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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/2013 in all areas

  1. Dagger through neck, Valerie Vargas
    24 points
  2. Woke up with a tattoo on my pimple this morning, what can I do about it?!?!?!?!?
    8 points
  3. sorry for the shitty picture, but this is from my instagram. here's a little garbage can cat filler i got from dan santoro on saturday. he also spider webbed my right shoulder. my right arm is so close to being done.
    6 points
  4. When I get a pimple I usually squeeze the heck out of it and can't leave it alone, it ends up massive. On that basis I recommend squeezing the heck out of it and you might end up with a full back piece.
    5 points
  5. Graeme

    opinion on this artist?

    @spyro I don't think that you should be getting tattooed right now and I'd like to basically reiterate what @MsRad said earlier about it really seeming like you're rushing into this. I think it's great that you're looking for a good artist and want a good tattoo, but it's absurd that you need this much help. What are you going to do in the consult? What about when your artist shows you the line drawing? You have your entire life to get tattooed so there's really no rush to so it. I would suggest to hold off for a while and wait until at least the Toronto tattoo convention in June. Go to it, see what people in your city, across the country, and internationally are doing, see the tattoos in real life, and find out what you like and what you respond to best in person and figure out who YOU want to be tattooed by. In the meantime, lurk here, look at the design threads, look at the latest tattoo lowdown thread, learn about how to look at a tattoo in terms of design, linework, shading, coloring, and learn about different tattoo styles. Go to the library and look for reference. I know that my local library has Ed Hardy's Dragons book, maybe your has the same. It will certainly have books on medieval art where you can look at how European dragons have traditionally been drawn. Basically, what I'm trying to say here is that if anything is worth putting effort into, it's tattoos.
    4 points
  6. What does that even mean? - - - Updated - - - My Wife has a few tattoos, my girlfriend on the other hand......... rimshot!
    4 points
  7. Figured I'd start a quick little thread on this! Went yesterday afternoon with a buddy who bought a piece for himself and another for a friend. Wasn't expecting to be so into so much of Thom's artwork.. seeing it on a screen doesn't really do it justice. At all. Super powerful.. and really fun. Met him and Nick Bubash and Thom signed my copy of his book... They thought it was pretty funny that I didn't realize those little black stamps of the man in the hat IS THOM! Shoulda known.. that design would make a killer tattoo, too, by the way. Thom was funny and very nice. I asked him about a photo of him that was in display and he said he liked it because it looked like he'd just come out of a casino at 5AM. He talks very, quietly. He was rifling through his bag to find the brush he usually signs things with and came up with a ball peen hammer and gave me a sideways glance -- "Well, that's not it," he said. Another quick thing, as we were looking through the portfolios sitting out a dude asked, "Hey, you mind if I just look over your shoulder?" I told him no problem as my friend and I pored over the pages and this dude was all up over the portfolios.. ended up snagging four rubbings and pounced on one when my friend passed on it. I kept thinking shit, I know that dude from somewhere.. "That was Civ, dude," my friend politely told me. HA! Ok, not such a quick thread. The atmosphere was pretty electric there.. Talked to Mike and their awesome shop dude Jon (who happens to be a reg at my bar) and just had a really fun afternoon and wanted to share. Anyone else?! Thank you Chris Grosso for making it happen.. wanted to talk a bit more but it was a busy time.
    3 points
  8. I may have already posted in this thread but I'm too lazy to check. Oh well. Maybe this post will be different enough anyway? When I met my husband about 8 years ago, he probably wouldn't have been the type to really get tattooed - maybe one or two tops. I think being with me has definitely changed that. I tattoo and I have plans to be pretty heavily covered (although we agreed no face or throat - which I am totally okay with -everything else is up to me). He has a law degree and will likely work in very conservative white collar jobs for most of his life, so he is pretty limited as far as visible tattoos go. In the past year especially he has been getting more and more into tattoos, and now follows a ton of tattooers on Instagram. He constantly has ideas for new pieces he wants to get and I think he gets a little jealous that he can't really have his forearms done while I can do whatever I want with my job haha. I feel pretty lucky that he's very open to my plans to be heavily covered, and that he shares an interest in tattoos in general. Some people might not care too much about what their significant other thinks, and I think that's a perfectly valid stance, but how he feels about my body definitely does matter to me. I'm glad he and I are on the same page with that.
    3 points
  9. Right now my plan is to only have 4 tattoos above my knees. 2 sleeves (3/4 length), 1 back piece (neck to knees), and 1 front piece (also neck to knees).
    3 points
  10. I went on Saturday after my gf and I got tattooed at Smith St. It was really awesome. Thom's artwork is really great, and, as mentioned, seeing it in person makes it that much better. It's truly amazing how that dude doesn't waste an inch on any piece that he does. There are stamps and paintings on the inside, underside, and backs of nearly all of the cardboard box pieces he had showing. It was great. Thom was super nice, and I was really happy to have met him. I got to talking to him about his art, and he told me it usually takes him a few hours to complete a piece, but will wind up adding things to it over the course of several days. I was able to get one of the paintings he made from the art show fliers. I've gotta thanks Chris Grosso for 1) letting me take some cool pictures that I'll post sometime this week 2) introducing me to some awesome people, and 3) just being an awesome and really nice dude.
    3 points
  11. "Do you know how bad this would have hurt with pants on?!?!?!"
    3 points
  12. Everyone knows that if you pop a panther head it will grow into a full crawling panther! Be careful!
    3 points
  13. Tiny Tim

