I'll try to get pictures of the other ones, since I couldn't find them online. Disclaimer: My skins swells up like crazy when I get tattooed, so some of these are kinda distorted. Like I said, nice pictures of healed work on their way.
    2 points
  19. Hey, guys. My name is Bonnie and I am from the mississippi gulf coast. I am currently going to school for chemistry. A few years ago I determined that I needed to get some art on my back. After years of deliberating, I've decided on a full japanese style back piece. I'm starting it in a week in Nola! My family thinks I'm crazy for choosing such a large tattoo for my first, but it just feels right. (Don't know how long it will feel right once the needle is going across my skin, haha). Anyways, I came across this site looking for advice and saw that everyone posting seemed really lovely and friendly. I'm looking forward to talking to folks. I'm pretty nervous so advice and words of encouragement are always appreciated!
    1 point
  20. taaarro


    Mine from Marc Nava (pic from his Instagram)
    1 point
  21. Kinglambert

    Hoichi back piece

    Fil wood @ black crown in Leeds
    1 point
  22. tay943

    The ladies thread

    @CShaw do you really want the cord to stand out, or be harmonious with the rest of the peonies? The teal would be nearly opposite on the colour wheel to the pink flowers, so the colour would be really defined against them. A deep red cord would blend into the background a little more. Iboersonally like the idea of using teal, but I like lots of colours.
    1 point
  23. Sounds like you have a great mindset already,eat a good meal prior to getting tattooed and try to get a good nights rest as well the night before,this will help a lot.Ive never meditated during but the breathing exercises will help you through it,just breathe and wait for the endorphins and you'll be fine ✌️
    1 point
  24. suburbanxcore

    The ED HARDY Thread

    So, in looking ahead at the calendar, I realized my May app at KA was while Grez will be at Blue Arms in Norway, so I had to reschedule. I was lucky enough to reschedule it for the weekend of the Ed Hardy show, so now I'll definitely be up for that. Stoked.
    1 point
  25. SeeSea

    Rescheduling (Dilema)

    I'm going against the popular vote and, without knowing the size of the work you are doing or the length of the sessions, there is no way I would schedule back-to-back like that. But my back sessions averaged 6 hours and late at night and I feel trashed the next day, so my experience might not be relevant. Regarding the deposit, did you agree to a cancellation policy with your artist when you put down your first deposit? You should have, and if not, I feel he has no business asking for entire payment up front (!!!). Also, if you gave 1 week notice, I think a another deposit is also out of line. Now if you called to reschedule a second time, then I think he has a right to ask for something more. So, you had better get a cancellation policy set between you two (and the other one). It should include terms when you need to cancel/ reschedule AND terms for when he cancels. I have a 3-day cancellation or I have to pay a second deposit IF HE CAN'T FILL THE SPOT, and vice versa - if he cancels at the last minute I get that amount of credit. (Actually, it may be that I would have had to pay his minimum - 3 hours, but I never had to do that so I don't recall. - but that's still way less than a grand.)
    1 point
  26. Jessie Lawson at Leviticus in Minneapolis isn't strictly Japanese style but she's excellent and very cool to get tattooed by. I recommend at least talking to her about what you have in mind. Jessi Lawson | Leviticus Tattoo
    1 point
  27. Joe Shit

    First Timer

    A few more artists in South of France... Stéphane Chaudesaigues | A French tattoo artist in Auvergne https://instagram.com/alixge
    1 point
  28. Colored Guy

    I am going to find you!

    Dogs and other pets are not the best of patients. Could they put one of those funnel-collars on to keep her from reaching it?
    1 point
  29. SeeSea

    The ladies thread

    @CShaw - (just deleted as I misread your post) Any color that doesn't cause the bats to lose their distinctness, so maybe a warmer color. It is looking so lovely and I'm enjoying seeing the progress!
    1 point
  30. @Breakme Awesome!!!!
    1 point
  31. I don't think there's anything wrong with mixing styles. I've always like more cohesive looks, but if you can incorporate a little bit of color you have in your other tattoos or some other theme, I think it'd turn out awesome. A Mandala will be gorgeous no matter what so I don't think you could go wrong matching you or not.
    1 point
  32. had a 6 hour session on my left ribs last night - i'll get up a pic once its healed up the pain was mind blowing - exhausting session both physically and mentally even today i was still wiped much credito to you guys banging out 8 and 9 hour sessions getting full backs, etc anyway...
    1 point
  33. Inner forearm near the elbow for me. Almost bit my lower lip off trying to keep from spewing hateful screams.
    1 point
  34. sourpussoctopus

    The ladies thread

    Hi ladies! Sorry to jump in mid-conversation like this, but I just read through the entire thread, and there were a couple of things I wanted to comment on. Here we go: I also find myself gravitating towards women's work far more often than men's. That's not to say I don't like the work of male tattooers (I've been tattooed by a few), but I find that I vastly prefer the work of women (however subconsciously). I think part of it is because tattooing has been a boys' club for such a long time (or at least perceived as such), that I feel much more at ease getting work from lady tattooers than guys. Even with topics like how to dress for a tattoo in a tricky spot, I think female tattooers are much more receptive and understanding of those concerns. Also, a lot of my tattoos are variations on the "gypsy girl". It's my favorite theme. I like images of strong, expressive women, so to me it makes sense to have a woman be the one to apply that to my body. In conclusion: girl power! I, like all women, have been catcalled for most of my life - and I hate it. (It's one of the many reasons I dread summer.) But I noticed that when I started to get more tattooed, the catcalls shifted from disgusting and lascivious to dudes shouting some variation of "I love your tats!". A guy approached me once to in a supermarket to tell me he had "mad respect" for me because of my tattoos. (Let's disregard the fact he only respects me because he thinks I can handle pain and I'm not some ~weak, fragile flower~, which is sexist as hell.) I still get my fair share of gross shit yelled at me. While it is still vastly unnecessary and uncomfortable to have my body commented on, at the very least some of those comments have shifted to something that doesn't make me fear for my safety, unlike before.
    1 point
  35. Cork

    Japanese Symbolism

    Perfect translation. I was thinking something like "Picture not found."
    1 point
  36. Dan

    Hello everyone.

