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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/2012 in all areas

  1. valerie vargas frith st SFO
    9 points
  2. Valerie Vargas frith st tattoo done at SFO super happy!
    9 points
  3. What an absolutely INSANE weekend! Got to chat with @hogg, meet @Reyeslv and watch @Stewart Robson work on his AMAZING back piece, got to meet @Scott R and see his insane 11 hour back piece as well as watch @Valerie Vargas work on his thigh pieces, chat with Valerie while getting tattooed with Jondix, Hang with @Tim Hendricks while he tattooed my Wife and much more! Here are some highlights... My Wife and I with Jeff Gogue, such a mellow down to earth guy! the tattoo he made on me Jeff drawing it on Jeff tattooing my Wife the finished piece pic from Jeff's Instagram Tim drawing on my Wife's foot, another super down to earth guy and a blast to hang with... Freddy Corbin also hung out for half the tattoo... needless to say, a memorable experience :D Tim with my Wife and the finished piece Pic of the tattoo from Tim's Instagram - - - Updated - - - My Wife and I with Jondix, the coolest most humble guy I'll ever meet and an absolute pleasure to be in his presence... his AMAZING banner The stencil for my stomach lined out and after 6 hours of tattooing, the finished product of which a photo does NO justice here's the tattoo he made on my Wife Jondix shared his booth with Deno and I took this pic for a friend but I'll post it for you guys, this was some original artwork that he was selling words can't describe how amazing this weekend was but hopefully these pictures attempt to paint a picture :D
    8 points
  4. got this one from mark cross last weekend
    7 points
  5. Just got back from a day trip to Amsterdam. Got my inner bicep tattooed by Guen Douglas at Salon Serpent. It hit parts of the armpit and ditch and it hurt like hell. And now my arm is massive. But so worth it! Probably a little girly for some of y'all's taste.
    6 points
  6. stuart cripwell spider murphys sfo
    6 points
  7. Jennifer Stell

    Ink Masters

    I'm SOOO GLAD I DIDN'T HAVE TO TYPE THE ABOVE. Wanted to... I mean it's caused a couple of marital spats to put it lightly... Yeah we're a passionate couple, we throw down about tattooing, and taste... Thank you, it was really hard to deal with, the last day, kinda like watching someone get raped (for lack of a better), I didn't go to the set the final day... it was a rough weekend, and that convention was one of the hardest I think I ever worked, and I have even had a miscarriage at a convention before during a pageant I was throwing... We are both going to actively try to do more good to help offset the bad, tattooing takes care of us, we need to take better care of it... More now then ever. AS FAR AS THE TATTOO COPY RIGHT THING..... Don't take this the wrong way, but fucking get over it. SERIOUSLY it's all copying. EVERYONE STEALS: It's a matter of who you're stealing from if you have taste and you're stealing from Hardy, Roberts, Jerry, Malone, ETC... You're following tradition. I haven't even seen the episode, don't care, I'm so sick of all the under twenties, and tens and five year old tattooers acting like they were the first person to come up with a design, it's all been done before. I have seen close friends and artist straight rip off Richards original paintings tattoos I have posted up online, here, instagram, twitter, tumbler, and then no reference credit, or original design cred was given... then seeing all the killer remarks, etc... And each time I get all pissy about it Richard says... Can't get mad, if you put it out there someone is going to use it. , seen people rip off blackhearts shit, seen em rip off Major TM Logos, I have even ripped on Stella Artois Logo. Mike Roper is the only artist I know that is like a mystery. You know his work is amazing. Don't see a lot of it... Because he doesn't make that stuff easily available. ShawnPorter, I haven't been able to check the video out you posted, I will when I get a good inet connection. BTW, you coming to Richmond? New School is bullshit. I'm sorry, it is. until I start seeing new school water color flash sheets rolling around all over, not oils or acrylics, then I will acknowledge it as a "dance" until then, all I see is some idiot that doesn't want to learn the footwork to even two step...Lazy.
    6 points
  8. Like I said in the OV writeup- at LEAST the Inked shows- scripted reality or not- feature mostly decent (not stellar. decent) tattooers doing ok tattoos. Ink Master gets people who they think will be dynamic on a game show. No one is looking at Al Fliction or Kay Kutta to do good TATTOOS- they're looking for a good reality show villain. And people are walking away with bad tattoos because of it. I don't care how nice Navarro is (my NYC friends who interact with him defend him nonstop- I think it's starfuckery... "he's so nice to us!") they're ALLOWING BAD TATTOOING TO HAPPEN FOR RATINGS.
    4 points
  9. @Valerie Vargas thank you so much
    4 points
  10. I had my first session on my first tattoo with Kore Flatmo this Friday. I went in with a weird combination of being very excited and very nervous at the same time. Needless to say everyone was great and it was a great experience. I have to go back for another session to finish in November. Even though I'm not done with my first tattoo, I have caught myself thinking through what I would like to do for my other chest panel. I am worried this is going to get expensive. I am blaming all of you for this.
    3 points
  11. Scott R


