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  1. Lotus

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Tattooed by Jesse Gordon tonight at All-Star in Limerick,Ireland.
    5 points
  2. ...and I just got selected as a juror in a trial that's going to have me off work for at least three months. Thinking of using this as a opportunity to do my feet.
    4 points
  3. Got this yesterday from Alex Graham @ Lucky Drive
    3 points
  4. I managed to get tattooed by Capilli when he was at Captured Tattoo. I actually contacted him a few weeks after he announced his U.S. visit, and he was completely booked up. He emailed me back a month or two later and let me know he had a cancellation. I jumped right on the opportunity. After a near cancellation, due to some booking confusion, he managed to get me in at the time we had originally planned. I would have to say that getting tattooed by Capilli was probably the best Tattoo experience I ever had. He is genuinely one of the nicest people I've ever met. He shared some cool and funny stories, and had a long conversation about Type O Negative and Alice In Chains. It was hands down, the least painful tattoo I've ever gotten. He says he's going to start making regular visits throughout the year, so I would highly suggest getting tattooed by him if any one in the United States has the chance. That was the best photo I could get, being that it's on my Tricep and pretty gooey at the moment. PS-It's totally ridiculous how he has been tattooing for only 5 years.
    3 points
  5. long time no post (instagram silliness)
    3 points
  6. Well it finally happened and I got tattooed by Stuart Cripwell today. Even though we had to rush like crazy and were still 30 minutes late to our appt. (which ended up making us miss the dinner tonight - sorry to everyone who went). I got this cowboy on the last big spot left on my arms. My girlfriend got this Sorry in advance if they are huge but I'm posting from my phone.
    3 points
  7. MadeIndelible


    Searched, and didn't find a thread on wolf tattoos, so I decided to make one. Daryl Rodriguez, Hold It Down Tattoo: John Reardon: Chad Koeplinger: Jelle: Daniel Trocchio: Kim-Anh Nguyen-Dinh: Stefano Cera: Clay McCay: Erick Lynch: Ron Henry Wells: Steve Byrne: Jef Whitehead:
    2 points
  8. semele

    Breaking Bad

    As a Game of Thrones fan I look forward to meeting said character, watching it kill all my favorite characters, and then win at everything.
    2 points
  9. Tattoo Zeke Pt III: Al Miller | Occult Vibrations
    2 points
  10. anaid

