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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2012 in all areas

  1. Kev

    Old tattoo photos

    Tigers are so 2500 years ago: More pics here: Pazyryk Mummy Tattoos More info here:Pazyryk Mummies wiki
    7 points
  2. I started with 'homemade machines' and sharpening my needles on matchbooks. All I knew at the time was single needle and black ink, I was totally clueless to anything else. When I met real tattooers and learned to make real needles I was instantly hooked, there was no turning back. I rarely use single needle these days, I want my tattoos to last as long the person I make them on, but I am very proud to know how to wield a single needle when need be. I believe Chicano style comes purely from where you came from as a tattooer and how you learned. Some try and copy it, some actually do an amazing job at creating it as well, but in my opinion the only people who can tattoo that true Chicano style are the people who lived it. ps - Ben Grillo tattooed my foot yesterday, he busted out the single needle, ouch.
    6 points
  3. Jondix, 1 week ago, at his private studio in Barcelona.
    6 points
  4. embers

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    talked to matt arriola, meeting up with him when i get back from california the 21st and measuring my torso and getting it drawn up and shit. going to start my battle royal at ink n iron. im terrified.
    4 points
  5. Also, @Scott R (and everyone else) "I'll post it up in the video thread, too!
    3 points
  6. Pick an artist you like and go talk to them.........then save up the money you need to get done what you want done! At least you won't be floored now when you find out you probably won't get it covered up for $200 and why consider building around a tattoo you already are thinking you want covered? Like I said....go talk with someone....you aren't wasting their time if you are serious about getting tattooed by them! :)
    3 points
  7. Cool, thanks. Checked out both those sites. This tattoo from Alessio at Avalon II really caught my eye. Instead of USA in the scroll, put USMC. Shrink it down a bit to fit the shoulder and that could be a winner!
    3 points
  8. I didn't mean to make it sound like being old was a bad thing. We all get into this at different stages and I myself have had some downtime while in a relationship. I just mean if you are into tattooing and have people you want to get tattooed by that are good, you aren't gaining anything by waiting, in fact you could be missing out. I will always kind of be partial to the generation of tattooers from the time period i started getting tattooed, much like people are partial to the music of your childhood. I think becoming completely covered is a big commitment and a lot of people never make it that far. Most people that are covered I would imagine went through some phases of getting tattooed all the time.
    3 points
  9. I don't plan on having a lot of tattoos, but I'd like to have one really nice, unique piece. The ones I have are pretty tame. I think I can just add and eagle or a panther to the one on my shoulder and have something really cool.
    3 points
  10. god damn....if i could do my arms over....id get scotty to do my elbows now that he can tattoo....hehehehehe....we never see old tattoos by us old fu#ks...maybe Ill take some pics and spread em.....
    3 points
  11. irezumi

    Backwards letters

    When I was a kid and read comics non-stop, I always wanted (and dint really quite understand for a while) to win the Marvel® No-Prize for catching errors ad contradicting storylines. Urs, you win the No-Prize I never got.
    3 points
  12. My horse from Zach Nelligan and my boyfriend's bat lady from Civ. We got them at the Salt Lake convention this weekend!
    3 points
  13. hogg

    Hello to everyone!

    Ha! My mother-in-law was born in Pico and still has tons of family there. I visited several years ago--beautiful place. My father-in-law's family is from the mainland, but he's 3rd-generation Oakland portagee. My wife's full Portuguese, so our daughter is PortuCajun. Yes, we make caldo verde with andouille.
    2 points
  14. because I worked for GTC in Modesto for yrs it is part of my lexicon, and I do feel like I ''get it ''having grew up with many Chicans in the suburbs of the East Bay ,Nor Cal,So I feel like It being strictly So Cal is not true. Charlie left ELA in 85'. To quote Tim...''that fish has been fileted''.Do to the internet and media everyone ,now, can pretend to be part of it. Even in south Alabama they like my ''California style'' lettering. Not because I imitate, But because its part of who I am. although BJ's books are beautiful and helpful to the masses, that's not where'' I'' got It....heck I did Scott S's belly rocker 20yrs ago...''Loco Amor'' .Scott and them at American Graffiti used to ask me how and what spanish words were spelt and meant...hehehe...another Huero..Soy Como Soy.
    2 points
  15. Don't forget to include a tip for your tattooer in your cost budget! :D
    2 points
  16. gougetheeyes