    Eagle by Valerie Vargas from Mike Malone flash on my thigh so good I look at it more than I should
    3 points
  12. Ray Karpis

    Lady Heads

    What do you think about this guy's work...Travis Hulshizer in Fayetteville, Arkansas? Someone on LST recommended him, and I think his work is pretty outstanding...especially for a small market like Arkansas.
    3 points
  13. Got my 1st tattoo a year and a half ago when I was 50. Just got my 2nd at 52. I just love hearing the "mid life crisis" crap :)
    2 points
  14. See... I wouldn't think they had an army of lawyers- I think no one really thinks about it. Tattoo copyright is a newer concept so I think it's something that probably never crossed their minds. Even though Lady Face Navarro has been getting tattooed longer than most people on the show have been tattooing, and that DOES make him an expert.
    2 points
  15. definitely. you can't deny that this show is immensely better than 99% of the shit that is on tv. with that said, at times, the show can be laughable. some of the dialogue is so forced, and the fact that everyone in this post-apocalyptic world is an amazing marksman is pretty ridiculous.
    2 points
  16. @Brock Varty here is what we have done so far. Here is the tattoo Brenda started on my wife.
    2 points
  17. She is. Last night I caught her on numerous ocassions just staring at her arm. I was nice to meet you as well. Your back is looking great and your friends foo dog turned out awesome.
    2 points
  18. I asked my wife last night, if we had paid the mortgage yet, and her first repsonse was "Why? Is there someone you "need" to get tattooed by." I said "No because it's the end of the month, but I like where your head's at." I guess I am that predictable, but am trying to be good and save up money. Thinking about a trip to Chicago in Jan-Feb, do a Taylor street grab bag tattoo, and set something up with Erik Gillespie. A good friend is moving from Chicago to Boston and this will be the last time we can party and his chance to get one last piece from Erik.
    2 points
  19. Hahaha @Graeme and I have often remarked on this problem of having no voice of reason in a tattoo-obsessed marriage. We just egg each other on.
    2 points
  20. Had a great time at the convention this weekend. It was nice meeting and talking with @Scott R, @Reyeslv, @Stewart Robson, and @Valerie Vargas. My wife was super excited about coming away with this from Valerie: Sorry for the crappy iPhone pic and my lack of ability to take good pictures.
    2 points
  21. Season One was shot in 2 general locations: NY and the SF Bay Area. Season Two was shot on 3 continents: USA, UK and Japan. So I think it's safe to say it's probably a budget issue. You should have seen the expensive hair and make-up professionals they flew in from hollywood just to make me look handsome on camera. My burritos aren't cheap either.
    2 points
  22. I got my first tattoo machine tattooed on my hand by Hugo Tatuajes who apprenticed me... there goes the picture..
    2 points
  23. Anyone living in or coming to Melbourne, Australia should really get amongst Fergus Simms tattoos. He has dozens of amazing tattoos from the guys at Smith St. and you can really see their influence in his tattoos.
    2 points
  24. Tiny Miss Becca Ashley Love Mikael de Poissy Alix Ge Kim-Anh Nguyen
    2 points
  25. SnowyPlover

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I love a bodysuit. I also am very much into cohesiveness, flow and balance and have been working with one artist for the past year with more work planned in the future (sleeve starting in January). I'm pretty focused at this point with what I want aesthetically/style/theme wise and have found someone who I trust and have a great rapport with to carry it out. So while I can oogle all the eye candy out there, I'm very much looking forward to what I have planned.
    1 point
  26. A good "starter" bourbon is Maker's Mark. It's very smooth and has a good flavor. - - - Updated - - - If you want to go a little expensive you could buy a bottle of Elijah Craig 20 Year Old Single Barrel. It'll run you about $140.00.
    1 point
  27. Our Endless Days

