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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/2013 in all areas

  1. Morning LST, after a long trip I made it home. As promised here is a pic of my finished (for now) back. Not the best pic but I'll see if I can get a better one ASAP. Completed over 5 sessions by Horinao at The Catclaw Tattoo-z Kyoto... I'm going to go pass out for a bit lol.
    24 points
  2. Saw this on FB today.. Kick ass piece and awesome to see it getting recognition!!
    5 points
  3. SStu

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    After 15 months of no ink, I'm back in the saddle and strapped in for a long ride. Randy Muller at Eye Candy in New Orleans finally started my back (partial cover-up) this past Tuesday night. We got 90% of the line-work done. Skull and dragon. He's asked for no internet pictures until we're close to finishing - so I've got to respect that. Obviously will be posting a series of photos some time (hopefully) later in 2014.
    4 points
  4. I hope you didn't misunderstand me. Your rework looks great!! Hair and all... I just dug the old one too. I can only hope that my own tattoos will be as relevant and look that good when they're 30+.
    3 points
  5. Those Trevino skull beads are my favourite. I love those. When I was trying to figure out how far down my arms I was comfortable going, and what I would later get to extend the sleeve, something along those lines definitely came to mind. Then I realised that if I was already thinking of extending a 3/4-ish sleeve before I'd even started it that I should just suck up my hesitations and get it all the way to the wrist to begin with. The skull beads still totally rule though.
    3 points
  6. Thanks man. I will keep searching collecting reference. I'll ask my artist next time I'm at the shop, he knows his stuff when it comes to Japanese and I'm sure he has got some good books too. A few more.
    3 points
  7. Here's my stab at it. Let's start at the top row from left to right: Gobu sleeves (five tenths) with hikae (chest plate), Shichibu sleeves (seven tenths) with hikae, classic munewari with gobu sleeves and thighs or basically a gobu munewari, next is a variation of the munewari with hanzubon (shorts) where the inner thigh is completely filled in with tattoo work, full body suit or donburi soushinbori with nagasode (long sleeves), the back piece diagram is kame no koh (turtle back) then the last suit is a shichibu munewari (seven tenths).
    2 points
  8. else

    G'day from DownUnder

    Hi Libby! Welcome! As a rule, the members here will be glad to point you in the direction of a good tattooer, and then suggest that you take your ideas to them and let them do their job with it :) That's why they make the big bucks, right? ;)
    2 points
  9. For those who like Meshuggah here is a band I just ran across not too long ago. (Dual vocalists still feels weird to me) I consider this fantastic DSBM (that is if your into it) Then of course all out brutal black metal from my northern neighbors in Canada. Im actually seeing them tonight in Brooklyn.
    2 points
  10. i entered the top part last month now i am entering the bottom part. done by jeff gogue. sorry for the blurry pic and this pic was taken the day after so it wasnt "fresh"
    2 points
  11. Knee hurts like fuck! 5 hours on this by Piotr Deadle :)
    2 points
  12. Just finished last night! Chris Garver , Invisible NYC Timeless tattoos Rock!!
    2 points
  13. I got this from Chad Koeplinger earlier this year. I love it, and I want to share it with you:
    2 points
  14. You are almost correct: Air Freshener 3-Pack | Waverly Color
    2 points
  15. Here is my back-piece from @Stewart Robson Started - 11/25/2011 Completed - 11/24/2013 The tattoo has 78 hours in total.
    2 points
  16. Hey guys! I've never entered a contest before but thought I'd try this month. This is my anchor and bow tattoo, my second tattoo, done by Steve at Cloak and Dagger Tattoo in Dayton, OH. :)
    1 point
  17. sboyer

    Lost Love book

    A couple eagles from the book. Bob Shaw, Oscar Bouchard, Colonel Todd ect. - - - Updated - - - Floyd Samson
    1 point
  18. hogg

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Looks fantastic, @Duffa!
    1 point
  19. Libby1959

    G'day from DownUnder

    Hi stinkybutt, yeah, you could say that ;) Mmm, not sure what I'm doing wrong here as far as posting the image. I put it in my gallery and used that URL :confused:
    1 point
  20. Dan