    Joined to learn more

    OMG, a last minute spot to get tattooed by Claire opened op at The London Tattoo Convention!!! I booked my flights and hotel. I'm excited and a little scared, haha. I find myself Googling for what skin products to use afterwards, since I have a sensitive skin and want to make sure it heals well. Now, I can't seem to find consistent advice on normal care products (i.e. do / don't use vaseline or bepanthol, opinions differ). There are apparently some care products specifically for tattoos, like "Tattoo goo". Also, there are some differing opinions on whether or not to wrap the tattoo with plastic or something else. I've got some gauze or pressure bandage in my first aid kid, but unless someone can confirm / deny that that will stick to the tattoo and draw the ink out, I won't be using that either. Does anyone have some personal advice they're willing to share? :) I'm sure Claire will give some advice as well, obviously, but now that it's a last-minute call, I would really appreciate some help in the mental preparation, heheh ;) Thank you for your advice and help so far, everyone! Edit: I'm an idiot. I haven't even searched this forum yet, will do that now.. Still, advice is appreciated ;)
    2 points
  11. @Gregor @kylegrey @hogg @Cork @Colored Guy Gregor, as Scott R says, when people lose a lot of weight unfortunately they are almost always also losing muscle mass along with it. My view is that leaness is rarely a comfortable bedfellow with a goal of building strength (unless you are very genetically gifted). As Scott alludes to after a certain point in your training you have to be taking in a surplus of calories to support progress. Whether the goal is strength or hypertrophy, a lot of classic programmes like 5X5, Starting Strength, old bodybuilding splits etc. go hand in hand with an expectation that you will eat like a King for a while. Invariably, you're gaining muscle but inevitably some fat. Typically the intention in the long run would then be to try to cut some of the fat while maintaining as much of the muscle mass as possible. I've seen a lot of fellow intermediate lifters seem to constantly swing between a kind of boom and bust. They do something like Starting Strength and eat like crazy, and their squat and press shoot up. They also get fat. Then they spend several months cutting, but botch it, and end up a lot leaner but also weaker. Then, the cycle begins again. I've done this myself a fair bit, despite efforts to the contrary. All that said, I think there are two other points worth considering:- 1. If you're a novice lifter in terms of your strength standards and/or have a lot of weight to lose I think it is possible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time... For a while. I think for most men they can ride both horses up to the point of achieving some basic benchmark strength standards (bodyweight bench, double bodyweight deadlift?) but, after that, if you want to get a lot stronger then you can't achieve that while simultaneously trying to get leaner and leaner. 2. On the possibility of building strength whilst not gaining mass, whether muscle or fat, I think it's possible to follow a programme which is based on strength as a skill, and which seems to relate heavily to the CNS and lifting. The work of Pavel Tsatsouline springs to mind. He has recommended near daily training in the past, with relatively heavy weights, pursuing the idea of strength as a quality that can be developed through practice, rather than just being a physical attribute you either have or don't. I've made decent progress in strength terms on a high frequency / moderate intensity / low volume programme a little like this (Dan John's '40 Day' programme). If you want to get stronger but want to actively avoid getting bigger in any sense then this is a route worth exploring. In the long run I'm sort of agnostic about how long you can continue to progress in strength terms without accepting that you are going to have to get bigger, however. A lot of the benchmarks which Pavel and co. use as demonstrators of notable strength being developed are often also highly skill related (the one legged pistol squat being a good example). I'd be curious what @kylegrey has to say, seeing as pro bodybuilders seem amongst the best at getting really lean whilst keeping on lean muscle mass. Genetics, or just a matter of being really good at cutting when the time comes for it?
    2 points
  12. @thebadnewshughes "Oates" was my favorite! I've had this lil idea in my head for a week on layering paintings on top of each other to see how they'd look... initially, I was thinking just images over text, but during my down time today, I started a full 11x14 of what I'm seeing. I'll update with a finished photo in a day or so. There's black palm sized designs on top of this, and I'm going to add a layer of lettering similar to the dagger still... Looking at it a bit more, I'm seeing my mind being influenced by the collage/layered work from Hardy and de Vita, as well as some influence from a printmaker named Sean Starwars and his Woodcuts printed on old billboard paper. But, I don't want to analyze it too much.
    2 points
  13. Yes, that's very heavy scaring. In a nut shell, they are opening up the skin to create a wound, putting an agitator in there so your body must 'reject' the pigment and during the scabby / crusty / crappy / painful healing process, hopefully the ink will come out. If you're not 100% on top of the healing process, this is what can happen. And no, this wouldn't be fun to tattoo over, the raised and bumpy skin won't go away when it's tattooed.
    2 points
  14. David Flores

    Trip to San Fran

    Dont' waste your time with the convention, It's not run that great and there isn't hardly anyone there this year and all the big names are always booked out and crazy busy. Kundell doesn't attend the convention usually he just sends the other guys, but that is the booth I have hung out at last few years. I am not saying there isn't some people worth getting tattooed by, but it's out in the middle of nowhere, there is no food, beer is expensive and it really is not a good representation of Portland. It's not worth putting yourself behind schedule to see the convention, especially if you don't have time to get tattooed. Stop by Atlas, or AWR or Scapegoat and check out the real tattoo scene in Portland if you do stop, plus at least there are cool stores and restaurants by those shops. I am not saying this to be a curmudgeon, it's not the people that suck, it's the show. I really like a lot of people that tattoo here in Portland, but year after year less people do the convention and most that do show up, have their booths compd, or else they wouldn't be there.
    2 points
  15. Hey all! I'm new here and have a initiation thread going. Thought I would kick off my posting here with my latest tattoo, done two days ago at Blue Arms Tattoo in Oslo by Tony Nilsson. I have borrowed the picture from Tony's instagram, which can be found here: Instagram
    2 points
  16. Reyeslv

