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  1. Here are a few that I have been meaning to post up: Chest Eagle by Chad Koeplinger a few months back at State of Grace These next few were all done at Smith Street while I was home this summer. Dan Santoro - Lady Liberty (Bert Grimm Flash) Bert Krak - Reaper Hand Bert Krak - Skull (Tony Polito Flash) Bert Krak - Black Widow
    11 points
  2. @Duffa Haha not quite that quick. About 1 hour 15 with Chad. Got a fantastic tattoo from Bert Krak. Sorry about the crap photo. I'll post another when its healed.
    7 points
  3. Iwar

    Bay area meet up?

    Fuck sleeves dude, I want the full bodysuit!
    4 points
  4. Most relationships don't last, can't blame the tattoos.
    3 points
  5. Tight-Lines

    Bay area meet up?

    That was a blast. Good times everyone. We need to get Iwar a long sleeve shirt with tattoos on the sleeves before he leaves. My phone wants to spell "Iwar" Gwar.
    3 points
  6. The VBS series on tattooing has really made me proud. It's almost like the first time I read Tattoo Time. It reminds me of why I fell in love with the tattoo culture and art. It does not make me want to vomit like the other pop culture tattoo offerings for the masses. I'm really stoked on these videos.
    3 points
  7. My wife and I got these done right before we got married.
    3 points
  8. My latest is posted in the War Stories thread as well, but I might as well tell more about it here. I got it this past Saturday. This one was at the request of my kids. I had said I wanted something completely whimsical, so I asked them what they thought I should get. They suggested Perry the Platypus, also known as Agent P, from the Disney show Phineas and Ferb. I am almost as big a fan of the show as they are, so I thought it was an awesome idea. I found that the artist who has done my previous three tattoos is currently taking a break from the business, so went to another loval artist she had recommended - Robyn at Mothers Tattoo in Erlanger KY. I am seriously pleased with the outcome - great experience and she did a great job of capturing the character. She also used a nearly silent tattoo machine, which I found interesting, I didn't know those existed....
    3 points
  9. Gregor

    One Year Live for LST!

    Love this site no bullshit, no politics and no bitching long may it last !!!
    2 points
  10. SF Dave

    Phoenix Tattoo

    speaking of Shige's phoenix tattoos, here's a pic (work in progress) of a friend's pheonix that Shige did on her thigh: always love the way Shige uses color. it's just beautiful
    2 points
  11. What a year it has been! i feel so priveledged to be a part of LST! from the very beginning there was only warm welcomes and positivity. i have learned so much from the other members of this forum and i thank you all so much for sharing your knowledge and your views. i hope those that live in the Bay area have a great meet up and the rest of us that wish we were there will all be with you in spirit.
    2 points
  12. Steve

    One Year Live for LST!

    Thank you to all the members of LST - it has been a blast building the site and watching it take on a life of it's own! here's to many more!
    2 points
  13. i laser at least 1 wedding ring tattoo a week. seriously a bad idea.
    2 points
  14. Got this one earlier, also from Chad at Frith St.
    2 points
  15. Oh man...I have a coworker who has four tattoos (that I've seen) of pretentious Latin phrases in a Roman font--all upside down. Two on his forearms, one on each foot, and I'm sure a few more that I've not had the pleasure of seeing. Homeboy's starting to look a little "Memento." I don't know why shit like that gets me so heated--as my wife pointed out, they're not my tattoos, so I don't have to like them--but god damn! It just makes me think that he doesn't actually like tattoos. /rant
    2 points
  16. Stefan Johnsson


    1 point
  17. Lochlan

    One Year Live for LST!

    Today, September twenty-first marks the one year birthday that LST has been live! What started as a thought and some talk amongst friends for some months turned to a dinner meeting to buying a domain name to one month of building content, then going live has turned into one year later with all of you........who would've thought! The site has grown and new features continue to be thought about and how we can make this relationship between tattooing and the internet a better, more positive, & productive one as it is a relationship here to stay. As Scott has said, "the internet is the new tattoo shop waiting room". So lets make the tattoo shop internet waiting room better than what has been available...... We hope you will continue to support good tattooers and good shops. Because this is foundational! Once you find a good tattooer throw them your idea and let them work their magic....they are the artist and know variables that will make it work and not work so trust them. Shopping around for the cheapest price is not going to give you the best tattoo and may even end up costing more in the end (laser removal, cover-up, etc). LST is here to help and entertain.....the site would not be what it is without all of you, LSTers, so thank you!! I would lastly like to thank The Sylvia's and the Vong-Wright's for being a part of this! To many more years to come.....welcome and thank you LSTers!!!
    1 point
  18. Ursula

    palm tattoos

    @AlannaCA I have some of mine done, I know a lot of other people who do to, and I really do mean a lot. Most people don't notice mine unless I am handing them something that they need to look at like money and even then it's rare. For me it's totally different then having the tops or palms done because it's so much less noticeable. It's still not something I'd recommend to someone who has no tattoos or who doesn't plan on being heavily tattooed. I didn't get mine until I was already well on my way to being heavily tattooed. I know a lot of tattooers who won't do them on people who aren't already pretty covered, but I also know a lot who will do them on anyone. For me always comes back to, why are you doing it. If it's to look cool or tough by having hand tattoos then don't. If it's because you really want to and know what wearing hand tattoos says to the public then go for it.
    1 point
  19. Lance

    Oda Nobunaga by Jill Bonny

    Oda Nobunaga by Jill Bonny
    1 point
  20. ChrisM

    One Year Live for LST!