    G'day from DownUnder

    pics of it ? and hell ! so you're the family rebel ? . . . oh ya,welcome ! :)
    1 point
  21. RoryQ

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Ended up booking in with Frank Carter this coming January at FST. Can't wait to get tattooed there, having heard and read so much about this shop over time. Hopefully just going to pick something out of flash or drawings.
    1 point
  22. Funny thing is one time I was at a public function couple of years ago and there in my official government capacity. Think town hall style type of meeting. Most times these things are pretty civil with people inquiring about quality of life issues and who is responsible for such and such. This go around I get the luck of the draw and it's a tow truck driver (a business type which my agency regulates and oversees) and he's laying into me saying how terrible we are and I'm sitting up there all high and mighty and looking down on him cause he's an average working joe with tattoos on his arm. I told him he was wrong and we treat everyone fairly and he was mistaken if I'm judging him on his appearance. He continues to rant and said he noticed me sneering at him when he first walked into the meeting and gawking. I tell him if I was staring, it was probably more in admiration of the artwork on his arms and I basically tell him he is unfairly judging me based on my professional appearance to which I take off my suit jacket and role up one of my sleeves to expose my 3/4 sleeve. Couple of people in the audience laugh, some applauded. He catches me at the end of the meeting and apologizes for pre-judging me and states he's just frustrated with the regulations thats putting a strain on his business. I give him my card and tell him to call/email me so we can discuss his concerns further.
    1 point
  23. Graeme

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Amazing! I doubt I will ever do my hands but if I was going to do them I would want him to do them.
    1 point
  24. rozone

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I just made my appointment to get my life-ruining hand tattoos from Thomas Hooper. It's gonna be way cool.
    1 point
  25. got this today from justin hyde my cousin got this one from him
    1 point
  26. Just finished my first session with Tomo from Yellow Blaze. Super sweet dude with a magic touch. Plus the place itself is incredible - located just up the road from Yokohama's Victorian-era studios where all the Euro(-trash) royalty got inked in the 1800s. Got a few weeks for the ink to settle and then back for the colour...
    1 point
  27. First time posting hopefully I uploaded the image correctly. Finished this little guy in the summer.
    1 point
  28. Second session just finished on my thigh. 6 and a half hours in. Swollen, bloody and inky but here is a pic. Tried to get some details in on the right side pics.
    1 point
  29. I was in a wedding back in September, this is one of the candid shots the photographer took :)
    1 point
  30. Second session yesterday. Was a lot easier this time around, not so apprehensive I guess and also made a point to just focus on my breathing for the few lines that needed finishing. Looking forward to the next session! Thanks again Stewart.
    1 point
  31. Alright... here goes nothin. Pharoah's Horses tattooed by me, finished in October.
    1 point
  32. suburbanxcore

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Actually, I also just booked with Ron Henry Wells for February at the Philly convention. He's going to be filling in the gap between my Grez and Scott Sylvia pieces. I can't wait.
    1 point
  33. polliwog

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Going to be getting a tattoo from Ron Henry Wells in the spring. (Hopefully I won't drive him crazy. I think I got my predilection for nervous talking out of my system with the first tattoo, though.) So excited for this one and amazed that someone whose work I love this much isn't even far away.
    1 point
  34. Please keep in mind that I am in no way trying to attack you, as I don't get any sort of malice or any other such tone from your post. The problem with this is that you're asking people to work on spec, and then maybe you'll pay one of the people involved. This is all going on your word, of which, keep in mind, no one here has any examples of the integrity. For future reference, it rarely comes across as anything other than rude and condescending to suggest that an artist of any sort work on spec. It suggests that what they do is simple enough and that so little work goes into it that they shouldn't mind whipping something up on the off-chance that the prospective client likes it. I, for one, won't begin a piece of art for a prospective new client without a significant deposit.
    1 point
  35. TaeTae

    Thighs Thighs Thighs!!!

