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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2012 in all areas

  1. Scott Ellis at Triple Crown Tattoo started my 2012 Mayan jaguar thigh panel today- halfway there and already awesome:cool:
    14 points
  2. My new roses! I think every one can guess who did them :)
    12 points
  3. Ok so here are my latest additions. All of these were done over the last week while I was in New Zealand. First is a piece on my thigh by Simon Erl, got this one at the New Plymouth Convention; I got this one from Capilli later on in the week, it was a bit of a fluke I sent him a text asking if he had any time before I went home and it turned out he'd had a cancellation. Heaps lucky; And this last one was a session on my back. Jelle did the outline one night back in April and then I sat 5 more hours on it last Thursday. It's taking shape;
    8 points
  4. Forgot to post this in last month's contest... Got it done mid-fiancee visit, so I was too busy with sushi joints and Klingon Monopoly to be online. Also, in what may have been a small miracle, we got the stencil (which was two pieces) perfect on the first try. Josh Cruse JP Cruse Professional Tattooing Wichita, KS
    7 points
  5. Now, this isn't strictly speaking a serious entry, I just wanted to note how far this contest has come in the last year. Some truly outstanding work being displayed here! Congrats to all for the effort of both tattooer and tattooee in getting them! Thanks to all for sharing your pix, and thanks to Lochlan and the team here for making this site a must-see every day. Panther head by Dale Grande, probably 1974.
    6 points
  6. thanks everyone and @Scott Sylvia again if there is an east coast lster that was put out by Sandy private loch and claim my shirt first come first serve.
    6 points
  7. Hope ya'll like it! Chris Conn Askew Sekretcity Los Angeles
    5 points
  8. So, this happened this evening: Done by Richard Pinch in Aberdeen Scotland. Got the Foo Dog done last year and always wish I went bigger. Richard added all the background and more flowers and I think it fits my back a lot better now. Very happy with it. There is another chrysanthemum going in on my ribs that you can't quite see. The flower on my hip will be the same colour as the one on my inner biceps, dark reddish. The yellow on the spots on dog will also be getting more dark tones too, like the mane. Very, very happy with it but also slightly freaked out at the size of the tattoo on my back now!
    5 points
  9. Herb Auerbach Slippin' Into Darkness
    4 points
  10. ShawnPorter


    I'm going to follow misterdflores just to always have access to you singing karaoke, under a disco ball thing.
    4 points
  11. Iabandit

    Hey from Virginia

    Hey everybody, new to the site. Got my first tattoo 7 years ago right when I turned 18. Thing is a pos that I wish I would have actually put thought into, but at least its fairly small and is hidden. Since then I've gotten 5 more. The two that I like the best are my Nightmare Before Christmas tattoo on my side and my Alice in Wonderland on my arm. Both by the same artist in VA. So... yea, just stopping in to introduce myself and say whats up.
    3 points
  12. I cant pic which one to show, so I'll do this one
    3 points
  13. I give it a shot with this one from Sept 2011. Mask by Yushi Takei..
    3 points
  14. Started by torso with Thomas Hooper today
    3 points
  15. Aaaaaaaaaaaaah my current plan is to get some flowers in exactly that placement as soon as I am done with my back piece. I love seeing examples of "shoulder pads". Those look fantastic.
    2 points
  16. Scott R

    Upcoming Tattoos

    this may be the ambien talking but this is some sool shit wish i was get a big fuck all sharl
    2 points
  17. I spotted this on the front of a copy of one of the local papers that was laying around the break room at work today: So there are always job options with visible tattoos. Probably helps if you're a local celebrity though.
    2 points
  18. Well this month was pretty badass for great tattoos as well as lots of voting. Thanks to everyone who posted, liked, and got some awesome tattoos! Both people who won got multiple tattoos over a short period of time. The SFO convention wins in general for putting out some of the most liked tattoos for Novembers best tattoo and from that convention we've got a tie..... The winners are: @ian with his skulls by Jeff Gogue & skull by Jondix (post #2), Congratulations!! AND the other winner is @Scott R for his Eagle backpiece laser then coverup by Scott Sylvia (post #17), Congratulations!! It's been cool to see both guys tattoos and process to get the tattoos they wanted overtime so thanks for sharing with us at LST! Bring on Decembers Tattoo Contest....... Winners, PM me your shirt size and address
    2 points
  19. Now that I see your torso I recognize some of the tattoos I have seen around here. Love The Thugee Cult tattoo, and this Hooper tattoo looks like it will be a beauty. Truly awesome. I love most of your tattoos
    2 points
  20. Got these two from Chad and Greg Christian whilst they have been here in Sydney
    2 points
  21. Scott R