    Breaking Bad

    2 more episodes until the end of this series..... Found a funny comic regarding BB... http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr01/2013/9/10/13/enhanced-buzz-wide-5417-1378832798-28.jpg
    1 point
  17. Many people new to a forum find that they get a better response if they are NOT a dick to the long time forum members.
    1 point
  18. Interesting stuff , when I started training the idea of "bulking up " was de rigueur and I tried this and gained a huge amount of weight , which in all honesty was an excuse to get fat and the pretence that as I was stronger it was for a purpose . It didn't really help my goals as I couldn't see what was going on underneath the generous layer of lard I was carrying and when it came time to diet I was shocked at how much weight I had to lose to even look like an athlete . After a time I noticed that the guys who made the most improvements and who's physiques changed the most were the guys who competed regularly, because after a contest is when a competitor makes his best gains as the metabolism is in a heightened state from weeks of strict dieting and once he resumes his normal routine his workouts go to another level . Another thing to ponder is that a lot of the more experienced Pro's actually grow into a show i.e. are at their heaviest and most muscular in the dieting period because they are eating a lot more than what they eat in the offseason and doing far more cardio so the two aren't mutually exclusive . At the moment I'm cycling mad so I ride my bike around 70-100 miles a week at a reasonable clip however I've gotten stronger in the gym so as long as you eat accordingly and focus on the big lifts cardio isn't detrimental to gaining strength . Also it's not a case of just eating more it's more tracking your macros as the old adage goes " you can't get fat if you don't eat fat " try consuming 3-4000 ultra clean calories it's very difficult and also expensive if the majority is derived from protein , bearing in mind that a pro bodybuilders weekly food bill in the US is in the $500 range .
    1 point
  19. ironchef

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Criminal or civil case? Three months is a long stretch for jury duty.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. @Scott R @RoryQ Thanks for he excellent responses. Looks like I need to start eating more !! I am that scared of putting the weight back on ! I have got a kettlebell and Pavel Tsatsouline's ETK DVD and I am going to work on that on the next few months. Hopefully that will start to make a difference.
    1 point
  22. Just got a gorgeous tiger from Ryan McDonald of Alley Cat Studios. Click my images to see the pic.
    1 point
  23. My suggestion: check out the list of artists (here: Bay Area Convention of the Tattoo Arts SFO 2013) and see if there's anyone you want work from. Then email them! You'd be very, very surprised at the availability of some of these folks. I've seen world-class artists take walk-ups at this convention. Good luck!
    1 point
  24. @BrianH your gift arrived today and I can't thank you enough! Such a rare treat when people go out of their way like this. Really feeling the LST love after the dinner last night and now this today. Thanks again - I feel lucky to get to be a part of this.
    1 point
  25. Welcome -- nice scar cover-up and congratulations on four years down!
    1 point
  26. Why is @ian so grumpy looking? Did he just get his ass tattooed or something?
    1 point
  27. Bad photos (part of the reason I dont upload many tattoo photos) heres my dotwork tibetan skull so far . Its still to get more stuff added Fuckin spot appeared right in the eye whilst healing :)
    1 point
  28. I'm not sure what you mean by that?
    1 point
  29. There's a split album by the forgotten and the heartaches that has an awesome cover that I would believe to be a tattooer and I've searched the liner notes and its not anywhere in there. So yeah I totally get what ya meant.
    1 point
  30. CABS

    Virgen de Guadalupe

    One of my favorite Loopz. Jason Phillips - Oakland, CA: FTW - - - Updated - - - Another one of my favorite Guadalupe tattoos: Stuart Cripwell, Spider Murphy's in San Rafael, CA
    1 point
  31. Most of my sessions have been 4-5 hours on average, nothing shorter than 4 hours. Several times I've sat 8-9 hours, mostly with Henning. We try to squeeze in as much work as possible when he's visiting. My first tattoo was with Henning and the entire experience was an all day event. Walk to subway, subway to LIRR, LIRR out to LI, cab from LIRR to Kings Ave. That's about 1 1/2 to 2 hours travel time already. Arrive 12-12:30PM. Other than email communications, hadn't seen Henning since the first time I met him in about 1 1/2 to 2 years earlier. Short conversation, Henning begins to stencil me and draw, which takes about 45 minutes. Then we get to business. Couple of bathroom breaks, a 30 minute break for lunch, then back at it. Henning would ask how I'm doing and I tell him I'm fine. Do you want to keep going? Sure (with no frame of reference). By the time all was said and done, it's about 8:30PM. I literally get home about 10:30-11PM.
    1 point
  32. semele

