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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2012 in all areas

  1. I apologize for the double post just thought id share this jem, i got the amazing honor of working a convention for Eric Inksmith and in return he tattooed me for all the help, with this inksmith special, at the end of the tattoo he asked me "you want to know why i used purple?" i responded "yessir" and he said "it was paul rogers favorite color." i am so excited to have worked with him and to have heard the wild and crazy stories of all the guys i look up to that he was willing to share. this is a couple of months healed.
    11 points
  2. got about 3 hours of work done on my whole front by an amazing artist in North Carolina named Brandon Munday, dude kills it reminds me alot of tony hundahl super awesome tattoos check his instagram out and spread the love @mundaytattoo
    11 points
  3. Had such a great day today in Brighton. Got tattooed by Adam Sage at Into You. Adam tattoos without electricity with a hand tool. Amazing experience,
    8 points
  4. A nice one by Peter Lagergren at Malmö Classic Tattooing - Sweden.
    8 points
  5. well shit i already posted this but hell ill share it here, Eric Inksmith tattooed me at the Wilmington North Carolina Tattoo expo a couple months back
    7 points
  6. hogg

    Snakes snakes snakes

    Luke Atkinson of Checker Demon Tattoo just posted these incredible cobras:
    6 points
  7. sylvirawr

    Lady Heads

    Alix Ge, someone posted one of her tattoos already but I love her lady heads so much. I got one back in March. the last one is mine, freshly done
    3 points
  8. Dennis

    Tibetan Skulls!

    It will be on the outside of my upper arm as part of a sleeve by Kore Flatmo. Here is one he has done in the past:
    3 points
  9. You've got a blacked out "sleeve" going, you want a Japanese sleeve, and you currently have a "sleeve" with Japanese elements that is also a traditional....sleeve? How many sleeves are you working on, currently? And where are you putting all of them?
    3 points
  10. Done by Topper at Philadelphia Eddies.
    2 points
  11. Hogrider

    terrible tattoos

    About what I'd expect from a "biker" that rides a honda :-)
    2 points
  12. might as well throw up my own snake. I fuckin love it! (Yes thats fully healed)
    2 points
  13. So many good snake tattoo posts here! Sick one from Dan Sinnes at The London Convention: ..and a sick one from Xam: A couple of nice snakes from Marius Meyer: and my very own girlhead and snake:
    2 points
  14. might as well have another crack, Tattoo around the clouds and Kraken is fresh/swollen in this pic. Tristan bentley, Ocean ink Sydney Australia
    2 points
  15. sylvirawr

    Greetings from Paris

    I just discovered this forum via Valerie Vargas' blog (which I am stalking since I desperately want to get an appointment with her at the Mondial du Tatouage convention in March) and decided to sign up. I'm an American chick living in Paris, doing my masters degree in translation. :) So hi!
    1 point
  16. teddibease

    Dan Higgs

    I apoligize if this is a repeat, but this is a pretty damn cool Higgs pictures I found surfing on that internet thing. With the late Sonny Tufts and Jack Dracula.
    1 point
  17. Got this done by Ashley Love @ Thicker Than Water NYC 2 months ago
    1 point
  18. hogg

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Awesome! Keep us posted on how the healing process goes. I hope it goes better than with your past (and my most recent) lower leg tattoo.
    1 point
  19. WeRnDoG

    Tibetan Skulls!

    @SStu Not me buddy but I know who you are thinking of, big Chad K tibetan skull on ribs!! When I think tibetan skull this always pops into my thoughts, I think this could be the holy grail of all tibetan skulls. Shiges' bodysuit by Filip Leu,legends!!
    1 point
  20. Tim Strating @ Anthem in Gainesville FL made this cool little seasonal dude on the inside of my upper right arm Friday.
    1 point
  21. @slayer9019 , i dunno yet. i think i'm just gonna tell him big and weird and see what comes up.
    1 point
  22. CaptCanada

    terrible tattoos

    Well to get back to tattoos. He maybe one of the better of the worst tattooers. Still needs to learn how to draw thought.
    1 point
  23. Great minds think alike. I was going to post these up too but you bet me to it!! They are awesome alright.He has a great Japanese style, It is really bold and uncomplicated which I really like.
    1 point
  24. I think I mentioned somewhere once that getting my butt worked on wasn't all that bad, well...I change my mind. That's over the top awful. Shading isn't bad, but having it outlined is horrible. Previously the artist outlined and shaded my right side for my backpiece, now she's starting on the left. This time I was squirming through the whole process. My body would just twitch involuntarily. That said it'll be nice when it's finished. It's odd walking around knowing you've one bum cheek completely covered in black and the other pale as the full moon ;-)
    1 point
  25. Was that directed to me? I'm all about people taking about piercings. Or movies. Or cooking. If that was directed to me I'm not sure I get it. If it wasn't.... Agreed.
    1 point
  26. beez

