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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/2013 in all areas

  1. My wife and I got tattooed by Matt Arriola yesterday. The tiger was three sittings, but only took about three and a half hours.
    12 points
  2. More pictures of tattoos, less being dickheads. Please and thank you.
    10 points
  3. Erica


    Dennis at @ProvidenceTattoo
    7 points
  4. Pacem

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Just got my latest tattoo finished a couple hours ago. Not the best pictures, I go back in a few weeks for a touch up session, will get some better pictures then. Was done by Jamie Macpherson at Unity Tattoo in Vancouver. I am really happy with it.
    7 points
  5. I know some people on this forum don't really dig this guy, but Gen did a guest spot here in Hong Kong and I got my lower leg done. That ditch is something else eh? Taken from his instagram coz I couldn't get any decent shots.
    7 points
  6. Why is it a shame that his tattooer copied someone else's style? Anymore, almost all tattooing is evocative of some other persons work.
    6 points
  7. Raking Light Projects is are presenting a Jondix exhibit in Los Angeles at 4300 Melrose Ave., opening reception is Saturday evening (April 13) from 7-10 pm and the exhibit will be up for a full year. Hope to see some of you there! :D
    5 points
  8. I take your point too. On second thought I should have been more sincere towards @thecatatafish about his tattoo, although I am sure he knows what Gen is about otherwise he wouldn't have made the comment about some people on here not digging him. Im going to end this now because its not what im about and I respect this forum and the majority of the people that contribute.
    5 points
  9. Hey ... Miguel Olascuaga, Live Free Tattoo in ATL
    5 points
  10. Orangutango


    Not sure if this is what you meant but this is who I thought of: sam rulz
    5 points
  11. Solid decision, I personally liked the get another tattoo one because what's better than one tattoo? Twooo
    5 points
  12. One sec.... - - - Updated - - - Fixed. I keep coming back to this image again and again. This is spectacular work. I'd be sticking my leg in everyone's face saying, "Have you seen this?!?!" Strangers in subways, at the grocery, at work...everyone. Such a great tattoo.
    4 points
  13. Graeme

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    I take your point there, and get why you would be especially pissed seeing that this guy ripped off one of your tattoos, but unless a) this particular tattoo was directly lifted from Shige or any other artist, and b) that the client asked for a copy of somebody else's work, disparaging comments about people's tattoos bum me out because these tattoos are on people, they have to live with them, and often they don't even know that they're getting straight copies of other peoples' tattoos. If it means that I have no morals because I'd rather not make somebody feel shitty about a tattoo that they're stoked on, then so be it. For what it's worth, my "dickheads" comment was mostly about people complaining about the cost of good tattoos. There's no place for that here.
    3 points
  14. oldmansea

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    This is my Torso, still to much skin.....:confused:
    3 points
  15. Seeing as this forum is a such a huge collection of excellent tattoos and also a PSA for getting good tattoos and avoiding scratchers, why don't you show him some of the threads on here? I've never been particularly swift about following through on my tattoos, but this forum (along with some other media) definitely helped me avoid doing some stupid shit as well as make me understand some of the not-great aspects of some of my work.
    2 points
  16. Yesterday the rain in Philly was crazy and my jeans got soaked commuting in. So I spent three hours at work in my underwear. Dealing with vendors. USPS. Staff. I was going to put a tie on, but that would have been weird. Random musings.
    2 points
  17. I think everybody associates impulsive with "right then and there", so mine may not be as impulsive. A friend of mine says, "you should get something that says i'm from florida, like the gators logo". i say, "that would be mad cheesy, but id get a sick gator tat!".......a month later i have a giant gator on half of my body by Seth Wood
    2 points
  18. Yeah Norway is the UAE of Europe. Give me some of that oil money. Good idea for a thread. Sorry can't add anything for Tokyo.
    2 points
  19. They're playing tomorrow night I think. I caught them about a year and a half ago and they were so good. In between them leaving the stage and them coming back for an encore a girl projectile vomited from a balcony overlooking the stage right onto Proscriptor's cymbals. He was playing with vomit splashing around whenever he hit them. So brutal.
    2 points
  20. Bunch of good FST tattoos on this page.
    2 points
  21. WeRnDoG

    Elephant tattoos

    This is the only elephant tattoo that sticks in my mind, and what a tattoo it is by Dean Sacred.
    2 points
  22. The Hyena

    Ron Henry Wells

    You should just come to Providence. Visit Howard's grave.
    1 point
  23. That fucking tiger! Ack. Matt, Lehi, and Bryan Burk are my three favorite artists for tigers. She got a good one, for sure. And that girl head's on you? We gotta catch up soon. I didn't know you were going back in the chair. It looks great, but you knew that.
    1 point
  24. You should probably nip that in the bud.
    1 point
  25. keepcalm

    Elephant tattoos

    I got an elephant tattoo last September. It's pretty simple compared to what has been posted, but I really like him. Got it done at Tattoo Paradise in Washington, DC. I'm no veteran (this was my second), but I liked the shop and the guys and girls there were great. Took the photo as it was healing - you can see all the skin that was peeling off, ha. Sorry!
    1 point
  26. What's a metal thread without Motorhead??
    1 point
  27. Yes London rent is high and valerie is fast, I'm more than happy how much tattoo I get for the money with valerie. Wicked tattoo yet again @Tim Burke
    1 point
  28. haha man hes a machine! such a nice guy!
    1 point
  29. youthcrewalex