    Elephant tattoos

    earth pounding pachyderms !! lurking the stells https://twitter.com/i/#!/StellTattooArt/media/slideshow?url=http%3A%2F%2Finstagr.am%2Fp%2FSs3WeOtFtv%2F got me searching for great elephant tattoos zach nelligan http://www.triplecrowntattoo.com/ and richard stell painting http://www.richardstelltattoos.com/
    1 point
  22. @CultExciter vocal test is seriously one of the best openers to an album. First Light and Last Light by converge, along with The Outsiders AKA Hell is for Heroes pt.1 by Modern Life is War and up their as well.
    1 point
  23. Found a video of it--the peaceful zombie, love it.
    1 point
  24. Thanks. No plans other than getting this finished off at the moment. Might be a wee while before I get this coloured. I forgot how much getting your back tattooed hurts! Seriously, anyone wih their full back done is a hero in my book. Did anyone see the back piece Thomas Hooper outlined the other day in a single sitting. Holy shit I can't imagine being able to handle that.
    1 point
  25. Looking good! I'm sure it will only get bigger!.. any ideas for the other side yet? ;) - - - Updated - - - gotta get this done by 12/21/12, right?
    1 point
  26. ShawnPorter

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Dave and I fixed the date and time. January 8th, 11am. Ribs. Fun!
    1 point
  27. Pugilist

    Upcoming Tattoos

    To contextualize, I do believe that just last night we were chatting about how G has the itch, and as I am planning to get my next piece sooner than him, I suggested that maybe he could get something small at the same time if he really wanted. And he said no, he needs to be wise and save his cash, blah blah blah planning all this big work, blah blah blah being responsible, and then lo and behold what does he post on this thread the very next morning? I married a weak man.
    1 point
  28. Graeme

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Hahaha, and I do have eight sessions booked with two different artists between now and the start of June so I can't exactly afford to get small pieces in addition to that.
    1 point
  29. RoryQ

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Ooh, trouble in paradise!!
    1 point
  30. Graeme

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I have the next session on my arm at the end of January...and I hope I can make it that next couple of months without getting tattooed because I'm really starting to get the itch again. I was thinking some Greg Irons flash could be super cool because I really dig that stuff. I shouldn't have posted this because you lot are a bad influence and are going to tell me to go for it.
    1 point
  31. Johannes

    Old tattoo photos

    that bearded biker guy has some really nice dragonheads going on there! i like!
    1 point
  32. justcallmematt

    Ink Masters

    Well I'm screwed, I'm way too pleasant to get picked.
    1 point
  33. justcallmematt

    Ink Masters

    One trick ponies with no respect for other styles. The dumbasses were arguing with Freddy fuckin' Negrete over black and gray. None of them would last 5 minutes in a GOOD street shop outside a big Army base on payday weekend. They would all cry and quit. "What do you mean there are 36 people on the waiting list! I need 3 weeks to conceptualize and draw your tattoo, and we have to do it this way, no I can't do a tribal tear out, that's beneath my artistic ability." I'm going on this show, fuck it, you wanna see a tattooer work, I'll tattoo 3 "Human Canvasses" an episode and pick up a walkin'.
    1 point
  34. hogg

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Christmas coming two weeks early for you?
    1 point
  35. Just got this Kano Hogai inspired dragon from William Yoneyama at the New Plymouth convention. - - - Updated - - - Those pics need to be rotated, can't work it out on this phone,
    1 point
  36. Russ

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Goal of the year was to get in with Valerie Vargas, didn't think it was going to happen but managed to get a cancellation, can't wait :)
    1 point
  37. slayer9019

    Old tattoo photos

    Tattoo Convention in the Hilton Hotel Pittsburgh Pa in the Mid 90's Pittsburgh Hilton | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
    1 point
  38. I got tattooed by Frank Carter again a few days ago. We tattooed some dice on my arm as well to fill some space which led to us rolling dice to decide the price. I lost...
    1 point
  39. kylegrey


