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  1. Hi, this is my first post. I want to share the tattoos that I got on the London Convention last weekend. Enjoy! Stuart Cripwell - Spider Murphy`s: Frank Carter - Frith Street:
    20 points
  2. Bad iPhone pics taken during session, first session, loving it! Kim Saigh, Memoir.
    16 points
  3. After a copious helping of gin and a couple hours spent with GTA5 and Iron Man 3, here is a terrible pic of my chest. Still a whole lot to be done, but Tim did a great job. We still have to finish both shoulders and some spider-webbing that will go along the bottom. This piece is going to really bring all my tattoos together nicely, I think. @Johannes - I've heard other people say that as well. I guess I'm entitled to one difficult sitting. @mtlsam - I agree. The shading is much easier. I suspect that your neurologist friend is on to something. At least, it sounds reasonable to me.
    14 points
  4. Been on a post roadtrip saving kick, but managed to sneak in this little jammer from Adrian Hing the other week. Looks a bit warped in the flick. and @Mark Bee, so nice, gin and gta definitely earned!
    7 points
  5. Yep he's gonna add some stuff to the empty spaces in the top corners still too he just didn't decide if he wants to add a border or some clouds. He said he's hoping it knock it out in 2 more sessions. As long as she can sit for haha. - - - Updated - - - heres a photo of my whole arm now that it's filled in. going to take a break from getting my other arm tattooed now for a while. forgot to credit all the tattooers who made this what it is... thanks to lowercase j, timmy tatts, justin hyde, max kuhn, tyler densley, kim marks, ryan bailey, brandon montero, and landon lewis.
    6 points
  6. I just got back from getting my chest piece outline done by Tim Pausinger at The Pearl. Poor guy - I was the worst client of the month. For whatever reason, I just couldn't settle in. I couldn't find my groove at all. That he could still turn out such a high quality tattoo with me flailing away underneath him speaks to the talent, skill, and professionalism of the guy. It was not my best moment, but it's a truly great tattoo. I've posted it on my instagram, and I'll probably post it here as well, but not until I've battered my brain with gin. Lots and lots of gin.
    4 points
  7. went and got my arm filled in today. here are a few pictures. heres my girlfriends back. took timmy about 45 minutes.
    4 points
  8. I just pressure cooked my first whole chicken. I browned it on all sides, then added celery, carrots, onions, 1 cup of stock, star anise, and fresh oregano, thyme, and rosemary. I then put the lid on and 25 minutes later I removed a chicken dripping with juices and tender beyond all imagination. Just before doing that, I diced a butternut squash, apples, and onions. I put them in a bowl with kosher salt, pepper, and olive oil. I popped that in the oven for 35-40 minutes and it was ready at the same time as my chicken. All said and done, I was able to do the entire meal, from prep to plate in about an hour. Awesome.
    3 points
  9. I'm a kindergarten teacher (and so far this year I am just wearing long sleeves every day). Another teacher I worked with was covered in tattoos and often several of them would be showing. She told her kindergartners that they were stickers.
    3 points
  10. Mark and I are actually a duo of high flying dough punchers that travel the country to challenge other bakers with our combination of trapeze and pink frosting. It's like a rap battle, but with fondant.
    3 points
  11. We went to this Irezumi art opening in Hollywood Thursday night. https://www.facebook.com/irezumiartshow Saw some great art there from the likes of Stewart Robson, Tim Lehi, Mike Rubendall, etc., etc. Bob Roberts and Oliver Peck were there. Corey Miller's band played and we met him as he was bringing stuff to the stage. Our little 5 yr old excitedly told him that she's going to be Sleeping Beauty for Halloween. He seemed impressed. Sweet guy.
    3 points
  12. I'm starting to be less and less concerned about concealing my tattoos at work. I roll my sleeves up part way these days, so it's no longer a secret. I just noticed one of my colleagues has a big bright tattoo that runs up the back of her neck. I was on the subway the other day and looked up only to see one of my supervisors staring through the window at me with her jaw on the floor. Lol. Cat's outta the bag now.
    3 points
  13. Hello everyone. My name is Jason. I am originally from TN, but stationed in KY.. I joined this forum because I am a lover of tattoos. I dont specifically stick to one genre. I like all tattoos as long as they are good pieces of work. I currently have 34 tattoos, and definitely plan on finishing up some running projects and getting more. I have been intrigued with "tattoo style" art since I was a youngin. I used to get in trouble in school for doodling instead of paying attention, and that artistic aspiration has eventually blossomed into that actual tattoo lifestyle. I hope I can get some great ideas and advice from everyone here.
    2 points
  14. ANTM

    Hi im ANT out of LI.NY

    Hi all. Im Ant I reside in Long Island New York. I first came across this site Through YouTube Watching the Interviews. They are Gems, Thanks Scott.
    2 points
  15. Oliver Peck awkward gap filler,told him do whatever. Pardon crap pic.
    2 points
  16. Gregor