    Old tattoo photos

    @Duffa, awesome. Keep staring at all the stuff on Tyron's legs.. esp. the pharaoh's horses. AND I'm pretty sure I see little spidey filler in there just below his left knee! Wish I could make out what he's got on his knees. Man, love that photo. @Scott R, that's Rick Walters. I think they're just bent and look that way in the photo? Though I wouldn't be surprised if Rick Walters was missing various appendages.
    2 points
  17. nothing too eventful... when i was 20 (in 2007), i got some text and a skull on my left forearm. my dad has the same text on his forearm, and since i was unsure as to what my goals in coverage would be at the time, i figured that getting that tattoo in dedication to my parents would always ring true with me. plus, skulls are rad.
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. I guess. Its still true. I was a teenager then and early 30 now. Im just thinking on the past and remebering how dumb/awesome it was. I think most people do that.
    2 points
  20. So, i got quite a few tattoos when I was younger, all but one of them by Dale Grande, and then I slacked after the last one he did for me, I think in like 1984. That would put me at 29. Kids, houses, more motorsickles, bidness, all that stuff came along, and then I went back to Dale's shop when I was what, 50? I had some definite ideas for linkage/sleeving, and some designs I had dug up from history books. Just a tad too late. Dale had stopped tattooing actively, and only did the occassional piece, but he looked at what I had, and what I wanted done, and said "you need to talk to this guy I have working for me." And that's how I ended up having Miles Maniaci at Chicago Tattoo layout the final design and do my sleeve. Took my ideas and turned them into a coherent piece. As far as sitting and age, I'd have to check the exact amount of time, but if memory serves, I did 5 sittings, the shortest one being like four and a half hours, and the rest nbeing between five and a half and six hours. I could have at all night, but the designs were pretty hard to pick out after five or six hours, and Miles didn't want to push past that. And I paid with a credit card. Hey-it gives me a minimum of 30 days to come up with the ching, and meantime, it's done! The best part of it, to me, was that I was able to incorporate all of Dales work from back in the day into one solid design. His colors and linework have held up wondefully, and it all fits together well. .02
    2 points
  21. Guessing he's showing the diff between the A, M, S, and N as they are properly made, vs the failed 'tattoo font'
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. JAllen

    Backwards letters

    notice the same letters in this "tattoo font"
    2 points
  24. hogg

    Backwards letters

    Tell her what she's won, @irezumi! You've won a set of eight correctly sided letters, suitable for knuckle use. If I may be so bold, I suggest you get AND SEW ON.
    2 points
  25. who: Ryan George @ Almost Famous Tattoos - Tattoo & Piercing - Miami, FL | Facebook what: Oni Head when: a few months back, maybe November 2011 why: I gave my friend Steven Vanni a ride to almost famous because he had an appointment with Greg Christian who was in town. I walked into Ryan George getting tattooed by Greg Christian. I had some serious small talk with Ryan, Showed him the machine I bought from my mentor. So stoked on catching a glimpse of a great tattooer tattooing a bad ass design on another great tattooer. I asked Ryan if I could schedule an appointment.
    2 points
  26. I was 15 I think; I was coming back from my HS Graduation and asked my folks if I could get a tattoo as a present. They said yes and we stopped at a shop in Savannah, Georgia where I got tattooed by a scary biker chick named Darnell. My mom lied and said I was 16 since that was the minimum age Darnell would tattoo. I had doodled this little sun that ended up looking nothing like what she tattooed on me. I'll look for pictures (it's since been covered up by Josh Hoffman) but man... it was AWFUL. She did it with a single needle, but some of the lines blew out so much that they were easily 1/8" wider than other parts of the tattoo. I was nervous, so she gave me booze to sip. Then tattooed my brother with the same needle setup because "you two are family".
    2 points
  27. Duffa

