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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2013 in all areas

  1. Got this namakubi from Caio Pineiro today: Horrible horrible times but worth every second. He is a super nice guy too. On his first euro-trip now, normally works in his own shop in Sao Paolo, Brasil.
    11 points
  2. Graeme

    Full Back Piece Thread

    This one was done by Dave Cummings in seven sessions over two months. So yeah, it need not take years. I don't think I have the ability to be tattooed that much in that short a time period though.
    10 points
  3. Tattooed yesterday by Chad Koeplinger. It's on the back of my leg
    8 points
  4. Just finished healing! So stoked about it! Done by Jesper at The Sailors Grave in Copenhagen. Slightly modded SJ flash.
    6 points
  5. My latest is only a few hours old. Is this the first LST-themed tattoo? If it is, I also know who got the second (only moments after me): Courtesy of Mr. @Scott Sylvia himself. PS Like this or feel the ban hammer.
    4 points
  6. rozone

    Full Back Piece Thread

    In my experience so far, getting a full back piece is the best and worst feeling at the same time. That being said, it's completely 100% totally worth it, and Dave C is going to make your back look insane, @Graeme. He did an Oni on the back of my right thigh (from ass to back of knee) about a year ago now, and it's the coolest tattoo ever. Nicest guy too.
    3 points
  7. @Gregor @exume @hogg Ok this should now be fixed - please let me know if you find otherwise, and thanks again for reporting. We added some horsepower to the server and this was an (obviously) unanticipated issue.
    3 points
  8. 9Years

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Heading back to Berlin the first week of Oct. to (hopefully) finish off my rib-piece with Uncle Allan. Super stoked to see this thing come together! I was planning on taking a little hiatus for a few months, but my loving wife got me a b-day present in the form of an appointment with Herb Auerbach which is coming up in a couple of weeks. Haven't made my mind up design-wise; I'm thinking moth or lady head.
    3 points
  9. Graeme

    Rose Morphs

    Here's mine, done by Chad Koeplinger at the 2013 Montreal tattoo convention.
    3 points
  10. Most of my work is pre-85. Short list, tho'. Cliff Raven Dale Grande
    2 points
  11. tatB

    Inner Thigh Tattoos

    @GrayCatLove your typo is actually a true statement because castor oil can be used as a laxative
    2 points
  12. rozone

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    I saw this on Instagram yesterday. I'm way into it.
    2 points
  13. My first tattoo was the Rocket From The Crypt logo. Many years later, it was filled in and is now my "little red rocket."
    2 points
  14. Grime posting this the other day made me think of this thread: Instagram
    2 points
  15. Oh man, that's a shame, Ichibay is awesome guy, he did a Fudo mask on my lower leg in her studio in Gifu, and was an amazing experience. I think he's Hokusai's reincarnation. I hope next time you will have good luck with it. I hope you share your Rubendall tattoo.
    2 points
  16. Thanks to @steve1461686340 for putting this dinner together, I want to apologize to the group for being so obliterated at the dinner. I very regretfully ate too many brain smashers through out the day and was just a mess by dinner time. Fortunately I got my shit together and the rest of the trip was a great time :D How fucking embarrassing, I look like a moron in those photos. Though I did get 4 hours of tattooing done on my butt cheeks and was super taxed, that's no excuse for being such a fucked up asshole so again, thanks for having me and my apologies for being such a zombie. All that aside, @Iwar and I had the most INSANE time in SF and I know he has some killer shit lined up in LA but since it's his trip, I'll let him share our agenda :D
    2 points
  17. got a little rose on my neck from Adam Hays and.... a bit more on my back from Chad K
    2 points
  18. Tony Nilsson, Blue Arms Tattoo, Oslo I think the craftsmanship on this piece is remarkable. I would have left the roses for sake of the story, but who can argue with how beautiful this thing is. - - - Updated - - - Here it is again
    2 points
  19. It just tells me that Google Chrome cant connect . Tried Opera too and it was the same.
    1 point
  20. Graeme

