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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2012 in Posts

  1. Done by Danny Reed @ Hot Stuff Tattoo back in June '012
    11 points
  2. rightbrigade

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Im getting tattooed by Jef Whitehead today, in january im planning on starting my back with Brian Bruno.
    7 points
  3. hogg

    Upcoming Tattoos

    The artist doing my kneecap had a scheduling conflict, so he had to cancel last weekend's session, which means I'm not back in with him until October 7th. I consoled myself by booking with Bryan Burk for his upcoming Blackheart visit. The man is incapable of doing anything less than badass.
    7 points
  4. Got this mandala from Dustin Wengreen at Tattoo 13 in Oakland on Labor Day. I totally forgot that I signed up for LST. I've been lurking this whole time. I would have posted this sooner, haha.
    6 points
  5. Got this from Kyle Crowell at Torch Tattoo in Anaheim back in August.
    5 points
  6. 4 points
  7. I got this yesterday from Ryan Cooper Thompson at Freaks On 39th in Kansas City, Missouri. It's from his sheet that was published in the Milton Zeis "Tattooing As You Like It" book.
    4 points
  8. Sorry guys but House of Prime Rib was booked until 9:30 which seemed way too late so we went with Out the Door on Bush St which is slanted doors sister joint. The reservation is for 8:30pm Tuesday 9.18 (tomorrow). The head count I have is @Barbie Doll @gougetheeyes +1 @hogg @MsRad +1 @Scott Sylvia @steve1461686340 @tammy The table holds twelve so if I forgot you pls let me know See you then!!
    4 points
  9. Our Endless Days

    Upcoming Tattoos

    so god damn excited. i'm getting tattooed this friday by dan santoro. getting a bracelet around my wrist and another tattoo. for my second tattoo, i'm going in there with the intention to just pick something off of the wall. if all else fails, i'll go with a dragon.
    4 points
  10. Got this pretty little thing from Mr. Adam Gibson at Good Times Tattoo in Salt Lake City yesterday.
    3 points
  11. Wilhell

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Here you go!
    3 points
  12. You might of seen this one from yesterday on instagram. Richard Stell Pair-o-dice Tattoo Tulsa Ok.
    3 points
  13. Figured what the Hell. Tattooed from Sailor Jerry flash on my hairy calf by Paul Pearson at Tried & True Tattoo in Smyrna, Tn. My dad has the same design on his bicep, his one and only tattoo, done in 1954 outside Ft. Bragg, N.C.
    2 points
  14. http://www.flickr.com/photos/87380848@N06/7999917286/http://www.flickr.com/photos/87380848@N06/7999912529/got this from Whitehead last night, he added those finger waves too. one of my favorite people to get tattooed by, he has some amazing Higgs pieces on him.
    2 points
  15. At least the "tattooist" is wearing gloves. Oh, wait...
    2 points
  16. Jack

    Tattoo rescue

    As a direct result of this thread I've seen Kate Middleton half nude. I deem this a sign from the Gods that this show will be awesome.
    2 points
  17. kylegrey

    Old tattoo photos

    More great stuff from BTC , thats the look I'm rolling with got the 40's hair and a few tatties . Oh and best tattooers hair award goes to Ian Flower and Luke at New School Ewell .
    2 points
  18. Shon Lindauer at Freak Chic in Los Angeles.
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. I just got this tattooed at the Montreal convention by Mike Rubendall. We did 4.5 hours last night, and then finished it in an hour this morning. I'm so pleased with it.
    2 points
  21. Oh what the hell... Lester at Electric Ladyland Tattoo New Orleans, LA
    2 points
  22. Joel Madberg First dagger tattoo I've actually really really liked. If anyone has seen anything similar, please, post it.
    2 points
  23. Carlos Truan, he does some of my fav daggers
    2 points
  24. To twist the knife so to speak ,Henry Lewis provides some unique variations .
    2 points
  25. 2 points
  26. Seeing those awesome Bert Grimm pictures in recent posts reminds me of this traditional design which is originally credited to an unknown artist ca.1900. The combatants are said to be locked in "mortal combat " How do u like yours done?Do you favour the more chinese ,crazy looking traditional dragon a la Jerry Collins.Or are you partial to a more Japanese version ? Even the animals are subject to change -who do you like to see in the mix ?
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Kev