    Congratulations! I spend waaaaayyyyy more time on here than I should.
    1 point
  21. This is also true, I guess I'm just a firm beliver that tattoos shouldn't be gotten for a relationship. Me myself have been married for 4 years now. I have a ring, maybe worn it a dozen or so times. Wife is fine with it. But why something so simple as a ring or a tattooed ring is needed to say your married. I don't know, guess I'm just simple that way, a ring won't make a marrige, you have to.
    1 point
  22. Barbie Doll

    Food and Drink list

    @tammy made some of her famous red velvet mini cupcakes (mini things always taste better for some reason) with cream cheese frosting. I got some in exchange for babysitting. I compare every red velvet cupcake to hers and have yet to try a better version. And no I'm not trying to get more cupcakes out of her. Although I wouldn't turn them down either.... @tammy maybe you should share your recipe?
    1 point
  23. Barbie Doll

    Hello from Bangkok!

    I thought you were gonna say re-reading his post to make sure they read "the one and only Hogg who is excellent" correctly....I'm kidding don't ban me! ;)
    1 point
  24. Barbie Doll

    Bay area meet up?

    That was a blast! What a fun group and thank you again to @steve1461686340 for treating us! Iwar- you better watch what you wish for!
    1 point
  25. What the fuck is facebook?
    1 point
  26. I love Jack Rudy's quote in this article as well as the cheeseburger analogy. Enjoy:
    1 point
  27. decent article except for 2 things. #1, Bill Funk is a pile of shit. and #2, most of the "artists" at the last DC convention weren't even $2 cheeseburgers. more like 20 cent beef jerky.
    1 point
  28. I also can appreciate James Robinson's work...really amazing work and you can tell he really has a passion for it too!
    1 point
  29. I've always thought of relationship tattoos as the 'kiss of death' for the relationship
    1 point
  30. Tim Burke

    First tattoo

    Got this one 6/7 months ago from Steve Vinall at The Family Business. No real meaning behind it, just something that settled in my mind after moving to London last October.
    1 point
  31. Duffa

    One Year Live for LST!

    Yeah, you guys are pretty cool ;) Seriously though, thanks to everyone who set the forum up, and for everyone that contributes and makes LST what it is. Wish I was in the bay area to actually meet peeps, but alas, Australia is a tad far. One day though... thinking I might have to make a trip to the San Diego convention in the near future... Here's to the next year and all that follow!
    1 point
  32. kylegrey

    One Year Live for LST!

    Damn that went fast .Thanks everyone !!
    1 point
  33. MsRad

    Wedding band tattoos

    the guy who took over my position has and infinity loop on his wedding finger, and i assume it is also on his wife's. i thought it was cute. if Jackson and i ever get married, we'll be getting coins flipping (not on our fingers though haha), because when we first started dating, we could never decide where to go eat, so we'd flip a coin. he suggested the idea.
    1 point
  34. Chad did this one on my good lady wife today as well.
    1 point
  35. Oh man, getting tattooed by Zuck was definitely one of the best tattoo experiences I've had. All-around super awesome guy. I'm really excited to be starting my back with him in November. I don't have a picture of it, but I also got a really awesome rose from Tomek who was guesting at Name Brand. He's also a really rad dude and enjoyable to get tattooed by.
    1 point
  36. I've slept on Troy's couch many times and I have to tell you that one of my favorite things about staying with Troy is all the epic shows he has recorded on his TV box. It's like browsing through the wildest documentaries or shows on aliens, drugs, history or anything taboo. That man has great taste
    1 point
  37. No, that would never work. Not unless you make your scrodum the wattle.
    1 point
  38. see now all I can picture is a roster tattoo on my dick... and some joke about rising early in the morning!
    1 point
  39. Sea chickens. River Pigs.
    1 point
  40. Ursula

    Tattoo age on VBS

    I wish I could be on the Canadian cash cab! I take a lot of cabs when I'm in Toronto so maybe one day! You guys lifting weights are intense! You're doing more than twice my body weight, I can't even imagine picking up something that heavy, I'd be one of those 'lady weightlifter throws up' videos on YouTube if I tried hahahaha. But yeah, the latest installments of the show have been awesome. It's rad to learn about tattooers that I've never heard of, or heard the name but never seen their work. It's cool to see that a lot of these guys are seem like rad dudes too. The Grime one really changed my view of him, in a good way.
    1 point
  41. hogg

    Old tattoo photos

    That's not Junni, but it does kinda look like her. This is Junni:
    1 point
  42. Ursula

    palm tattoos

    I also wonder what tattooer gives someone a palm tattoo as their first tattoo.
    1 point
  43. Ryan Gagne

    jensen redraw

    1 point
  44. Petri Aspvik

    Dan Higgs

    Robert Ryan send these links. A new short Higgs documentary/video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0mkaUMOgZU" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMrG_lF1OxY"
    1 point
  45. Valerie Vargas


    1 point
  46. Patrick

    Wedding tattoo?

    My wife and I have tattoos with our anniversary date in them. Even if our marriage goes belly-up someday, that date will still signify something that was pretty major in my life. I can either look back on it fondly, or I can look back on it as a reminder of lessons learned. Either way, I don't think it will be a tattoo that I regret.
    1 point
  47. He's gonna have a hell of an adventure with the whole "ass boy" thing next time he gets locked up. Hopefully he keeps his prison pocket clenched nice and tight.
    1 point
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