    Hiya :)

    In my 'collection', my favorite is a tattoo by Thomas Graham from Supergenius Tattoo here in Seattle. It's a gorgeous pistol that takes up most of my inner forearm, from my elbow to my wrist, with a banner reading "TANSTAAFL" (any Heinlein fans?) wrapped around it. I will post pics soon. I've got a few others from the Supergenius crew, but nothing that compares to the quality and general badassery of what Thomas made! It's funny, because it was my first 'real' tattoo, in the sense that it was big, colorful, and on a visible part of my body. I went in terrified, in a shaking voice requested a small tattoo of crossed pistols with the 'tanstaafl' banner, and was told to come back in two weeks. Two weeks later he had drawn a HUGE, GORGEOUS pistol. I was terrified of the size but also afraid to back down (I was much younger then :)) and so decided to go for it. One of the best decisions I ever made. :) Even though I've had five tattoos done at Supergenius, I still have residual shakes whenever I go down there, something to do with that first time, when I was so young and terrified! It's funny how those things can stick with us, even when there is no real reason for it. The crew there is pretty awesome, and I recommend Thomas heartily - I have an awesome piece of art because of him. I'm adding a large peony to my collection soon. I'm going to visit Junii at Diamond Club in early Nov!! I'm stoked about it! I'ma post this and see about uploading some pics. - - - Updated - - - I'm having a hard time getting a good (quick!) pic. These don't do the tattoo or color justice, but are at least somethin' to look at til I get some better pics up :). That's a "Flying L" on the handle, FYI. The first one was taken shortly after it was completed in early '07, the others are from today! And though in my earlier post I mentioned something about getting the tattoo when I was "much younger", it was really like only five years ago. I guess my early-mid twenties just *feel* a lot further away than they actually are. :p Enjoy the shaky pics taken under bad light. :cool:
    1 point
  27. kylegrey

    Dan Higgs

    Scored this off Instagram .
    1 point
  28. Yay!!! Pretty excited about it-- thank you!!!
    1 point
  29. Ian Flower posted this on his instagram and is what I picture with your description. Personally I believe laser is always the best bet.
    1 point
  30. i would say no to the black sleeve, if you dont like whatevers there just let it fade and or laser and blast over that with some new tattoos
    1 point
  31. Iwar

    Marcus Kuhn's New Project

    Episode 5 featuring Ian Flower and @Valerie Vargas is up: "
    1 point
  32. Need a t-shirt..haha. This is by Morten Transeth at Blue Arms Tattoo, Oslo - Norway.
    1 point
  33. Clay McCay

    Ink Masters

    A train wreck would be far more interesting, more educational and much more "reality" than "Ink (shudder) Masters" This show is garbage. It's a soap opera where they are using puppets instead of a script. Whatever though, as much as I hate these shows and honestly think they do more harm than good...I can see a silver lining. A very cynical silver lining, but still...a silver lining none the less. That is ,that I am glad it is a bunch of half-wit boneheads. At least this way we don't have people getting TV apprenticeships from good solid tattooist that have spent years perfecting there technique. This way, the cool tat-bro tv-spawned bandwagon gang will just keep chasing there own tail...Not actual good tattooist with ethics and talent getting raped by 'merica who want to exploit the industry for every last drop of edgy-ness it has left. I for one will be glad when the trendy tattoo garbage is done with. Tattooing is not going anywhere,and I am glad, but the whole hot-topic vibe can piss right off.
    1 point
  34. SStu

    Snakes snakes snakes

    Speaking of Senor O'Donnell, here's the latest from his instragram:
    1 point
  35. Kev

