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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2012 in all areas

  1. I meant to put Chris Smith in here before. He tattoos at Deluxe Tattoo in Chicago and also makes machines I think (Workhorse Irons))? I think he does some really clean-looking, bright tattoos. I am almost sorry I went ahead with Japanese chest plates when I see these kinds of trad front pieces:- I like his big cat heads too. His (not updated very often) blog: Being dead looks retarded
    5 points
  2. It's only a matter of time. It's cheap to make with a tried-and-tested formula. People like to watch it and people LOVE to talk about it. That's why this type of programming has flooded the schedules over the last 5-10 years. Tattoos are just the most recent application of the formula. Right now, as I type there's a reality/contest show with a wedding theme on the tv, next it's probably cooking or someone's children. Crappy tattoos are the tip of the amoral tv iceberg. I'm still waiting for The RunningMan to hit the schedules for real. I'm just left thinking - A conversation about how good something is lasts 5 minutes. A conversation about how bad something is can last hours.
    5 points
  3. hogg

    Ink Masters

    My favorite part is when Chris Nunez said, "That tail is too small to propel the koi's head." I love that critiques included details like hydro-propulsion theory.
    4 points

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Start my back piece tomorrow:cool::cool:....so excited!!!
    3 points
  5. Jennifer Stell

    Ink Masters

    Richard said the same thing about the koi before Nunez pointed it out.... Then he said over half of everybody that tattoos NOW don't look at the shit they are doing... Without being PC I think both black dudes should go home then the girls.... Some of those tattoos were down right retarded, and I hope that Oliver makes just about everyone cry. GOOD TIMES! I'll take a top chef tat show over a reality tattoo shop, at least people won't be like "I know how they do it at that shop Miami Ink, sooo...." And I will say I didn't and don't watch Miami Ink, LA Ink, or the like... If turning the channel and helping ratings will help our friend, fuck it... I am always on the look out for stuff to make haterade out of, or at least a good laugh.
    3 points
  6. Fuck Dave Navarro nuff said.
    3 points
  7. I imagine Drake's "enforcers" look something like this
    3 points
  8. Saw this today on Guen Douglas' blog.... Such a great idea, I will try and make it to Brighton for this. . . coming up soon at Magnum Opus tattoo in Brighton: CATURDAY!!! Saturday February 18th from 11am-6pm Bob Done and Guen Douglas are doing small CATTOOS from prepared flash sheets… there is a minimum £50 donation… ALL PROCEEDS go to the City Cat Shelter City Cat Shelter Brighton come on down get a CATTOO and help local cats through a local organization! . .
    2 points
  9. Kev

    Ink Masters

    2 points
  10. @Iwar or anyone else just so you guys know @Barbie Doll books travel and from my experience with her booking travel she beats any deal I've found. I know other LSTers use her for travel as well....
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. slayer9019