    Ink Masters

    this. oliver peck and chris nunez watch these folks do really awful fucking tattoos. I understand they’re doing what they’re supposed to in terms of the confines of the show, but fuck.
    1 point
  28. ShawnPorter

    Hurricane Sandy

    I fared ok in South Philly. No power outages/broken windows/flooding. Last night I got stir crazy and took a bike ride. In the Hurricane. To the protests of my friends, family and loved ones. I wore a helmet and goggles at least. The wind was incredible. Discovered that it took out the IKEA sign a few blocks away. Crazy.
    1 point
  29. Our Endless Days

    Tattoo age on VBS

    is it safe to assume everyone is fucking pumped for deVita's segment?
    1 point
  30. That is absolutely fantastic to hear. Your words back up what I have thought for a long time. there is no one in tattooing as real and as humble as Kore. That dude is one of the most incredible tattooers in the world and yet talks to you as if he is your best friend. It amazes me everytime I talk to him how willing he is to converse about stuff that has nothing to do with tattooing. I think tattooing is just a byproduct of the person he is. His extrememly intimate and intelligent nature kind of made him a tattooer. Not the other way around. I don't start my project till January...but I can tell you this. I am more excited for working with Kore than I have ever been for anything else. Again, congrats on what i'm sure is an amazing piece. I'd love to see pictures. - - - Updated - - - Sorry for the double post guys, but I had to say this. I remember Kore saying that he has never done a complete body suit....this might be the chance @reverend1.
    1 point
  31. hogg

    State of Grace Convention

    I've been waiting for you to post your stomach, @ian. That's even crazier than I thought it would be! I really enjoyed the conversation I had you with you and @Hrubarb, aka the No-Hand-Tats Crew. Congrats on your new additions (and best to your wife, too).
    1 point
  32. I've failed miserably at that job on some occasions @Scott R
    1 point
  33. Okay...as, I think, the oldest guy posting here, I'd best to act as the voice of reason. You need to go out and find as much on Japanese body suits as you can, and then start working with Korey to get yours drawn up, cause buddy, you been had.
    1 point
  34. Nerd talk all day 'err day!
    1 point
  35. Pugilist

    Upcoming Tattoos

    In a kind of roundabout response to your question, @Our Endless Days , I have often remarked that something I am learning as a tattoo enthusiast is how to look at and appreciate someone's work without, you know, NEEDING to get something from them. I feel like with instagram and other online resources, we can all get very kid in a candy store, and I personally don't have the time/energy/cash/space on my body to run out and get work from every single tattooer that I love. So I am learning to say, "So and so is amazing, but I will probably never get anything from them, and that's ok." Haha. (It helps being married to another tattoo nerd because I can live vicariously through him and it's like we have twice the space to work with. That sounds creepy, doesn't it?) My own ongoing work is a combo of stuff from one person and one-offs from others. I am trying not to overthink it. I neither feel like I want to settle on one artist for everything, nor do I need to go nuts and fit as many awesome artists as possible on my skin (hence my discussion of letting go of all the possibilities above). I find myself returning to the artist I return to because I just connect with her work so profoundly that half the time I have a tattoo idea, it is obvious to me that she is the person to go to for it. But then when I want something else, I've been glad to mix it up a bit. Something I find tough is that I am very sentimental by nature, and I have been lucky enough to have been tattooed exclusively by super nice, fun, awesome and talented people, so I get kind of bummed when I have a really great experience with someone who I likely won't get work from again. (For example, I got an awesome tattoo from Marie Sena at the Montreal convention in September, and I looooove the tattoo, love her work, and she was so nice and fun to get tattooed by. But she is very far away and so I am only likely to be able to get more work from her when she's here for conventions in the future, so who knows! But it was such a good experience that I want more!)
    1 point
  36. tatB

