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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/2012 in Posts

  1. By Chad Koeplinger at the London convention a few weeks back
    16 points
  2. When I saw Freddy Corbin in the line-up it did perk up my interest. In general though, I suspect the likes of us are not the target market for this venture...? A celebrity tattoo studio opening in Notting Hill sounds like a potential plot for a new Hugh Grant rom-com vehicle. I can see it now: "Floppy-haired repressed English gentleman (Hugh Grant) falls in love with unsuitable, free-spirited American tattooer (Reese Witherspoon or someone) who teaches him about being himself and ... blah blah etc etc.". Ker-ching....
    8 points
  3. I'll try to put together a good photo with the newest additions, it's hard to take a decent looking picture of it because it wraps around my arm, though here's a picture of it from Seth's blog from when it was first finished about a year ago: Seth Wood Tattoo - - - Updated - - - I have a couple of tattoos from Ron and, yes, his tattoos are amazing...like "holy fuck, I can't believe he did that" amazing, especially with some of the negative space tattoos, and he's all around a really awesome dude to get tattooed by. I highly recommend the experience.
    6 points
  4. abees

    Upcoming Tattoos

    i went to see Curly this morning. i'm getting pretty much the whole of the back of my leg done.. similar to this Leo Zulueta back piece attached. i took in Modern Primitives as an example as it was easier than trying to explain. he then showed me something very similar that he tattooed on the inside of someones forearm, looked incredible. it'll be two sittings in July.
    5 points
  5. ian

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Just set up back to back days in mid January with Grime to start my back! :D
    4 points
  6. The details that Seth added: And the start of my sleeve, by Thomas Hooper:
    4 points
  7. 3 points
  8. I tattoo a fair number of police men & women. Most of them with large-scale work (read: bigger than half-sleeve) All if them are sensible enough to know not to get visible tattoos. They also understand that tattoos are for outcasts and outcast tendencies are best hidden from the powers that be. If you wanna be an outlaw, don't be a lawman.
    3 points
  9. sylvirawr

    Lady Heads

    Alix Ge, someone posted one of her tattoos already but I love her lady heads so much. I got one back in March. the last one is mine, freshly done
    3 points
  10. slayer9019

    halloween 2012

    best costume ever!
    2 points
  11. CultExciter


    i like this a lot! i do not have a pushead tattoo, but would like one someday. i picked up this book a couple years ago. love it dearly. Sparrow Volume 15: Pushead: Pushead: 9781600106521: Amazon.com: Books
    1 point
  12. Dan S

    Old tattoo photos

    Check these pix out...the tattoos are secondary, but they are there. Ah, the good old days! Flavorwire » Captivating Photos of a Teen Gang in ’50s Brooklyn
    1 point
  13. I'll be at the convention for a few hours tomorrow (friday) night after six or so. If you'll be there and wanna say hi and/or get a handful of the new flyers email me [email protected] Look fwd to mtg some more LSTers
    1 point
  14. @Iwar that's awesome, man.
    1 point
  15. SStu

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    @Iwar. Just fabulous. Love it.
    1 point
  16. Graeme

    Upcoming Tattoos

    That's on Rory Keating, right? I'd love to see it in person because the pictures I've seen are incredible. You'll have to keep us updated when you get it done.
    1 point
  17. haha, i thought the same (in regards to LST'ers not really being the target market).. but if i can get tattooed by Freddy Corbin there, then i can't complain.
    1 point
  18. @Iwar love that subtle pattern on her clothing, Chad always seems to throw in those little details that really make a tattoo.
    1 point
  19. @abees Thought Curly was really good, I don't think the presenter expected him to be as frank as he was about the problems (for most people) around getting tattooed below the shirt-line, doing hands, face, neck etc. If you're policing then the reality is that, as Stewart alludes to, you do not get visible tattoos or display any kind of heavy coverage unless you want to find your chances of promotion and movement within the job coming to a grinding halt. In fairness, it's not just marking yourself out by displaying the fact that you're tattooed heavily that will do that: There's ample ways to rule yourself out of contention (Go sick too often or for too long... Go sick with the wrong thing, such as a mental health issue... Have or make a bullying complaint... Be see to accrue too many complaints against you..etc). That said, while policing as a concept is conservative in terms of its social function (and in the way it is managed) there are a lot of people in the ranks who are there because it is an unconventional job in many ways. The irregular hours are the antithesis of 9-to-5, and the work itself can be either mind-numbingly boring or interesting and dangerous one night to the next. You find jobsworths who are there for the pension, but you'll also find people who are risk-takers and eccentrics by any measuring stick. When I joined up there as a small number of guys floating around in the job who had forearm tattoos, usually quite old-school, daggers and crawling panthers. These were guys who had transferred in from the Irish army or prison service. The attitude was that they got a free pass from management as far as the tattoos went. I don't think it would fly today, they'd be in long-sleeves like the rest of us.
    1 point
  20. @jade1955 Yeah i saw guys walking around with full backpieces (well not full, but large) uncovered. Awesome work but i'd want to keep it wrapped up so it stayed that way. Can't help you on the cigar skull function but i will say it looks good!
    1 point
  21. Damn I suppose it's back to Frith Street for me then.
    1 point
  22. I can't speak authoritatively to the claims re: shitty spots in this thread as I'm not that covered, but working on a mini-backpiece (ends around my hips), I have been surprised how much I find the hips/upper butt far, far, far (far!) worse than my ribs. And I haven't even felt any real butt action (pun intended).
    1 point
  23. A long time ago I worked for a large music store and they told me to cover up what few tattoos I had at 19 and to wear my hair down to hide my very small stretched earlobes. A few years later you would see sleeves on most of the staff and much more extreme large gauge lobes/ piercings etc and I guess it's now going back full circle. Also had friends who worked at American apparel not long ago and were told in meetings to stop hiring tattooed staff cos they wanted a different clientele and image for the brand. And that is what it comes down to. The big guys up top choose what 'look' they want to portray and sell and just like fashion that is gonna change when it suits and right now I guess this is the beginning of customers who thought it'd be rad to get their first tattoos on their hands or behind their ear ( but really, it's so large it's a neck tattoo) to realise that life ain't fair and just cos you can do the job don't mean you will get hired over some plain Jane without tattoos. Trying to reply to this coherently on n iPhone is hard but you get the gist. Sorry!
    1 point
  24. damn, man. i didn't even notice that. good eye.
    1 point
  25. slayer9019