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Get a pigeon
    2 points
  17. love them both. just got tattooed by stuart 2 weeks ago, great guy.
    2 points
  18. Scanned from an old copy of Tattoo Advocate Apologies for halfway crooked scans. Deal with it.
    2 points
  19. Which one of you folks was it that I saw at Kings Ave Friday afternoon getting work from Jason? I totally recognized your tattoos, and meant to say something, but these sessions on my back kind of reduce my conversational skills to "blerghfl?" That piece you got was killer, anyway.
    2 points
  20. I am up to about 13 tattoos now and I still get the brilliant comment from un-tattooed people of "I didn't expect you to have tattoos" or "You don't look like a tattooed person." Which makes me beg the question is there a specific combination of piercings, ripped jeans, and t-shirt from an obscure 80's rock band that I need so that people aren't surprised I have tattoos. It just baffles me as a comment. Also I work with kids and quite often have entertaining conversations that simply start with them stating "You have a tattoo." This opens up a world of fun and mildly sarcastic responses from shock that I have two half sleeves and pretending I didn't know they were there to convincing them that I wake up early every morning and draw them on with Sharpies. I probably shouldn't, it's a bit cheeky of me, but it is great fun. Another thing that confuses me though is when people seem to think that they can demand to see my tattoos in full. This has on occassion resulted in some un-tattooed people requesting, quite politely, that I take various items of clothing off. Most recently this happened at a wedding when the mother of the groom demanded I take off my shirt so she could see my half sleeves. Very awkward in the middle of the reception and it was probably a good thing I hadn't had more to drink at that point or who knows what would have happened. There are always the normal questions though of "Did it hurt?", "How much did it cost?", "Don't you think you will regret it?" etc. They are always fun to answer sarcastically as well otherwise it just gets repetative.
    2 points
  21. InMyHeadAche

    Old tattoo photos

    I spoke with an old Korean/Vietnam Veteran for about 10 minutes at my work today about tattoos. He said he got these down at The Pike 51 years ago, but couldn't remember the exact artist who did them.
    2 points
  22. just post it....everyone here with more than 5 tats felt that, i'm pretty sure of....and tim is awesome so...yeah...show us the goods!!!! :)
    2 points
  23. When I was growing up, tattoos were always something bikers had. I dated a guy who didn't like them, and when I got my third tattoo, he was not thrilled, and joked about calling me "biker bitch"...that third tattoo happened to be Tigger holding three daisies. That's really what all the Biker Bitches are getting, right?? Then I dated another guy who tried to force me to not get my 4th, a tree frog. I told him I wasn't living my life according to his sense of beauty. Now I'm married to a guy who digs the shit out of tattoos and encourages me to get more...and some of what I want are things he doesn't like and guess what? I don't care. I want him to find me attractive, obviously, but at the end of the day, if I think it's pretty, and I want it on me, I'ma git it. I like looking at tattoos on women. I probably look like some weird stalker or something, but I find them very feminine, and I like to admire, say, the curve of a shoulder that is tattooed. It's beautiful.
    2 points
  24. First, quit doing what you're doing. Throw any remaining needles or ink you have in the trash. Second, get tattooed for years. Third, hope someone give you a chance. Fourth, as much as no one wants to hear it, and no one really listens to it, the best sentiment as to why it's hard to get a chance is something Valerie Vargas said in an interview recently: "Just because you want to tattoo, doesn't mean you should tattoo." You have to prove to someone they can trust you to not waste their time, and your approach does the exact opposite of that.
    2 points
  25. reading in here makes me wanna tattoo my face...just so plainers have something to talk about, in my face.
    2 points
  26. Got this indian girl done by Greg Christian at the London Tattoo Convention. Got tattooed by Seth Ciferri also, I'll post a tattoo from that later cause it's still healing.
    2 points
  27. Listen to the norwegian! He can bring the ban-hammer of thor!!!
    2 points
  28. ironchef

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Back in the chair with Rubendall in two weeks to continue work on my back piece after a long summer break. Henning should be in town end of the month for a couple of sessions on my back as well. Slowly but surely.
    2 points
  29. tatB

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I think at this point everyone assumes that on any given day you will be getting tattooed at Pearl Harbor Gift Shop within the next 0-30 days. And we are all jealous.
    2 points
  30. Don't think it has enough of the "wow" factor to win it this month but here is my entry: By Todd Noble at the 2013 Montreal convention
    2 points
  31. And here is my entry for this month, my 'Tamatori-Hime' sleeve (the one with the octopus ) that we finished today (with a bit brutal 5 hour session. This sleeve (and my other sleeve) are made by Bonel from Corazon Santo tattoo studio in Arnhem, The Netherlands.
    2 points
  32. Just saw this posted on Facebook... talked my dad into a little hand poked heart on his forearm at the end of the night. Don't have any good finished photos, though. I'll try to get one sometime that's in focus and such. His last hand poked tattoo was in the military in the late '70s or early '80s... it was one you had to earn through some sort of actions, of which he's only ever told me part of the story. And even that bit was pretty rough, so I'm unsure if he'll ever tell me the rest.
    2 points
  33. Dan