    Tiger tattoos

    heres mine
    1 point
  30. Got a Smashing Pumpkins heart with my wife for our birthdays last year, though we'd been talking about it forever. @Perez did a surprise lil' snake tattoo on me in Philly last time (not a Lee Roy stencil, turned out to be a _____ stencil.. help me out here, Perez, blanking) right after I popped up from a brutal rib session. Best surprise/spur of the moment one! After the ribs, I didn't feel it at all.. 2b09b310550711e19896123138142014 7 Tattoo Picture | Last Sparrow Tattoo
    1 point
  31. All of my tattoos save my first have been pretty much impulses. Started with my gypsy lady on my arm and just came up with the other ones while at my previous tattoo sessions.
    1 point
  32. At Taylor Street Tattooo they have a "Get What You Get" deal where you pay $50, get a token, slide it into a capsule machine (like at grocery stores for toys and candy) and whatever flash is in that capsule you get. I've done it and got a "Hot Stuff" tattoo and was thrilled. It's all classic stuff and fun. I may not go out and get it "right away" but like within a week or 2. In fact most of mine are like that. My most recent "Morning Star" tattoo was booked only a week in advance and it came to me right before I called to get the appointment. I've learned stuff I thought of too long I always eventually scrap then come up with something out of no where and it's way better and just run to get it. It's how I work I guess. I like to keep things loose. Sometimes it's fun to just roll in and pick some awesome wall art. I remember a time where that was looked down on vs. "custom" tattoos but as someone once said to me about wall art "it's done by guys who've been tattooing for years and years and know what'll look good so you can't lose."
    1 point
  33. last tattoo i got was a session on my back.
    1 point
  34. New one from Valerie Vargas at Frith St on my calf. Taking pictures of your own calf is a bit of nightmare!
    1 point
  35. xmowglix

    Lady Heads

    Tony Nilsson at Blue Arms Tattoo in Oslo, Norway is doing incredible girl heads in my opinion. I just recently started paying attention to his work and it is very solid. I would definitely love to get a tattoo from this guy.
    1 point
  36. Mark Bee

    Best post tattoo care?

    For the last few years I've been going for the dry heal. I leave the bandage on over night. In the morning I wash it very carefully with soap and rinse off in water as hot as I can take it. I carefully pat it dry and then I leave it alone. I guess we all heal a little differently, but I've had success with this method. I tend to heal quickly and without crazy scabbing.
    1 point
  37. a1steaks

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    Here is a pic of my wife's chest (shhh don't tell her I posted it ;) ). Her right side by Trevor McStay and her left side by Jason Kundell. They are my favorites!
    1 point
  38. slayer9019

    Tattoo Crush

    Maybe I got the premise of the thread wrong but I think I know what you are talking about. A tattooer that is just nailing every single tattoo, at least in your opinion, particuliarly after seeing one of the examples of their work. I'll throw this in, even though I guess I have a bit of bias toward them since I almost get exclusively tattooed by him. Regino Gonzalez at Invisible NYC really kicked it up for me when I saw one piece in particular. quickly followed by this I am really glad I not only get to hit the like button over and over on instagram but I get to continue getting new work from him every 2 weeks or so. There are a lot of amazing artists out there turning out amazing tattoos, but for whatever reason I really dig his take on anything from Japanese to B/G to traditional, and have at least 1 tattoo in 2 styles from him. Second would probably be Grime, when he did @Iwar's leg. That was intense and really got me looking at his work differently.
    1 point
  39. Tiny Miss Becca Ashley Love Mikael de Poissy Alix Ge Kim-Anh Nguyen
    1 point
  40. ...when you can name more tattooers than states.
    1 point
  41. dirbab

    Lady Heads

    Didn't see any mention of Brad Stevens so far. His lady heads are my favourite. I've got this one from him: and here are some others he's done:
    1 point
  42. MadeIndelible

    Lady Heads

    Bob Wicks:
    1 point
  43. Duffa

    Lady Heads

    These 2 are from Todd Noble. I thought they where quite nice. Tried to find a link or something to add here but I couldn't find anything? (I ripped them of visualamor.com )
    1 point
  44. that makes me think this
    1 point
  45. Jef is painting alot more now and flying east to work at the upcoming richmond (virginia) tattoo convention in november. his tattoos are looking really clean and that Deno tattoo is proof of it. that thing is slick, and he did it at my shop in DC. i have a bunch of Jef tattoos but not anything thats been done in the last 10+ years.
    1 point
  46. Duffa

    Lady Heads

    Another from Miss Stigsson
    1 point
  47. Duffa

    Lady Heads

    Lina Stigsson from Admiraal Tattoo Amsterdam does gorgeous work
    1 point
  48. Paul A. Dobleman


    1 point
  49. Jake

    Lady Heads

    for those of you in the bay area- there's a piece of Conn flash with 3 awesome lady heads that me and Lochlan always drool over. I've seen it in both Temple and Blackheart. I only found this tiny picture of it online. In person it's fucking rad
    1 point
  50. Wedge

    Lady Heads

    I just joined this site, I love lady heads and after browsing the member pictures I'd like to add Stefan Johnson's name to this conversation. I really love his style of girls and not even sure how it would be categorized (help?). I plan on getting a gypsy head in the near future but I prefer the more neo-trad, softer designs like this rather than the pure traditional styles which most artists seem to do. Here's a few examples of Stefan's style which I like and if anyone can suggest a traveling artist or one in the northeastern US who does similar work I'd greatly appreciate it. If I was closer to Stefan's shop in CA I'd be booking an appt. tomorrow. Thanks.
    1 point
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