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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/2012 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone. I'm David Bruehl. I tattoo in Tampa, FL at RedLetter1. However, for the past few years I tattooed in Oklahoma. I've heard such good things about this site and community, I'm happy to be a part of it and help support its growth.
    9 points
  2. I'm a snob snob. And honestly, none of you are of a high enough snob-caliber for my obviously unfathomably heightened tastes.
    6 points
  3. Finally got over some gnarly hip and back issues and decided to start bicycling for the exercise. All I need is a single speed cruiser with coaster brakes. I picked up this 70's era Murray Le Mans in excellent condition yesterday for a measly $70.00. Last evening was the first time I've been on a bike in 32 years! Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner
    3 points
  4. Ok here goes. Goofy dragon by Marie Sena (who happens to be the nicest person in the universe) done at the Montreal tattoo convention yesterday. This takes up most of the front of my thigh and only took three hours! She is a wizard. It was a fantastic experience. Inspired by the 100-year-old piece of flash that I gushed about here.
    3 points
  5. @WeRnDoG Fantastic!! @Iwar, fantastic keeping up the use of squidpants @MsRad, stop being a dick or Ross will banhammer the shit out of you! ;) @tattoovirgin, MsRad is right, go get that tattooooo
    2 points
  6. seriously?? GO OUT AND GET ONE AND STOP BEING A VOYEUR! (ok, i'm not really trying to be a dick, so don't take it too hard, but your life ain't getting any longer, so it's probably time you took the leap if you really want one. 52 and not tattooed... i can't even fathom.)
    2 points
  7. I'm a Browns fan. Just do me a favor and go easy on us. We know we suck.
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. I really enjoyed that article. It got me thinking about just how many tattoos on me came from flash. My first tattoo in 1985 was from flash. I remember telling the tattooer the number written next to the design I wanted, like "A14" or something like that and he pulls a manilla envelope out of a file cabinet and gets the coresponding acetate stencil out and soon afterward he went to work on me. My fathers one and only tattoo that he got in 1954 is from flash in a tattoo shop outside Ft. Bragg, N.C. I got the same tattoo last year because I was able to find the same design on a sheet of Sailor Jerry flash. The style of artwork on well executed flash is what I've automatically associated with what a tattoo should look like since I was a kid.
    2 points
  10. My Mom's been asking when I'd get one for her. I had wanted Ashley Love to do it, so now that summer is over, I made an appointment. Mom was stoked when I showed her. I believe her exact words were "I love it! I don't like that you get tattooed, but I love the design". :) Looks like a leg, but that's my forearm.
    2 points
  11. I just got this tattooed at the Montreal convention by Mike Rubendall. We did 4.5 hours last night, and then finished it in an hour this morning. I'm so pleased with it.
    2 points
  12. Makara Snail Tattoo by Chad Koeplinger
    2 points
  13. Kev