    Old tattoo photos

    Found these on travels around the interwebs (Sorry for any reposts) Lyle Tuttles' back by Doc Forbes 1962 Painless Jack Tyron - this is... I can't even find words to describe this. There's just an 'elegance' to it I think Rick Walters Pamela Nash by Les Skuse
    2 points
  28. Maybe an Inappropriate location for this comment,but, Lochlan rocks. you are On IT ! Thank You for what you do. I appreciate Ya.
    2 points
  29. Stefan Johnsson


    1 point
  30. Shannon Shirley

    Hello to everyone!

    tattooed portagee lovers unite!!!!
    1 point
  31. Thanks for introducing yourself....the north east is growing quick on LST
    1 point
  32. slayer9019

    NYC meet up?

    While Brooklyn is a pain to get to, I also have a slight preference to it.
    1 point
  33. Scott R

    Old tattoo photos

    @Duffa lyle tuttle and jack tyron pics are awesome is bert grimm missing the tips of some of his fingers?
    1 point
  34. JAllen

    Backwards letters

    yep, sorry about that @Shannon Shirley i was going to point out the specific letters but since it had kinda been mentioned i got lazy. it's noticeable on the font used on sampson spring and beverages.
    1 point
  35. Shannon Shirley

    Backwards letters

    some of us are on the verge of alzeimers.......hhuuhhh???
    1 point
  36. From what I understand, the downstroke should always be the heavier side - such as the right leg of the A, the middle stroke of the N, The left middle and final stroke of the M, and so on. These three letters are the ones I see backwards most often. This is what we are talking about, right?
    1 point
  37. Been on an Abigail Williams kick for a while. Not their best song, but the wolves at the end of the song at like 5:30 give me the chills, in the best of ways. Also dig this ^ cheesy looking video. Breakdowns pretty good too.
    1 point
  38. gougetheeyes

    Backwards letters

    You can only do so much dude, I say it's nice of you to offer advice but if they don't wanna listen, they don't wanna listen.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Shopping on price is a massive mistake IMHO. Tattooing is like anything else you buy and quality comes at a price. My advice for what its worth. Look at the gallery, there's some great tattoos on there. Find an idea or design you like. Find a good artist. Im sure there are some great tattoo shops in San Diego (I'm from the UK so I can't recomend any). Get a quote pay a deposit and set a date. If you need to save some money set a date months away and start saving.
    1 point
  41. ta2d2at

    Old tattoo photos

    Be careful what you ask for ! LOL ... hi, i am a new member after following the posts after my son posted the pics of the hubbys work from Charlie. We are honestly just learning how important this is. we are happy to share pics/stories and hope to see the same from others! my husband and i share this profile, so you can address either or both of us anytime you would like. we are looking forward to checking out the forum and seeing what we've been missing. :)
    1 point
  42. Dan S

    Cover up ?

    So one of my Brothers was getting divorced, and as part of the settlement, he had to pay his ex $200 to get his name, which she had tattooed on her shoulderblade, covered up. No big deal. He gave her the money, they got divorced, all is well. A few months later, we see her at a party, and she asks do we want to see the cover-up? Sure! Instead of covering his name, she had gotten a tattoo of a dog with it's leg lifted alongside it, pissing over it. One of the best tats I've ever seen!
    1 point
  43. or how about the " i wish we can still be friends so my visiting hours won't be as long as family when you are in an institution." Dude's awesome
    1 point
  44. Hahahhhhha just read that article the other day. Could not stop laughing
    1 point
  45. tattooed on my calf by Mike Schweigert on my 18th birthday at Electric Tattoo, Bradley Beach NJ
    1 point
  46. irezumi

    Art thread.

    Sean Avery i should've donated all my old cd's to this guy.
    1 point
  47. max thomas

    Art thread.

    here's some work from two of my favorite artists that don't tattoo. Vania Zouravliov: Takato Yamamoto:
    1 point
  48. 1 point
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