    Full Back Piece Thread

    I had the consult for my back with Dave not too long after he finished that one and he seemed pretty in awe about how well she (that tiger is on Vero who tattoos at Tattoomania) handled it. I am not that tough and I am totally okay with that. Though I wonder if it would be so bad having a couple of really shitty months of healing and then having it done instead of spacing it out over months or years... @rozone I am super excited to get it started. Dave's tigers are so good and he's such a nice dude and PSC is a great shop.
    1 point
  21. Graeme

    General Movie Thread

    There's a theatrical release of a new cut of The Wicker Man coming out soon. I really hope it's going to be screened here because it's one of my favorite ever movies.
    1 point
  22. I'm starting to get pickier. I have room for about 10 or so more one shot tattoos on my legs. No more room on my upper body unless I go onto my hands or neck, which I won't. My rough plan is to finish my front piece with Tomo with a visit a year (prob another 2-3 visits), and maybe do 1-2 one shots a year. I'll be done in 10 years, but so be it. Maybe when I'm 60 I'll start with blast overs...
    1 point
  23. ive been tattooed by bob roberts, fip buchanan, and henk schiffmacher. im pretty sure henk was pre 1985? great tattoos from all three of them, and a great experiance as well.
    1 point
  24. C. Grosso

    Tattoo age on VBS

    It is fairly easy to get there by Metro North. It is a $30 train ride from Grand Central, and then you can take a taxi to Beacon, or you can find a bus from Penn Station
    1 point
  25. tatB

    Full Back Piece Thread

    I think part of the appeal of a back piece is the required patience, discipline, and sacrifice.
    1 point
  26. Pleadco

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Might as well work on the other areas of your body until "takes forever" stops being the worry and "I'm so excited, when can I start it" becomes the predominant feeling.
    1 point
  27. We're all winners to be able to see both of these amazing tattoos in the same thread. JoJo's crab is killer as well!
    1 point
  28. posted in the lastest tattoo thread but i figured i'd give it a shot in here as well. by Stuart Cripwell @ Spider Murphys this past thursday.
    1 point
  29. Why is @ian so grumpy looking? Did he just get his ass tattooed or something?
    1 point
  30. Bad photos (part of the reason I dont upload many tattoo photos) heres my dotwork tibetan skull so far . Its still to get more stuff added Fuckin spot appeared right in the eye whilst healing :)
    1 point
  31. Well it finally happened and I got tattooed by Stuart Cripwell today. Even though we had to rush like crazy and were still 30 minutes late to our appt. (which ended up making us miss the dinner tonight - sorry to everyone who went). I got this cowboy on the last big spot left on my arms. My girlfriend got this Sorry in advance if they are huge but I'm posting from my phone.
    1 point
  32. CABS

    Virgen de Guadalupe

    One of my favorite Loopz. Jason Phillips - Oakland, CA: FTW - - - Updated - - - Another one of my favorite Guadalupe tattoos: Stuart Cripwell, Spider Murphy's in San Rafael, CA
    1 point
  33. taaarro

    Virgen de Guadalupe

    YES! That's the one I want. The Hardy tattoo isn't too shabby either.
    1 point
  34. Thanks for the info! Good to hear. I don't yet have a scheduled appointment with him. I'm on his list and I've seen a sketch, but I'll be patient and wait my turn. It'll all be worth it. The good side of it is the longer the wait, the more I'll be able to save up for future work
    1 point
  35. Freddy Corbin in October, but I am not sure that he's pre-85, but he's gonna be the most legendary/known artist I've had work on me.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. @chrisnoluck that's rad! love the feets :P this is a pencil drawing I did for a show last week. graphite is a pain in the ass, haha
    1 point
  38. SStu