    Newbie from LA

    Hey Lin! First off, welcome! Secondly, In my opinion, you should steer well clear of getting tattooed in your friends kitchen, or anywhere that is willing to tattoo you under the age of 18. Best way to approach a tattoo idea, is to gather a few reference pictures that give the tattooer enough of what you're after and let them run with it. Keeping in mind they do this everyday, you'll get a much nicer tattoo this way. Other than that.. you seem eager, which is great, but please take the time to think your idea through! Nothing worse than a tattoo you regret. Welcome again, and enjoy your time here! -Tim.
    3 points
  14. i think there should be a sound reel of just Oliver's reaction.
    3 points
  15. rightbrigade

    Eddy Deutsche

    So I just booked an appointment with Eddy Deutsche In March, Im beyond thrilled. Who's else has been tattooed by hi? He seems like a really cool dude on the phone. post pics or story's. My friend Rick got a half sleeve by him in the early 90's of some demons and some H.R Giger stuff that looks awesome still, Ill post a pic when I see him later today.
    2 points
  16. When Thomas asked me to film 'the event' a couple of days before, he suggested we get someone to make a track/song using Oliver's reactions as vocals. Sadly I just didn't have the time but it would have been funny as hell.
    2 points
  17. Eilin


    Some fillers by Tony Nilsson, Blue arms tattoo, Norway 2012
    2 points
  18. Eilin


    Again bad picture, will sort a new and better one soon. Sugarskull by Valerie Vargas, 2008/09
    2 points
  19. Eilin


    Sorry about crappy picture, will upload a new one soon. Skull and rose by Valerie Vargas I think it was in 2010
    2 points
  20. Eilin


    Dragon girl, by Todd Noble, london tattoo convention 2012
    2 points
  21. That's a sweet little memorial piece.
    2 points
  22. I got this as a memorial piece for my 18yr old cat that died a few months ago- its from 70's picture machine flash, modded of course- I dont have good pix but I also got a gi joe sized Shiva doing the Cosmic Dance - both from Aaron Carmody @ Skin Thrills Tattoo I also got my side outlined by Matt Bivetto, who by the way has moved to NYC @ 3 Kings, so go get it NYC people
    2 points
  23. Dan S

    opinion on this artist?

    What Graeme said. Instead of taking an artist a vague idea of "what kind" of dragon you want, you should be able to track down a pic of one that is durn near exactly what you want. When I get work done that is "custom", I make sure I have pix of all the major elements so there is no confusion about how I want it to look. Shop around. The tattoo convention advice is excellent! Go, look, absorb.......AND GET TATTOOED LATER! Don't go there for the specific purpose of getting work done-it's too easy to get caught-up in the moment and end up with something that isn't exactly what you wanted. Far as "lubing", if you're a college kidliving in a dorm and can't get someone to put some lotion on yer arm, well, I can't help you! I will say, tho', that tattooing was around long, long before modern skin lotion was. That means that for many years, people actually got tattoos and let them heal, all on their own. Not the most comfortable, but certainly old-school.
    2 points
  24. This thread is crazy...
    2 points
  25. else

    opinion on this artist?