    Funny videos

    Fully backed:
    1 point
  29. SStu

    When you got tattooed

    Good strategy!
    1 point
  30. I'm crying at work right now. Wish I could be there.
    1 point
  31. eisen777

    Full Back Piece Thread

    For the record, im not trying to start some debate. Sorry.... Got more back work this past week, I hope to grab more in Oct/Nov before we take a break for the winter.
    1 point
  32. G.Uristti

    Tattoo rescue

    its totally about the drama. watch an episode of bar rescue and youll see. im def gonna watch an episode or two of this shit show lol
    1 point
  33. Wilhell

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Little progress on my back.
    1 point
  34. my favorite loose quote on this would be from the Chad Koeplinger T.A.M. interview when he says something along the lines of it almost being a duty to be tattooed all over so you have some idea of what the customer is going through. i like to get tattooed regularly because it definitely makes me more patient with my customers when they start squealing. jst before i started getting my backpiece done i remember a bloke came into the shop for a tattoo from my then boss. it was a big lower backpiece and he wriggled like hell. i definitely remember thinking like 'for f!ck sake man grow up and stop moving' didn't occur that my boss never commented. any way next week i started on my back and within 10-15 minutes it was like......OH! needless to say i'm a lot more sympathetic to my customers having work on their back now
    1 point
  35. Hey guys, I've been reading the site for a year or two now and have gotten a lot of great information here. I'm starting to get a great collection of work from some awesome artists. Recently, on kind of a whim, I got a statue of liberty tattoo. It's awesome--I love the design, composition and color. I really think it looks great. Here's a picture. My issue is that the design I chose has a globe and anchor at the bottom. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I've been worrying it's too similar to the Marine Corps logo. Now, I'm not a Marine and neither is anyone in my family. I really don't want to disrespect anyone's service. Am I over-thinking this? I'd appreciate your feedback.
    1 point
  36. ... you turn on your computer and first thing you do is log in to your email, facebook, and LST. ... your significant other recognizes the artists in the interviews you're watching for the nth time. ... the Activity Stream just doesn't seem to be updating often enough to satisfy your addiction. ... you make a reference to squidpants and no one knows what the fuck you're talking about. - - - Updated - - - if you read the directions on the back of the Cosco brand green soap, the last bullet point reads "For Using as a Shampoo: Wet hair with warm water. Lather. Rinse thoroughly." My wife actually started showering with it! She says it's gentle on her skin, but I really think she uses it as a ploy to get me to pay more attention to her. :o
    1 point
  37. kylegrey

    Old tattoo photos

    Three Kings .
    1 point
  38. Not sure what the problem is. Is it because she is taking the sacred art of tattoo flash and trying to sell it? Isnt that the whole fucking point of flash? Is it because she isnt a tattooer? Or because she wants to be? In my opinion she is doing it right. Learn to draw tattoos, understand the language and then learn to tattoo. Way too many people are doing it the other way around.
    1 point
  39. Reyeslv

    First convention

    I hear you there... I'm going to be the guy with his ASS hanging out....
    1 point
  40. Thanks for the input guys. I guess I'm just paranoid. The tattoo was done by Steve Byrne at Rock of Ages in Austin. I've gotten a few from him and can't say enough good things.
    1 point
  41. First off welcome glad you signed up. Your'e way over thinking this, which is not always a bad thing but in this case your golden! Your tattoo is kick ass, patriotic and does not look like a military tattoo.
    1 point
  42. Tattooed by Rose Hardy at Good Times, London.
    1 point
  43. Makara Snail Tattoo by Chad Koeplinger
    1 point
  44. Scott R