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    Peter Lagergren:
    1 point
  39. That's cool.....I just wondered if for some people they saw 1985 as some pivotal time in tattooing or something and my first professional tattoo was done in 1984 by Juli Moon..... - - - Updated - - - I don't really know why or what got into my head one evening BUT.....I just decided that I wanted to seek out some of the people who had been tattooing 30-40 years and begin to add their work to my body! At the time I was not even thinking I would ever pick up a machine and tattoo but to me it truly was my way of being able to honor those people who had put their time in to the craft and community I loved since I did not tattoo! It really hit home to me that this is what I felt I should do once I was tattooed by Dennis Watkins....the hubby of my now mentor Gale Watkins! Dennis apparently was dying at the time unknown to anyone but himself and had really stopped tattooing totally. I asked a friend to see if he could convince him to do something small on me....and he agreed to do something! That one tattoo turned into three.....Myself...my hubby....and my son have his last three tattoos! After his death I asked a few well known tattoo artists who I was fortunate to be friends with who were others who had this kind of time in and got back a wonderful list I have been chipping away at for some time now! I try not to really draw a lot of attention to myself because I am really no one special.....I have just taken the time to have been tattooed by a lot of really wonderful people who love/loved what they do..... I really would urge others to do this as well if you are just going for smaller pieces here and there on your body rather than larger mural style pieces!
    1 point
  40. SStu

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    Sean Herman:
    1 point
  41. hogg

    Tattoo age on VBS

    Foul tempter! :)
    1 point
  42. tatB

    Tattoo age on VBS

    do it!
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. My Mom has known that I've gotten "a few" new tattoos recently, but yesterday at my sister's graduation the legs made their first public debut. My Mom's jaw dropped when she first saw them!! She asked a lot of questions the big one was "are you going to get more?!?!" Later, my husband asked "What did your Mom think?" I told him that I thought she'd been a little bit horrified - my brother piped in from across the table "A whole bunch of other people's mom's were horrified too!!" LOL!! My Mom eventually said she thought they were "nice" and "colorful"... which I think means that she kinda hates the tattoos but loves me anyway.
    1 point
  45. Well for me it's kind of the flip. I look very much like I do everything but don't touch anything. Not "Straight Edge" I hate that title, and I'm not against most, just not for me. I usually get a weird look when going out with my daughter because she's all in pink and crap and I'm all in black with metal shirts and tattoos. It's fun that way though. Luckily she looks like me so people don't think I kidnapped her. Anyway, another note about my dad, he respected me much more that I just went and did it and told him even if he was against it. He'd rather me have not lied. Another important thought for some.
    1 point
  46. Tell them that if your 15 year old daughter approaches you about getting a tattoo, you'll sit down with her, smoke some weed and talk it over! :-) Be sure to take a pic of the look on their faces. Then tell them that when you need parenting advice from a judgmental ass-hole, you'll call them.
    1 point
  47. Scott R


    snake by David Bruehl Norman OKlahoma THinkinkhome.com
    1 point
  48. I just got home from our little trip to LA, and I brought a friend: I went to Bob Roberts and asked him for one of his tiger heads. He saw the spot I had open and furrowed his brow. "That's gonna be tough." He tried to sketch something on, but I could tell he was kinda flustered, so I said, "Ya know, I also really like your spiders." He lit up and said, "Now you're talkin'!" He drew it on and knocked it out in half an hour. All in all, it was a great, great experience. He and I chatted about music and, of course, tattoos. He asked to see my back, then said, "I got a snake on my back, too." He then proceeded to melt my face off by showing me his Ed Hardy backpiece, as well as his Horiyoshi III torso pieces. Coolest fucking dude ever, and I am beyond stoked on my black widow.
    1 point
  49. I've been keen on Dusty Neal for the last two weeks or so, absorbing all of the work he's posted on his tumblr. SWORN TO THE BLACK When I first saw his feed on Tumblr.... there was a great Christ head AND a Pushead piece. I was sold.
    1 point
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