    @spyro - I'll ask my OT friends if they have any suggestions.
    2 points
  26. Lochlan

    opinion on this artist?

    All you have to do is find a good tattooer whose work you like then two separate references; one of a wolf you like and one of a dragon you like......then if you choose a good tattooer they'll work their magic and blammo you'll have a badass tattoo that they've used their skills to morph and create. Remember to take their advice as its their craft not ours and they know the magic. Side note I used the word "magic" hella hecka times
    2 points
  27. I gave my resignation letter at my job which I have grown to resent over the last year after finding a job where I am finally appreciated and learning more about my field of practice. As I walked out of our main station I raised my hands in the air and yelled: Best day EVER.
    2 points
  28. David finally colored in the outlines on my ribs. There's still a background to get done, but.... not bad for one sitting of color. - - - Updated - - - PS: I blurred out his tallywhacker for our more sensitive viewers.
    2 points
  29. Jojo Ackermann

    dragon and tiger

    backpiece took 28 hours total
    1 point
  30. Love that cat!!!
    1 point
  31. Hogrider

    Back Piece Care

    Hold it, tattoos itch?????? :-)
    1 point
  32. That dagger is so good!
    1 point
  33. Bardun

    Hello from Oslo

    Hey all. The last 6 months I have been reading this forum a lot, so I figured it was about time to become a member:) I am a 33 year old guy from Oslo, Norway. I took a small tattoo five years ago, and from that day I was sure I wanted to getting more tattoos. Now I am almost finished with my koi/scull sleeve, and I am using this forum for inspiration for my other arm whitch I`m allready planning.. I have learned a lot from reading LST so far!
    1 point
  34. taaarro

    Eddy Deutsche

    I got rock of ages back piece from him a month ago. It was a great experience. I want to get more work from him.
    1 point
  35. I Am going through this as well except my girl is my wife, I will not get any for a while and let the dust settle
    1 point
  36. Graeme

    Tattoo boooks

    I just ordered the Tattootime reissues and am having them sent to a friend in NYC so I don't have to pay crazy expensive shipping for them and can pick them up at the end of the month. I am super excited for those. A few months ago I found a $5 hardcover copy of George Burchett's Memoirs of a Tattooist on bookfinder.com, which is an insane price for that. A little while after that I found a copy of Dan Higgs' The Doomsday Bonnet in a used bookstore for $10, again an insane price. I am good at finding books.
    1 point
  37. David Flores

    Tattoo boooks

    That seems really cheap for those books.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Jlow

    Eddy Deutsche

    Eddy is an amazing artist but even better person. U will not be disappointed. I have 20 hours from him. This will be your first time but definetly not ur last What area are u getting worked on? What style?
    1 point
  40. Gregor


    That's a pure hipster thing to say :p:p
    1 point
  41. EzRider

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    My latest....
    1 point
  42. I fixed my washing machine this past Monday... no idea what it was at first. Go to the internets... find the manual, parts list and a couple of videos that pin pointed the problem and showed me how to change the part... $19.07 later and maybe an hour of my time.. I'm a hero. Rob
    1 point
  43. I have started the next phase of my medical training - moving from student to intern! It scares the bejeebus out of me that I am now having to be responsible for real patients. First overnight on-call shift is Monday, which I anticipate will be both interesting and completely overwhelming.
    1 point
  44. That was the inspiration, @hogg that and Lovecraft.
    1 point
  45. A little bit of filler today, Snake & skull. :) Tony Nilsson Blue Arms Tattoo Oslo, Norway
    1 point
  46. If you've looked at previous work or flash or paintings of theirs, maybe let them know why youre excited about that particular person- which is the reason youre comfortable giving control. "I saw X tattoo in your portfolio and X and X and I really liked those! Im open to whatever youre into right now, I trust you etc" and typically they can feel you out from there and start firing off some ideas. im sure a quick consult will get the person going in the right direction.
    1 point
  47. Just want to let you guys know I am so grateful for finding this forum... going to set up my appointment when I am back from my business trip.
    1 point
  48. hogg

    skull space

    Done with a single needle and a shoehorn by Ben Grillo, Two Roses, San Diego
    1 point
  49. hogg

    By Theo Mindell

    By Theo Mindell, Spider Murphy's, San Rafael
    1 point
  50. hogg


    Cobra by Scott Sylvia, Black Heart, SF
    1 point
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