    Tattoo age on VBS

    Like Christmas Eve...:o
    1 point
  14. I'm going to go, hell or high water.
    1 point
  15. here is my armpit which i posted about earlier in the thread, not bad certainly not like I felt at the end of a richard stell panther on my ribs done by david bruehl while at think ink norman oklahoma / Now at Red letter 1 tampa bay florida
    1 point
  16. hello ladies and germs. my name is g. and i am in a bit of a quandary about the future of my tattoo career. i am curious to know what some of you(tattooers especially), may think about my situation and if you care to share your advice with me? i have been on this site long enough to know that this is not the place for another "help with an apprenticeship" story. but i feel this may be a lil' different. so if you have a minute, please let me plead my case. and sorry in advance for the long post. so, today marks my 1 year anniversary as an apprentice at a shop here in california. i am very excited about this and very proud of the work and time that i have been able to put in up to this point. when i signed on with the shop, there was no real agreement about anything. they kinda said, "well, we'll see how you do and see if you work out." kind of deal. but if i did work out, they mentioned they would like me to stick around as long as possible, and not just learn from them and take off. within the year, i think i have been able to prove my worth and pull my weight with these guys, and even if they don't show it, i think they have come to respect me for all of my hard work and positive attitude through it all. not that i expect it. within a couple of weeks of being there, i was quick to realize that the shop had virtually no business walking through the door and the folks working there didn't have much of a personal clientele either. also, the shop was very outdated in their methods and basically, kind of falling apart and it felt as though the shop was at risk of closing it's doors any day, and this is still the case today. please don't get me wrong, i still felt very fortunate to be there and in that situation, these guys straight took me in off the street for god's sake! and i am still very grateful for that. we all have to start somewhere, and i appreciate that big time. these were just my first observations. so, i started tattooing my friends at the shop 4 months into my apprenticeship, and continued to bring in as many people as i could up until june, at which point they said i could start taking the easy walk-ins. the month before, there was a mass exodus at the shop and i was the only one there, other than the shop manager. i really felt like the other folks had really taken a shine to me, and were kind enough to teach me what they knew and i was stoked! i really felt like i was learning. since they've been gone my education seems to have come to a halt. although, i get along with the manager pretty well, i feel like he doesn't really care much to keep teaching me. we have since hired a new person, and i am at the bottom of the rotation at the counter for walk-ins. they asked me to make cards and the whole deal. although i feel like i am getting somewhere, my problem is this; there is no business at the shop. and they want me to be tattooing as much as possible, as do i. days go by most weeks without seeing a single walk in and everyone is pulling zeros. and if someone does come in for a tattoo, i'm definitely not getting it. i'm not learning anything most days or progressing with my work at all. i'm completely stagnant. i feel really stuck, and i feel like i am being judged for it. it's hard for a newbie to build up a clientele with no business. i'm doing all that i can, i hand out my card to friends and family, random tattooed people on the train and grocery store, etc. get my stuff on facebook, etc. the real issue is this; if i was a single bachelor just doing my thing, you wouldn't hear a peep from me, and i would keep truckin' along over there. but i have a child and an amazing wife who has been supporting our family solely, by her self for the past 2 years while i have been persueing this path. we are both starting to feel like that she cannot continue to this for much longer, and it is time that i start carrying some weight in this family, generate SOME income and lighten her load a bit. she has goals and aspirations for this life and family too, ya know? as a man, father, and husband, i can not tell you how hard and stressful this issue has been for me, it weighs heavily on my mind and health and was the cause of nasty anxiety attack a few months back. i feel like at this point i need to act and advocate for myself and my career. and most importantly, my family. i don't want to break my commitment with the shop so soon, but i feel like i have to in order to get anywhere in this business, or life for that matter. i truly feel and fear i have no future there. i love tattooing with all my heart and i'm not just trying to make a quick buck with shitty tattoos. i had the fullest intentions of doing this right, with respect towards those who taught me, and i have. but i do need to make a living, and i have a very serious passion to learn as much as i can to be the best tattooist i can be. i also realize at this point of my career, i'm not going to be "rolling in the dough." that's not what i ask, how could i? i just need lunch money and something to contribute to my family and rent each month. i am confident that my tattoos show promise, originality and tradition. even though, i still have soooo much more to learn, and i know we never stop learning as artists or beings. as well, i know a good deal of people in the industry who have been very supportive of my pursuit which has really kept me going. i've got some good people in my corner, and i think there might be some opportunities out there for me if i explore them. should i? i think i've got a plan for myself, but i would be stoked to gather some advice from some tattooers and people who are familiar with the ins and outs of the profession. it's complicated for me. i don't want to be disrespectful or burn bridges. but i also know for a fact that some of the big hitters out there wouldn't be where they are now, without taking risks and doing what they had to do. a big thank you for listening. sincerely, g.
    1 point
  17. Sounds good- be sure and start a Facebook page for your tattooing and load up your albums with portfolio stuff. Then go out and make friends with all the tattooers you like, and make friends with their friends. Post links to art stuff you dig (like Last Sparrow ;), Tattoo Age, other shops and artists), but also other things you might be interested in- people like seeing variety. A good example is Bailey Hunter Robinson's The Fabled White Buffalo Co. -its a Tumblr that has pics of his art, but also cool things he finds inspirational. Once you do that, you can link your Facebook to your Twitter so all you have to do it post from Facebook and it tweets to your feed on Twitter.
    1 point
  18. i'm a die hard yankees fan. i used to always root for the mets, same as with the giants, especially when willie was their manager. that was until my old roommate was a mets fan and found every opportunity to hate on the yanks. frankly, i find that shit lame. it's not tebow's fault. the media frenzy around him is a fucking joke. i don't think the dude will ever pan out as a qb, but he will definitely help the team out.
    1 point
  19. jacobhh

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Booked with Shon Lindauer this weekend for a wolf head. Pumped!
    1 point
  20. Got mine today, stoked very good quality.
    1 point
  21. I used to keep a book of bad tattoos people came in to have covered. There was an abundance of work by the same people. Sometimes when talking to people they tell you other shops they have went to or are thinking of checking out and if they seemed cool we would show them the book and stop them from going to certain shops. Until one day someone wrote a bad review of one of these shops on a review site and referenced our book of bad tattoos (even included shop name). Next day someone wrote a fake review about our shop, citing poor work and that they did a lot of cover up work from our shop, they also were trying to say that they were scarred after the tattoo but don't know how to spell so it says "the tattoo scared them". I wrote a short response but it's not the popular review site so I don't think many people have seen it even to this day. Needless to say we don't show that book much these days, and that shop has since gone out of business and owner left town. I would say that is the most snobby thing I have done.
    1 point
  22. JAllen