    Upcoming Tattoos

    just made a january appointment with chris odonnell!
    1 point
  37. Reyeslv

    State of Grace Convention

    Here's my latest from Stewart.
    1 point
  38. guys at airport now will get home around midnight and get to taking some pictures. loch sorry i missed you friday some magician was finishing a 12 hr backpiece for me
    1 point
  39. Hahahahaha I was thinking the same thing, if only people were into getting face tattoos when Jnco Jeans were popular, hahahaha
    1 point
  40. Iwar

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    By Chad Koeplinger at the London convention a few weeks back
    1 point
  41. Jack


    el monga, slaughtering shit.
    1 point
  42. Dan S


    Well, the Coasts have both been written up, so I guess I have to throw in my vote for Chicago. Cliff Raven. I don't usually like linking to Wiki, but this is a fairly concise and accurate summation of his career. Cliff Raven - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia While it is accurate, it doesn't really convey just how much of an influence the man had. When I first started hanging around his shop at WAY too young an age, Buddy McFall was still working there, and it was a pretty rough and tumble place. Phil Sparrow was there at times, as was Tats Thomas. Cliff was called "The Father of Modern Tattooing in America" by those in the know in this area. He may have been, or he may simply have been one of the earliest and most influential advocates of Japanese-style tattooing. Continuing his style, and also his renown, were some of his apprentices, especially Dale Grande, who still owns Chicago Tattoo, and Bob Benedetti. That line continues with the man I consider to be one of the finest traditional tattooists in the world, Nick Colella, (Tattooing by Nick Colella) and with another outstanding artist, deeply immersed in the Japanese tradition, Miles Maniaci. ({ Miles Maniaci }) BTW, that's my arm in the "Progress" section. It seems that these tattooists get short-shrift in books and print in general, and that's a shame...Chicago Tattooing is literally a shrine to the art. There is original flash on the walls by Cliff, Dale, and Nick, along with such greats as Sailor Jerry, Don Ed Hardy, Tats Thomas, and many others. Cliff was named "Tattoo Artist of the Year" at the very first International Tattoo Convention in 1976, and shortll after bought out Lyle Tuttle's shop in Hollywierd. While there, he tattooed many celebs, including Ringo Starr. I got tattooed by Nick Colella a few weeks ago, and he told me that he is hoping to continue the thread on tattooing history in Chicago he had started here as soon as he got a minute free from ink-slinging. The man is busy, but you can still get a walk-in with him without too much difficulty. So give Chicago it's due, some of the heaviest names of tattooing in the modern age came out of here! Add another to your list, Bunny...you can book a spot with Nick, chat with Dale while you're there, and then maybe hit Miles the same day-he works out of Deluxe Tattoo, not too far from Chicago Tattooing Company. I am fortunate to have work by by Dale, by Miles, and by Nick, and have more planned with Nick. .02
    1 point
  43. Scott R


    @riot I would have pawned a tv to get tattooed by him, and I dont even have any japanese tattoos.
    1 point
  44. Bunny Switchblade


    Here are two living legends that i know have already been mentioned but I got to hang with them both this past weekend and had such and awesome time! Mr. Tony Polito....who showed up to surprise me....and in the background you can see Mr. Mike Perfetto tattooing! Sorry....I look like crap....mostly because I had already been tattooed earlier in the day by Steve Delgatto...ha ha ha!
    1 point
  45. Jaycel Adkins

    Walking Dead

    Thinks the show is good, but the comic is orders of magnitude better.
    1 point
  46. Duffa

    Pin Up Girls

    There can't be a pinup thread without something from my home girl Lina Stigsson! :cool: There are more on her website: Lina Stigsson
    1 point
  47. Lochlan

    Ship Tattoo Designs

    Here's a Nick Rodin from Blackheart tattoo picture of a ship...
    1 point
  48. jade1955


    Leopard by Xam, The Family Business, London
    1 point
  49. well...this is bound to turn into a huge mess. but, here's my take. i think we all "appropriate" things, especially those of us who follow "traditional" tattooing. by its nature, traditional or classic tattooing follows a certain code, look, and rules. we follow a lineage. most of the designs have been passed on to us through that lineage and visual heritage, and their origins are long lost, or if there was an originator, he is long dead. now, if a LIVING tattooer does something unique and original, and it's his/her own idea, and overnight, thanks to facebook, it's being copied all over the world and internet, i think that's wrong. that guy came up with something cool and new, maybe his whole own style or niche, and he's still alive, making a living. we should respect that.
    1 point
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