    Awesome! Love those! Here is the start to my outer thigh Tsuru Kame [/img]
    1 point
  36. Amok

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    By WT Norbert today. Its a bit bloody in these pics. Saw Chad Koeplinger at the shop, if I knew he was in town I'd have booked in with him too! Bummed by a missed opportunity there.
    1 point
  37. Yes, because us "artistically inclined" people really love to work for free. Go to a good shop. Show him/her your tattoo and discuss possibilities. This forum isn't really for satiating these kinds of questions.
    1 point
  38. Scott R

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    lady head by Valerie Vargas skull drawn on by Stuart Robson
    1 point
  39. Scott R

    Thighs Thighs Thighs!!!

    I just put a picture of the front of my thighs in my gallery i figured if I tried here it would be huge and my pastiness could scare the faint at heart
    1 point
  40. 5 1/2 hours of color blending on my neck by Will Lollie was brutal back in 2001. This was before he was killing it with scratch your eyes out cool Japanese stuff, back when "New School" was the big thing still. The longest I sat was with Damon Conklin back in 2000, 9 hours on my forearm. He's a lot faster now. It wasn't near as brutal, as I knew I was going to sit for a long time and ran 2 miles a day and drank a gallon of water every day for two weeks prior to be physically sound. The longest I worked straight through on a client was 10 hours a day, two days in a row. He was in town for 3 days only on holiday from his tour in Iraq and asked if I could do his sleeve in that time. The first day was planning and drawing. It was tiring on us both!, but like Calvin Sewell always said, "when the eyelids are heavy, the pockets are too."
    1 point
  41. I'll be going for my longest session to date on Nov. 7th with Brian Bruno. Pretty much spending the whole day with him which is either 7 or 8 hours. Wish me luck.
    1 point
  42. Nobody in the world cares about my tattoos. But I really like them. I've got a bird friend on my shoulder who will be with me always. Poor little Squeaky, the real bird, died when I was away. I never got to say good-bye and now I don't have to because Squeaky is always there on my shoulder. I've got a story of hiking a long trail on my leg. If I ever get Alzheimer's I will probably at least remember that experience since it's right there on my leg to remind me of all that I saw and did out there. I've got big blue roses. Lots of color. I was hated and criticized mercilessly all my life for being ugly but now I have pretty colors on my skin to make me happy. And finally, my butterfly. First time I went to a tattoo shop the artist there told me of giving an old lady a tattoo of a butterfly on her arm because she had always wanted one. There are so many things in life I've always wanted to do and it took me a while to realize that someday never comes. Do it now. And even though a barely-graduated apprentice did my butterfly, he cleverly mirrored the motif of the leaves of my roses and tied it all together. I feel like I carry a flower garden and a little bit of spring around with me wherever I go. I claimed my body from those who had prior claims, defined it my own way, not theirs, and made it my own. Nobody cares about my tattoos, some people probably scorn me for them, and for that I even feel more grateful because against their disapproval, here I am, taking up space with my garden and my memories, just being me.
    1 point
  43. Avery Taylor

    Dry healing

    If the tattoo is wrapped by the tattooer that is the last time anything happens to it. I have never had much problem healing, but I am getting my knee tattooed in a three weeks so we'll see how that goes. Actually I'm getting my knee and my ribs tattooed on the same day. I am an idiot.
    1 point
  44. Abby

    Hiya There

    Here is my tattoo, done at Cloak and Dagger by Steve.
    1 point
  45. Although not a tattooer, I work in a shop and can I please add: 5 friends + 3 iphones taking pictures should not equal 1 tattoo. That is annoying math.
    1 point
  46. a backpiece would be awsome...to most it would just look like a grim reaper...its the small details, like the owl, hourglass, and the earth that make it santisima muerte..i dont see a problem if you dont worship it...better for you, it usually involves some sort of offering..
    1 point
  47. slayer9019

    Facial Tattoos

    Ice cream is delicious
    1 point
  48. Our shop is "family friendly", which means we get customers in here with their screaming 8 month old babies. Last week, I had a girl say (in reference to her screaming baby) "Oh, just put him on the floor. He'll shut up" I politely told her "Fuck no", and she asked "Why, is there like bacteria and shit?" Awesome.
    1 point
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