    2012 NFL Season Thread

    no way man, we don't suck. we just don't always win, but we're a real football team. even if we don't win, we usually deal out some punishment.
    1 point
  23. While I imagine that most of the regular posters on this board are extremely discerning about the tattoos they put on their bodies (at least in terms of quality--perhaps not subject matter, haha), the idea of being a "tattoo snob" gives me douche chills. Most of my friends are not really into tattoos, and so they are likely to come to me for advice if they are considering one, and I am absolutely happy to help--I want folks to get beautiful work and I want the awesome artists in this city to get the recognition they deserve. But as long as they're safe and clean I have no interest in being some great arbiter of whether or not their work passes my muster. They have to live with it.
    1 point
  24. I've never worked in a shop that was any different than that haha
    1 point
  25. Kev

    Any metalheads out there?

    I case you haven't seen it, this is amazing:
    1 point
  26. I haven't seen much mention of them in this thread--does anyone else get shooting nerve pain during tattoos? Those are always the worst for me. IE, when I had my back done, I had nerve pain shooting into my chest, so my chest hurt during parts of my back. Then other sections had nerve pain going down to my elbows. When I had the top of my foot done, the actual tattoo wasn't bad at all (got caught up on a novel I was reading during the session), but again the nerve pain shooting up my leg wasn't too pleasant. As for actual area being tattooed, my lower center back over the spine was the worst for me, personally. So far, anyway :)
    1 point
  27. dirbab

    Rose tattoos

    this rose by brad stevens is great.
    1 point
  28. Let me preface this by saying I'm an artist, not a tattoo artist... How are your self-promotion skills, g.? Do you have an Instagram/ blog/FB/Twitter that you update constantly? Cards are kind of the old school way of doing- people want to pull you up on their phone- give them that ability. The reason I ask should be apparent. As an artist, you have to view yourself as a brand and a business in terms of income generation. It's the reason a lot of mediocre artists get noticed and greats get slept on. Let's get real- I know about 90% of the tattoo artists I do because of MARKETING- whether that's the web or print. The 10% I know from word of mouth are still out there on the web and in print. When you mention a mass exodus of artists, I'm assuming they're still in the same city, which means people in that town are getting tattooed. You have to figure out how to get those people interested in your work and what you have to offer. And start using your real name and website in your signature- it back links to your portfolio in search engines. ;)
    1 point
  29. I think you have summed up things quite astutely, and that hold on your current situation is more beneficial than any advice anyone could give you. You know what you want, and you are focusing your energy on it. Nothing is stronger than the will to survive. I hope some of the tattooers on LST who aren't too busy (well, they always are) are able to give you solid advice.
    1 point
  30. Whew, nice to see you posting again dude. Also, nice to see a post that's thoughtful and possibly the only apprentice/career-related post in recent memory that's legit. Sounds like you've got a good head on your shoulders and that you already know what you need to do. I can't speak from a tattooer's perspective, but from someone who's worked in two shops with plenty of issues, it sounds like you're on the right track.. if you gotta leave, you gotta leave. This "mass exodus" -- seems like everyone who was teaching you basically left? Hopefully some folks can give you some advice on here.. Good luck dude, and I'd be willing to bet you land on your feet.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Valerie Vargas at Frith Street Tattoo in London. A bit yellow because of the bruising. So pleased with it!
    1 point
  33. Lots of good artist especially the guys at DarkHorse!
    1 point
  34. WeRnDoG

    Full Back Piece Thread

    @Iwar Thanks mate But I know what you have, Grime, Lehi, Sylvia, Conn......Im doing a bit of hating too,haha. Yeah I went to Japan twice and had four sessions with master Shige. Was the most expensive trips I think I will ever make in a lifetime but most definitely worth it and great experience, not to mention a bad ass tattoo too.
    1 point
  35. WeRnDoG

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Second hit on my back. Lined the butt and hamstring, put scales on the snake. All outlines on now so should see some good progress after the next couple sessions. Stoked on how this is turning out. Sorry for the full moon shots its the only way to show this off!!
    1 point
  36. I've been tattooed on the butt, both sides of the knee , the chest, but the worst by far is the palm. Not even a contest. Don't believe me here is one of the toughest guys I've ever seen get tattooed, just anguishing in pain.
    1 point
  37. I try to think what I would do in that situation, but it really is irrelevant because the kid is not even a kid he's 21 and I like tattoos and wouldn't have a leg to stand on even if I didn't feel that way. I guess I could look at if my son got a face piercing, but the only thing i would probably say is why didn't you get a tattoo and inform him that piercing is to tattooing as rollerblading is to skateboarding, just to give him a hard time. Then I would remember he was 21 and suggest we go get a beer.
    1 point
  38. rozone

    Some of the worst ever.