    Snakes snakes snakes

    Pickup line of the year
    1 point
  36. Snake head on me by Nick Vargas of F U tattoo in Santa Cruz
    1 point
  37. Here is my snake/panther combo on my right forearm. I was taking these pics at my office desk. 4 years old now. Wow. Andrew Conner. Harrisonburg, VA.
    1 point
  38. Finally uploaded a few of my tattoos to my gallery so here's my favourite, my foxy lady head by the very talented Valerie Vargas.
    1 point
  39. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=537755179583877&set=a.197285293630869.58055.145111408848258&type=1&theater This is my right arm shortly after my last session. Some parts are still raw in the picture. The back of my arm is a cover up of some shitty script... The artist is Tim Morris at A Brand New Tattoo in Eau Claire, WI. I am honored to be friends with him. He is an amazing person and really solid tattooer.
    1 point
  40. Dumpleton

    Snakes snakes snakes

    Hope it is ok to post a snake with a panther, found this one on Steve Byrnes instagram page. It is awesome!
    1 point
  41. The Tibetan skull is an indigenous part of Tibetan Buddhist imagery. Here's the real deal: Side note- as a Mexican, I don't really get the fixation on sugar skulls. Sure they're cool looking, but they're centered on a very specific, seasonal tradition. To me, it's like people getting Christmas trees 'cause they look sweet'. End of digression.
    1 point
  42. I figured it was a modern thing too, us gringos seeing something 'asian' and saying well fuck it throw that in too. The Tibet being a part of China thing...that's a big ole can of worms
    1 point
  43. Misfit

    Ugliest Tattoos

    I may have one of the ugliest tattoos to date. I owed my buddy a favor and in return he said let me tattoo something of my choosing on you. He has never tattooed. I said ok. He chose Dick Butt, google it and you will see, he did it as his first and only tattoo so you can imagine how it looks. Actually it looks just like the google image. I love it. One of my favorites.
    1 point
  44. ShawnPorter

    Who are you?

    I'm Shawn. I'm originally from Florida, I lived there until my early 20s when I moved to Philly in 1999 with a girl. Relationship didn't work out, but I fell in love with the city of Brotherly Love and have been there ever since. I used to be totally self sufficient; from farming my own vegetables and hunting my own meat to canning or preserving the results. I could sew my own clothes, et all. 12 years in Philly and I've lost a lot of that. Luckily my Dad moved up here two years ago and already has me helping out with his garden and is re-honing my archery skills. My eventual goal is to move to North Carolina and not wear shoes unless I have to. (and that's not a joke) I'm a foodie, a toy collector (biding my time before I start a Pushead thread on LST) and a nerdy blogger.
    1 point
  45. Does Boris from hungry have any tattoos? He's good and I didn't see any tattoos on him. I would def get shit from him even if he doesn't have any.
    1 point
  46. jesus christ my back killed. i tried to brave it with a first sitting of 3.5 hrs for the outline and gradually those sessions tailed off to paltry 45min ones. if i had been my own customer id slapped me honestly haha. i didnt really plan anything artistically, i asked the tattooer for a design id had in mind for a few years and after seeing a few sketches the final design came thru, i feel like he wanted to show me the drawing thought process to let me trust him but i already did so for me, they werent so important, i just wanted to get it started! the only respite was the shoulder blades and even then they hurt, the worst for me was the butt and lower back towards the side, ugh. i have to admit i was embarrassed at how crap i sat sometimes and have been very sympathetic with customers of mine whose backs im working on since. my backpiece almost felt like the beginning of being an adult and getting serious about my job and getting serious about the tattoos i got. i think i'd been at Frith st for less than a year when Alex started it and it felt like an important step for me, it def marked a special time for me in life and work. so yeh, it's gonna hurt like a bitch so take painkillers, have a decent breakfast and take the rest of the day off, youll be useless afterwards haha
    1 point
  47. I think my parents are starting to become more inquisitive about my tattoos. Before they just did not want to talk about them. Now they ask if I have had more work done and what it was. I think they realize that it hasn't changed who I was because it is who I am.
    1 point
  48. People that want to put their life story and a shout out to everyone they've ever met, loved, or encountered in their life into a tattoo the size of a quarter.
    1 point
  49. i was 16 or 17. i got a small tattoo on my calve. back then i never wore shoes or socks. as soon as school let out the shoes and socks came off. so the day after i got it done i was in the kitchen and i had socks on(to hide the tattoo) and the conversation went like this mom "so letes see it" me "see what?" mom "the tattoo. dont play dumb" me "i dont know what youre talking about" mom "BS, youre wearing socks. youre hiding something."
    1 point
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