    Ink Masters

    like this koi?
    2 points
  13. For Al Fliction, duh.
    2 points
  14. Ahahahahaha I didn't even notice. I bet the guy who got that is gonna be bummed that his portrait is so inaccurate.
    2 points
  15. Got this a week ago from Scott Sylvia at Blackheart on my forearm Pictures don't do it justice at all the colours are much more vivid and it looks a lot sharper in person, and its a bit warped in these as i tried to take the photos myself, but you get the idea
    2 points
  16. You have obviously never hear of snow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtILxBszyf8
    2 points
  17. So after reading Iwars' San Fran travel blog, I'd made a comment a long the lines of "maybe I'll do the same for my next Japan trip..." I'm pretty sure the response from @Iwar was "you better blog the shit out of it". So, for Iwar & the rest of the LST crew, here is a blog/travel log of my last trip to Japan, in December 2011 to complete my sleeve by Horinao at The Cat Claw Tattoo-Z in Kyoto. And to catch up with my Japanese fam ;) (This is my first blog type thing ever so my apologies ahead of time if I waffle on or if it's boring as shit lol. You have been warned :) ) For those of you who just tuned in, I'll do a really quick (ok, not so quick) update to get y'all up to speed on where we are at :cool: In June last year (2011) I'd gone to Japan to visit and stay with friends in Osaka, and to do a few more things I wasn't able to do on my first trip the previous year (October 2010). Probably the number 1 item on my list was to get a tattoo while I was in Japan (I really love Japanese tattoos, so why wouldn't I want to get one in Japan?). I knew what shop I wanted to go to and who I wanted to get something from, so before I'd left I'd sent off a couple of emails to Catclaw trying to figure out if I could get a booking and when. Unfortunately, I never received a reply... but that wasn't going to deter me ;) Yosuke (My japanese friend who I knew from Australia and who was helping as my translator and local ye olde inn keeper) and myself set out to find the Catclaw and see what we could make happen... When we've walked in to the shop, Horinao was at his station painting and Hiro was working diligently on, funnily enough, another Australian. Speaking to Rina (pronounced 'Lina') the shop manager and Horinao via Yosuke (and my bad Japanese lol) we decided on a Hannya. Horinao asked what colour I wanted, and my reply was "Aka" (red) making a real emphasis with my body language to say "I wanted this baby really really red" (For those playing at home different colours represent different stages of transformation and different standings in society) Horinao got this cheeky little smile, nodded and knew exactly what I meant. And from pretty much from that point we where total BFF's... lmao. Rina said to come back in an hour and we could start, so Yosuke and I went and grabbed some food and headed back when it was time. 2 1/2 hours (maybe 3 including a break) I walked out with this: I was pretty damn happy to say the least, and at that point knew that I wanted him to finish the sleeve... IF it could be finished due to needing a cover up that wasn't going to be that easy. Well, there was that and the fact that I'd need to somehow figure out how to get back to japan for this to happen ;) I get back home and about 4 days later, without going into to much detail, I get some bad news from my Mum but with this news also comes some money and I can only think of one thing I really want to spend it on. I even jokingly said to Mum "You know what this is going on don't you?" and in typical Mumsie style, she responds with "Yeah, I kind of thought that. Just let me know when you book your flights" and that was that... The next piece of luck was that Jetstar where having another sale to Japan! It's the only way I've been able to go as often as I have - I've never paid anymore than $450 return ;) thank you Jetstar. So I emailed the guys and asked if Horinao thought the tattoo I wanted covered could be... This is what I wanted covered: Yes, it's Venom from Marvel Comics' Spiderman series. I'd gotten it when I was 19 I think if memory serves correct? It had a lot of black in it, as well as a nice assortment of colours, so I wasn't sure what could be done. Laser was an option of course, but I figured i may as well just spend that money on the tattoo. Horinao said it'd be all good and asked what I wanted. Although I'd never wanted a Dragon or a Koi as such, I also knew they where probably my only two options. Horinao agreed, and said that a Koi would work best and so thats what we agreed upon. I booked my flights for the end of August, booked 2 days in and after that trip I was left with this: August 2011 Day 1 (A little over 6 hours not including breaks): August 2011 Day 2 (4 hours not including breaks - Horinao had a gig that night lol) He drew everything directly on to my skin to make sure it all worked and flowed as well as possible. I have to admit I was in awe just watching him sketch onto my arm. I couldn't make out shit, but knew I was in safe hands ;) He also never shaved my arm (except for the first time with the Hannya) which I found on later isn't super necessary unless your quite hairy, and it helps lesson the itching during healing :) (hairs aren't growing back) I got back, twiddled my thumbs until Jetstar had another sale and the second they did, I booked my tickets back for December... Well, that pretty much brings everyone up to speed with where I was at before I left in December last year. I'll make this the first post, and do the next few as individual days me thinks? So if possible just hold off on any replies until I say "FIN" lol :D (don't worry, they're coming right now!)
    1 point
  18. aleksksks

    Ink Masters

    I'll definitely be watching the show, it's like a reality TV version of the Worst tattoo EVER! section on this forum.
    1 point
  19. If it pay's,I'll take it.
    1 point
  20. ChrisvK

    Old tattoo photos

    Came across this picture on Fuck Yeah, Tattoos! Lots of crap on that site comes by, but every now and then there are some really good pieces
    1 point
  21. RoryQ

    New York City here I come!

    I would definitley be all over Smith St. if I were you - I got their little flash book at Christmas and have been drooling over it. The other super thing about NY is the food. Island Burger ... the NY style pizza by the slice ... Nyom nyom nyom
    1 point
  22. Kevin Campbell

    Black and Grey Roses

    I like to do black and grey roses
    1 point
  23. Chopped is one of my favorite tv shows...I thought this ink masters was pretty much the same format... I just watched it and actually enjoyed it. I've never seen the LA ink or the NY ink, so I can't really compare them, but I think Oliver Peck is hilarious, and I'm watching it just to see him in action. That dude cracks me up, and he's one of my favorite tattooers on top of it.
    1 point
  24. I think @Joe Shit deserves the title of "Official Forum Tattoo Shop Recommender"
    1 point
  25. Tattoos by Neal Aultman - New York - New Orleans He was working in NYC,but moved back to NO recently. Neal Aultman | Facebook ((( EYECANDY TATTOO ))) NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA / Randy Muller Tattoos New Orleans Louisiana / Tattoos by Donn Davis Don / Randy Muller Artist / New Orleans Best Tattoos / tatu / tatoo / tatto / tattoo shops / shop / designs / Tattoos by Jeremy MF Just has real good tattooers. Hubba Hubba Tattoo | New Orleans
    1 point
  26. G.Uristti

    Ink Masters

    @Jennifer Stell richard spoke about hydro-propulsion theory?
    1 point
  27. ian

    Ink Masters

    that shit blew my mind!! I'm not sure what he's capable of now but back on the Miami Ink days he was around the same caliber tattooer as most of the contestants on the show....
    1 point
  28. Iwar

    New York City here I come!