    Hi Laura,congrats on the soon to be phd and school in general,hats off to you for doing that ! that's huge.
    1 point
  37. Marius Meyer started this one a couple of weeks ago. Gonna add more dragon next time.
    1 point
  38. Got this last night in Philly from Mikey Holmes. Inner forearm hurts.
    1 point
  39. By Jasmin Austin down in Perth, Australia.
    1 point
  40. Okay...and once these dye-filled macrophages are in your lymph nodes, then what? What are the health implications of this? I think laser removal and ink migrating to lymph nodes has already been touched on here, but - please correct me if I'm wrong - this sounds like it puts even more of a burden on the lymph system. This skeeves me out way more than getting tattooed ever would.
    1 point
  41. The best part of getting a tattoo is taking your rough, non-artist idea in, and watching it made into a piece of art. That's pretty much exactly how it happens. You speak with the artist, she draws a picture, you speak again and make changes, then she applies a stencil, you can make more changes, then you get a tattoo.
    1 point
  42. Bit of a long break from LST but I am still alive and slowly chipping away at my backpiece. Had a decent break from tattooing over xmas which was great but back to the grind now. The snake has taken quite a while but almost finished now. Each scale of the snake has 3-4 different shades of green so has chewed through some time.
    1 point
  43. I have been lurking this place for a bit, and finally registered to post in this thread. My boyfriend of 4 years has no tattoos, and absolutely no interest in getting any. I am currently working on a full sleeve and have a few other tattoos, and have a goal of pretty heavy coverage. He likes my tattoos, and appreciates good ones, and has no issues whatsoever with me going so far as to having a full suit. This isn't really much of a problem, since we are already somewhat opposites in a lot of ways. He is an accountant, i'm a designer and am taking classes for animation. I am the daring one, he is the cautious one. i think tattoos just fall onto my side of the relationship. with us, it works. that being said, I HATE IT sometimes. I can talk for hours and hours about a certain artist, or an idea I have, or just a love for a certain style, and he has nothing to say back. I save pennies for large work while he saves up for a house. He is understanding about the art/tattoo world, but he just doesn't get it. Just like when I draw something, he appreciates it, but it just doesn't feel like we are connected when I am creating art, or getting tattooed. I wouldn't want him to ever be there with me getting tattooed, and he does not ever want to be either. It would be a waste of time. It is incredibly frustrating not being able to really share my passion and feel like he understands my passions. this is not his fault by any means, it is just the way it is. and is probably the reason i look to things like online forums about tattoos ..... I am also very attracted to heavily tattooed guys, which he knows, but its not necessary for me. I do wonder that as I get more and more into the community and get more and more tattoos, that we may drift apart. But i doubt it. we don't share all of the same passions but I guess that is not mandatory to be in a happy and healthy long term relationship. I kind of like being the heavily tattooed one. phew. nice to get that off my chest. thanks.
    1 point
  44. My latest and greatest tattoo on my left knee, Had a very personal battle getting this one almost tapped a couple of times. Artist is WT Norbert so stoked to have him working just down the road from my place
    1 point
  45. ok ok - now I know this is the heavyweight division - the best of the best - major league back pieces - epic sleeves from legendary artists from around the globe - tattooing black belts - you get the picture - but I figure - you only live once - so here is my first ever entry into one of my favorite monthly threads.... Whatever...by Jamie Sawyer outta Immortal Ink in Clinton, NJ
    1 point
  46. if you aint got time to ask - how you gonna find time to actually get the tatt - c'mon now i'm surprised you were able to clear your schedule to be able to post your question ;)
    1 point
  47. Omar

    Trying to zone out

    I just had my second session done on my chest piece. 10 solid hours of actual tattoo time in two days. I wasn't exactly looking forward to it, since the first session (8hours in two days) turned out to be painful as hell. From minute one 'till the end. (a cursed like a madman when he went over my nipple) This time however, and for the first time, I really got 'in the zone'. I was laying in the chair, eyes closed and completely at ease while the tattoo artist drilled away for 5 hours straight. We only took two 15min breaks. What worked for me was telling myself the whole time: 'I am completely relaxed, I can't feel pain. If I could feel pain, I wouldn't be relaxed'. A bit of reversed psychology. After 45min I was in a sort of trance. I could accept the feeling of getting my skin punctured a zillion times as something that wasn't pain but something I wanted. It sounds stupid, but it worked like hell. On the really painful parts, like sternum and nipples it was all about breathing. Deep and slow breaths. Accepting the pain, not as 'pain' - with all the negative associations, but as a sensation I could control. Anyway, it did the trick for me.
    1 point
  48. I think a lot more accomplishments would be made and goals achieved and fun had if people would stop saying, I'll do XYZ but I want to lose 20 pounds first.
    1 point
  49. Johannes

    Job Openings @ CTC

    i do need a new job. too bad i live on the wrong side of the atlantic and the fact i'm no tattooer...
    1 point
  50. There's a dive there called COOP'S PLACE that has the best Jambalaya I've ever had. I've been eating there for probably 15 years. Last time I went to NOLA, I ate there six times in five days.
    1 point
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