    Upcoming Tattoos

    :update: so I had my consult with Dave today,and we nailed it all down & I will be getting the piece from him on October 20th,pics to follow ! I'm excited !
    1 point
  34. Heh, I love the "take off your shirt" requests. Not gonna happen. In a restaurant, on the street, at a reception - what is going through their heads? It's like they can't see the absurdity (or the rudeness) of their demands. If I were alone (or with my wife) and a friend asked to see, I might comply, but probably not. However, if a tattooed friend asked I'd probably whip the shirt off in a second and start talking tattoos. I guess I've got my own double standard about it.
    1 point
  35. The whole torso seems to be a brutal area. Nice going on getting it done though! I find, and hopefully you do as well Mark, that the shading and colour is always much less unpleasant. My neurologist friend said it likely has to do with the fact that the wider shading needle stimulates multiple nerve endings. The multiple signals are less clearly delivered to the brain thus, less pain. I have no science to back this, but it sounds good to me. Post up, I'd love to see what you got!
    1 point
  36. yes it is crazy but you should still go for it.
    1 point
  37. You would be completely crazy NOT to take the walk up! ooor completely out of money because you're saving for/just got awesome tattoos....(my likely situation) I'm arriving early Friday morning, prob kicking it in a park and visiting friends during the day, and then was thinking of taking BART out there and checking out the convention Fri night because I will be getting tattooed like ALL of saturday, and won't have time to check everything out before I leave way too early on sunday morning. :) Ahh, the unplanned trip. I am so exciiited!!!
    1 point
  38. experimenting a little bit. two small ones i made these past few days.
    1 point
  39. When you get to the point where you don't rely on other people for your self esteem, it's a very liberating feeling. It took me more years than I'd care to admit.
    1 point
  40. flying in friday morning, Plan on taking the B A R T to see katie sellergren for some lettering then going to see @Stewart Robson Friday night. @Valerie Vargas Saturday afternoon as well, would i be completely crazy to entertain a walk up if it presents itself to me???
    1 point
  41. Latest tattoo. Got this skull morph from Cory Rogers last weekend. He does more than make machines!
    1 point
  42. Got this one from Chad Koeplinger when he guested Royal Tattoo a couple of days ago. Such a great experience!
    1 point
  43. awesome. really would liked to have got the hannya/panther design bart had at the convention but unfortunately getting used to london rent didnt allow me the funds. and claudia is amazing, adore her japanese work. you got some great work there. my bestie did get this awesome piece from bart at the convention that i thought you guys might appreciate
    1 point
  44. Sorry for the delay folks! Winner of September 2013 Tattoo of the Month Contest is....... @Rebushido with the fantastic Tiger tattoo he got from Henning Jørgensen. Congratulations Robin!!! Thanks everyone for your submissions. Keep 'em comin! Please PM @steve1461686340 with your shirt info (size and male or female) along with your address. October contest will be up shortly :)
    1 point
  45. My latest is only a few hours old. Is this the first LST-themed tattoo? If it is, I also know who got the second (only moments after me): Courtesy of Mr. @Scott Sylvia himself. PS Like this or feel the ban hammer.
    1 point
  46. suburbanxcore

    Old tattoo photos

    I was down in Ocean City, Maryland last week and picked up the two pictures attached. Apparently they date back to the 40s from a photographer named A. Aubrey Bodine, based out of Baltimore. I don't know much more about them, but I thought they were pretty cool. Edit: Not sure why the one posted sideways. Sorry.
    1 point
  47. Saint Christopher is considered the patron saint of travellers. My grandfather had a Saint Christopher medallion which he wore throughout WWII (including getting shot down and parachuting out of a flaming lancaster and evading the gestapo with the help of the Danish underground, but that is another story.). The medallion got passed down to me which I wore instinctively at all times and felt safe or protected by it. My other grandfather and my parents always had a Saint Christopher statuette on the dash of their vehicles. They all believed that it protected them from the dangers of the road because the one time the statuette was not in the car was the one and only time each of them ended up in severe car accidents. My first tattoo was of Saint Christopher. May 6, 2003 to be exact. Hours later I am leaving the tattoo shop all bandaged up. A friend of a friend picks us up. 2 blocks from the tattoo shop, some dude runs a stop sign and T-bones the car on the passenger side. Nobody was injured thankfully but the car was a write-off. To this day I can't settle on whether that post-first-tattoo car accident was either a) God punishing me for getting the tattoo of a religious icon OR b) Saint Christopher protecting me from serious injury. It still haunts me. But at least I got some fodder for the story of my first tattoo :)
    1 point
  48. What about Painless Nell? Stoney mentions her a few times in Stoney Knows How and her name comes up from time to time when reading about the old school. Not really sure when she started tattooing, but she was tattooing in the 40s. She had a shop in San Diego, Tattoo Archive has an address for her in San Francisco, and I think Stoney mentions her tattooing in St. Louis. Lucky's Tattoo Museum has a bunch of her flash available to view online here, but you have to find her name under "flash by artist name" because I can't seem to link to it directly: Lucky Supply Tattoo Museum And I found this picture here, which is of a tattoo done by her in the 50s.
    1 point
  49. nicky papers

    Eagle Girl head

    Eagle and Girl Head by Nick Rodin @ Blackheart tattoo SF Lettering by Mike Lucena. ( when he worked @ Blackheart)
    1 point
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