    Sports Tattoos?

    So I guess Pink Floyd was right, pigs can fly!
    1 point
  26. SStu

    Sports Tattoos?

    Ha! It's one of the things I learned off of Ink Master. Oh, God - the show taught me something . . . :eek:
    1 point
  27. CABS

    Tattoo age on VBS

    Mutsuo Part 3 is up. Great way to end the Mutsuo section. His work ethic is unbelievable. These Tattoo Age episodes are put together oh so beautifully. Tattoo Age | VICE
    1 point
  28. Brian and Mike are awesome. Hilarious guys to boot.
    1 point
  29. Brian's tattoos are great. I am also a big fan of Mike Rennie's tattoos. He is another guy that you don't hear about a lot, but puts out great work.
    1 point
  30. Here you guys go! ha just realized I screwed the last 30 seconds. will fix
    1 point
  31. slayer9019

    Sports Tattoos?

    while it does look awesome, I cant really get past that the flag is in the wrong order.
    1 point
  32. lving4today

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Snake/eagle duel chest madness with Mike Wilson on dec 1st at inksmith
    1 point
  33. started mine today so thankful to last sparrow.
    1 point
  34. Dan S

    Use of Painkillers

    When I had my ribs done, Nick used some kind of numbing wipe before he put the col;or in. For awhile, all I could feel was that he was doing some damn thing there. As a matter of course, I eat 7.5 of vicodin on my way in to sit, and if it goes longer than 3 hours or so, I'll eat another. When I got my ribs done, I added a 5mg. Valium to that, and yeah...it was like, all beautiful! But hey-I came up in the 60's and 70's, you know, better living through chemistry.
    1 point
  35. well shit i already posted this but hell ill share it here, Eric Inksmith tattooed me at the Wilmington North Carolina Tattoo expo a couple months back
    1 point
  36. got about 3 hours of work done on my whole front by an amazing artist in North Carolina named Brandon Munday, dude kills it reminds me alot of tony hundahl super awesome tattoos check his instagram out and spread the love @mundaytattoo
    1 point
  37. Need a t-shirt..haha. This is by Morten Transeth at Blue Arms Tattoo, Oslo - Norway.
    1 point
  38. Andrea Furci at The Family Business, London.
    1 point
  39. Our Endless Days

    Sports Tattoos?

    this is by zach nelligan. straight up team logos are lame, but I’m totally down with a tattoo like this one. Zach also posted another baseball tattoo with the diamond and some other things incorporated. It was really awesome. I love baseball-grew up playing it-so at some point I know that I’d like to get a baseball related tattoo. edit-the one thing i don't like about this tattoo is the mustacheod gentleman. i really don't like the whole 1800s/1900s gentleman with mustache designs, but this is still an awesome sports tattoo. if i'd have gotten this, the dude just wouldn't have the mustache.
    1 point
  40. Scott R

    halloween 2012

    last i was told I was going to be one of the 7 dwarfs, flynn ryder or a princess :(
    1 point
  41. Jennifer Stell

    Ink Masters

    YUP... It's The Walker Texas Ranger Episode: A Matter of Principle... And Richard and I kinda got a vibe that the contestants would be trying to get a rise out of him: Contradictions & EXCUSES we're tiring, Richard really wanted to practice what he preached, manners, restraint, representing Real Tattooers in a positive light...and knowing when your advice or words meant nothing (because the fuckers "KNOW" tattooing), if it so why help them... ? (He didn't want to shit on the floor, but he could have, after seeing the bullshit we did.) I don't know whats going to happen, but I am happy that some real tattoo masters like Rubendall, Richard, and the like,are going to be on the series, it helps make these assholes look bad. (Richard doesn't consider himself a master), he wants to keep learning... And that's the lesson we learned in NYC.
    1 point
  42. I hate everybody so I just mumble a "yeah thanks" and wait for them to finish ringing up my groceries.
    1 point
  43. bulldog

    Lady Heads

    I asked for a foxy big boobed lady head and this is what Valerie Vargas did for me.........
    1 point
  44. hgiles


    It doesn't bother me a bit. 1 It just makes my tattoos look that much better. 2 If you have to justify a tattoo by telling how little you paid then it's probably a shitty tattoo. 3"You'll appreciate the quality long after you've forgotten what you paid."
    1 point
  45. posterboy7596


    I feel you dude. I was just talking to someone the other day about a recent shitty tattoo they got and they said the guy is "pretty good for around here". I told them there are actually tattooists around here that are plain old GOOD, not just for here, for anywhere. Then they were the usual complaints of money and likely having to schedule something at least 2 weeks ahead. I just said that they'll get the tattoo they deserve. People want to be stupid, shitty fuckheads, then they deserve stupid shitty tattoos.
    1 point
  46. I wanna see Elliot Smith again.
    1 point
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