    Thanks for the tip Kev. I checked out the hotel, but unfortunately my budget doesn't allow me to spend $4125 on hotel expenses. It looked awesome though!
    1 point
  29. Joe Shit

    Ink Masters

    They should of had a porn star like Janine Lindemulder be the celebrity judge instead of Dave Navarro.At least she has real nice work,and she's easy on the eyes.Dave looked like he had one to many face lifts. I feel sorry for the people who picked b-tat,and Al Fliction to do their cover-ups.I wonder if they offer those people free laser sessions after the show.
    1 point
  30. I know this isn't a tattoo, but couldn't resist....
    1 point
  31. Ursula

    Ink Masters

    Holy fuck is that an actual tattoo from the show??????? That's fucking awful.
    1 point
  32. Yes. And when you are talking about Traditional Japanese, you have to take in consideration all the seasons, different elements, Images, religions, Ukiyo-e, beliefs, etc etc. And how to mix them and what not to mix.
    1 point
  33. Jennifer Stell

    Ink Masters

    You know what.... TIME shows you either know how to get it done, and you do, or you don't... Oliver is a fast tattooer, he was taught that way. besides a time limit also shows who does stuff out of the comfy zone well and who doesn't... like the dude that could draw the Fu dog but couldn't tattoo it... I'll watch it, Oliver is family. I'm proud... side note: pointing out problems with the tattoos educates everyones future clients.... my two cents
    1 point
  34. Yeah, the new VH song is pretty lame. I had to cleanse the palate with with this.
    1 point
  35. Avery Taylor

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Yeah. We started it in June last year, and then he decided to move to New York. He will be coming through Seattle in May, and we are going to finish it up. Our last session was almost eight straight hours. I am hoping we only have about four hours left.
    1 point
  36. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QezSujQwrGk&feature=related
    1 point
  37. ^ yeah, awesome tattoos in this thread. forgot to mention, stell was doing a guest spot at rock of ages. didn't see a way to edit my post...
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Kev

    Funny videos

    From the edge of the internets...
    1 point
  40. cibo

    Happy New Year from Tokyo

    a belated...akemashite omedetou gozaimasu :)
    1 point
  41. Wow, great I have someone in Tokyo to join me in what has been my daily solo meet ups. What part of Tokyo are you living in and who has tattooed you?
    1 point
  42. hogg

    Happy New Year from Tokyo

    I second all this.
    1 point
  43. Got another Russian piece yesterday from Troy Taylor @Skin Thrills in Roanoke VA
    1 point
  44. Snow is my favorite Canadian rapper ever.
    1 point
  45. a rich canadian paper gangster talking shit about someone who works for a living, fuck drake.
    1 point
  46. ShawnPorter

    palm tattoos

    I forget who did this one; I photographed it at the APP conference and didn't write down the artist. Little bit of pigment loss, but impressive for blue.
    1 point
  47. I often wonder if kids who decide to be a "skateboarder" or "surfer" or "punk" or "skinhead" or "????" if they get an opportunity to get educated in it as much as they can to gain a foundation and potential further love for it or dislike for it once educated on it or do they just join the fad? I ask this because isn't soccer or dancing or whatever else the same? Or do the stigmas influence too much of the other stuff? Soccer/football (non american) has plenty of violence and/or crews/firms. So when a kid starts soccer or teeball or whathave yous that is more "mainstream" at a young age are they given a brief understanding of it and its history or do they just show up to practice dressed the act because the guardian(s) have decided so or the kid shows an interest? How much does society's stigmas play a role in parenting? I don't ask this to be counterproductive or ridicule but rather to be productive. If tattooing, skinheads, edge, punk, hardcore, skateboarding, etc are going to be more "mainstream" and in the publics eye and productive society members like the many others in society how do we make it so the potential "fad" for that individual is less long term harmful (harm reduction) becuase isn't that what is being discussed? Or are we giving straight up "No", "Not in my backyard", etc answers like many of us got/get in life which we don't respond very well to? We have had plenty of people on this forum and in this particular thread speak to underage tattoos they got. Scott has an interesting point . So my next set of questions/reflections are how do we educate because we all know lecturing and telling people (teens especially) not to do something they are that much more inclined to do so. For those interested this is a flavor of something called psychological reaction mixed with some other theories.Alright I think I've attempted to throw enough gasoline and M-Eighties on this thing for now..........lets here it........
    1 point
  48. Chris

    donnie irish

    oonnie Irish, Jonsey
    1 point
  49. jinxproof1996

    Liner for Sonny Tufts

    Liner for Sonny Tufts.
    1 point
  50. jinxproof1996

    one off coastal waters

    one off coastal waters frame, my base, smooth running shader.
    1 point
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