    You sure as hell can't trust them with a pack of Marlboros. ;)
    1 point
  39. I'm a fat woman covered in tattoos. I think if you want to get tattooed do it. Who cares what other people think anyway? My friend, and tattoo artist Kristel Oreto and I have started a page dedicated to fat women with tattoos. We are just as awesome as any other woman with tattoos. Not to mention, I think my tattoos make me so much more comfortable with my body. Or at least I feel better about myself. :)
    1 point
  40. Uh I know several big girls with GREAT tattoos- the key seems to be to get BIG tattoos...Im a fat guy myself and i dont see how it matters- Also I think being fat (5'8" 260) is pretty awesome bc i have enough room on my sides to get like 2 extra backpieces
    1 point
  41. I've spent the last 14 months scrubbing bathrooms, floors and tubes to get where I am. It isn't easy to find someone willing to dedicate their time to teach you their craft. You have to prove that this is truly where your heart is and it will be worth it to them. An apprenticeship isn't just learning to tattoo, it's paying your fucking dues. I have never had a problem just going into any shop. I have been able spend time with tattooers whom I really look up to and they have taught me many things even though they were not my mentor. Why? Because I'm doing it right and I've shown them the respect they deserve. That woman treated you the way you deserved to be treated.
    1 point
  42. I am perplexed by you Brian wermwood. did you want sympathy from this post? after you first realized that being a scratcher meant no love, why would you even think that going into a shop as a random dude not laying a dollar on the table, and spilling your scratcher beans out was gonna work for you? you actually told them your stealing their hard earned food from their table and then go on to say you want to suck up some info from them.. and you thought it would go down any other way? you kinda got off easy! my mentor/shop owner literally refers to me as his bulldog, as its one of my shop duty's to physically remove scratchers/solicters/douchebags from the floor. and i take it personal with scratchers cause im here busting my ass all week for peanuts with a wife and 2 kids and some dudes out there trying to take easy street and by pass the hard work to clock dollar.. basicly your crossing dudes picket line
    1 point
  43. I'm thinking you might be lucky that no violence ensued. I cant imagine what would have happened had Ursula been there...
    1 point
  44. When a shop is looking for a tattooer usually there is some fine print about no scratchers no wannabe apprentices , must have 5 years experience. So maybe that is why your story about tattooing a strippers rib with a kit you bought from the mall with no supervision as your first tattoo didn't win them over. Reading your posts you come off like a guy who is really trying to be cool and justify the path as a kitchen magician that you have chosen and gain some sort of acceptance in the tattoo world. But the more you talk the less people think of you, my only advice would be to talk less, listen more.
    1 point
  45. Anything that TV didn't teach me I can learn from the internet. Isn't Kat Von D the best in the world???? Now, let me tell you what my tattoo means to me ... my mother died before I was born and my father abandoned me before I was conceived, but this tribal koi riding a skull and fighting a dragon tattoo will make everything all right!
    1 point
  46. cibo

    Art thread.

    wasn't sure where to post this... 93-year-old lens hacked onto a Canon 5D Mark II the hack Today's Tomorrow; The 5DMKII VIEW CAMERA
    1 point
  47. You're kinda right. We cover some of this kind of thing with EMT training. Basically your body is reacting as if you have an infection. White blood cells primarily try to kill infections in the lymph nodes due to the amount of proteins, antigens, and other things that come in handy. It's just like if you have a sinus infection and the glands in your throat swell. Some people it will be the lymph nodes closest to the tattooed area, other's it can be random. Most people don't have this reaction. Most bodies will just kick in with the reaction to try and blocking your pain receptors mostly by burning up your sugar supply. When this happens of course your blood sugar level goes down, and if you've been around a shop long enough or a convention, you see people pass out. Signs of your sugar being too low can include feeling shakey, sweaty, feeling hot, nausea or vomiting, "knot in your throat", dry mouth, and vision problems. I always take a big coke and a bag of candy when I get work done.
    1 point
  48. This Rory Keating backpiece done by Leo Zulueta. Rory is the one in the right. Its just perfect.
    1 point
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