    More cool Greg Irons stuff
    1 point
  40. sboyer

    Old tattoo photos

    When researching the Zeis book I came across a fair amount of info about Floyd Samson. He was mostly a circus and carnival tattooer. Met Zeis working with the Cole Bros circus. Stayed in contact for the rest of Zeis's life. He settled down in Rockford in his later years. From my understanding helped Milt keep the supply company going for a while. Zeis's daughter was worried something bad happened to him because he just disappeared one day and they never heard from him after that. I assume he got the traveling bug but who knows. I will have to do some digging and see if I can find any info about where and when he died. His flash is really folk art looking but very cool. I would love to have a sheet of it. Sheet below was on ebay some time last year.
    1 point
  41. As a tattooer and shop owner I pay particular attention to how I am treated when I walk in to a tattoo shop----- I 'm older and i'm not particularly cool, hip looking, overly attractive, and I normally don't walk around in a tank top and shorts, with exposed tattoos. That being said, I shouldn't have to give another tattooist a resume to expect good customer service, as a customer or fellow tattooist. If able, you should be kind and courteous to every one that walks through your door. - - - Updated - - - -----------Unfortunately, or fortunately - I've found many tattooers are often without boundaries and are verbally expressive.Many that I know wouldn't willingly go out of their way to hurt anybody- but their choice in music and speech borders on insensitive---- Whether it's talking about specific sexual techniques, religion, politics, gender preference, stance on euthanasia, vegan vs carnivore etc. rarely have I encountered a "PC" shop. Our shop has a sign on the door stating "graphic images and colorful language spoken here"just in case. We share a building with a religious - charitable organization and are right next door to a Baptist Church. One of my husband's ( the reason we have the sign) customer's was going to make a sign for my husband- " if you don't like the language here, go next door!" But i'm definitely not making excuses or saying you should subject yourself or friends to an uncomfortable atmosphere.
    1 point
  42. I agree. Also, if I could afford (or when I can) to make it to California, booking an appointment with Chris Conn would be at the top of the agenda. To get back on the topic of pet peeves...for me, the only big one I've encountered from a customer's perspective is having to listen to stupid, offensive shit. I realize that a lot of people would consider me to be overly PC, which is fine (I disagree to a large extent with what most people consider to be "political correctness" and see it more as "not being an asshole", but whatever), but it definitely turns me off to hear racist or homophobic shit when I'm getting tattooed. On one trip to a pretty well-known shop, my buddy that I was staying with (who is gay) decided that he wanted a tattoo too and came with and got tattooed. He was super stoked on it and really liked the dude that we both got tattooed by, but during his tattoo a couple of the other tattooers hanging out made a few gay jokes (unrelated to my friend), and it was pretty awkward and uncomfortable for both of us for a minute. Consequently, I probably won't ever get tattooed by those dudes, despite them making rad tattoos. With a finite amount of skin and a Want list longer than I'll ever be able to get through, I want to enjoy my tattoo experience as much as possible, so I'm gonna go with the tattooer I don't worry about having to endure hearing go off on some "faggot" shit during my session.
    1 point
  43. SStu

    Snakes snakes snakes

    Seth Wood through the neck.
    1 point
  44. G.Uristti

    Snakes snakes snakes

    hope you all like this one as well. i was reading the thread and booking tickets to calgary and rmemebered i did this one at the con last year. thanks :)
    1 point
  45. that company is blowing up right now!
    1 point
  46. Mr. Frog

    Ink Masters

    I kinda only like getting tattooed by Fast tattooers. It's efficiency. Take your time with the drawing, then bust that tat out. I personally think it says a lot about a tattooer that can tattoo Good, and fast. It's like Illegal graffiti writers versus permission wall guys. One is working on the fly with the cops possibly breathing down their neck. One is taking his sweet time, looking at his sketchbook. That raw, real shit is always gonna be king in my book. Anyway. haven't seen the show. But I like the time limit thing. It will separate the hustlers from the fartists.
    1 point
  47. Duffa

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    @jade1955 - dude, that Dietzel piece from Chad is gorgeous. How long did it take him? (guessing 20mins/half an hour? haha) and your lady got some beautiful work also, very jealous! How did your appointment go today? @Tim Burke - that wolf is tough, nicely done I finally got photos of the rest of what I had done in Kyoto, not the best lighting but better than nothing for now :) two more sessions should finish it up me thinks ^^Sorry for the crappy photo but I really like these finger waves and wind bar
    1 point
  48. some progress on my backpiece!
    1 point
  49. Ok this is part of my leg after two days with Shige. Got two sessions in November for the next stage,colour!
    1 point
  50. sounds like your trying to describe elitists in my opinion elitists are a horrible part of sub-cultures and you see it everywhere. the music scene, skating etc. the excluding nature of those people pisses me off.
    1 point
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