    First convention

    @Deb Yarian it will be my first convention aswell , little nervous to be getting work done while total strangers walk by. I am sure you and Don will have a great time.
    1 point
  45. kylegrey

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Wido de Marval .
    1 point
  46. How about this. Fucking awesome IMO. http://chrisodonnelltattoo.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/bp21.jpg
    1 point
  47. My first tattoo wasn't what I hid from my mom. Actually I asked her if I could get one (I was just 18 at the time), she said no way. A week or so later I asked her if I could get my labret pierced, she said hell no, I said ok, what if I got a small tattoo that is hidden by my short sleeve, she begrudgingly said "well, I guess", she didn't know my friends were waiting in the car in the driveway, I said thanks, and ran out to hop in the car and we went and got my tattoo (tribal arm band!!). She demanded to see it when I got home, so I showed her, she just rolled her eyes. My old man (who was tattooless, but was in the navy for 25 years at this point), said that I better not go below the sleeve until I was independently wealthy (this was '98). I started my first sleeve in '01, I lived with a roommate in an apartment, it was around late July, so I just waited to come over to their place until night and wore longsleeves. It was still so hot, and I was sweating, but I'd just stay outside and then say I have to run, and take off haha. For some reason, I decided to show it to my mom when I took her to dinner for her bday (maybe the worst day to do it in hindsight). I had my sleeve pulled up a little, hoping she'd see it (she didn't), so I just bit the bullet and showed her. She just said "Oh Daniel, what am I going to do with you". I never talked to my old man about it. For years, she would be like, are you done yet? everytime I got tattooed again, I moved to CA in 2004, so when we would go visit her in Indiana, she would make me show off my new tattoos to everyone and called me her "tattooed wonder", although I have a little brother who has a dreamcatcher, wolfhead, and kanji tattoos, and little sister that has lower back dolphin jumping tattoo. It always made me laugh. In 2007, my daughter was born, Eli Quinters was in town, so I was going to get a tattoo from him at Tattoo 13. My mom was in town to visit her granddaughter, and decided she wanted to get tattooed ha. I called Eli, he had space, so I got tattooed, then she got a yellow rose with an american flag draped around it. It was so wild to me, her first tattoo, which was for her dad (died in 06 in a motorcycle accident). Last year, I wake up to a picture message of a tattoo that was on my Grandmother (mom's mom). I had previously been weary about showing her my tattoos, and when she finally saw them, she said "well at least when you die, we'll know it was you" haha. Her tattoo was her first and also for her husband (my grandfather). Wild. Sorry for the lengthy story haha.
    1 point
  48. here's Josh's back piece by Bob Roberts. fucking killer tattoo. for those who are interested click here for part 1 of Cody Miller interviewing Josh Arment and click here for part 2.
    1 point
  49. ahahaha....im loving everyones stories and input, keep them coming!!
    1 point
  50. I was visiting my parents with my new baby. I leaned over the crib and they saw it. I just remember them shaking their heads. My dad was from a NY blue collar Irish Catholic family and my mother from an upper middle class Jewish family. My parents were pretty liberal thinkers but for them a tattoo was more of a class thing. Even though tattooing eventually became my life it was never anything I shared or share with them. When my father was hospitalized with a terminal illness I stayed with him and tended to his needs till he died. I wore long sleeves so that he wouldn't see my tattoos on my arm--- just in case he would make a deathbed request that I not get any more tattoos. I've come to the realization that my mother's inability to understand,like or appreciate my tattoos is not very different from my inability to accept her dislike. Recently she also was hospitalized and I told her not to worry that I would get on a plane and be by her side In the morning ( even though my untattooed brother lives within an hour of her) What did she say? "Cover your tattoos!" I've come to realize that many people when looking at tattoos can not see content, skill,quality. When I first started getting tattooed my mother said to me that she didn't wnt my life made harder because of my tattoos and people judging because of them and I said that if people were going to judge me by the way I look they are not the people I want to be friends with anyway. My mother's attitude has really helped me in my own relationship with my children. how to be more accepting of their appearances.
    1 point
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