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I booked my next flights to New York this morning. Third session on my back with Grez in a couple weeks. It was a nice coupla months off!
    1 point
  33. @daveborjes That is too damn good. I just learned about Heike crabs a month ago when Crystal from Gomineko Books posted about them. The legend behind them is super cool.
    1 point
  34. artist: Jess Yen JESS shop: MY TATTOO a friend notified me two weeks before and told me that Jess Yen had a last minute opening,so I ended up getting an 8 hour one shot piece from Jess on 08/16/13 ! here is the original art he drew for me & my body size & weight ,he signed it and dated it for me. and here is the stencil which he also gave me, here it is the day after,he used saniderm on it, here are the healed pics . .
    1 point
  35. hogg

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    My wife and I both got tattooed by Capilli Tupou today. First off, he is one of THE nicest tattooers I've ever met. Just an incredibly good guy. My wife got her knee cap and I got the back of my knee done. Because, you know, we complete each other. Hers: His:
    1 point
  36. Done by Tim Pausinger at the Pearl...in 2 hours flat!
    1 point
  37. On the subject of women and aging and tattoos and all of that: My tattoos make me so much hotter. There, I said it. Not ONLY that - I never felt comfortable in my own skin growing up. There was always something wrong every time I looked in the mirror. Part of that was adolescence, part body image weirdness handed down via television and magazines, and part jerky people around me. Anyway - I feel more comfortable in my adorned skin. This, in turn, helps me project confidence, which is helpful in so many different aspects of life. I will feel like a bad ass (70/80/90) year old when I am covered in tattoos! Also, I look better and better as I get older, soooo...I'm stoked. Tattoos on older women are hoooottt and awesome and badass. :D
    1 point
  38. SStu

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    Peter Lagergren:
    1 point

    Would you go back?

    based on the art work alone id take myself and my cash somewhere else... as far as an infection goes, thats a bit of a stretch. like another person said 9 times out of 10 an infection is usually caused by something the customer did. i would think that if it was truly the shop that caused the infection they would have an outbreak of them due to an unsanitary work environment. its not that hard to keep a tattoo shop clean. walking around in the dirty day to day world on the other hand is different.
    1 point
  40. I posted this in the latest tattoo thread, but I'll put it here as well. Done by Todd Noble at Right Coast in Fenwick Island.
    1 point
  41. I hope there are no haters .. but I'm going to post this tattoo again this month!! Haha Done by Tim Hendricks at Gold Rush in Costa Mesa , CA
    1 point
  42. Spontaneous one from Fergus Simms. My fourth by him.
    1 point
  43. Okay this is going to be one of those "Meaningful Story" tattoo stories. Deal with it. On 26 June, out of nowhere and with no previous symptoms my wife of 34 years had a Grand Mal seizure. On 26 July she had a brain tumor removed. On 30 July we learned that it was malignant and she has an 85% probability that she won't make it 18 months. But she's a fighter. 85% against just means there is a 15% probability she will make it. My wife spent her entire life fucking up the curve and that's not changing anytime soon. She was told that visualization is helpful. Make it a tangible "thing" you can combat. She takes chemo and radiation 5 days a week (for 6 weeks), then has a re-eval. She nicknamed the tumor "DLB" (dirty little bastard). I saw some flash on line and heard a 90's era song, added a little of this and that and the next thing you know I was in the chair. I hope you all like it:
    1 point
  44. hogg

    Tattoo age on VBS

    Foul tempter! :)
    1 point
  45. David Flores

    Rotary vs. Coil

    I don't think this thread could teach someone to tattoo, but if someone came in an requested to get tattooed by a rotary I would be besides myself that they thought they had a say in the matter. Why can't tattoo machines, be magical devices conjured up in secret lairs with parts unknown to modern man. I have been tattooed by a rotary machine and i guess at times it was less painful than a coil, but not rainbows and unicorns better, and after two hours it sucked just as bad. Tattoos hurt
    1 point
  46. Kev


    I think it's because they're based off old litho plates like these: I have a lithobook with the Sailor Jerry 'mad wolf' head in it-seen lot's of redraws
    1 point
  47. sboyer

    Lady Heads

    lately i have been really into how owen jensen, joe lieber, bert grimm ect. used to draw women. chubby and sort of off. it has a stripped down visceral quality to it. i really like the more fancy stuff everyone above has been doing as well but for some reason the older style stuff really speaks to me.
    1 point
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